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Ramadan Lectures- Ramadan Notions 1445H- Lesson 16: Ramadan is a crash course
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Ramadan is a crash course:     

Dear brothers, it was said, "The worldly life is but an hour, so spend it in obeying Allah." O Man, you are defined by one of the scholars as "a couple of days, whenever a day passes, a part of you passes with it." You are time, and due to this fact, Allah the Almighty swears by the infinite time, when He says:  

﴾ By Al-Asr (the time)* Verily! Man is in loss.  ﴿

[ Al-Asr, 1-2 ]

You can read a chapter or two chapters of the Noble Quran everyday. At least read one chapter, and I hope when you read the Quran that to take notes and write them down. For instance, whenever you come across an Ayah that you do not know its interpretation, write it down. Besides, you can write down the Ayaat in which Allah the Almighty orders you to be honest. Furthermore, try to apply the Ayaat you understand. You can ask a scholar, a Khatib or an Imam in the Masjid about the interpretation of the Ayaat you do not understand.
Try this month, to read at least one chapter every day, but not necessarily altogether. I mean you can read half of the chapter after Salat, read some pages after waking up and praying Dhuha Salah, read some other pages after Asr Salah, and read the rest of the chapter before Maghrib time. 
Read one chapter of the Noble Quran every day and underline the Ayaat that need to be applied. If you have an old copy of the Noble Quran, underline the Ayaat which you understand and need to be applied using a red pen, for example.
Attending a religious session in Ramadan is very important. The same goes for spending money (giving Sadaqah and Zakat) in Ramadan. Moreover, the most important thing in Ramadan is lowering your gaze. Well, it is important all the time, but if man falls short in lowering his gaze, let him start with it in Ramadan and keep lowering his gaze after it. 

You should reap the fruitful results of the deeds you perform in Ramadan. You should feel these words, "I am a new man!" 
This month, so to speak, is a qualitative shift and a crash course. 

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