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Islamic Ideology - Names of Allâh 2008 : Ash_Shâker 2 (the All_Appreciative)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

A Beautiful Name of Allâh: Ash_Shâker (The All Appreciative):

Accurate Meanings concluded from Ayât (verses) and Hadîths (Prophetic Traditions) related to the name Ash_Shâker:

Honorable brother, we are still discussing the name (Ash_Shâker), and there are accurate meanings connected to that name which are concluded from some noble verses and Sahîh (right) Hadiths.

1- The Remembering of Allâh of His slaves if they remember Him:

In Allâh the Almighty’s saying:

“Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying), I will remember you,..”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow), aya 152]

Because Allâh the Almighty is the All-Appreciative, if you remember Him, He will remember you, but Allâh’s remembering of you is different from your remembering of Him. His remembering of you is much greater than your remembering of Him, having remembered Him, you will have performed the duty of worship.

2- Man’s Remembering of Allâh is a Reason for Security and Tranquility:

But if He remembers you, He will reward you with the bliss of security, Allâh the Almighty said:

“..So which of the two parties has more right to be in security? If you but know (81)It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh and worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm (wrong i.e. by worshipping sh3er besides Allâh), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided”

[Sûrat Al¬_An'âm (The Cattle), aya 81, 82]

Only believers enjoy the bliss of true security, but nonbelievers, …

“We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they joined sh3er in worship with Allâh”

[Sûrat Al_Imran (Imran Family), aya, 151]

The disbelievrs’ hearts are filled with fear and discomfort, whereas the believers’ ones are filled with security and tranquility. The security in the believer’s heart is enough to satisfy a whole country if it was spread upon them, it is a bliss exclusive to believers; if you remember Him, He will remember you, but your remembering of Him is performing the duty of worship, whereas His remembering of you is much greater than your remembering of Him.

3- Man’s Remembering of his Lord is a Reason for Satisfaction:

If He remembers you, He will reward you with the bliss of satisfaction and content.
Man may own billions, nevertheless he is indignant. Whereas the believer is content with Allâh the Almighty.

“ Allâh is pleased with them, and they with Him.”

[Sûrat Al_Mujâdalah (The Woman Who Disputes), aya 22]

He granted you the bliss of wisdom (Hikmah):

“and he, to whom Hikmah is granted, is indeed granted abundant good.”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow) aya 269]

He granted you the bliss of tranquility. Those favors are the result of Allâh’s remembering of you.

4- Allâh’s Remembering is Greater Than Everything:

Therefore, Allâh the Almighty said:

“..and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât). Verily, As_Salât (the prayer) prevents from Al_Fahsha’ (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse) and Al_Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed) and the remembering (praising) of (you by) Allâh (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising) of Allâh in prayers.”

[Sûrat Al_ ‘Ankabût (The Spider) aya 45]

Allâh’s remembering of you in prayer is greater than your remembering of Him, because one of Allâh the Almighty’s beautiful names is Ash_Shâker, if you remember Him, He will remember you.

5- Allâh the Almighty Raised the Prophet’s Fame, which every Believer has a Share of:

Even though, Allâh the Almighty said:

“And have We not raised high your fame?”

[Surat Ash_Sharh (The Opening Forth), aya 4]

There is no single man on earth whose fame was raised as high as Allâh the Almighty raised the fame of His messenger. Each believer has a share from that verse. As much as his integrity, honesty and faithfulness, Allâh the Almighty raises his fame, degree and cast his love in the hearts of creatures.

“And have We not raised high your fame?”

[Surat Ash_Sharh (The Opening Forth), aya 4]

6- The believers’ approach by remembering His Lord is a reason for Allâh’s approach of him:

As soon as you approach Allâh the Almighty with one step, you will find that He approaches you, because He is the All_Appreciative, He gets closer to you, with some more details in the Sahîh Hadîths.

“..If he remembers me in his self, I will remember him in My Self, and if he remembers Me in a crowd, I will remember him in a better crowd”

[agreed on]

You might give a speech in a certain community, in a group of honorable brother, during contracting a marriage, at an evening, at a meeting, you talk about Allâh the Almighty and forget yourself, your heroism and accomplishments, you just talk about your Lord.

“.. if he remembers Me in a crowd, I will remember him in a better crowd”

[agreed on]

There is a higher level; you are remembered with goodness, you have good reputation, that is from Allâh the Almighty’s favors to you, and from accomplishing the name Ash_Shâker.

“..and if he gets nearer with a p of the hand, I will get closer with a cubit.”

[agreed on]

As soon as you move towards Allâh with reconciliation, with repentance, representation, with charity, with reciting the noble Qur’an, with a good deed to a creature, just getting closer to Allâh the Almighty with a p of the hand, He will get closer with an ell. He waits for an initiation from you, a move, approach, and that is very clear. Just getting closer to ‘Allâh with a good deed, with voluntary fasting, voluntary prayer, preventing your eyes from looking at haram, keeping your tongue, serving someone, feeding a hungry, or with guiding an astray one, with all those, Allâh will get closer to you.

“..and if he gets nearer with a p of the hand, I will get closer with a cubit, and if he gets closer with a cubit, I will get closer with an ell, and if he walks to me, I will come to him jogging”

[agreed on]

“Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying), I will remember you,..”

[Sûrat Al_Baqarah (The Cow), aya 152]

“..If he remembers me in his self, I remember him in My Self, and if he remembers Me in a crowd, I will remember him in a better crowd, “..and if he gets nearer with a p of the hand, I will get closer with a cubit, and if he gets closer with a cubit, I will get closer with an ell, and if he walks to me, I will jog towards him.”

[agreed on]

That was included in the name Ash_Shâker

7. A way Allâh the Almighty appreciates man is by inspiring his children to be pious to him:

One of the meanings of this name is that the prophet PBUH says: Have piety towards your parents, your children will do the same to you. Allâh the Almighty appreciates your piety to your father by inspiring your children in the future to be the same with you, and that is a reward in this life before the afterlife.

“But for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens (i.e. in Paradise).”

[Sûrat Ar_Rahmân (The Most Gracious), aya 46]

The one who is pious to his father, Allâh rewards him with pious children who obey him, honor him, respect him and be at his service as his shadow.

8. Chastity of the husband is a reason for the wife’s chastity:

Chastise and your wives will be the same, the one who chastise against haram, will be rewarded with a virtuous wife, who chastise against haram the way you do, because Allâh the Almighty is Ash_Shâker. He appreciates your piety to your father by increasing his favors to you; with kind children who serve you and tend to you. He appreciates your chastity by making your wife chastise and virtuous just like you are.

9. Allâh appreciates Maintaining ties with the Kin by increasing the lifep and expanding sustenance:

And from the name Ash_Shâker, if you connect with your kin, Allâh the Almighty will increase your life p and protect you against poverty, because the social security in Islam is based on kin and neighborhood. Many Hadiths recommend taking care of the neighbors and relatives and being kind to them.

The Meaning of connecting with the kin:

What is the meaning of connecting with the kin? Who do your relatives have except you? The sh3er have you and have sh3er to tend to, but your relatives, who else do they have? Connecting with the kin does not mean calling on them for a few minutes in feasts with a card wishing that you would not find them at home in order to save time- that is not connecting with the kin.
The meaning of connecting with the kin is to contact them, visit them, sit with them, check upon them and help them, help them approach the way of Allâh the Almighty. That is the kind of connecting the kin Allâh the Almighty wants, it starts with getting in touch; may be through a telephone call, then a visit, then checking their well being, then financial or spiritual help, then by guiding them follow the way of Allâh the Almighty, that is the kind of connection that increases the life p and expands the sustenance.

The meaning of increasing life p by connecting with the kin:

Scholars have something to say about this meaning of increasing the life p.
In fact the life p does not get more or less, but the value of life in its content gets better. As a man who opens a shop from nine in the morning until nine in the evening_ limited time, the difference between two shops; one shop sells for a thousand and another for a million, so the increase in the life p means the content of life, it may mean that the content is enormous.
Imam Shâfi’i lived less than fifty years, but only Allâh knows the good deeds he left. Imam Noori lived less than fifty years, and there are people who lived ninety years and did nothing. Therefore, the long life p in some scholars opinion is that the value of life is with the good deed, the real age is the age of the good deed. The silliest of man’s lives is the timely age, but the most valuable of man’s lives is in the good deed, for that the prophet PBUH said:
From Anas Bin Malik May Allâh be pleased with him, he said “ I heard the messenger of Allâh PBUH saying:

“ whoever is pleased by Allâh’s expanding his sustenance or postponing his moment of death, let him connect with his kin”

[agreed on]

If you want Allâh to increase your life p and expand your sustenance, maintain your bonds with your kin. Those are the demands that the prophet PBUH urges us to apply, because Allâh the Almighty is Shâker (Appreciative/Thankful)
If we track the people’s well being, we find that the one who checks on his kin, help them, and spend on them with the widest sense, his paternal relatives and his maternal relatives. The meaning of kin is very wide, all your relatives without details; from your father’s and mother’s sides, because Allâh the Almighty made maintaining the bonds with the relatives as one of the social security benefits, therefore, scholars said: “ no man’s elm is accepted when there are needy people among his relatives,” and the word I always say: those are your relatives, who do they have other than you? The sh3er have you and sh3er, but your relatives, who do they have but you?
Sometimes, you may find someone who has a married sister who lives at the end of the city, he has no time to visit her, but what will happen if he visits her? She will be thrilled in front of her husband and her children, she will not sleep the night from her joy. Some people visit their strong, rich or well-known relatives, but as for their poor relatives, they neglect them and only visit them once a year.
Honorable brother, if we maintain the bonds with the kin, we will be in a whole different situation. That is why the prophet PBUH pointed out that if you give your relatives from your money, from your elm, this elm has double rewards; the first one for the charity and the second one the ties with the relatives. Don’t you like to have double rewards? With your elms, check on your relatives first, even though some scholars confirm that Allâh the Almighty does not accept a Muslim’s elm when there are needy people among his relatives. The fact is that your good deed to your relatives make them closer to you.
A brother told me that a relative of his, who was well off, visited him in his house which was under the ground, a humid house with little sun. The visitor said: “ this house is not suitable for your children’s health”. In one visit, he moved them to a third floor apartment facing the qiblah (Makkah), he said “I swear to Allâh I was refreshed.” The aim of the visit is to help, the help of the rich to the poor, from the knowledgeable to the ignorant. The one who is more powerful than you does not need you, of course you have to visit him, and he doesn’t need you, who needs you? The one who is weaker than you, if people are merciful to each other, Allâh will be merciful to them, but if they turn their backs to each other and neglect each other and never care about each other, Allâh will be indignant to us all.

10. Allâh appreciates us when we honor the elderly:

Some prophetic hadîths, from Anas Bin Mâlik he said: “ the messenger of Allâh PBUH said:

“ Any young man who honors an old man for his age, Allâh will honor him at his old age”


And that is from the name Ash_Shâker

11. Allâh appreciates us when we are good to cewatures:

Any good deed presented to any creature no matter what or who it or he is; no matter who for the animates, and no matter what for the in- animates. To a creature; a cat or a puppy. Any good deed to those will be rewarded by Allâh the Almighty in this life and in the afterlife, whether that person is a Muslim or a non Muslim, in this life or in the afterlife. It is impossible to present something good without being rewarded. If you are a believer in Allâh and the afterlife, the reward will be in this life and the afterlife, and if that person is not a believer, who believes in this life only, his reward will be in this life only. Anyone offers good deed, whether he is Muslim or a non Muslim will be rewarded in this life and in the afterlife, the good deed must be rewarded.

12. Allâh appreciates man when he spends some of his time in Allâh’s obedience:

Whoever spends, Allâh the Almighty will increase his money, whoever supports the weak and poor, Allâh will raise his status in the society. Whoever spends some of his time in serving sh3er, Allâh will bless his time. Therefore, Allâh the Almighty ordered us to pay the elms. Whoever pays attention that time has elm, by performing the prayer at its time, you are using part of your precious time in obeying Allâh. The reward for this is that Allâh blesses your time, so you do a lot in the little time.
Sometimes, if man gets too mean with his precious time to worship Allâh during it, or attend a scientific seminar, Allâh the Almighty will disrupt his time, and man may feel that he is not blessed. He has a list of chores, he moves from one place to another, he closes down the shop, travels from one place to another, and accomplishes nothing. Allâh the Almighty wanted to waste that man’s time with a feeling of pain. And He is capable of blessing your time. Therefore time has elm. If you spend some of it in performing worships, seeking knowledge and science, and obeying Allâh, Allâh the Almighty will bless your time and if you spend some of your time in serving sh3er, Allâh the Almighty will bless you with your effort.
A brother told me that once he went to a shop in one of the Northern Governorates, he said to the owner: “ I want you to teach me how to make these sweets,” the man said: “ with pleasure”. He made some in front of him and said to him: write down the details, and he asked him to prepare some in front of him, and that man was from a very distant area in the country, he swore to me that he brings him valuable presents every year, for thirty years now, he says to him: “you did me a great favor.” That man is a believer, and when you do a favor, Allâh the Almighty honors you, therefore:

“ Any young man who honors an old man for his age, Allâh will honor him at his old age”


Because Allâh the Almighty is As-Shâker, and if you do a favor to an ordinary person, he will seek all possible ways to thank you and bless that deed, he would say: “ we are ashamed of you, that’s very generous of you, that’s really very nice of you, and the creator of the universes, how is the case with the owner of the beautiful names and the best attributes? Is it possible that you grant a good deed in this life and He does not reward you in this life or in the afterlife?
Honorable brother, if you do a favor to a dog, pay attention to this hadîth, from Abu Hurairah May Allâh be pleased with him, the messenger of Allâh PBUH said:

“As a man was walking by, he got very thirsty, he went down a well, drank from it and then got out, then he saw a dog out of breath, eating dirt from thirst, he said he was so touched by it, so he filled his slipper, then caught it with his mouth and climbed, he gave the water to the dog and thanked Allâh, so He forgave him. They said: “ Messenger of Allâh, Are we rewarded for doing favors to animals? He said: there is a reward in each wet liver”

[agreed on]

Allâh may have mercy on us with a favor to a weak creature, with a sick cat. Some people take those sick animals to veterinary hospitals to treat them, some people are fond of feeding the animals.
Therefore, when you know Allâh, you will do your best in serving His creatures. The believer is a great man, a man who made peace with Allâh the Almighty and all His creation. A believer builds his life on giving, he lives in order to give.
They said:

“ Messenger of Allâh, Are we rewarded for doing favors to animals? He said: there is a reward in each wet liver”

Any good deed to any creature, some people are fond of feeding birds, they buy cereals and put it on the roof for the birds to eat.

13. Allâh appreciates His creatures when they remove dirt from the way of sh3er.

From Abu Hurairah (May Allâh be pleased with him), the prophet (PBUH) said:

“ while a man was walking along a road, he found a thorny branch, he took it and thanked Allâh, so Allâh forgave him”

[agreed on]

Sometimes, a driver of a large truck stops to fix some tyres and puts a large stone behind the tyre, then drives away leaving the stone in the middle of the road, which may cause the destruction of a whole family, and on the other hand, there is a man who stops to remove the stone and thanks Allâh for you.
So Ash-Shâker is a beautiful name of Allâh, and so is Ash-Shakûr


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