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Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (334)- Self Recovery
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

What is self recovery:

Our modern medical arsenal, whether pharmacological or technical, does not enable doctors to cure more than one quarter of the illnesses and diseases from which people suffer today. The other three quarters are either cured automatically or remain cureless.

 Further, what doctors call “self-recovery” is something common and quite familiar to everybody; and lots of incurable illnesses or diseases have been healed without any obvious medical causes. The mysterious recovery of lots of incurable illnesses and diseases has always been noticed since the earliest days of medical science. But medical scientists have not taken such mysterious recoveries into consideration because they claim that they do not stand on reliable or authentic scientific grounds.

 In fact, such mysterious recoveries can only be attributed to Allah’s Infinite Divine Mercy upon His slaves. To this effect, the Holy Quran quotes the holy Prophet, Abraham, (PBUH), as saying,

“It is He (Allah) Who has created me, and it is He (Allah) Who guides me. And it is He (Allah) Who provides me with food and drink. And when I am ill, it is He (Allah) Who cures me. And it is He (Allah) Who will cause me to die and then bring me back to life (again). And it is He (Allah) Who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the Day of Recompense. My Lord! Bestow wisdom on me and join me with the righteous! And grant me an honorable mention in later generations! And Make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise of Delight.”

[As-Shuaraa; 78-85]

One of the causes of self-recovery:

 A medical scientist has said: In the human body, there is a special mechanism for what doctors call “self-recovery”, which is not usually mentioned in books of medical science. There are also certain incurable cases that recover automatically and mysteriously, without any obvious causes. In short, this is one of the miraculous mechanisms with which the Almighty Creator has equipped or human body. It has no definite anatomical location, but rather, it is like a roaming apparatus programmed to discover any alien harmful cell that does not belong to the body and to destroy it. The most important thing about this mysterious roaming apparatus is that it has a wonderful memory that never forgets anything. Without such miraculous memory, our acquired immunity system would be impossible and vaccination against diseases would be absolutely useless. The cells of this immunity system are manufactured in the marrow of bones; and they are especially and perfectly qualified in the thymus, a gland located under the chest bone, which is like an institute in which strong wrestlers are trained and prepared. These cells are the first defense line of the human body; and they also protect the body against cancer. Some of these cells are reconnaissance cells that discover germs, or any alien cells, decode them and inform the manufacturing cells, which, in turn, manufacture the proper antibodies to destroy such germs or alien cells. Some other cells of this system are fighter cells, which go to battlefield and fight alien cells. There are also devouring cells, which devour alien cells.

By the way, the AIDS virus destroys these cells and renders the whole immunity system inoperative. That is why it is considered as the most dangerous disease.

One of the wonderful jobs of these cells is that some of them go into the lungs and devour some of the alien things and smoke remains sticking to the bronchial tubes. So, this is good news to those who would like to give up smoking.

 The new thing about this immunity system is that is was found out in the late 1970’s that some of the cells of this system are predisposed to kill abnormal cells before they display any kind of abnormality. They are also predisposed to kill cancerous cells.

 The most dangerous thing about our immunity system, however, is that a mysterious external power, which has nothing to do with immunity, stands behind it. This mysterious power forms, develops, controls and commands, our immunity system. Undoubtedly, this mysterious power is Allah’s Infinite Divine Power.

What weakens the immunity system and what strengthens it:

The remarkable thing in this context is that melancholy, distress, tension and psychological stress weaken our immunity system; whereas hope, love, tranquility, and peace of mind make it more powerful. Also, polytheism, i.e. calling upon other gods besides Allah, the One and Only, weakens our system immunity. To this effect, Allah, Most Gracious, says, 

“So invoke not with Allah another god lest you should be among those who receive torment.” 

[Ash-SHuaraa; 213]

 A true believer, however, is safe from this weakness, thanks to his firm belief in Allah, All Mighty, his sincere surrender and submission to Him, and his faithful trust in Him. That is why Allah, Most Merciful, says,

“And to Allah belongs the Unseen of the heavens and the earth, and to Him return all affairs (for decision). So worship Him and put your trust in Him. And your Lord is not unaware of what you do.”

[Hud; 123]

 Yes, indeed! Monotheism is good health, simply because contentment, security, tranquility, trust in Allah, and hopefulness empower our system of immunity, which Allah, Most Gracious, has made responsible for our “self-recovery” from a great many diseases and illnesses. Also, we should never forget that anxiety, worry, fear, hatred and grudge are the main source of weakness of our immunity system, the essence of our human health.

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