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Ramadan Lectures- Ramadan Notions 1445H- Lesson 22: Slave of gratitude and slave of compulsion
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
A believer has a high sense of servitude to Allah during all the months of the year. However, Ramadan is a crash course for such a sense. 
To clarify, in Ramadan, you cherish food and water, because in any other month, whatever the refrigerator has is available to you. You can anytime drink cold water, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea or fruit juice. In Ramadan, on the other hand, you are deprived of all that during the day, and you forget about your need for food and water for the Sake of Allah.
Scholars said, "There is a grateful slave and compelled one". Being a compelled slave means you remember that you are in the Hand of Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, in adversity, so you feel how desperately you are in need of Him, whereas the grateful slave always feel this desperate need of Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, throughout all months of the year. 
Heroism lies in seeking Allah's Help in prosperity and in adversity.

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