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Scientific topics from sermons- Lesson (40): Arabia Used to be and shall return Meadows And Rivers
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

What was the discussion between a Muslim scientist and a geologist?

Dear believing brothers, one of the most famous geologists specializing in the area between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula met a Muslim scientist. The Muslim scientist asked him, "Do you have a proof that the Arabian Peninsula was full of gardens and rivers? He answered, "This fact is well known to us as specialized scientists." Then the Muslim scientist asked, "What is the proof?" The geologist replied, "In the Arabian Peninsula there are potamongenic deposits in several places. Furthermore, a buried village was discovered under the sand desert of ar-Rub'e al-Khali Basin (the Empty Quarter Basin). Also, this spot contains petrified areas, and when they were examined closely, fossils of giant trunks were found there. These are proofs that this country was full of gardens and rivers." Accordingly, although ar-Rub'e al-Khali Basin is a barren sand desert, it was full of meadows and rivers, and such a fact is out of question for geologists who found fossils that confirm their theory. 

The Muslim scientist asked the geologist another question, "Do you have a proof that the Arabian Peninsula will revert meadows and rivers?" The geologist responded, "Well, this is kwon to us too." The former asked, "What is the proof you have?" The geologist said, "The huge ice blocks are heading towards the south, which caused a very cold winter in Europe and America years ago. Therefore, the direction of these blocks towards the south will change the earth's climate, and by such a change the rainfall will change with them, and so there must come a day when the Arabian Peninsula reverts meadows and rivers.

The geologist's attitude after knewing the Hadith regading  this fact?

The Msulim scientist said to the geologist, "What do you think of a man who said 1400 years ago, 'The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia reverts to meadows and rivers.' [Sahih Muslim]?"

How precise the usage of the verb is in this Hadith! The verb "revert" means return, which implies that the Arabic Peninsula used to be full of meadows and rivers, and it will be like that once again. The foreign geologist was shocked about knowing the Hadith, saying that those facts were discovered during the last ten years, so how come that this man (the Prophet PBUH) knew them although they needed an extensive and long research, deep studies, arduous journeys in the depths of the desert, excavation, and a study of the nature of the climate on the earth. Allah the Almighty says: 

(Nor does he speak of (his own) desire* It is only an Inspiration that is inspired.)

[An-Najm, 3-4]

The rhetoric of the Prophet PBUH is clear in the verb "revert"; he did not say: …until it becomes, lest he would have meant to talk about the future without referring to the past. Also, he did not use any reference to the past, lest there would not have been any indication to the future. Thus, using this particular verb gives an indication to both the past and the future.


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