Scientific topics- Scientific topics from sermons- Lesson (403) : Iron
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- Scientific Topics from Friday Sermons
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Why this Ayah is miraculous:
In His Divine Book, the noble Quran, Allah, All-Mighty, says,
﴾ Indeed, We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice. And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power (in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help Him (His religion), and His Messengers in the unseen. Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty. ﴿
The Clear Proofs mentioned in the above Quranic Ayah are Divine Miracles that provide evidence of the truthfulness of Allah’s Prophets and Messengers, (PBUT). The Scripture is Allah’s Religion of Islamic Monotheism. And the Balance is the human mind, which is the essence of religious obligation. The ultimate goal is establishment of justice on the Earth. And the force of deterrence is Iron, in which there is great power and a lot of benefits for mankind.
The inimitability in the above Ayah is the specification that Iron comes from outer space and that it didn't exist on earth and these facts are revealed by the geological and spatial studies.
Nowadays, astronomers believe that meteors and shooting stars are but heavenly shootings, of different sizes, and most of which are made of Iron. That is why Iron was the first metal known by mankind, because it comes pure from the heaven in the form of meteors and shooting stars, thousands of which come down onto the Earth’s surface every year.
Some of these meteors and shooting stars weigh tens of tons; and one of them, discovered in America, weighed 62 tons and was made up of Iron and Nickel. And in Arizona a meteor caused a hole 200 meters deep and 1000 meters wide, and it contained tens of tons of Iron and Nickel.
The above scientific facts provide clear evidence of the accuracy of the Quranic description:
﴾ “And We brought forth iron”, ﴿
Benefits of iron as mentioned in the verse:
Dear brothers, what is meant by the mighty power and the benefits referred to by above the Quranic words:
“Wherein is mighty power (in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind."
Chemists have found out that Iron, which constitutes 1/3 of the Earth’s components, is the densest, most stable, most powerful, most flexible, most magnetic, and most pressure-resistant of all metals. It helps maintain balance and gravitational force of the Earth.
It should be remembered that Iron is also an essential element of a great many living animals as well as plants, which absorb its compounds from the Earth’s soil. Not only that but also Iron-salts constitute a part of the blood cells of living creatures.
In this context, reference should be made to the numerical conformity between the number of the Quranic Surah (chapter) that speaks about Iron, namely Surah 57, and its atomic weight, which is also 57.
This fact proves that Allah Who created the worlds and sent down meteors and shooting stars is The One Who sent down This Quran.