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Lesson 03 – Al-Haqq (The Truth)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
Dear noble brothers, today we explore another of Allah's Most Beautiful Names, and the Name for today is Al-Haqq. 

What is "Al-Haqq"? In fact, it is the opposite of Al-Batil (falsehood), but why is that? Allah Almighty says:

﴾ And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them without purpose ﴿

[ Saad, 27 ]

Allah has created them with truth and not without a purpose:

﴾ That is the consideration of those who disbelieve! Then woe to those who disbelieve (in Islamic Monotheism) from the Fire! ﴿

[ Saad, 27 ]

If someone constructs a building using a plumb bob, it means that the building will be sturdy and solid, and will not be easily destroyed. This example resembles Al-Haqq, for it is deep-rooted, concrete in its existent, and unchangeable.

Dear brothers, in concise, Allah Almighty is Al-Haqq, His Words are Al-Haqq, His Promises are Al-Haqq, His Threats are Al-Haqq and His Actions are Al-Haqq. When man sides with Al-Haqq, he will reach the pinnacle of success, brilliance, prosperity, victory, reason, and wisdom. Al-Haqq is the existent reality, whereas Al-Batil does not have real existence (it is bound to vanish). 

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