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The Most Beautiful Names of Allah–Lesson 09 – Al-Qadeer (The Omnipotent)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
Dear noble brothers, today we explore another of Allah's Most Beautiful Names, and the Name for today is Al-Qadeer.
Allah Almighty is Al-Qadeer (The Omnipotent), and this Attribute stems from His Divine Ability to measure out everything.  This means that Allah possesses both knowledge and omnipotence. Hence, as much as you put trust in Allah's Knowledge, you should equally put your trust in His Omnipotence, and vice versa. Therefore, the Name Al-Qadeer is derived from Omnipotence in the context of considering the Divine Ability to measure out everything, or it can be understood as stemming from His absolute Divine Capability. 
Man is connected to this Beautiful Name in all matters of life. Allah knows that someone might be haughty, so He prepares wise treatment for that. For example, He may place this person in a humiliating situation until he is deeply hurt, then Allah inspires in his heart the realization that this humiliation is a result of his arrogance. This indicates that Allah Almighty is Qadeer, in the sense that He possesses vast knowledge and the power to guide this man back to the right track.

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