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Islamic Creed- Creed and Quran Inimitability- Lesson (27-36): The Constituents of the Divine Assignment – Desire-13- Sexual Desire-2- Obscenity in Women's Clothing is Evil Doing Whereas Abidi
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Introduction about the sexual desire:

 Dear brother, this is lesson No. 27 of the series "Aqidah and the Inimitability of Quran". We talked about the constituents of the Divine Assignment in this series of lectures. We started with the universe as one of the most substantial constituent of the Divine Assignment, then we move to reasoning, then Al-Fitrah, then the lust, and we spent many lectures talking about the lust for money. In the previous lecture we moved to the lust for sex and we will carry on with the same subject, but let me first give you a brief introduction. 

Aqidah is the most crucial section of the four sections of Islam:

  If we liken Islam to a pyramid divided into 4 sections, then the section on the top will be Aqidah, since it is the most serious matter in the religion. Thus, when one's Aqidah is right, his entire deeds are right, and he will be safe and will gain happiness in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. According to the contemporary terminology, I can say that if one's vision (Aqidah) is right, his deeds will be right as well and he will gain happiness in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, but if his Aqidah is corrupt, or his vision is deviated, then he will be miserable in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. 

 Aqidah is like a scale which has a flaw in it, and so the wrong weighing will not be corrected because the flaw is in the scale itself. If you use it million times, your weighing will be wrong each time you use the scale, because the defect is in the scale itself, whereas if the scale is fine, then any wrong weighing will happen only once and it can be rectified.

 As I have just said, Aqidah is the top part of the Islamic pyramid, so if it is right, man's deeds will be right, and he will be safe and happy in the worldly life and in the Hereafter, but if the Aqidah is deviated, man's deeds will be corrupted, and he will be miserable and demised in the worldly life and in the Hereafter.

 Consider the following clear example: If you are driving a car, and you see a red light on the dashboard warning lights, but you consider this red light a decoration, and you keep driving, your engine will break down and the car will stop. As a result, you will not be able to continue your journey and reach your destination. On the other hand, if you understand that this red light is a warning to you that there is something wrong with the car, and you stop the car and change the oil, the engine will be intact, and you will be able to continue your journey and reach your destination. Hence, misunderstanding the red light will make you in trouble.

 Consider another example: if you are a skydiver and you are given a parachute to use in landing, will you care if its shape is round or square? Will you care how many ropes there are in your parachute? Will you care if the ropes are made of nylon or natural fabric? Will you care about the colors of the ropes? Will you care about the diameter of every rope? You really do not have to know any of this information, and being ignorant of these things will not affect your landing, but what affects your landing is one piece of information, which is to know how to open the parachute, otherwise you will land dead.

 Much in the same line, your Aqidah is like knowing how to open the parachute or knowing what the red light on the dashboard means, but do you know why? The sound Aqidah dictates one's destiny. Accordingly, attending a religious session is not optional, and it should not be done at your spare time or considered a secondary matter in your life, for seeking religious knowledge is a fateful matter, because it will define your destiny. You should know beyond doubt that every calamity on earth in the five continents since Adam till the Day of Resurrection is but the outcome of turning away from Allah's Path, and it is the result of relinquishing the Creators' Instructions. Ignoring the Creator's Instructions is due to ignorance which is the fiercest foe of man, given the ignorant does harm to himself in ways even his enemy will not use.

The lust for sex:

1- The proof in the Quran regarding this lust:

  Allah has installed the lust for sex in man, and the proof is in the following Ayah:

﴾ Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land.﴿

[Aal-'Imran, 14]

2- The lust for sex is neutral and could be means to exalt or to hit rock bottom:

  Have you ever thought that these lusts might be man's s means to exalt in the worldly life and in the Hereafter? On the other side, these same lusts might also be the reasons behind man's demise in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. Lusts are like gasoline, in the sense that when you pour it in the car tank, which is tightly sealed, and then it flows through the tubes in order to be ignited at the right moment, the car will move forward and take you and your family to any beautiful place you like. However, this same gasoline can be poured over the car and by catching fire, the car and the people in it will be burnt. Thus, gasoline can make you have a wonderful picnic or it can be destructive (when it is misused). The same goes for lusts. 

3- Following the lust for sex according to Allah's Method (marriage) brings happiness:

   The lust is neutral, so it can be means to exalt or to hit rock bottom. Also, it might bring happiness in case it is fulfilled by following Allah's Path, and it might bring demise if it is fulfilled through unlawful ways: 

﴾ And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah? ﴿

[Al-Qasas, 50]

 The indicated opposite meaning is that the one who follows his own lusts according to guidance from Allah is on the safe side. Hence, the most serious concept in this lecture is that lusts are installed in us and can be means to exalt us to the highest ranks or can be means to the otherwise.

 There are a lot of noble chaste families in this country. An old man said to me once, "I have 83 grandchildren, and they are all good believers both the males and the females. I have sons and daughters in law, and they are all Quran Huffaz (plural of Hafiz, which is a term used by Muslims for someone who has completely memorized the Qur'an. Hafiza is the female equivalent), and they are all highly educated." This extended family started with a sexual lust between a believer husband and a pious wife, and they had children. Then they got them married and added to their family sons and daughters in law. Some of those children and grandchildren are doctors, sh3er are engineers and some of them are merchants. Affection, loyalty, love and obedience hover over this blessed family. Therefore, the household could become a piece of Paradise if it follows Allah's Path. The Almighty Allah says:

﴾"Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good,﴿

[Al-Baqarah, 201]

 Scholars of interpretation said, "The good wife is the goodness in life." Also, she is (as reported in the Hadith):

((The one who when he looks at her he is happy and she obeys him when he commands her, and does not go against his wishes with regard to herself or his wealth by doing what he dislikes.))

 Do not ever say, "Because of lusts we disobey our Lord" or "Because of our lusts we could not exalt in the Sight of the Lord of the heavens and the earth" Think about it, how do you want to draw close to Allah?

 Allah allows you to fulfill these lusts through certain ways, thus your success lies in doing so. For instance, Allah puts the love of the woman inside you, and He allows you to get married and have a wife with whom you can fulfill your lust for sex. This means that you can always exalt in the Sight of Allah twice: once when you refrain from Haram (unlawful affairs) and lower your gaze from looking at any woman that is not your wife:

﴾ Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) ﴿

[An-Nur, 30]

 The second time you will be exalted is by feasting your eyes on the beauty of your wife who is Allah's Gift to you. By this you will exalt in the Sight of Allah by being patient on lowering your gaze, and by being thankful to Him for allowing you to please yourself by fulfilling your lust with your wife.

4- Ghadd Al-Basar (lowering gaze) is an act of worship which indicates sincerity:

 There is no deprivation in Islam. I am addressing the youth among you by saying so, and let me draw your attention to an issue I hope that it is clear to all of you. Every country has regulations and laws, and the majority of these laws most likely go along with religion. For example, stealing is Haram in Islam, and it is also forbidden in made-made law. 

 Man in any country might not steal because of the law, because of the very restricted surveillance system, because of a very rigid boss, because of other observing means or because he fears Allah. Thus, the reasons behind refraining from stealing are not known to us, and accordingly we do not know if someone does not steal because he fears the law or because he fears Allah. However, the Almighty Allah imposed some orders in Islam which are not related to man-made law, like forbidding man from looking at a woman other than his wife:

﴾ Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things, and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.).﴿

[An-Nur, 30]

 This means that when you lower your gaze, you prove to Allah that you love him since no law on earth will punish you upon looking at any female (other than your wife) I call this act of obedience or of worship the sincerity to Allah.

 There are two sorts of attractions: the first one is when women show their beauty (indecency), and the second is when women cover their beauty (decency). By Allah Who is the only Deity, the woman who wears Hijab and decent clothes is like a queen who has a special kind of beauty, because she wears baggy descent clothes. She is a queen, because she is the symbol of Ihtisham (decency), and because she performs the act of worship that is called "I'faf AshShabab" (helping young men to be chaste). Will any degraded man hit on a woman in Hijab or harass her? No, he will not. The woman in Hijab does not show any part of her body, and so she does not inauthor men's lust. Hijab is one of the characteristics of the Muslim woman, and I will put it this way: Women are either veiled from Allah (when they do not wear Hijab) or they wear a veil (and thus they will not be veiled from Allah).

5- Making pleasure a goal in life brings pain and misery:

  I would like to refer to a delicate fact: when fulfilling pleasures becomes a goal in life, it will be the source of pain and misery. Whoever is so keen on enjoying life's pleasures, will be miserable. The man, who has no goals in life, who does not know his Lord, who lives to fulfill his lusts, whose god is his desires will definitely not be satisfied with having an affair with one woman, so he will keep having new affairs with new women, and will be miserable for that. Allah the Almighty decreed that the only allowed relation between a man and a woman is marriage, so getting married prevents man from having illicit affairs. The goals of man, who has a meaningful purpose in life, who aims at getting acquainted with Allah, who looks forward to worshiping Allah and who wants to achieve something important in life, will move to better levels, and he will be satisfied with the wife he has and he will consider her a great gift from Allah to him. 

6- The woman could be a source of great temptation:

  Dear brother, the mother of all problems in life is to live a purposeless life. Whoever has such a life, will always feel that his life is monotonous and boring. Consequently, he will look for pleasures through lawful or unlawful ways. On the other hand, when you know the Almighty Allah you will worship Him and lower your gaze, and this will make you the happiest man in your house. On the other hand, if you do not care about the Hereafter and the purposes of this great religion seeking only satisfying your lusts, no woman will satisfy your desires, and even if you are married, you will look for another woman or will have a mistress. This kind of behavior is normal for such kind of people and it happens frequently as if it were part of the nature of their ownself. In other words, when man's ownself becomes heedless of Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, it will seek pleasures through whatever available means.
  Allah orders the woman to wear Hijab and to put on decent cloths, and He orders the man to lower his gaze (from looking at any woman other than his wife). Lowering the gaze alone is a course in this religion. When I address men in their fifties, I usually warn them from earning unlawful money, but when I address a young man, the only thing I fear is that he will be charmed with the beauty of a woman in an unlawful way: 

((Usamah bin Zaid (may Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "I am not leaving behind me a more harmful trial for men than women".))

[Muslim by Usamah bin Zaid]

((The first trial of Bani Israel was through women".))


 Satan's first concern is to unclothe women, so showing women's beauty is a satanic course, whereas putting Hijab is the Divine Course.

7- The chastity of the woman has an influential effect on the society:

  There is a fact which can be clarified by giving you an example. If you have a cellular phone and all your 50 friends, you know, do not have a one, do you think your phone is useful? On the other hand, if they all have phones then your phone is priceless, and this is the meaning of the following Ayah:

﴾ And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers﴿

[An-Nur, 31]

 In order to reap the fruits of women's Hijab and men's lowering gaze, the entire society must abide to Allah's Orders.

8- The lust for food is internal, whereas the lust for sex is external:

  The sexual lust is inauthord from outside, and the proof is that while you are performing Umrah, all women are putting Hijab, and you might spend days or weeks and never long for any woman. Unlike this lust, the one for food is internal, and the proof is that when you keep someone in a room that contains nothing that reminds him of food (whether it is a picture of food or a smell) he will get hungry, because hunger comes from inside the body. Accordingly, if the household and the street are disciplined, all women abide by Hijab and if there are no mixed-gender activities, you will feel the purity and chastity, and only then people will look after their jobs, students will study and head to their universities and the craftsmen will be fully devoted to their work and man will look forward to achieving meaningful purpose in his life. 

 Indecency is a provocative act in the street, in magazines, in newspapers, on the internet or on TV channels, because women are exposing their bodies and this will trigger the lust within those who are still too young to get married. This makes the society in a big trouble. I congratulate every woman with Hijab and I say to her, "You worshiped Allah through the nature you are defined by, which is being a female, and since the female is endeared to men, upon covering your body, you are drawing closer to Allah. Also, you pin your hopes on Allah alone to grant you a believer pious devoted husband who will protect you, honor you and help you to exalt in the Sight of Allah".

9- The chaste young man occupies an exalted rank in the Sight of Allah:

  Let me address every chaste young man who controls his desires, and who abides by Shari'ah (Islamic laws), "Congratulation". Listen to the following Hadith, please:

((Indeed Allah loves the youth who repent))

[AlJame' AsSagheer by Salman, Da'eef Hadith in its Sanad]

((Allah, the Exalted, takes pride in a worshipping young man before the angels and says: look at My servant; he gave up his lust for the sake of Me))

 It is easy for a man in his 85 to be straight on Allah's Path, but heroism lies in being straight at an early age when you are full of zeal and desires, yet you control your tongue, your sight and your hearing. Keep in mind that you will be rewarded by Allah.

 Dear young people, the following Ayah is enough for you even if it were the only Ayah in the Quran which addresses the youth:

﴾Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, in their present life ﴿

[Al-Jathiyah, 21]

  Pay attention to this, please:

﴾ and after their death? Worst is the judgment that they make.﴿

[Al-Jathiyah, 21]

 Allah would never ever treat the pious, chaste and repentant young man who lowers his gaze and controls his hearing, tongue and moves and who is dutiful to his parents, the same way He treats the morally deviated young man who is indulged in pleasures which do not please Allah the Almighty. In other words, by Allah the only Deity, treating upright, pious, pure and chaste young Muslim and the corrupted young man with equal treatment contradicts the Existence of Allah.

﴾ Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision)﴿

[An-Nahl, 97]

 This is a Divine Promise, given the vanishing of the universe is much easier to Allah than keeping His promises to this young man unfulfilled.

﴾ Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision)﴿

[An-Nahl, 97]

10- Man's freedom ends when the sh3er' freedom starts:

  Dear brother, some people might say, "The woman is free to do whatever she wants", but you should bear in mind that man's freedom stops when the sh3er' freedom starts. A man told me that while a woman in Hijab was in the bus, the driver was listening to an indecent song on his recording player, and it hurt the chaste person who would feel ashamed by hearing it. Therefore, that woman said to him, "This is a public transportation means, and you do not have the right to listen to such songs. If you want to hear it, you can do that at home, not in here, for this bus is not yours, but it belongs to the passengers and you are violating their freedom."


 Indeed every individual is free, but he is free at home not in the bus. Thus, if you feel gleeful upon listening to an indecent song, you do not have the right to violate sh3er' freedom and make them listen to it. Freedom has been considered a concept that has to do with deviation, while it is based on discipline which is contrary to its prevailing meaning.. An animal is free to do whatever it wants, while you are a disciplined creature. Common people would accuse the one who is disciplined of being rigid, which is not true, because such a man is adherent to Allah's Orders. There is a big difference between being rigid and being adherent to Allah's Orders. The believer is adherent to Allah's Orders, and he applies Allah's Method.

 Dear brother, when man attends a religious session, he is religiously charged just like the cellular phone which goes off when it runs out of batteries. As for you, you are charged by the five prayers and by reciting the Quran. As long as you are charged by attending religious sessions or by performing the acts of worship, you can keep upright on the Path of Allah, but you need to be disciplined.

11- How does a woman make passes at a man?

  A brother told me that he watched on one of TV channels the news of a young man in an Arab country who raped 10 young women and killed them all. A socialist got the permission of the Minister of Interior to interview that man on air. She asked him, "What is your name?" and he mentioned his name, then she asked, "Are you educated?" He replied, "No, I am not". Then she asked, "Do you pray?", and he answered, "No, I never prayed". After that, she asked, "Do you memorize AlFatihah?", and again he answered, "No, I do not." His answers reflected how ignorant he was. After that, she said, "Why did you kill those young women?" He said, "They made me do that." Then she said, "How did they do that." He replied, "By the way they were dressed up." Upon receiving his answer, she asked, "If you see a woman in Hijab will you rape her?" He said, "No, I will never that, and by Allah if I see someone abuse her, I will kill him." 

 That heedless criminal who raped 10 young women and killed them pointed out the problem by saying that they pushed him do that. Due to this interview, a new term crossed my mind, which is "Women's harassment to men". Usually it is the other way round, for men are the ones who harass women by words or by making a pass at her. However, when women are half naked, they are harassing men. Unfortunately, most women nowadays put Hijab on, but they wear tight cloths. How come they dressed like that? These cloths show the details of their body.

12- The Islamic Hijab is means of security and safety:

  There are special requirements that are a must in the dress code of a woman in Hijab. One of them is that woman's clothes should not show the color of the skin (transparent fabrics are forbidden), nor should they show the curves and details of the body (tight cloths are forbidden). They should be loose from top to bottom, and their colors should not be very bright:

﴾ 'It is a yellow cow, bright in its colour, pleasing to the beholders.' "﴿

[Al-Baqarah, 69]

 The cloths with bright colors catch attention and make the Hijab of the women incomplete.

13- Scandals are either financial or sexual:

  Dear brother, keep in mind that nine tenth of Shari'ah rulings are related to money and women, because the lust for money and the one for sex are the major two lusts man tends to fulfill. Accordingly, when the believer refrains himself from unlawful money and women, he will survive. The father of a friend of mine, whom I used to visit every Eid, was in his nineties, and now he passed away, may Allah have mercy on his soul. Each time I visited him, he used to tell me a new story, and he never told a story twice, because his memory was very strong. He said to me once, "Yesterday I had some tests run on me, and the results indicated that everything is normal in my body". Then he said something that touched me, "By Allah in my entire life I never committed Haram (he meant earning unlawful money or having illicit affair with women)". This man enjoyed his strong memory and physical health till he died, because he never earned unlawful money and never looked at a woman other than his wife. It is said that "He, who lives piously, lives able-bodied." 

 Dear brother, scandals in the history of mankind are either sexual or financial. The true believer is fortified from being involved in an unlawful affair with a woman, because being alone with her (Khulwah) is forbidden.

14- There must be a safe zone between man and the strange woman:

  Longing for women is a troublesome lust because it is a very engrossing one especially when you are in the danger zone. It is like a deep river with a very slippery sloping bank and a flat dray shore next to it. Walking on the slippery bank will make the possibilities of falling in the river up to 90 %, and in this case the orders are focused on preventing people from walking on the slippery bank not falling in the deep river, because walking on that bank will lead to falling and drowning in the river. This is why Allah says:

﴾ And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. ﴿

[Al-Isra', 32]

 Hence, there are things which get you closer to commit fornication such as Khulwah, befriending immoral people, looking at women's beauty and listening to an immoral adventure of a young man (who has committed adultery). Thus, you should leave the place where such an adventure is told at once. Furthermore, reading obscene magazines, visiting pornography websites on the internet, reading sex stories and tramping in the streets are but steps towards fornication.

 A man called me from LA and said to me, "I listened to a recorded lecture of yours about 50 times, and I repented because of it." He told me that he used to do a dirty thing, so I asked him, "What is it?" He said, "I used to make a living by directing pornography movies". The lecture he listened to was about the interpretation of the Quran and in it I mentioned the story of a man who used to tramp the streets in order to look at women's beauty, and Allah afflicted him with a disease in his eyelids in his sixties according to which he was not able to see anything unless he lifted his eyelids by his hand. The man from LA went on saying, " I listened to that lecture 50 times and repented to Allah". Later on I met him in person in Washington. When you become upright, you will have dignity, power and a special rank in the Sight of Allah.


  Dear brother, the summary of this lecture is to lower our gaze from looking at forbidden matters and to stay away from the things that lead to sins. There is an outstanding saying by Jesus PBUH, "The modest person will stay away from every form of evil. ". The first step you take to fulfill your lust unlawfully will lead you to the major sin of fornication. Your lust is like a big rock located on the top of a mountain, and when you push it even for only five meters down the slope, it will not stay put, but rather it will continue moving till it ends up in the bottom of the valley. All these points are taken from the following Ayah:

﴾ And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. ﴿

[Al-Isra', 32]

 Looking at the beauty of women, reading sex books, visiting pornography websites which do not please Allah, befriending immoral people and tramping the streets are factors which inauthor man to commit fornication. Allah says:

﴾ And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. ﴿

[Al-Isra', 32]

 "Do not come near", means stay away from whatever leads to commit it.

The scientific topic:

1- The ovum (the egg cell)

1- The size of the ovum:

  Dear brother, there are lots of great signs in the creation of man, which indicate Allah's Greatness. The ovum is as small as a peck of salt, and in order to imagine how small it is you can put some saliva on the tip of your finger and then dip it in salt without applying any pressure, then bring a magnifier and look at one peck of salt, and that will be the size of the ovum, whereas the sperm is much smaller. The fertilized egg moves down the Fallopian tube and into the uterus, and it is befitting here to ask this delicate question, how does this egg move? Does it have any legs? No, it does not! Then what pushes it? Is there a creature in the Fallopian tube which pushes it? No, there is not! Is it the gravity? No, it is not, because the tube is horizontal, then how does the egg move?

2- The fertilization of the woman's ovum:

You might ask me before I asked the previous question, how does this ovum get fertilized?

 The sperm cell's compressed head is covered with a membrane, beneath which there is a sticky substance that dissolves the membrane of the ovum. When the strongest sperm cell hits the ovum the membrane which covers its head can be easily ruptured, and the sticky substance will dissolve the membrane of the ovum in order to get into it and close the membrane behind. It only takes one sperm cell to fertilize an egg. Man ejaculates 300 million sperms in one intercourse, yet the egg needs only one sperm to get fertilized. Then the fertilized ovum begins its division into 10.000 cells without increasing in size (while moving down the Fallopian tube and into the uterus), and had it increased in size, it would not be able to pass through as the tube is very narrow.

3- The travelling of the fertilized ovule into the womb through Fallopian tube:

  These facts are axiomatic in medicine, and even students in high school study them, but the question is how does the fertilized ovum moves forward in the Fallopian tube? If it does not move, there will not be any living soul on earth, so how does it move forward? The mucous membrane lining the Fallopian tube contains cells that have fine hair-like structures called cilia; the cilia help the fertilized egg move through the Fallopian tube to the uterine cavity, where the fertilized eggs normally attach and develop. 

4- The phenomenon of cell differentiation in the ovule cells:

  The delicate fact is that this fertilized ovum divides into 10.000 cells, but in order for cells to become a fetus, they must divide and differentiate, which means that a fertilized egg is able to become the trillions of cells that make up your body, just by dividing. Those trillions of cells are not all the same though. Millions of cells become the heart, other millions become the lungs, other millions become the brain, other millions form the blood vessels and other millions become bones, so Whose hand has created this differentiation?
  We say to those who deny Allah's Existence: If there were no God, then this fertilized egg had to divide and form one big tissue, whether it were a bone tissue, a muscle tissue, a skin tissue, blood vessels tissue, a brain tissue or nerves tissue, but on the contrary to that, these cells divide and differentiate (millions become the brain, other millions become the lungs, other millions become the digestive system, and other millions become the muscles). This differentiation is the irrefutable clue of Allah's Existence. By Allah dear brother, if you study embryology each one of you will weep out of submission to the Almighty Allah. 

2- The human eye:

  The retina contains 130 million bacillus and cones. Also, the size of the retina is one millimeter and a quarter, and every square millimeter in the retina contains 100 million photoreceptors, while the most advanced camera contains only 10.000. As I said, the retina has 100 million photoreceptors; in each one-millimeter and 0.3 there are 130 million bacillus and cones, so that it can differentiate between 8 million colors. 

 If man travels up north to the pole where the temperatures drops to 69 degrees below zero, everything will freeze, and according to physical laws even the fluid in the eye should freeze as well and man should lose his sight. However, Allah has provided man's eyes with an anti-freezing substance.

 The cornea of the eye, which is an extremely transparent layer, has special properties. The cells of the cornea are nourished by a pump-leak system through which the first cell gets its nourishment and that of its environment.

﴾ Have We not made for him a pair of eyes?﴿

[Al-Balad, 8]

 The eye alone is a Divine wonder, so are the ear, the hair, and the heart which has an opening between the two atria, and once the baby is born, a clot closes this opening forever. Who has created this clot to close this opening? Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, has.


  Dear brother, when Allah says:

﴾ And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?﴿

[Adh-Dhariyat, 21]

 I ask each one of you to ponder on his body's wonders. For instance, ponder on the hair, and think that if the hair had nerves, each one of you would need an operation to have a haircut. Ponder on your eye, nose and teeth and be aware that the enamel of the teeth is the second in order among the hardest materials on earth, and it comes after diamond, Whose Creation is this? Whose Wisdom is this? Whose Omnipotence is this?

 Dear brother, the more you reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, the more you glorify the Almighty Allah, and this glorification will lead you to a full devotion to Him, and keep in mind:

((The most prudent person among you is the one who loves Allah the most.))

﴾ Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding*Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth.﴿


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