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Islamic Ideology - Names of Allâh 2008 : ALQdeer 2
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

From Allah’s names and attributes: AL-Qadeer: The Omnipotent, The Powerfull:

1- The human being is weak:

Allah is Mighty, whereas the human being is weak. The natural situation for the human being is to express and show his need to Allah. And the situation for Allah is to strengthen the human being who expresses his need to Allah. This behavior from a human being ( expressing his need to Allah ) is a typical significant of him. Allah's created the human being with this attribute ( i.e. of weakness) for the good of human being. Since if a human being was created without this weakness ( the urge need to Allah), he wouldn't be need to Allah; rather, he will be sufficed by his own strength. This would lead him to his misery ( being away from Allah). Thus, he was created in this specific way to show his urge need to Allah, then Allah will strengthen and support him, and he becomes delighted.

" Verily, man (disbeliever) was created very impatient; Irritable(discontented)when evil touches him; and niggardly when good touches him. Except those who are devoted to Salat(prayers)"



" Verily, man (disbeliever) was created very impatient"

The person who is very impatient is the one who is very worried. So, the nature of human being is to be very worried, very irritable and very niggardly, and he is naturally weak. While if he seeks Allah's support and expresses his great need to Allah, Allah will bestow him strength and support. If he seeks Allah's support and expresses his great need to Allah, he becomes a scholar. If he seeks Allah's support and expresses his great need to Allah, he becomes wealthy.
O respectable brother, a slave is a slave, and the God is the God. There hasn't been any person who expressed his need to Allah the All-Mighty and sought Allah's support like our holy prophet-PBUH; still, Allah has exalted him and lifted his position. Allah 's said:

" Have We not opened your breast for you( O Mohammed –PBUH). And removed from you your burden. Which weighed down your back? And have We not raised high your fame?"


Two great lessons from the Battle of Badr and Hunain:

So, whenever you show your need to Allah, He will support you. whereas whenever you suffice with your own powers and yourself, Allah will abandon you. A great lesson is extracted from the Battle of Badr:
Allah the All-Mighty has said:

" And Allah has already made you victorious at Badr, when you were a weak little force."


At the battle of Badr, the holy companions showed a great need to Allah, so He bestowed victory upon them.But in the Battle of Hunain:

" They were proud of their great force, so they said: O we're not going to be defeated due to being a little force."

[ Narrated Abu Dawood, Termethy & Hakem, reported Ibn Abbas]

So, at the Battle of Hunain the Muslims said: O we're indeed a great force. Allah has said:

" And on the Day of Hunain( battle) when you rejoiced at your great number, but it availed you naught and the earth, vast as it is, was straitened for you, then you turned back in fight."


These two great lessons shall be our example in life. If you supplicate to Allah and show your need to him, He will support, strengthen, protect, and enhance you, but if you neglect Allah and rely on your power, strength,social position, or experience Allah will abandon you. When you feel proud by anything except Allah, He will abandon you.
Thus, in some holy narration, the Allah has been said:

" If any creature resorts to Me alone ( with out asking any of my creatures), and all the inhabitants in earth and heavens plot against him, I will indeed utilize an exit for him. (On the contrary ) While if any creature resorts to any other creature ( and doesn't resort to Me), even if this was his hidden intention ( I do know his intention), I will deprive away My support and cause him an unbalance state and close all chances and opportunities at his face."

[ narrated Ibn Asaker, reported Ka'b bin Malek]

Thus, Allah is Mighty, knower, and Rich; moreover, a believer resorts to Allah.
An Arabic poetry embodies this concepts:
I've no means but my real need to you ; by which I push away the need to any other thing.
And I've no stratagem but keep knocking at your door( i.e. continual supplication to You); other wise, if I'm sent away from your door I won't find any other door to knock ( no one else except You can reply to my needs ).

The real need to Allah exalts the slave:

When you show your need to Allah, He supports you, makes you victorious, exalt, and enhance you, but if you only depend on your power and think that you can suffice upon your powers then He will abandon you.
We could, by no means, be compared to the holy companions of the holy prophet Mohammed-PBUH- when they were very proud of their force at Battle Hunain. Indeed, they were the elite according to what the holy prophet-PBUH has said about them:

"Verily, Allah has selected me, and has also selected my companions."

[narrated Jame'a Sageer, a weak documentation to Anas ]

Although they were the elite among the holy prophet, but when they felt proud of their power and said:

" O we're not going to be defeated due to being a little force."

Allah has abandoned them. What about us? Thus, respectable brother, Allah has said in the holy Qura'n:

"And (all)the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them."

[ Al-A'raf:180]


Allah Is the All-Mighty), the Powerful, and the Rich.what we want to emphasize on her is that a person should show and express his need to Allah being the Rich, a slave,also,should express his weakness before Allah the Powerful. Thus, unless we behave in this way, and unless we show clearly our full submission and subservience to Allah, we will never get any of Allah's perfections( to be bestowed by sublime attributes). O brother, we must recognize that our weakness before Allah is the positive incentive to us to be headed and approach to Allah. The most important point her is that the more you show and express your humiliation, submission, and subservience before Allah, the more powerful, scholar and rich you become. Another consequent here, is that Allah will exalt your rank and position among people; if ever Allah likes a slave, He puts his love in the hearts of people.
The holy prophet –PBUH has said:

" LA Ilaha Illa Allah ( none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) alone, He has no partner, the dominion is His, and to Him belong all the praises and thanks, and He is Able to do all things."

2-Allah's power is related to every possible thing:

The power of Allah is absolute, it's been related to every possible thing. Thus, if a human being was diagnosed to have a fatal disease, still, he has his belief that Allah is able to do all things. If he was alone facing many enemies, he believes that Allah is able to do all things. Allah's said:

" the companions of Musa ( Moses) said: " We are sure to be overtaken. Musa( Moses) said: "Nay, verily with me is my Lord. He will guide me."

[ Ash-Shuara':61-62]

A man who entered the whale's tummy, at night, and in depth of the sea. When our holy prophet Yunus –PBUH said loudly:

" But he cried through the darkness (saying): La Ilaha illa anta [ none ha the right to be worshipped but You ( O Allah) ] , Glorified and (Exalted ) be you [ above all that evil they associate with You]! Truly, I have been of the wrong doers. So We answered his call, and delivered him from the distress. And thus We do deliver the believers ( who believe in the Oneness of Allah, abstain from evil and work righteousness)"

[ Al-Anbiya': 87-88]

Is there a greater disaster than suddenly finding oneself in the tummy of a whale? When Allah commented on this event He said:

"And thus We do deliver the believers"

Allah's turned this specific event into a divine rule in order not to think that this story happened once and it might not be repeated. thus, for the holy book of Allah in order not to be a history, verses include rules and regulations

" And thus We do deliver the believers"

O brother having a desperate feeling towards the Mercy of Allah, despair, and be negatively fatalism-believer and keep repeating that Muslims' matter does no longer exist. This word expresses a weak belief. Allah the All-Mighty has said:

" So do not become weak ( against your enemy ), nor be sad, and you will be superior ( in victory ) if you are indeed ( true ) believers."


3-Knowledge is an essential requisite of Allah's power:

Most of the holy verses of the holy Qura'n in which the beautiful attribute of ( the Able ) was mentioned, combine the attribute ( the All- Knower) because knowledge is an essential requisite to the ability and power.
To illustrate this, take, for example, an operating surgeon holding the medical knife, but the most accurate thing is his knowledge that there's a nerve here, an artery a veil. so, his accurate knowledge of the human anatomy gives him the ability to carry out a successful operation.
Thus, knowledge is among ability's requisites. Allah, the All- Mighty mentions in many verses of the holy qura'n that He is Knower and Able, and His knowledge is requisite to His ability. Ability may be random, but if it is accompanied with knowledge, it becomes an aware ability. This attribute is applied upon a human being. How about considering this attribute regarding Allah?
It's narrated in Saheh Bukhari that:

" (LA Ilaha Illa Allah ( none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) alone, He has no partner, the dominion is His, and to Him belong all the praises and thanks, and He is Able to do all things."


O respectable brother, With faith. no psychology illness occurs, neither does frustration, nor a feeling of failure, nor despair or shrinking. These all are the manifestations of turning away from Allah. However, a believer who strongly believes that his matter is within the Hands of Allah, and that Allah doesn't bring but good, and that Allah is the only One Who is able to exalt your rank, or lower your rank; He is the Only One Who is Able to humiliate you, or to strengthen you. Moreover, He is the only one Who could grant you, or deprive you. This faith within the believers heart protects him from despair, surrender, giving in. His spirit is lifted due to his strong faith that every thing is under Allah's absolute control. Before commanding you to worship Him, Allah's assured you by saying:

"and to Him return all affairs ( for decision ). So worship Him ( O Muhammed –PBUH) and put your trust in Him."

[ Hud: 123]

Monotheism fills heart with security and assurance:

O respectable brother, our problems shall not be solved by our belief that Allah is the Creator of Heavens and earth; rather, our problems are solved by the belief that all affairs return to Him ( for decision ).

" It is He (Allah)Who is the only Ilah ( God to be worshipped) in the heavens and the only Ilah ( God to be worshipped) on the earth. And he is the All-Wise, the All-Knower."


" They have no Wali ( Helper, Disposer of affairs, protector) other than Him, and He makes none to share in his decision and His Rule."


"and to Him return all affairs ( for decision )"

The verses considering Monotheism fill the soul with tranquility. So, a person realizes that Allah is Able, while he is weak. A person realizes that Allah is stronger than your enemies, and He is stronger than any other power on the universe. He is the creator of heavens and earth.

" His is the Creation and the Commandment."


A person manufactures a plane ( military airplane), and he sells it. the military airplane is very terrifying,it may be sold to the enemy. Thus, the enemy may use it to bomb an alliance to the selling country. But, the previous verse is very accurate:

" His is the Creation and the Commandment."

This means whatever Allah's created, its Commandment is His. The other verse regarding this fact is

" Allah is the creator of all things, and He is the Wakil(Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian) over all things."


Every terrifying thing is under Allah's control. To illustrate this face, if you see wild animals that are tightly fastened by a secure, powerful, merciful and just party, would your relation be with the wild animals or with the owner of these animals ? of course with the owner of these animals. the same is said about this holy verse:

" With Him( Allah). So plot against me, all of you, and give me no respite. I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving (Living) creature but He has the grasp of its forelock. Verily, my Lord is on the Straight Path ( the truth)."


O respectable brother, when a human being is a monotheist, his heart is filled with security, tranquility, optimism, and pleasure. This happens due to his knowledge that Allah is the Only Commander. Hence, it's mostly unaccepted and incredible that Allah gives you in to any of His creatures, then orders you to worship Him. So, He assured you by saying:

"and to Him return all affairs ( for decision ). So worship Him ( O Muhammed –PBUH) and put your trust in Him."

[ Hud: 123]


Thus, It's narrated in Saheh Bukhari that:

" LA Ilaha Illa Allah ( none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) alone, He has no partner, the dominion is His, and to Him belong all the praises and thanks, and He is Able to do all things"

O Allah, there's no depriver for what you've given. What would prevent Him from giving you if He was welling to give you. Thus, the basis of Monotheism is to believe that OAllah, there's no giver for what you've deprived. And that there's no depriver for what You've given.

"Whatever of mercy (i.e. of good), Allah may grant to mankind, none can withhold it; and whatever He may withhold, none can grant it thereafter."


" O Allah, there's no giver for what you've deprived. And that there's no depriver for what You've given. And that seriousness is not of any use to a serious person if You don't want it to be effective and beneficial to him."

[ Narrated Bukhari & Muslim, reportedMugerah Bin Shu'abah ]

Considering Allah's Commands, a slave's intelligence is useless:

An intelligent, a wise or a cunning one person is powerless before Allah's conduction and direction of affairs.

" Verily when Allah wants to impel any thing,He draws away (temporary) each individual's intelligence."

[Narrated Khatib in Tareekh, reported Ibn Abbas]

Intelligence is useless versus Allah's power. Rather, a slave's righteousness, benevolence, urge and continual need to Allah is useful.

" Verily when Allah wants to impel any thing,He draws away (temporary) each individual's intelligence."


If intelligent people relay on their intelligent, they do endless absurdities.

" Those who disbelieve( in the Oneness of Allah, and in the Message of the Prophet Mohammed-PBUH ) and hinder ( men) from the Path of Allah ( Islamic Monotheism ), He will render their deeds."


Success is in the Hands of Allah. The price of success is righteousness. But for him he who is very proud of himself, intelligent and of great experience; Allah shall draw away his intelligent, and he will be painfully punished. No sooner than a person has a kind of polytheism ( being proud of his intelligence, and suffices of his powers only ) he is attacked from the most secure point ; according to his expectations. To make this point clearer, some times an intelligent doctor who is very successful in his field may has a false illusion that he will never suffer any disease related to his specification, due to Allah's supreme Wisdom, an abdominal specialist doctor is diagnosed by ulcer. This occurred because he was very proud of his intelligence and knowledge, and he thought that his knowledge would protect him from being affected of such an illness. Monotheism is the most dangerous thing in the Islamic religion. There's no better knowledge than monotheism.

" O Allah, there's no giver for what you've deprived. And that there's no depriver for what You've given. And that seriousness and intelligence is not of any use to a serious and intelligent person if You don't want it to be effective and beneficial to him."

For the person who's been bestowed intelligence:

"And that seriousness and intelligence is not of any use to a serious and intelligent person if You don't want it to be effective and beneficial to him."

Your intelligence could not protect you before Allah, neither could your great experience, or your belonging to an Islamic Party. Also, no perfect plan you've made, shall protect you from Allah.
Thus, I always say: any nation that planned to build its glory on the wrecks of other nations, to build its luxury on the poverty of other nations, and to build its power on the weakening of other nations, and to build its honor on the humiliation of sh3er is an oppressive nation. Its long term existence contradicts with the existence of Allah.

"And that seriousness and intelligence is not of any use to a serious and intelligent person if You don't want it to be effective and beneficial to him."

Thus, Allah the All-Mighty has said in the authentic holy s7adeth:

" Pride is My costume, and grandness is My wraparound. Thus, whoever tries to share theses two attributes of Mine, I will torment him, indifferently. "

[ narrated Ahmed, Abu Dawood, & Ibn Majah, reported Abu Hurairah. Narrated Ibn Majah, reported Ibn Abbas.]


Hence, in other holy authentic narration, Allah's said:

"whoever knows that I'm Able to forgive sins, I do forgive him, no matter how great is his sin, unless he becomes a polytheist."

[ Narrated Tabarani in Kabeer, & Hakem in Mustadrek, reported Ibn Abbas]


O respectable brother, the basic her is knowledge, you should know that all Attributes of Allah are the Best, and Virtuous. Some people when supplicating to Allah they say: O Allah, I don't ask you to change this fate, but only to be kind in delivering it to me. Why ? why don't we ask Him to change what we think is harmful, to supplicate to Allah to substitute this whole thing by a better thing. One shall ask Allah every thing he wishes.

4- A worshipper supplicates to Allah because He is very capable of answering:

When you make Dua'a to Allah ( i.e. supplicate to Him), you're then a worshipper of Allah. But how could this be true? It's just when you supplicate to Him, this means you believe in His existence; since, you can't supplicate to a party that you don't believe in. the other point raised regarding your supplication to Allah is that you do so because you believe that He listens to you. Since, you can't supplicate to a party that you think that it doesn't listen to you. More over, just in supplicating to Him, this indicates that you believe in His Ability and capability. To illustrate this fact, if you were in need to a great amount of money, of course you won't ask a little child who owns no money to lend you this money! To conclude in a person supplication to Allah a clear evidence that he believes in Allah's Mercy, Existence, Hearing and Ability or Capability.
Thus, the holy prophet –PBUH said:

" Dua'a ( i.e. supplication ) is the worshipping it self"

And in other narration:

" Dua'a ( i.e. supplication ) is the core of worshipping."

[narrated Tarmethi, reported Anas]

This is simply resulted from the holy verse:

" Say (O Muhammad –PBUH- to the disbelievers): " My Lord pays attention to you only because of your invocation to Him. But now you have indeed denied ( Him)"


The sign of your true belief is to supplicate to Allah, supplication is the believer's weapon. when clenching to supplication, you're the strongest person ever. Thus, to be the strongest one, do seek support and protection from Allah. if you hope to be the richest one, do have a stronger bond to what is possessed by Allah,rather than what you possess. And if you hope to be the most honored one, do have piety. That's why:

" And the Command of Allah is a decree determined."


Decree is among action and execution, and the determination is among knowledge. And Allah the All-Mighty is All Knower, All-Able. thus, fatalism is divided ino believeing in decree and the determination of an action according to Allah's knowledge. In other words, Allah has the Knowledge, and decree to each human being whatever suits him. For example, He knows that a person is honest, so He support and protect him; whereas, when any person is a liar, Allah knows this and He decrees to this human the suitable cure. This thing is clearly projected upon a physician who, by reading a patient medical record, knows that he, for instance, is diagnosed by high blood pressure; thus, he ordered him to refrain salt food, and prescribe the suitable cure for a high pressure. To sum up, don't complicate things, do believe in both Allah's knowledge and His wisdom and Prudence. Allah's knowledge makes him decree the suitable thing for you. There's no better knowledge than monotheism. More over, believing in fatalism, remove worry and sadness.

" For every thing there's a truth( i.e. core). A slave shall not reach the truth of belief ( the core of belief) unless he strongly believes that whatever happened to him, could, by no means, mistaken him. And whatever mistaken hi, could by no means, happen to him."

[ Narrated Ahmed, & Tabarani, reported Abi Darda']

This is the core of Monotheism and this is the core of the true belief.

A conclusion:

So, respectable brother, I repeat that the typical case of any slave to show his urge need, his ignorance, and his weakness before Allah. A weak person when heading to Allah and supplicating to Him, shall be strengthen by Allah. the same is said about the poor slave who supplicates and shows his need to Allah, Allah will make him rich. Also, he will teach the ignorant who shows his ignorance and need before Allah.

"And taught you that which you knew not. And ever great is the Grace of Allah unto you ( O Muhammad-PBUH)"


Thus, an important hint here, yogurt accepts 5 doubles its size water, still it's valid and you can drink it. But, it can't accept a drop of oil, you can't then drink it. the same is said about worshipping Allah, if you are a Monotheist, and you commits some sins, as long as you repent to Allah, and confess your sin before Allah; there's will be no harm, and Allah will forgive you. As, He didn't order us to ask Him forgiveness and repent to Him, but to forgive us and allow us His repentance. He, also, didn't order us to supplicate to him, but to answer us. The contrary thing, is that if a person has any kind of polytheism, Allah will never forgive him because polytheism contradicts true worshipping.

"Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him( in worship)"


To emphasize on the basic of our lesson, the typical and nature of a slave is to show his weakness, poverty, and need before Allah. And the typical nature of Allah is to be Giver, Generous, and Kind. Thus, the Able is among the closest Attributes of Allah to human being because he is weak, and human weakness in the real incentive of his being religious. Even, for those who went astray and worshipped other Gods beside Allah, they live in such illusions due to their weakness. but a real believer lives with his One God ( Allah, the Able).


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