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Ramadan Excerpts 1444 H (Lesson 6): How is Tranquility Casted into the Hearts of the Believers?
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In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
Dear brothers, the basic Ayah of the topic we are discussing today is the one in which Allah the Almighty says: 

﴾ (Successful indeed are the believers* Those who offer their Salat (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness.) ﴿

[ [Al-Mu'minun, 1-2] ]

When does man pray submissively? Man prays submissively as long as he is steadfast, because he can never approach Allah the Almighty if he commits an act of disobedience, if he commits a sin, if he oppresses others, and if he abuses Shari'ah rulings. Hence, as long as you are upright, you will pray submissively, and your submission increases by performing righteous deed. 

Steadfastness means abstaining from wrongdoings, whereas the righteous deed is manifested in giving from your money, your power and your position in the cause of Allah. There is abstaining and giving, and by doing both you establish a relationship with Allah Almighty. Furthermore, both abstaining and giving entails submission (to Allah).
To simplify the meaning of submission, I will give you an example from our daily life. If a simple man sits before his neighbor who occupies a prominent scientific or social position, will he play with his rosary? Will he read a newspaper? Will he sit the way he likes? Absolutely, he will not. 

The high status of someone requires that those who are before him sit properly without playing with a rosary, reading a newspaper, or checking the mobile phone. This is the way we behave before whoever has a prominent status, avoiding any improper sitting position, and keeping away from our mobile phones, rosary and newspaper, so how about performing Salah, which is offered in the presence of The Creator of universes, the Creator of the earth and the heaven? Allah the Almighty says:

﴾ (Successful indeed are the believers* Those who offer their Salat (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness.) ﴿

[ [Al-Mu'minun, 1-2] ]

Performing Salah submissively is the result of steadfastness and offering a righteous 

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