The Beautiful Names of Allah–Lesson 13 – Al Qawi (The Ever-Powerful)
- Ramadan Lectures
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- Ramadan Lectures 1446 AH – The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Dear brothers, today we explore another of Allah's Beautiful Names, and the Name for today is Al Qawi.
Allah Almighty is known for His Power and as the One with absolute Omnipotence, whom no one can overpower. Allah's power is evident in His ability to bring about destruction. When a tyrant masters the act of humiliating people, Allah's power will bring about the tyrant's destruction, comforting the souls of the victims. Glory be to Allah, who overcomes people by imposing death upon them.
Allah Almighty is Al-Qawi in the sense of having exclusive possession of dominance:
﴾ Allah has decreed: “Verily! It is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious. ﴿
When the verb 'decree' (Kataba) is associated with Allah's Action, it brings peace to people's hearts.
In another sense, Al-Qawi is The Perfect Who possesses absolute capability, Who will never be overpowered by helplessness, and Who holds absolute power.
Allah says:
﴾ They have not estimated Allah His Rightful Estimate; Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty. ﴿
Al-Qawi is the One who solely possesses complete capability and majesty. Scholars have said: 'Al-Qawi is The Dominant Who is never overpowered, Who protects all, and against Whom there is no protector. His Power surpasses all other powers. So, how about you side with Allah, Al-Qawi? Will you then fear anyone? Will you tremble before anyone out of fear? Be aware, when you side with Al-Qawi, you too become qawi.