Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (395)- Prayer and invocation sooth pains and help recovery
- Scientific Topics
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- Scientific Topics from Friday Sermons
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful
The content of the study:
Dear noble brothers, I would like to accomplish the mission of clarifying the point I started two weeks ago about a piece of information that I received from the internet. It was about a study which was carried out by one of the well-known universities. The study confirms that Salat and spiritual treatment can not only sooth pain that patients feel but also hasten recovery.
One of our noble brothers asked me to clarify the good psychological condition one will be in, so that he will recover faster and his pains will be decreased. In fact, such a psychological condition is the results of two reasons: it happens due to illusion or due to faith. For instance, a person may be given a fake check for a hundred million Liras, and because he does not know that it is a fake check, he is psychologically enhanced, feeling that he is a really wealthy person. Although fake and unreal, such a state provides a great spiritual enhancement. Anyway, it has been proved in the above-mentioned study that a person's high psychological condition has to do with softening pains and quick recoveries.
As for the other reason of being in such a good psychological condition, it is having faith in Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, submission to His Will, and being connected to Him. Well, being in such a good condition due to faith is what I meant, while being in this condition through illusion is based on false basis even if it has the same result to the patient. In this context, it was said, "Your knowledge can judge your condition", so as long as your knowledge is based on true basis (faith in Allah), your condition will be good.
Dear noble brothers, what I meant by mentioning this study is drawing your attention to the fact that the high spiritual condition of patient can be due to believing in Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, acting upon His Order, and connecting to Him, and it might be due to the aforementioned reason (illusion) which we are not concerned with.
O Allah, we beseech You to show us the way of righteousness together with those to whom You showed it; and to give us good health together with those whom You have healed; and to be our Protector, as You are of those whom You protect; and to bless what You have bestowed on us; and to save us from the affliction that You have decreed –for You rule with justice and You are never judged; and he whom You protect shall never be humiliated, and he whom You make Your enemy shall never be elevated, blessed and dignified are You. We thank You for what You have decreed, we ask You for Forgiveness for our sins, and we repent to You.
O Allah, increase us [in Your Blessings] and do not decrease us, honor us and do not humiliate us, give us [from Your Gifts] and do not deprive us, be in favor of us and not against us, and make us satisfied and be satisfied with us. Please make us do well in the Deen, which is our dignity, make us do well in our worldly life, in which we dwell and grant us safety on the Day of Judgment, for it is our Final Destination. O Allah, please supply our life with all good things and make our death a rest from every evil.
O our Master, the Lord of all Worlds, please make us desire what You have made lawful and reject what You have made unlawful, make us by Your benevolence independent of all others and make our obedience to You turn us away from our disobedience. O Allah, let us not be oblivious to Your planning; do not deprive us of Your shield and do not make us forget Your remembrance, O Lord of the Worlds.
O Allah, send us rain and do not make us helpless, do not afflict us with drought, or punish us for the bad deeds of the wrongdoers; O Lord of the World. O Allah send rain to your thirsty servants, O Lord of the Worlds. O Allah, let the rain be mercy on us, not punishment, O Most Generous.