- Scientific Topics
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- Scientific Topics from Friday Sermons
A scientific truth about source of rain:
Undoubtedly, the heavy rains and snows that Allah, Most Gracious, bestows upon us are one of His Great Divine Favors. But where do such rains and snows come from? This is a very delicate issue, since Allah, All Mighty, bids us strongly to reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth. He,
“Say, ‘Behold all that is in the heaven and the earth!’”
In fact, the first and foremost source of rain is the sea; and as you know, the sea constitutes 71% of the total surface of the earth, while land constitutes only 29% thereof. Here is a very delicate question: Where do all of these incredibly immense quantities of water come from?Some of the lowest points in Pacific Ocean are more than 12,000 meters (i.e. 12 km’s) deep. If all of the continents of the world: Asia, Africa, Europe, America, Antarctica, Australia, ...etc, with all their countries, mountains, valleys, plains and deserts, constitute only 29% of the total surface of the earth, while the remaining 71% is all seas and oceans, with different depths some of which are even more than 12 km’s, where does all this incredibly immense quantity of water come from? And where does the salt in the seawater come from?
In fact, the human mind has not been so far able to find an adequate answer to this question.
Another question is: Who has filled the seas and oceans with all of these innumerable kinds of fish and other sea creatures? Who has made the sea, in the general sense of the word, as an incredibly immense and never-ending store of food for mankind? By the way, there are more than a million species of fish of innumerable kinds and numbers. Undoubtedly, it is Allah, All Mighty, Who has made the sea as an incredibly enormous source of food for mankind.
Also, Allah, All Mighty, has made the seas and oceans as a means of communication and transportation between all of the continents of the earth.
In fact, much study and research has been so far carried out with regards to the seas and oceans and the role they play in human, animal and plant life on the earth. But in this article, I would like to stop at an essential law of the sea, namely Archimedean Law of upward push of water. According to this law, an object that is immersed into water is opposed by an upward-force that pushes it vertically upwards, which is equal to the weight of the displaced water, which is, in turn, equal to the volume of this object.
For example, if you immerse a heavy object into water, you find that it loses nearly half of its weight once it is immersed into water. This is because an upward force opposes the object and pushes it vertically upwards. This force, according to Archimedean Law of upward push of water, is equal to the weight of the displaced water, which is, in turn, equal to the volume of this object. Without such Archimedean Law, it would be impossible to build ships on the sea; and without such Law, there would not be one single fish in the sea. This is because fish swim in the sea because the weight of their bodies is less than that of the water that their bodies displace. Without such Law, no ship could ever float or move on the surface of the sea. That is why, the Lord, Allah, All Mighty, says,
“It is Allah Who has subjected to you the sea that ships may sail through it by His Command.”
A characteristic of sea and its role:
A few years ago, we heard of tankers whose maximum loads were, 500,000, 700,000 and even 800,000 tons of oil. The most recent number I am familiar with is that the maximum load of some
First Ayah:
“It is Allah Who has subjected to you the sea that ships may sail through it by His Command.”

“And so that you may seek of His Bounty and be thankful.”
Second Ayah:
“See you not that the ships sail through the sea by Allah’s Grace?”
Third Ayah:
“And among His (Allah’s) Signs are the ships in the sea like mountains.”
Fourth Ayah:
“And His are the ships going and coming in the seas like mountains.”
Fifth Ayah:
“and the ships which sail through the sea with that which is of use to mankind,”
Sixth Ayah:
“And the two seas (kinds of water) are not alike: this is fresh, sweet and pleasant to drink, and that is salt and bitter. And from both you eat fresh tender fish and derive the ornaments that you wear.”
In other words, the pearls have been created especially for us, i.e. for mankind.“And you see the ships cleaving (the seawater as they sail through it) that you may seek of His Bounty and that you may give thanks.”
The foregoing Quranic Ayahs refer clearly to Allah’s Marvelous Signs that have to do with the seas and oceans. If you hear that something has been imported from distant oayahas countries, you should remember such Ayahs.In short, unless Allah, All Mighty, made the Archimedean Law of the Upward-Pull Force of water, ships would never be able to float on the surface of the sea or carry the goods through the seas and oceans to all parts of the word. This Law is one of Allah’s Miraculous Signs that bespeak His Infinite Divine Greatness, Might, Wisdom, Mercy and Power. Consider Allah’s Words:
“Then, which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and mankind) deny?”