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The Most Beautiful Names of Allah–Lesson 14 – Al-Lateef (The Most Kind)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear noble brothers, today we are tackling a new Name of Allah's Most Beautiful Names, and the Name for today is Al-Lateef.

Allah is Kind and Courteous to mankind, and He is close to them. He treats the believers with fondness, leniency, and benevolence. He invites sinners to repent and seek His Forgiveness, regardless of the level of sin they have reached; He is close to them.

Al-Lateef means that Allah makes things easy for His servants.

Who is The One Who makes things easy for you? Who is The One Who helps you in getting married, buying a house, attaining a lofty position, and finding a job or excelling in your trade? He is Allah, Al-Lateef.

Al-Lateef also means that He carries out His Actions in subtle and unseen ways:

﴾ And let him find out which is the good lawful food, and bring some of that to you. And let him be careful and let no man know of you. ﴿

[ Al-Kahf, 19 ]

No one needs to see Him, and no one needs to know about His Actions. Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, is with us but we cannot see Him. If you are at home with your wife and children, He is with you wherever you might be. His Presence is Gentle, in the sense that you do not feel it, so that you will not be terrified. Allah is with you. 

Allah cannot be seen in this worldly life, out of His Gentleness and due to Divine Wisdom. However, He will be seen by His devoted worshipers in the Hereafter, out of honor and love for them.

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