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Lesson 01-Al-Wahid (The One)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
Dear noble brothers, today we explore a new Name of Allah's Most Beautiful Names, and it is Al-Wahid. 
Al-Wahid in Arabic language is the active participle, denoting The One to Whom Oneness is ascribed, and He is described as being the Only One.
"One" is the first digit in numbers, followed by "two" and "three". It often indicates existence or presence. For example, when we say, "There is one man in the house," the word 'one' is used to indicate the presence of a single person. However, when we say, "I entered the house and there was no one", 'one', here, indicates negation and the absence of anyone.
"The One" is Allah Almighty, the Self-Sufficient, the One with exclusive possession of Attributes, Who is in no need of other beings, yet is needed by everything. He is in no need of anything, now or forever, and He is Perfect in His Divine Character, His Most Beautiful Names, His Attributes, and His Actions.
Hence, dear brothers, we are faced with two facts: The first fact is that we bear witness that Allah is One in His Divine Character and Attributes. The second fact is that He is Al-Khaliq (The Creator), Ar-Razzaq (The Supreme Provider), Al-Mumidd (The Maintainer), Al-Muhyi (The Giver of Life), Al-Mumeet (The Giver of Death), Al-Mu'ti (The Bestower), Al-Mani' (The Preventer), Al-Khafid (The Abaser), Ar-Rafi' (The Exalter), Al-Qabid (The Withholder), Al-Basit (The Expander), and He is Able to do all things. 
At-Tawhid (Believing in Allah's Monotheism) is to bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah.

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