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Scientific topics- Scientific topics from sermons- Zamzam water: food and cure
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

The virtue of Zamzam water:

Dear brothers, Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad, (PBUH), described the water of the well of Zamzam, saying:

(( It is blessed! It is a kind of food ))

[ Muslim ]

(( And cure for illness.   ))

[ An-Athar ]

 Narrated Ibn Abbas, may Allah have mercy on him:

(( I have heard that it is said: ‘The best water in the earth is Zamzam water. ))

[ At Tabarani in Al Awsat Wal Kabir by Ibn Juraij ]

Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas that Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), said:

(( Zamzam water is (proper) for whatever (purpose) it is drunk for  ))

[ narrated by Al-Hakem in Al-Mustadrak ]

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, that Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), added:

(( So, if you drink it in order to be cured of illness, Allah cures you; if you drink it in order to satisfy your appetite, Allah satisfies you appetite for you; and if you drink it in order to quench your thirst, Allah quenches your thirst for you. ))


(( The mark of difference between us and the hypocrites is that they do not drink of Zamzam as much as fills their bodies. ))

[ Ibn Majah ]

 In fact, the Prophet’s venerable Companions, the Tabi’is (the Muslim generation following that of the Prophet’s Companions), lots of Muslim scholars, and lots of common Muslims have been very careful to drink of Zamzam as much as fills their bodies, saying certain wishes and invocations, because supplication is desirable upon drinking of Zamzam water, and because, as mentioned above, Zamzam water is proper for whatever purpose it is drunk for. 
In the same context, it was narrated that whenever Umar Ibn Al Khattab drank of Zamzam water, he would invoke: “O Allah! I drink it for the thirst of the Day of Resurrection.”
 It was also related that whenever the venerable Companion, Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, drank of Zamzam water, he would invoke: “O Allah! I beseech You (to grant me) useful knowledge, vast provision, and safety from all illnesses.”
 In the same context, some religious scholars said: “Zamzam water is the best, noblest, purest, most honored, most estimated (by Muslims), most beloved (to Muslims), most precious (to Muslims) and most expensive of all waters. It was dug by Gabriel and was a drink to Isma'eel PBUH”

The results of analyzing tests of Zamzam water:

What is there in science and its accurate research about Zamzam water?
In 1973 and 1989, great international specialized chemical companies carried out very accurate chemical analyses of Zamzam water. The results were amazing, because it was found out that Zamzam water was absolutely free from all kinds of germs or viruses that cause water contamination.
 In general, water is considered as mineral and, therefore, sells best if the rate of minerals therein is from 150 to 350 mg/liter. As for Zamzam water, the rate of minerals is 2000 mg/liter. The most remarkable minerals in Zamzam water are: Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium, and Potassium, among others.
 Zamzam water is considered as the richest of all waters of the world in Calcium. The rate of Calcium in Zamzam water is 200 mg/liter. Undoubtedly, Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), speaks the truth as he says,

(( It is blessed! It is a kind of food. ))

[ Muslim on the authority of Abi Tharr ]

 Modern scientific research has shown that the rate of heart and artery diseases is lower in those who drink such mineral waters as Zamzam. Once again, Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), speaks the truth as he describes Zamzam water as

(( cure for illness ))

 Water is considered as mineral and digestive if it contains more than 25 mgs of bi-carbonates per liter. The most famous mineral water in the world is that of the spring of Ivian (France), in which the rate of bi-Carbonates is 357 mgs/liter. As for Zamzam water, the rate of bi-Carbonates is 366 mgs/liter. Yes, indeed! Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), speaks the truth as he says,

(( Zamzam water is (proper) for whatever (purpose) it is drunk for. ))

[ Al Hakim on the authority of Ibn Abbas ]

Properties of Zamzam water:

 In fact, Zamzam water is not sweet but rather slightly salt and, therefore, undesirable; and Muslims drink it only because they firmly believe that it is holy and blessed and that filling one’s body with it is the token of true Faith.
 Perhaps, Allah, All Mighty, has not made Zamzam water sweet and tasty so that its sweetness and deliciousness may not distract Muslims from its holiness and blessedness or from the fact that drinking it is a kind of worship. However, Zamzam water is not unpalatable, and its taste is not unacceptable. Yes, indeed! Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), speaks the truth as he says,

(( The mark of difference between us and the hypocrites is that they do not drink of Zamzam as much as fills their bodies ))

[ Ibn Majah ]


Prophetic Ahadeeth about Zamzam water prove His Prophethood PBUH:

Now, the question is: Which highly advanced scientific establishments were at the Prophet’s time to give him such amazing information about Zamzam water? Which highly specialized medical research centers attained such astoundingly accurate knowledge about this water? Which gigantic chemical labs analyzed this water, calculated most accurately the rates of minerals and bi-carbonates in it, and helped Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH), to provide such amazingly accurate information about this blessed water? It is, indeed, Allah’s Divine Revelation!  These Ahadeeth about Zamazam water are but proofs of the prophethood of Muhammad PBUH.

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