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Scientific Topics- Scientific Topics from Sermons- Lesson(367): Fasting and mechanism of digestion
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Facts related to food consumption

Some nutritional specialists believe that man is not motivated to eat by his knowledge of the benefits and functions of food but rather by his pressing feeling of hunger as well as his appetite, i.e. desire, for food. In other words, man’s sense of hunger motivates him to satisfy his food needs in order to survive, while his appetite, i.e. desire for food, is but a means to an end.
The prophet PBUH used to supplicate as follows:

(( Praise be to Allah who made me enjoy it (food), made me keep from it what is useful, and relieved me from what is harmful. ))

 From among Allah’s Innumerable Divine Favors to mankind is that He has made delicious the food that they eat in order to survive. This means that man is motivated to eat food by his feeling of hunger in addition to the fact that food is, in itself, delicious and desirable. 
 Man may satisfy his need for food by syrup that is injected into his blood, but due to the Grace of Allah, All-Mighty, Most Gracious, He has made food delicious and desirable. In other words, man’s desire for food is a means and not an end. If man makes his desire for food an end in itself, his body will certainly be disturbed. Due to ignorance or weakness of will, a great many people make their desire for food an end and not a means. This deprives them of what scientists call “the secret bell”, which rings only when one gets hungry! This “secret bell” is made inactive in the bodies of those who have bad food habits.
 The human stomach, as confirmed by scientists, is able to expand and become many folds larger than its original size. Its volume may increase from 250 to 2500 cc’s. When the stomach is made to expand, food becomes an end in itself; and then, one is said to live in order to eat and not vice versa!

Stages of organizing food by Human body:

  An amazing, yet definitive, fact is that the mechanism whereby the human organism reacts towards food makes the Fast not only necessary but also indispensable. In other words, Allah, All-Wise, Most Gracious, has made the human organism react towards food substances according to a regular and well-organized process that rigidly follows three stages.
 First stage: It is the stage at which food is digested in the stomach and intestines, absorbed, assimilated, and changed into sugar - flowing through the blood - and other substances, and are used for production of energy and building up of tissues.
 Second stage: It is the stage at which the surplus energy is stored, for the surplus sugar is stored in the liver and muscles as animal starch whereas the surplus fat is stored in most parts of the body.
 Third stage: It is the stage at which stores of energy are opened, and sugar and fat are changed into sugar and fatty acids to give energy to the body. The remarkable peculiar thing about this stage is that it does not take place unless a person abstains from having food for a certain period of time. In other words, this important stage of the process of food assimilation does not take place unless one abstains from food!

Benefits of fasting:

 Dear brothers, scientists say that the ratio of sugar in the blood begins at 80-110 mg/100 cc’s, which is the normal ratio of sugar in the blood. But after fasting for six hours, this ratio goes down. Here a marvelous miracle of the human body takes place, as the brain sends fast messages to the endocrine glands for help and energy supply. The suprarenal gland produces a special hormone that inauthors the change of starch in the muscles and liver into sugar; and the thyroid gland also produces a special hormone that inauthors the sugar stored in the muscles and liver to get out and get consumed. All of this happens because the ratio of sugar in the blood goes down after a six-hour Fast. Another gland, the pancreas, also produces a special hormone that inauthors the stored sugar to get out and get consumed. If man were to consume all the sugar that he has stored in his muscles and liver, the fats, stored in the body, are broken down into sugar to be consumed by the body. Scientific research confirms that the burning of fats increases during Fast-hours and so does the consumption of fats accumulated on the different parts of the body.

 Dear brothers, the amazing fact about the human body is that each 1 kg of fat tissues needs 3 km’s of capillaries through which the blood flows. This is a heavy burden on the heart, for if a person’s weight is 10 kg’s above normal, this means that he has 300 km’s extra capillaries that have to be provided with blood by his heart.
 Scientists confirm that physiology of the human body necessitates that man should abstain from food for certain periods of time enough for the first and second stages of food digestion to take place and to allow operations of the third stage to work well. The Fast makes easy the first-stage processes of food digestion and absorption, the second-stage processes of food-storage, and the third-stage processes of burning and consumption of the stored energy in the body. This means that the Fast is indispensable for mankind! And that is why Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, says,

﴾ O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun ﴿

[ Al-Baqarah; 183 ]

 In addition to the above scientific facts, the Fast bears a very delicate significance, namely that it is a kind of worship and devotion that provides man with spiritual enhancement and brings him nearer to his Lord, Allah, All-Mighty.
In other words, the outcomes of the above-mentioned scientific research by no means clashes with the first and foremost goal of the Fast, namely that it is a kind of worship and devotion to the Lord, Allah, Most Gracious. This is because Allah’s Commands embrace innumerable benefits, both spiritual and physical. The Fast is a kind of worship, devotion, nearness, reminder of man’s human weakness and need, but, at the same time, it is a fountain of good health.

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