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Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (133)- Memory
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

A very important verse:

 In His Miraculous Book, the Holy Quran, Allah, All Mighty, says,

“And in your own selves, will you not then see?!”

[LI; 21]

 Each and every human being has in his brain something called “Memory”, which plays a vital role in our human life. Religious scholars deduce this fact from Allah’s Divine Words:

“And if it had been Our Will, We could have transformed them (into animals or lifeless objects) in their places. Then, they would have been unable to go forward nor could they have turned back (as they would have no memory whereby they remember things).”

[XXXVI; 67]

 How do you go back home? The answer is: You know where it is. But how do you know where it is? The answer is: This is kept in your memory. In your shop, how do you remember that such an item is stored on such a shelf or in such a place? Even when you are at home, you remember places of the great many items that you have in your shop. Also, remember when you were at school, when you read books and had examinations, how did you remember information to answer questions about the things that you had read? The answer is: Such information had been stored in your memory. This shows clearly that without memory, man would be nothing, and it would be impossible for him to learn anything. Once again, we repeat Allah’s Divine Words:
“And if it had been Our Will, We could have transformed them (into animals or lifeless objects) in their places. Then, they would have been unable to go forward nor could they have turned back (as they would have no memory whereby they remember things).”

What has been said about memory:

 The scientific articles written about the human memory confirm: “If a person lives for sixty years, the images that his memory stores are more than 60 billion pieces of information! If we were to copy these pieces of information in books, we would need thousands of books in order to store the pieces of information that we do not know where they are stored in the brain. There are even theories claiming that the memory is not located in the brain but is connected with the person’s psychic life.

 Anyway, these billions of pieces of information received by the human brain are stored either in a near place where they can be easily retrieved or in a middle place or even in a far deep place; and some pieces of information are not stored at all. Also, pieces of information are stored according to their types, i.e. there are different kinds of memories: a memory for smells, another for seen things, a third for faces, a fourth for colors, a fifth for perfumes, a sixth for names, …etc. This is something miraculously accurate!

 Scientists say that if we desire to retrieve a certain piece of information, the memory adopts a miraculously fast coding-decoding system. If you are given a perfume to smell, the smell runs through your nose and passes over the great many smells already stored in your memory until you discern congruity between the smell of this perfume and another smell already stored in your memory or find out that it is new to you. The same thing applies to the other memories of taste, sight, faces, names, …etc. In short, what has been so far found out about human memory is too little, yet the facts thereof are amazing.

 Some scientists said: “Memory is both a dictionary and an instant translating machine.” The amazing thing about the human brain is that its cells neither split nor die; otherwise, man would forget all his knowledge and experiences. Thanks to Allah’s Infinite Divine Grace, He has endued us with the ability to remember most of the things that we get to know or experience. Quite often, we hear people say, “My medical experience is forty years old”, “My experience in law is fifty years old”, and “The experience of such a person in business and trading is so-and-so years old”, …etc. All of these human experiences are not only kept in our memory but are constantly increased and accumulated by time. If we lost our memory, we would, at once, forget all our former experiences in life.

 In short, our human memory is certainly one of Allah’s Miraculous Signs that bespeak His Infinite Divine Greatness!

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