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Friday Sermons (1174): S1. Hijra (Migration), S2. Different Concepts of Hijra
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  


Hijrah means movement:



 Dear brother, we will celebrate the occasion of "Hijrah" (from Mecca to Madinah) after few days. It is the date when a new Hijri year starts (moon year). The word Hijrah (migration) means a movement, because Islam is not a motionless religion. Being Muslim means that you should be active, i.e. it is not enough to admire your religion, live the way you wish, appreciate the greatness of Islam, tell people that this religion is the truth, or tell them that the Noble Qur'an is the truth. Your passive admiration to your religion does no good to it, because Islam requires a movement.




  If you do not change your place, your passive stance and your group of friends whom you belong to before knowing Allah, your perspective of Islam will be a passive one. You will never be able to see that Islam is not a motionless religion if you do not have a movement or make a change in your life.

 The birthday the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him wasn’t considered to be the starting date of the Islamic calendar, his Hijrah to Madinah was chosen to be the starting date instead, because it involved a movement. Your faith will not be the faith that is meant by Allah the Almighty unless you have a special stance, unless you give other Muslims, unless you get angry for the sake of Islam, unless you get satisfied with applying Islam unless you keep in touch with believers, unless you break up a relation with unbelievers, unless you change your place to another (the new place allows you to practice your Islam freely) and unless you change your position (from the passive position to the active one towards Islam.)

Hijrah is the act of sacrifice for the sake of the Hereafter:

  Hijrah is considered to be the best sacrifice ever; you sacrifice the worldly life for the sake of the Hereafter. Man has his social position in his hometown, his living and his friends, but he should leave all these things at once if he feels that staying in his homeland will block the way to religious progress. This is exactly the meaning of Hijrah; it is to favor the truth on the falsehood. The precise meaning of Hijrah has nothing to do with moving from a close country to a far one, or leaving a dry land to look for a breeding one. It is when someone, who is secured, is forced to travel to another place leaving behind all his interests, his wealth and his social position, because he fears deviation from the right Path.

 Your religion should be your motive in life. Unfortunately, most of the people nowadays move for the sake of money. Money has become their motive in this worldly life. People move from a country where Allah is worshipped to another country where forbidden acts keep the believer away from Islam. At present, the majority travel to gain money, to occupy a position and to enjoy the worldly life. Hijrah, on the other hand is a movement for religious purposes. It is a movement for the sake of having faith and worshipping the Oneness the Dayyan (the Judge.)

Only the true believer can tolerate the hardships of Hijrah:


 Dear brother, the believer who is keen on keeping his faith strong is the only one who can bear the difficulties of Hijrah, whereas the fearful, the restless, and the coward is incapable of facing these difficulties, Allah says:


﴾ And if We had ordered them (saying), "Kill yourselves (i.e. the innnocent ones kill the guilty ones) or leave your homes," very few of them would have done it ﴿

[An-Nisa’, 66]


 Everyone is meant by nature to be closely attached to his hometown where he is familiar with all the traditions, customs, people, friends and relatives. However, he may leave all these and migrate if he finds that the society where he lives is driving him away from his Lord. Well, this kind of society is very rare in our Muslim world

 In some cases, one might leave his group of friends and join a new one after turning back to faith. This is an example of the movement that one might have. In other cases, one might quit a job that displeases Allah and apply for another one to make Halal living. I would like to give you an idea about the wide sense of Hijrah. Hijrah is to leave whatever drives you away from Allah to whatever draws you closer to Him. It is to leave your neighborhood to live in another, to quit your job and apply for another one and to break up a friendship and form another one.


Hijrah is a method and a source of legislation:


 Dear brother, let us make use of all the concepts and indications of Hijrah. Let me before that talk about the three types of the Prophet’s method (Sunnah.) Sunnah Qawliyyah:The sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are called "Sunnah qawliyyah". The term "Hadith" generally stands as synonymous with this type of Sunnah, since the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are noted down by the companions and called "Hadith". Sunnah al Fiiliyyah:The actions of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are called "Sunnah al fiiliyyah". This type of Sunnah includes both religious and worldly actions. Sunnah Taqririyyah: Sunnah taqririyyah comprises the approvals of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regarding the actions of the companions by his remaining silent or appreciating them.

 Accordingly, Hijrah is an action, a method and legislation. Furthermore, it is a stance between the principles of the truth and the assumptions of falsehood, between good and evil and between the messengers of guidance and the demons of seduction. Antithesis, continuous struggle and fierce war are included in the concept of Hijrah. Allah says:


﴾ And (remember) when the disbelievers plotted against you (O Muhammad) to imprison you, or to kill you, or to get you out (from your home, i.e. Makkah); they were plotting and Allah too was planning, and Allah is the Best of the planners. ﴿

[Al-Anfal, 30]


 What did the Prophet PBUH do to deserve being plotted against by those people? They knew him before sh3er did, they knew how honest, how trustful and how chaste he was, not to mention his ancestry. They recognized him as they recognized their own sons, but according to them he committed a deadly sin when he called them to Allah, he asked them to bear witness that Allah is the only God and to worship Him. Moreover, what annoyed those disbelievers was that Prophet Muhammad PBUH ordered them to tell the truth, to render a trust, to honor their kinship and respect their relatives, to be good neighbors, to stop committing grave sins, to stop shedding blood, to stop forging testimony, to stop taking orphan’s money and to stop slandering chaste women. He is a gifted mercy and an available blessing.

One second of reasoning can lead the disbeliever to faith:

 Dear brother, it is narrated in the biography of the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, that during the Battle of the Trench, the Ghattafan tribe was prepared to fight the Prophet. Na’eem Bin Masood, who was a very well-known man among Arabs, was the leader of that tribe. One night while he was sitting alone in the tent, he started to think about the purpose of fighting an honest man like the Prophet PBUH. He said to himself, "Why am I here? Am I here to fight this man (Muhammad PBUH)? What did he do? Did he rape women? Did he steel? Did he kill? No, by Allah he did not" Then he started talking to himself: "O, Na’eem, where is your reasoning?" Because of this minute of deep righteous thinking, he headed to the Prophet’s camp and stepped into his tent. The Prophet PBUH was astonished when he saw Na’eem, then he said, "Na’eem!!!! Is it you?" Na’eem answered, "Yes, it is me." Then the Prophet PBUH asked him, "Why are you here?" Na’eem said, "I came to embrace Islam."

  I am trying to show you how one moment of reasoning and one moment of truth with his wonself converted this person from being one of the people of Shirk (polytheism) and people of Hellfire to a respectful companion who deserved Paradise and mercy. He just sat there and had that monologue of truth, "Where is my reasoning? Why am I here? Am I here to fight this man (Muhammad PBUH)? What did he do? Did he rape women? Did he steel? Did he kill? No, by Allah he did not. O, Na’eem, where is your reasoning?" That monologue led him to Islam and made him one of the reverend companions. Such moment of truth and reasoning can occur to anyone of us. A person who is not satisfied with his job may ask himself, "Why am I doing a job that does not please Allah? I will die one day and will be asked about every single deed in this worldly life. What comes after death? Either the eternal bliss of Paradise, or the everlasting torment of Hellfire."

  Dear brother, one of the wonderful historical events in Islam is the moment when our Master Khaled embraced Islam. The Prophet PBUH blamed him for being late saying an astounding statement,

((I knew that you have an open mind and I prayed that it would lead you to faith, so why you are late?))

 Dear brother, how could this first creature and the messenger of Allah be plotted against? How could this perfect person be double-crossed? This is really the battle between the truth and falsehood.


Challenge strengthens the truth and sacrifice is the price for paradise:


 I keep saying: The existence of Allah (the creator) is essential, whereas the existence of any creation is possible. Everything other than Allah can or cannot exist, and everything other than Allah can stay as it is, or become different from what it is. In other words, is not it possible that Allah is able to put all infidels on another planet? By doing that, there will be no problem, as all believers will be on one planet, and all infidels will be on another. Is not it possible that Allah puts all the deviated, criminals and atheists on a continent of their own? Is not it possible that Allah puts them in an era of their own? Yes it is possible, yet Allah has willed out of a profound wisdom to keep bad people with the believers in every country, place and era. There will always be (in the same place) a believer and a disbeliever, a righteous man and a deviated one, a good person and a bad one, an honest man and a liar and a decent person and a criminal.

 Allah has willed for the bad people to be with the good ones. Some people asked about the reason behind this, and the answer is that challenges strengthen the truth and that people of the truth should bring forth their sacrifice in order to enter Paradise. Hence, it is the believer’s fate to live with other people. All we have to do is to accept this fact, and to know that the battle between the truth and falsehood is eternal and everlasting:


﴾ Thus have We made for every Prophet an enemy among the Mujrimun (disbelievers, polytheists, criminals, etc.). But Sufficient is your Lord as a Guide and Helper. ﴿

[Al-Furqan, 31]

  Even the Prophets, may Allah have peace and blessings upon them all, who are the cream of crops among mankind, have enemies.





The worldly life is the abode of trials and the Hereafter is the abode of eternal reward:


 Dear brother, the worldly life is the mortal abode where you are assigned to worship Allah, and where you are tested by Him. Worshipping Allah is the purpose we are created for:


﴾ And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone). ﴿

[Adh-Dhariyat, 56]

 A place of divine assignment and test:


﴾ For sure We are ever putting (men) to the test. ﴿

[Al-Mu’minun, 30]

 Whatever afflicts man whether positively or negatively is actually a test. All people are tested in the worldly life; whether, rich or poor, strong or weak, and healthy or sick:


﴾ for sure We are ever putting (men) to the test. ﴿

[Al-Mu’minun, 30]

 I repeat again that all kinds of afflictions, whether they were good or bad, are the subjects of your test:

((O people, this worldly life is a place of grief and is not a place of joy. It is a place of crookedness and is not a place of straightforwardness. Whoever recognizes this will not feel joy at [the achievement of] some hope or feel grief at wretchedness. Allah has meant for the worldly life to be a place of trial, and has meant for the Hereafter to be a place of ramification. Hence, He has made the adversity of the worldly life a reason for the reward in the Hereafter, and. He has made the reward of the Hereafter a compensation for the adversity of the worldly life. Almighty Allah takes to give and afflicts to reward.))


[From Kanz Al Ummal, by Ibin Omar]


 The worldly life is a place of assignment, test and evanescent pleasures, as everything passes by. The Hereafter, on the other hand is a place of honor, reward and everlasting bliss. Therefore, they are three words which versus another three ones: evanescent pleasures versus eternal bliss, affliction and test versus reward and assignment versus honor.

Affliction unfolds the reality of the believer:

 Affliction unfolds the reality of the believer firstly to himself, and secondly to people around him. Furthermore, it shows his strong adherence to his principles, his determination to please his Lord, his love to Allah the Almighty and his readiness to sacrifice the worthy and the cheap, the soul and the precious. Also affliction shows how patient the real believer can be when he is confronted with hardships, only to keep his Deen safe. When the believer is tested by afflictions, he puts his trust in Allah. Such trust draws him closer to Allah and increases his love to Him. Allah in return will keep this believer safe from evil, and He will bring him goodness. All these facts are referred to in the following ayah:


﴾ but if it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with sh3er. ﴿

[Muhammad, 4]


﴾ And surely, We shall try you till We test those who strive hard (for the Cause of Allah) and the patient ones, and We shall test your facts (i.e. the one who is a liar, and the one who is truthful).﴿

[Muhammad, 31]

The worldly life is a place of crookedness not straightforwardness:


 Dear brother, it was narrated that the prophet PBUH said as it was reported by Abdullah Ibn Umar by Ali Ibn Abi Taleb, may Allah be please with them all:


((This worldly life is a place of crookedness))


 The worldly life can be the abode of straightforwardness to anyone. Someone may have money but deprived from health, another one may have health but deprived from the wife and the children and a person may have children but deprived from the pious wife:

((O people, this worldly life is a place of crookedness and is not a place of straightforwardness. It is a place of grief (such as death, hardships, drought, financial crisis... etc) and is not a place of joy. Whoever recognizes this will not feel joy at [the achievement of] some hope or feel grief at wretchedness. Allah has meant for the worldly life to be a place of trial, and has meant for the Hereafter to be a place of ramification. Hence, He has made the adversity of worldly life a reason for the reward in the Hereafter, and He has made the reward of the Hereafter a compensation for the adversity of the worldly life. Almighty Allah takes to give and afflicts to reward.))


[From Kanz Al Ummal, through Ibin Omar]



 Dear brother, what comes after affliction? After being afflicted, you will be either rewarded or punished. The reward and the punishment will be in both the worldly life and the Hereafter. The believer will be rewarded by granted protection and victory, the Kuffar (infidels) will be punished by being humiliated and shameful, the pious will be granted the blessed end and the good-doers will be granted Allah’s Mercy:


﴾ And the (blessed) end is for the Muttaqun (pious). ﴿

[Al-A’raf, 128]


﴾ Surely, Allah's Mercy is (ever) near unto the good-doers. ﴿

[As-A’raf, 56]



﴾ And, verily, Our Word has gone forth of old for Our slaves, the Messengers, That they verily would be made triumphant. And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. ﴿

[As-Saffaat, 171-173]

 This is a Divine law:


﴾ And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. ﴿

[As-Saffaat, 171-173]

Triumph requires being a soldier of Allah. Only then you will be granted victory

Victory is granted to the believers and desertion to the disbelievers:

 Dear brother, after the Battle Badr, the prophet PBUH found those who plotted against him (they wanted to imprison, kill, or get him out from his home, i.e. Makkah) dead in the battle field. He ordered his companions to bury them in "Kaleeb", which was one of the dirtiest dry wells of Badr. After that he addressed them.
Abu Talhah reported: "On the day of the Battle of Badr, Allah's Prophet PBUH ordered that the bodies of twenty-four leaders of the Quraysh be thrown into one of the foul, abandoned wells of Badr. On the third day after the battle the Prophet called for his mount and saddled it. Then he set out, so his companions followed him. They said amongst themselves, "He must be going to something important." When the Prophet PBUH arrived at the well, he stood at its edge and began addressing those therein by calling upon them by their names, "O, Abu Jahel Ibn Hisham, O, Umayyah Ibn Khalaf, O, Utbah Ibn Rabee’a, O, Shaibah Ibn Rabee’a! Would it not have been easier to have obeyed Allah and His Messenger? We have found that which our Lord promised us to be true. Did you find what your Lord promised you to be true?"

  You accused me of lying when people believed in me, you threw me out (of Mecca) when people gave me shelter, and you fought me when people supported me:
Thereupon Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah, what are you saying to these bodies without souls?! Do they hear? The Prophet PBUH answered,

"By Him in whose hand lies the soul of Muhammad, you did not hear better than them and what I just said but they can’t answer me"))

[Authentically related by al-Bukhari and Muslim]


The prudent is the one who knows Allah early enough in his life:

 Dear brother, heroism will not be at old age when death is close and it will too late for remorse. On the contrary, heroism is when you are active, young and blooming with manhood. It is when you know that you are created to worship Allah. Verify, the worldly life is very short so make use of it in obeying Allah. Your ownself is greedy by nature, so get it used to be contented.

  Let me tell you that your mind and intelligence should be used to serve the moment of your death. Do you know who the smartest among you is? Do you know who the wisest among you is? Do you know who the prosperous man is? Do you know who the outstanding is? It is the one who knows Allah early enough during his lifetime, and whose actions are according to the Divine method.

 Dear brother, do you believe that death was like a wedding ceremony to the companions of the prophet PBUH. By Allah, who is the only God, I’ve read and studied the companions’ biography twice or thrice, and I remember that I have read about seventy of them. What attracted my attention is that there is a common denominator among them all; when they felt that they were about to meet Allah, they would be in ecstasy.
  The Prophet PBUH wanted to make sure that Sa’d bin Ar-Rabee’ was still alive or not after the battle of Uhud, so he sent one of his companions to look for him. A man from the Ansar looked for him, and he found him among the injured. Sa’d was breathing his last, so the man came nearer to him and said, "The messenger of Allah ordered me to see whether you are alive or dead. " He said to him faintly, "I am dead. Send my regards to the messenger of Allah and tell him that Sa’d bin Ar-Rabee’ says to you, "May Allah reward you with all goodness as ever He has rewarded a Prophet on behalf of his nation. " Tell your people that Sa’d bin Ar-Rabee’ says to you, "There shall be no excuse to you in front of Allah if your prophet is hurt while there is an eye twinkling among you. "

  Notice how their best moment ever was the one when their lives came to their ends. Most people consider death a catastrophic event, so they fear it a lot. However, you as a real believer should consider death your wedding day. This is the best thing you can do in your life; it is to think about death as your happiest moment. Listen to Bilal’s reaction when he heard his daughter saying, "O father, what a catastrophe! "He said, "No, daughter it is not. Tomorrow I will meet the dearest, Mohammad PBUH and his companions. "

 The majority consider death a disastrous event, but the wisest considers it Allah's Mercy. Dear brother, if Allah is with you, who will be against you? And if Allah is against you, who will be with you? O, Lord, what did he miss who found you, and what did he find who missed you?

Collaboration between believers manifests their deep faith:

 The "Ansar" (citizens from Madinah whom helped the Prophet PBUH when he migrated to them) are an outstanding example of sacrifice and altruism. They showed how collaboration should be between believers. Their support to each other and to other believers was a manifestation of their deep faith and great sentiments. Almighty Allah praised them for their actions, He says:

﴾And those who, before them, had homes (in Al-Madinah) and had adopted the Faith, love those who emigrate to them, and have no jealousy in their breasts for that which they have been given (from the booty of Bani An-Nadir), and give them (emigrants) preference over themselves, even though they were in need of that. And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, such are they who will be the successful. ﴿

[Al-Hashr, 9]

 You can find a practical example of cooperation and support in this blessed country (Syria.) Many students from African, Russia and other Islamic countries come to Syria seeking the religious knowledge. The Syrians welcome those students and offer them homes to dwell in and other services.
  This is exactly what was going on between the Ansar and the Muhajereen (The first Muslims that accompanied Muhammad PBUH when he traveled to Madinah).
I was told that Syria is the first country in the world where students of religious knowledge are honored and welcomed warmly. Although other countries are richer than ours and students can get more luxurious services there, but the real hospitality and generosity are found in Syria. This is all because of Allah’s favor upon this country.

Faith is all about collaboration, generosity and sacrifice:

 Our Master Sa’ed Ibn Muaz, the leader of the Ansar, addressed the Prophet PBUH one night before the Battle of Badr. He talked on behalf of the Ansar:
 "O Messenger of Allah, we believed in you and testified that what you brought is the truth. Thus, we gave you our pledges and promises of allegiance and obedience. O Allah's Messenger march for what Allah has commanded you. Verily, by He Who has sent you in Truth, if you decided to cross this sea (the Red Sea), we will follow you crossing it and none of us will stay behind or retreat beck. We do not refuse to meet our enemy tomorrow. Truly, we are patient in war, fierce in battle and trustworthy in combat. O our Prophet, you can keep in touch with whoever you want, and break up with whoever, make peace with whoever, and declare war against whoever, take from our money as much as you need and give us as much as you like. Honestly, what you will take from us is dearer to us than what you will leave for us. May Allah make our actions a comfort of the eye for you. We will be your followers with the blessing of Allah.

 This is the true faith; it is collaboration, generosity and sacrifice. We –as believers- are one teamwork, so each one of us can make benefit of his profession to help other people. A doctor may treat the poor students for free, and a charitable person will give money to the needy. This is how believers should treat each other: all are for one and the one is for all. The Ansar lodged and supported their brother (Muhajereen) whom came to them migrating for the sake of Allah. Thus, they will be granted Allah’s forgiveness, the greatest reward and gratification, which is the most precious reward ever. Allah said:

﴾And those who believed, and emigrated and strove hard in the Cause of Allah (Al-Jihad), as well as those who gave (them) asylum and aid; - these are the believers in truth, for them is forgiveness and Rizqun Karim (a generous provision i.e. Paradise).﴿

[Al-Anfal, 74]

Practical applications of Hijrah:

 If someone wants to know how to apply Hijrah in his daily life, he should listen to the following examples of the practical applications of Hijrah. If you live in a city that temptations are everywhere, your ownself may be weakened in front of them. Therefore, the application of Hijrah in such a case is to leave that city and live in another one. You may not find a job with high income in the new place, but your relation with Allah will be secured. The point is to move to a place where you can draw closer to Allah more than the first place, mingle with people who will help you get closer to Allah, and stay away from people who may drive you away from Allah the Almighty.

 These minor conceptions of Hijrah are almost applied in our daily lives. Hence, dear brother, there is a big difference between those who stand in the way of the truth and those who support it, between those who believed the Prophet PBUH and those who accused him of lying, between those who forced him to get out and those who stood by his side, between those who fought him and those who fought with him and between a believer and a disbeliever. The most miserable man on earth is the one who was entrapped to be against the truth. Therefore, be with the truth, be with the people of faith even if they are weak and poor, and never stand by the tyrannical and oppressing people even if they are powerful and rich:


﴾ Is then he who is a believer like him who is Fasiq (disbeliever and disobedient to Allah)? Not equal are they. ﴿

[As-Sajdah, 18]


﴾ Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, in their present life and after their death? Worst is the judgement that they make. ﴿

[Al-Jathiyah, 21]

Man should be well-prepared before counting on Allah:


 One of the lessons that all Muslims should learn from Hijrah is putting trust in Allah. Putting trust in Allah is to make use of all mans of success as if they are everything, then put your trust in Allah as if those means are nothing. It is easy to adopt means and to count on them like what most westerns do. They worship those means and forget all about Allah. Also it is easy to do what most easterners do: they forget all about means thinking that putting trust in Allah is enough. The two cases are actually morbid acts. Thus, the best thing you can do is to follow the footsteps of the Prophet PBUH and his companions; they used to adopt means as if they were everything, and then put trust in Allah as if they were nothing.

 The Prophet PBUH left his house towards Thawr cave in a time when people barely leaved their houses, and he stayed there for three days with As-Siddiq after he hired a tracer. He made use of all the factors of success as if they were everything. Anas narrated that Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him told him: ((I saw the feet of the unbelievers over our heads while we were in the cave. I said: "O Allah’s Prophet! If any of them look down, he will see us beneath the feet. " The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:

"O Abu Bakr! What do you think of the two persons, of whom Allah is the Third? "))

[Sahih Muslim]


 At that very moment, the prophet PBUH did not depend on the factors we mentioned previously; he put his trust in Allah the Almighty. This is how heroism should be in such cases. The Prophet should always be your exemplary whether you are a student, a doctor, an engineer, a business man…etc. You should do exactly what he used to do, i.e. you should consider all means of success as if they are everything, and then put the trust in Allah as if those means are nothing. Although the prophet PBUH prepared the means of success, he was followed by Suraqah. The Prophet PBUH did not fear him, because he put his trust in Allah. He said to Suraqah:

((How would you feel when you wear the bracelets of Kisra?))

  In spite of being a fugitive and most wanted alive or dead with a reward of one hundred camels to be given to the one who hunts him down, the Prophet PBUH said to Suraqah:


((How would you feel when you wear the bracelets of Kisra?))

 This statement denotes the following: O Suraqah, I will reach Madinah, establish a state there, have an army, fight the strongest two empires in the world and will win the war. Then, all the booties will be brought to me and you –Suraqah- will wear Kisra’s bracelets.



  This is what really happened during the caliphate of Umar. Our Master Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, was brought Kisra’s bracelets and all his treasure, so he asked for Suraqah and gave him the bracelets. Suraqah said, "Allah is the Great who took them from Kisra and gave them to Suraqah, a mere Bedouin from Banu Mudlij. " The promise of Allah our Lord, who is the Lord of the noble companions, is valid whenever and wherever.


Allah’s promise is valid if Muslims return to Him and reconcile with Him:

 The Islamic world is in a difficult situation; its countries are impoverished, weak and backward. By Allah, who is the only God, if they turn back to Allah and reconcile with him, their flags will flutter all over the world and they will be at the top. Again, Allah’s promise is valid, He says:


﴾ and you will see them looking at you, yet they see not. ﴿

[Al-A’raf, 198]

 This lesson should be learnt by students (through studying hard and putting trust in Allah), by teachers, by doctors, by lawyers, by architects and by craftsmen. They all need to adopt the means of success as if they are everything, then they should trust in Allah as if the means are nothing. A question is repeatedly asked about the reason behind announcing Hijrah by Umar. Unlike other companions who migrated secretly, Umar said to infidels in daylight: "Whoever wants to make his mother grieve him and make his children orphans let him meet me behind that valley"

 The answer of that question is that what Umar did is actually had to do with his personal point of view. One might say that the Prophet PBUH didn’t do it, and I tell him that the Prophet PBUH is a law-giver, so if He adopted that point of view, he would make risking one’s life a Sunnah, and being cautious Haram. Thus, what Umar did was merely a personal stance. This is what you have to say if you are asked about this particular event. The prophet PBUH is a law-giver to this nation, so he adopted the means, whereas Umar had a personal stance. If he had not made it, he would have paid the price of his fault alone.

 Dear brother, call yourselves to account before you are called to do so and weigh your deeds before they are weighed. You should know that the Angel of Death has been reaching sh3er and will reach us soon, so pay heed. The smartest person is he who upbraids himself and works for what comes after death; and the weak one is he who follows his desires and lives on wishful thinking.

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

  The second khutbah:
  Praise be to Allah, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, the Protector of righteous people; and I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad, whose character is exalted, is His servant and His Messenger.

Hijrah in its wide and narrow senses:

 Dear brother, a sound Hadith was narrated in "Al Bukhari":


((The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe, and the emigrant (muhajir) is the one who abandons what Allah has forbidden))

[Bukhari, by Abdu Allah Bin Umar]


 Every one of you, including me, can migrate. Leaving friends whose behavior do not please Allah, refusing to go to places where men and women sit together, and quitting a job its income is illegal are all types of Hijrah. Hijrah in its narrowest senses is leaving Mecca to Madinah, or moving from one country to another. However, in its widest sense it is to leave whatever is prohibited by Allah. Here is a glad tiding to those who worship Allah and keep close to Him at times of upheavals and trials..

 Muslim narrated from the Hadith of Ma'qil ibn Yasar: ((The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Worship at times of tribulation (fitnah) is like Hijrah to me. "))

  The tribulation is represented by women dressed immodestly, pornography, TV channels, deviations, nightclubs, homosexuality and sex which is nowadays is being worshipped. Worshipping Allah and ignoring all these temptations, which people have made Halal to keep sh3er away from whatever draw them closer to Allah, means Hijrah:

((Worship at times of tribulation (fitnah) is like Hijrah to me.))


 We beseech you Allah to show us the way of rightness, together with those to whom You have showed it; and give us good health together with those whom You have healed; and be our Protector together with those for whom You have become their Protector; and bless us in what You have bestowed on us and save us from the afflictions that You have decreed, for You rule with justice and You are never judged. He whom You protect shall never be humiliated and he whom You make enemy shall never be exalted. Blessed and dignified are You, and we thank You for what You have decreed. We seek your forgiveness and we repent to you. O Allah guide us to do a good deed that would draw us closer to You.

 O Allah bestow your blessings upon us and don’t withdraw them from us, honor us and don’t humiliate us, choose us and don’t choose sh3er over us, and grant us satisfaction and be pleased with us. O Allah, please make us do well in the Deen, which is our dignity, and make our lives good for it is our existence, and grant us safety on the Day of Judgment for it is our Final Destination. Please supply our life with all good things and make our death a rest from every evil.

 O Allah, the Lord of all Worlds! Please make me desire what You have made lawful and reject what You have made unlawful, and make me by Your benevolence independent of all sh3er, and make my obedience to You turn me away from my disobedience. O Allah! Do not put us to the test of Your trials, and do not unveiled our faults to the sh3er. Do not make us forget Your Remembrance, O Lord of the Worlds! Oh, Allah, grant Islamic presidents in the east and west success to follow Your Path, You, Allah, have the full ability to do whatever You want, and capable of answer. O Allah send Your Blessings on our Master Muhammad, the illiterate Prophet and his family and companions.


 O Allah grant Islamic presidents in the east and west success to follow your path, You Allah have the full ability to do whatever you want, and capable of answer.

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