Lesson 04 – Al-Bari' (The Originator)
- Ramadan Lectures
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- Ramadan Lectures 1446 AH – The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Dear noble brothers, today we explore another of Allah's Most Beautiful Names, and the Name for today is "Al-Bari'".
What is "Al-Bari'"? Al-Bari' in Arabic language is the active participle that is derived from the verb "Bara'a" (originate) which means "created".
Allah is Al-Bari', means Allah is Al-Khaliq "The Creator", however, there is a difference in meaning between the two names (i.e. Al-Bari' and Al-Khaliq).
Dear brothers, Al-Bari' is to create something with a characteristic that aligns with the purpose of its creation. To clarify, Allah Almighty commands us to beautify ourselves (which includes getting a haircut), and He did not create sensory nerves in our hair. Had He done so, we would have looked like monsters, because, according to that, getting a haircut would require general anesthesia in an operating room. Hence, Allah Almighty has created everything with a characteristic that aligns with the purpose of its creation. Accordingly, not every creation is generated, and not everything that is generated is created.
The Beautiful Name Al-Bari' means that Allah has created all things in a way that guarantees the safety of their existence, the purpose of their creation, and the specification of their properties. For example, had Allah created the hand without joints, or had He created it with weak ligaments, the father would cause a dislocation in his son's shoulder just by holding him.