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Scientific Topics- Scientific Topics from Sermons- Lesson(332): The Pineal Gland
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Function of the pineal gland:

 In the middle of the human brain, there is a tiny gland. It is as small as a seed of corn and is called “the pineal gland”. A well-known scientist in one of the so-called developed countries - from the materialistic point of view, of course - addressed his students: “The pineal gland is useless. It has no function or activity and plays no role in the human boy.” But the Creator, Allah, All Mighty, says,

“And of knowledge you have been given only a little.”

[VII; 85]

Pineal gland

Image of human head showing the pineal gland

 A well-known medical scientist said the foregoing words about the pineal gland, but a few years later, it was found out that this gland is the first gland to develop in the embryo, although it is the last gland to unveil its secrets to the medical science. This gland produces a hormone that exists in all living creatures: plants, animals, humans, and even mono-cell creatures. The similarity of this hormone in all living creatures is both rare and amazing, because it is not produced except at night.

 In a study issued in 1995, scientists said: “The hormone that the pineal gland produces is one of the most active substances in the human body; and it helps the body to fight against germs and viruses. It also helps the body to sleep comfortably and protects it from cardio-vascular diseases. It eases long travel and increases activity of the living creature and strengthens its muscles. It is almost the first and foremost factor in man’s activity and good health and safety of his organs.

Pineal gland

Image of human head showing the pineal gland

The believer’s rerference:

 I have put forward the foregoing facts about the pineal gland in order to show that it is absolutely wrong to say that it is useless, that it has no function or activity, or that it plays no role in the human body, as the scientist mentioned above claimed. We have to be very careful as regards things that we read, because not all that we read is correct and not all that we hear is true.

 Yes, indeed! This marvelous tiny gland, the pineal gland, produces the most important hormone without which human life would be impossible.

 Yes, indeed! It is only a tiny gland, as small as a seed of corn, located in the middle of the brain, called “the pineal gland”, and exists in all living creatures, even mono-cell ones! In this context, the Almighty Creator, Allah, Glory to Him, says,

“And of knowledge you have been given only a little.”

[VII; 85]

 He, Praise to Him, also says,

“And they will never encompass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills.”

[II; 255]

 In this context also, some scientists said: “We have not yet set our feet in the great ocean of knowledge. We are still in the age of infancy as regards the secrets of this universe and the secrets of man.”

 It is also said: “3,000 serious scientific studies have so far been issued on this gland in one year.” Sometimes, due to our ignorance, we belittle things, but once facts have been unveiled to us, we should fall prostrate to the Almighty Creator, Allah, Lord of all worlds!

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