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Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (215)- Air Pollution and its Effects on Man
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dangers of Air pollution on human health:

 Dear brothers, from a scientific article published in a textbook about the pollution of the air, you may conclude so many things among which is that what man does to the environment reflects negatively on his own health and life. 
The article says: 
 Air pollution by carbon monoxide will remain as long as cars, airplanes and machines in factories or farms exist. But what does this gas do? It simply unites with the hemoglobin of the human blood. Carbon dioxide, which is also emitted by cars, airplanes and all other vehicles of internal combustion engines, also unites with hemoglobin, which is the red element in the human blood. When carbon dioxide unites with iron in hemoglobin, it expels Oxygen carried by the blood, which causes deficiency of Oxygen in the cells of the body. 
So, what happens?
The heartbeats increase, and so does action of the respiratory system, which causes tension and stress that lead to a great many heart and chest diseases. When a person breathes air that contains a ratio of carbon monoxide of 80/1000,000 of the air for eight hours in a crowded street, with so many cars sending off this poisonous gas, he breathes in 80/1000,000 of the air of this gas. But what happens? The speed at which Oxygen is carried into the blood decreases by 15%, which causes blood to lose its basic qualities and functions.
 And when traffic becomes so heavy, and when streets become over-crowded with different kinds of vehicles at rush hours, carbon monoxide becomes 40/1,000,000 of the air. That is why dwellers of places where traffic is so heavy show symptoms of headache, poisoning, weak vision, lack of muscle-symmetry, nausea, and a lot of internal illnesses. In more excessive cases these symptoms are accompanied by loss of consciousness and sometimes even death.
 Air polluted by carbon dioxide is the consequence of our modern civilization, which considers that a person’s high social class is only determined by driving a luxurious car in heavily crowded streets that abound in carbon dioxide!
 Moreover, carbon dioxide is also responsible for the increase in the rate of such diseases as chronic asthma, cute bronchitis, among many others.
Dear brothers, human life has been originally created pure and clean; and it is we that have made it dirty and impure by both our machines and immoral characters. The problem is that there are so many kinds of pollution. The atmosphere has now become polluted by noise, since constant loud noise causes a lot of illnesses to mankind. Poisonous gases are also another serious source of pollution of air and environment. In fact, when man invents things for his own luxury, he loses thereby his own health, safety, and purity. Of course I am not inviting you to shun your cars, but I just want to show you some of the negative consequences of the Western Civilization on the human environment.

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