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Scientific Topics- Scientific Topics from Sermons- Lesson(398): Psychological Stress during Pregnancy Causes Embryo Deformation
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Some causes of embryo deformation in the womb:

Dear noble brothers, a magnificent medical fact says that strong emotional and psychological stress and pressures that a pregnant woman undergoes during, or even before, pregnancy might lurk behind the abnormalities and deformations from which embryos suffer. This is because one of the causes of deformation of embryos is the emotional disorders and severe pressures that the mother undergoes during pregnancy.

Dear brothers, I am not exaggerating when I say that hundreds of medical studies confirm that psychological stress causes innumerable illnesses and diseases; and the only remedy for psychological stress is true faith in Allah the Almighty, showing adequate obedience to Him, setting things right with Him, remembering Him, and turning to Him with sincere devotion. In other words, a true believer never suffers from any kind of psychological stress; and a chaste pure believing woman who is dutiful to her husband is exempt from any kind of psychological stress as well.

Dear brothers, scientists say that severe psychological pressures during pregnancy, such as loss of job, divorce, being abandoned by the husband, and sadness upon someone's death may quite often cause serious abnormalities and deformations of embryos, such as disfigured noses, harelips, cleaved throats, and so on.
Psychological stress and its treatment: 
Scientists explain the causes of abnormalities and deformations saying that stress increases blood sugar level and decreases oxygen in tissues, both of which cause deformations of embryos.

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