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Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (47)- Fingerprints: A record, identification, and signature
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

  Dear brothers,

If a couple of twins come from one ovule (for some twins come from two separate ovules, while others come from one single ovule), the fingerprints of each of them differ from those of the other. Allah,  All-Mighty, addresses this issue, 

“Does man think that We shall not assemble his bones?! Yes, indeed, We are Able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers.”

[Al-Qiyama; 3,4]

Scientists were able to discover 100 distinguishing marks in man’s fingerprints. If 12 marks are alike in two fingerprints, this means that they both belong to one and the same person. And the random possibility of two fingerprints, of two different persons, being similar is 1\64,000,000,000 (one out of sixty-four billion). In other words, if there were 64 billion persons in the whole world, there is only one possibility of two fingerprints being similar. We have to keep in mind that world population is now only six billion people.

Another thing: a fingerprint has a special shape, curved lines,

arched lines, bends, angles, lines, sides, islands, and tunnels, …etc. In some medical institutions a fingerprint was put under the microscope together with 15,000 other fingerprints. No two of them were similar, not even in only seven points.

When dp fingerprints get formed and can they be erased with a surgery?

A person’s fingerprint is made up while he\she is still an embryo in his mother’s womb, in the sixth month of pregnancy; and it remains until death. If this piece of print were removed altogether from the skin, a new skin would grow instead having the same prints as those of the removed piece. If in a surgical operation a person’s print were removed completely together with the skin, and another piece of skin were taken from another place of the body and implanted in the same place as that of the removed print and skin, another similar print and skin would grow instead in a period of less than one month.

In fact, a person’s fingerprint is indeed a record, identification, and signature that are made by Allah, All-Mighty; and no human power could ever remove it.

In the same context, some criminals had their fingerprints removed and replaced by another piece of skin from somewhere else of their bodies, but after only a few months, the same old fingerprints began to show again in the same place from which they were removed. It is indeed a Divine Signature that Allah, All-Mighty, has endued you with and no human power could possibly remove it.

When Allah, All-Mighty, resurrects us on the Day of Judgment, this signature and these lines, tunnels, islands, and sides, …etc, will certainly return as they are now:

“Yes, indeed, We are Able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers.” 

[Al-Qiyama; 4] 

To wrap up, a fingerprint is a marvelous Divine Sign of Allah’s, but the question is: How is this fingerprint created while you are in your mother’s womb?! And how will Allah, All-Mighty, return such fingerprint to you on the Day of Resurrection?!

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