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Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (137)- Disposal of winds
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

How Allah disposes winds for human’s life:

 Of the Verses that bespeak Allah’s Infinite Divine Power and Might are His Divine Words,

“And the disposal of the winds”

[II; 164]

 Yes, indeed! The winds are one of essential elements for our survival! They are, as it were, the soul of all living things. But how does Allah, All-Mighty, dispose them?!

 Some scientists say: Water is a lesser and slower respondent to heat than solid objects are. In other words, solids absorb more heat than water does. If we put in the sun, for an hour, a solid and an amount of water of equal size, we find that the temperature of water rises six degrees while that of the solid rises ten degrees. This is because water is slower than solids in gaining or losing heat.
 That is why coastal areas are more affected by the sun’s heat than the seas are. Therefore, the air over the land becomes hotter, and it expands and rises upward, giving place to the heavier and cooler air over the sea. That is why at the sea-side we always find a cool breeze that comes in the afternoon from the sea to the land. In this context, Allah, All-Mighty, says,

“And the disposal of the winds”.

 In his book of Quranic interpretation (2/65) Imam Al-Tabari says:

“In interpretation of Allah’s Words“

 And the disposal of the winds” we say: ‘Allah is the One Who disposes the winds, for He sends them sometimes fertilizing and sometimes non-fertilizing, sometimes for torment, as they destroy everything by their Lord’s Command….’” Also, Qatadah is quoted as saying: “

“And the disposal of the winds”

means that our Lord, Allah, All-Mighty, is Able to do that, i.e. if He desires, He sends the winds as torment or non-fertilizing to those whom He desires to torment. Some linguists wrongly interpreted Allah’s Words:

“And the disposal of the winds”

as: ‘The winds come sometimes southwards, sometimes northwards, sometimes eastwards and sometimes westwards,’. Such wrong interpretation on the linguists part refers to directions of the movements of the winds but not to Allah’s disposition of them.”

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