- Sermons
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- Friday Sermons
The first khutbah (Sermon):
The offending cartoons will Bring people to Islam:
Dear honorable brother, I want to express my certainty that the offending cartoons, which were
Dear brother, Salman Rushdie described the prophetic house in his book “The Satanic verses” as a brothel, and it is worth mentioning that this book was the reason behind the conversion of twenty thousand people to Islam in Britain only, along with the same line, I assure you that these offending cartoons will be the reason behind the conversion of thousands and thousands of people to Islam as well. There is poetry of the same concept goes as follows:
If Allah willed to unfold a concealed virtue
He would use an envious person for that
If not for the spreading of the fire
We will never know the smell of ‘Oud (scented kind of wood)
What is taking place is in the best interest of Muslims.
The awakening I noticed nowadays towards loving the prophet PBUH, and the movement on the demotic level is amazing, and I will bring into light some of what I have read in that respect.
The Islamic community in Denmark defended Islam:
Dear brother, three months ago, a well-known authentic Danish newspaper announced a competition for the best cartoon of the prophet Muhammad PBUH, accordingly, the newspaper’s readers sent more than one hundred cartoons and only twelve out of them were accepted and published in which the prophet was portrayed praying in very insulting positions, with bombs and rockets on his turban.
These cartoons were published for few weeks with the support and the approval of the government.
The public interacted with these cartoons, while the Islamic community tried to defend Islam and all its taboos by stopping those cartoons, needless to say that the managing editor of the newspaper refused to meet them, better yet, all the governmental authorities allied with the newspaper and refused all the attempts of the Islamic community. When did the whole thing affect the entire Islamic world? That was after three months and after all the helplessness. We were rationally acting on the long run.
The passive admiration of Islam is useless:
Dear bsh3er, I would like to reauthor this noble Ayah to you:
(( Verily, those who believed, and emigrated and strove hard and fought with their property and their lives in the Cause of Allah as well as those who gave (them) asylum and help, - these are (all) allies to one another. And as to those who believed but did not emigrate (to you O Muhammad)))
As I mentioned in the previous sermon, those who never made a move, never did anything, they didn’t condemn, they didn’t accuse, and they didn’t launch a boycott, and they were silent Muslims, paralized, hindering sh3er, and they were passive admirers of Islam, this group of people doesn’t count in the sight of Allah nor does it count in the sight of people, and there is no place for them in history and they belong to its dump. Allah said:
(( And as to those who believed but did not emigrate (to you O Muhammad), you owe no duty of protection to them until they emigrate))
Unless we unite and support Islam sh3er will keep plotting:
Allah the Almighty then said:
((And those who disbelieve are allies to one another))
Denmark then appealed for help from the countries of the European common market to which France, Germany and Spain responded by publishing those cartoons, and they were published in a Jordanian newspaper as well, but the latter’s editors were fired immediately which is considered as an outstanding reaction, Allah said:
((And those who disbelieve are allies to one another))
(( (And) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block with one Khalifah - chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world to make victorious Allah's Religion of Islamic Monotheism), there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism, etc.) and oppression on earth, and a great mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism).))
Do what? Will you pay attention to the pronoun? Scholars of interpretation said: the pronoun indicates the first entire Ayah.
The Islamic boycott is a drastic warning to the western world:
Allah the Almighty said:
(( Verily, those who believed, and emigrated and strove hard and fought with their property and their lives in the Cause of Allah as well as those who gave (them) asylum and help, - these are (all) allies to one another))
The pronoun indicates the first entire Ayah, namely, unless you believe, unless you strive even by your tongue, money, or any passive act.
The losses because of the Islamic spontaneous public boycott were billions of Dollars.
Dear brother, the boycott was a valuable lesson to the western world indicating that Islam didn’t die, Muslims are still vigorous, still have faith, and still have jealousy (over Islam).
The battle between right and wrong is eternal:
Dear brother, if Allah put all the astray and Atheists in a continent and Muslims in another without any clash or war between the two, or maybe every party was placed on a different planet or different era, in this case there would be no problems, however, and out of a profound wisdom, Allah’s decree put both parties in one world, one era, with intertwined interests and common affairs, Allah the Almighty said:
(( O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another))
Those stray people might be guided to the righteous religion, hence, there is a profound wisdom behind the eternal war between right and evil, and that is a decision made by Allah the Almighty.
Challenges strengthen Islam:
In fact, challenges strengthen Islam, and be aware that because of this incident (the offending cartoons), there was shaking, quantum leap, serenity, and glad tidings in faith. We observed the love of Muslims towards the prophet PBUH in their hearts.
The biggest factory of food products in an Islamic country stopped working and was shut down, not because of a governmental order but because of an individual one, though its income is worth billions of Dollars.
There were good news of Muslims’ stance in respect to this event, as for example in our country (Syria) there was a demonstration, and the ambassador was called for condemnation, not to mention the outstanding statements in that respect, so even the secular based countries had to take an Islamic stance in that regard.
There is wisdom within reality:
Dear brother, another serious fact I should mention, is there is wisdom behind any reality (affliction) but this doesn’t necessarily mean that the person behind it is wise, as he might be a criminal who was permitted by Allah to do what he did. I will explain in more detail the role of Satan in these cases.
Satan intended to corrupt people, lead them stray, and seduce them, and unless these acts have a positive effect, as they provoke believers and arouse their curiosity to learn more about Islam and push them towards repentance, Allah would never have let Satan play this role. Hence, Satan’s role is negative on the surface; however, it is positive in its gist. By Allah, if you live long enough, as the best of believers is the one who lives long life and performs good deeds, you will see incredible positive outcomes of the eleventh of September (the trade center’s event), though it was painful thing to happen, but Allah permitted for it to happen for a profound wisdom only Allah knows about.
Therefore, whatever takes place is permitted by Allah to happen, as it is not proper for the Divine entity that anything might take place in Allah’s kingdom without His will, thus, He permitted whatever happens to take place for a profound wisdom which we should wait to see its positive results. Wait and you will see a lot of people converting to Islam because of it.
The threats come from the western native Muslims:
Dear brother, though there is a third world war declared against this religion (Islam) all over the world, Islam will still be the first growing religion, which is something unbearable by its enemies. The enemies’ problem is not about Muslim communities, however it lies in the native Westerners who are Muslims
Dear brother, Satan’s plotting provokes your implicit, forgotten, and inactive feelings, exactly like a child who is disloyal to his parents, however, he returns to honor his parents and feels guilty when he overhears someone calling his parents names, as he cannot live with that. So: every cloud has a silver lining. Allah said:
(( And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.))
The double standards:
Dear brother, our problem lies in the double standards of the other party.
An airplane with one hundred and seventy passengers crashed by a bomb and the doer who was accused of this act was obliged to pay three billion Dollars, whereas the nurses, who were accused of injecting 400 children with AIDS virus on purpose, were set free, this is what we call “double standards”.
A country that owns 200 nuclear missiles (Israel) and is threatening the security of the region is left alone, whereas another country which tried to use its nuclear plant, for peaceful purposes, was asked to be inspected and the whole world flipped.
A girl in New York, who dressed in a lesbian outfit, was detained from attending school by her principal, so her father sued the school and won hefty money by the judge, whereas another country went against a Muslim girl who wore a Hijab out of religious stance believing that this hijab is a means of purity and chastity.
Killing a man in a town is an unforgivable crime
And killing Muslim’s people is a controversial issue
A Danish citizen is able to sue a Danish newspaper in case the paper smears his reputation, and he would win hefty money out of this lawsuit, however, when the name and reputation of our noble prophet, who was known by his nobility to his enemies before his followers, is smeared, no one can defend Him.
Our prophet PBUH was on top of the “one hundred” list of the most influential persons in History in the book entitled “The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History”, written by the astrophysicist Michael H. Hart.
Our prophet’s message is all about being tolerant, pious, and merciful:
(( And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).?
When Muslims tried to sue the newspaper, they were told that there is no legal foundation for such lawsuit.
Dear brother, no one has served this religion through out history more than its enemy, without the latter’s will or knowledge. These enemies tried to smear this religion through their contradictions, false, exaggeration, and irrational accusations, but that backfired. They are trying now to violate our nation’s freedom, culture, and identity, as they started by occupying our land then exploiting the natural resources and they ended up in altering our identity and culture.
The entire incident is a message to the western world:
Dear brother, is not right that the whole world now is controlled by the anti Semitic law? I swear by Allah that no one in America or Europe can say a word against Jews as he will be prosecuted, convicted, and put in jail (under the anti Semitic law).
In Turkey, it is prohibited for a thousand years to come, to talk against the man who led renaissance in that country.
Why is it fine to smear the reputation and image of the master of mankind and the most beloved in Allah’s sight (Muhammad PBUH)?
One more thing, this incident is an intelligent message from the Islamic world to the western world, as if we are telling them that we are Muslims, and that we love the master of mankind and messengers. Though we are loyal to him, yet we were neglectful, and what happened is pushing us towards a conciliation with Allah, and towards a different attitude with which we might deserve Allah’s triumph, better yet, it will push us towards strengthening our faith in order to be the leaders of all nations after our regressive role throughout the renaissance era.
Dear brother, please pay attention to what Allah says in the following Ayah, and as you all know, Quran is a continuous miracle, and the more you reflect on Quran the more you will comprehend it
(( And if Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief))
When you condemn, censure, denounce and boycott, you are teaching the other party a valuable lesson, namely, you are sending your message to a country and addressing other countries by your warning, and we should be certain that those countries are Dollar worshippers rather than God’s worshipers, so when you threaten them with this Dollar, you are threatening their trades, hence, the dollar is your only weapon against these countries’ interests. Moreover, when they apologize, they do that out of their own interest not out of faith,, or stepping back, or out of a wise stance.
The double standard world is half blind:
Dear brother, Allah addressed believers by two hundred and eighty five Ayahs, but addressed disbelievers by one Ayah, Allah said:
(( O you who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism)! Make no excuses this Day! You are being requited only for what you used to do.))
He, who uses double standards, is half blind, he can see his interests but not other’s interests, he sees his honor but violates sh3er’ honor, he sees the worldly life but not the hereafter, he bluffs, and he does not practice what he preaches which is considered as one of Kufr (disbelieving) acts.
They give us an earful of freedom talk, yet they destroy those whom they claim to grant freedom, they talked about massive destructive weapons, and they are bombing the cities with mass destruction weapons by which they burnt flesh and clothes and left only the bones of children, young people and women.
Unless we disbelieve in Idols we won’t be true believers:
Dear brother, you should be certain that unless you disbelieve in Idols you will never become a true believer, and the proof is in the following Ayah:
(( Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break))
I would like to thank the western world from the bottom of my heart that they helped us in disbelieving in them because of their acts, contradiction, and double standards.
I assure you dear brother that fifty years ago only a handful of Islamic thinkers only were aware of the western world’s reality, whereas the rest were ignorant of it as they considered them as the source of values, globalization, and respect to all religions, however, after 9/11 the entire western world collapsed in the eyes of Muslims and became a mere oppression force.
Followers of sunnah are safe from Allah’s punishment:
Dear brother, Allah the Almighty says:
(( And Allah would not punish them while you (Muhammad) are amongst them))
As if Allah through this Ayah is soothing our worries or is guiding us by saying: as long as you abide by the prophet’s Sunna in your houses, jobs, earnings, spending, settlements, travels, joy, and grief, you are safe from Allah’s punishment.
The prophet is not just a character from the histroy, as the western world thinks or as some of Muslims state, who lived and died and his role is over, no, the prophet PBUH drew the path of our lives by his words, his actions, his attributes and by his approvals and silence towards events which took place at that time. Our destinies are related to him, as he is our example, leader, beloved, and our guidance to Allah the Almighty.
The prophet PBUH said:
((Ask Allah to grant me al-Waseelah because it is a station in Paradise, which is appropriate only for a single servant from the servants of Allah, and I hope that it will be me))
Dear brother, Allah the Almighty said:
(( And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinns))
Prophets reached the summits of perfection, mercy, justice, humanity, humbleness and wisdom, Allah says:
(( And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it, so leave them alone with their fabrications.))
Allah permitted that this cartoonist draws those offending cartoons of the prophet PBUH in a way that hurts all Muslims, and despite those cartoons the prophet is still in the highest position, and the most transcendent level, as Allah swore by the prophet’s precious life, He said:
(( Verily, by your life (O Muhammad), in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly.))
Whenever Allah is mentioned, the prophet PBUH is mentioned as well, needless to say that he is the master of all messengers and prophets, he is the son of Adam, and he reached Sedret Al Muhtaha (closest point to the divine throne).
The clouds are never affected by dogs’ barking, the sea is never harmed by a stone thrown by a little boy, and the sky will never be covered by dust instigated by the enemies of this religion (Islam), only this dust covered them instead, and Islam stayed in its untouchable exalted position.
Prophet Muhamad reached the top perfection and he is the good example:
Dear brother, here is another truth that should be indicated, why do you think Allah mentioned all the accusations which the prophet PBUH was addressed with by the pagans? They described him as a: magician, a crazy man, a poet, a diviner, and touched by the devil. These are all the accusations which the prophet PBUH was accused with in his life.
The question to be asked here: Why Allah mentioned them in Quran which will be reauthord till the Day of Judgment? In recent times, when someone is wrongly accused, or unfairly convicted, is it rational to print that in a book repeatedly till the end of days? Allah willed that this prophet (who is the summit of perfection) be an example to those who come after him, namely, all proselytizers should be ready, as at a certain point, they could be accused, provoked against, or pointed at with accusations, thus, the prophet will be the good example for those proselytizers as He went through unbearable hardship, the Prophet PBUH said:
((I have been frightened in my call to Allah and none other has been scared like me and I have been harmed in my call to Allah and none other has been harmed like me, and there came a time when throughout thirty days and nights Bilal and I had nothing to eat except what Bilal\s armpits could conceal.))
The prophet is a good example to us in his tolerance, as when He headed to Taif (a city in Arabic peninsula) traveling for eighty Kilometers on foot through bumpy mountains which no advanced equipments are capable of paving a road through it, yet he decided to address people of Taif in the hope that they would be more responsive to the message of Islam, however, they mocked and accused him of lying, not to mention hurting him asking their servants to throw stones till his noble feet bled. Allah willed for the greatness of this prophet to be revealed, for that, Allah sent him the angel of mountains who said to him:
“O, Muhammad if you want I would join together the two hills and crush the city of Taif”
This means that he gave Him the chance of destroying the entire people of Taif, but the prophet PBUH said:
((No! For, I hope that God will bring forth from their offspring people who will worship God alone, associating nothing with Him))
This is the meaning of the Ayah:
(( And verily, you (O Muhammad) are on an exalted standard of character))
By Allah, if only they knew the reality of this prophet PBUH they would melt in pain from drawing those cartoons.
The prophet said precise brief words, as he said:
((Do not kill my uncle Al-Abbas))
One of the companions considered what the Prophet PBUH had said as kind of discrimination and did not accept it. So he said, "One of us kills his father and brother and he tells us not to kill his uncle?! He misunderstood that there are special rules applicable to his relatives. It was realized later on, that his uncle Al-Abbas in Mecca was a Muslim and was transmitting to the noble Prophet all that took place in Quraish. Thus the Prophet's management was very clever and relied on accurate information. His uncle Al-Abbas had adopted Islam covertly and remained in Mecca in order to transmit information about the movements of Quraish to the noble Prophet. Had the Prophet said, "Don't kill my uncle Al-Abbas because he is a Muslim, he would have revealed his secret and ended his task, and if he hadn't tell his companions not to kill Al-Abbas while he was still in the Quraish ranks, they would have killed him. The solution was for the Prophet to say a brief remark, just: "Don't kill my uncle Al-Abbas.". Soon after that man realized the situation, he said: “I remained paying alms for ten years in the hope that Allah Almighty would forgive my misguided thought about the Prophet PBUH”
The western world’s trials of reconciliation with Arab world:
Dear brother, again, the western world deals with individuals. One of the powerful persons in the western world was blamed for ignoring the entire Islamic world and allying with a small group of people in the region (Jews) to which he said: “I deal with individuals not with nations”
The situation now is different, as the western world has to deal now with nations, and unless these nations are satisfied, the western world won’t be at ease, thus, you can notice changes in the foreign policies of the western world, as they are seeking the satisfaction of the people in this region, and this is one of the positive outcomes of this painful event (offending cartoons).
Islam should carry on as it started:
Dear brother, I have to admit that we are the reason behind what happened, as we got weak, and they underestimated us because of that.
When we got weak, they oppressed us, provoked us, humiliated our Quran, asked a Christian woman to perform a Friday sermon to 50 men with 50 reporters of the world’s media, and they humiliated our prophet’s position PBUH.
We didn’t abide by Allah’s path, we scattered, we fought with one another, and we became sects, cults, schools of thoughts and different groups and by doing so, we are eliminating one another which will result in more weakness.
Islam must go back to how it started, our weakness lies in our misunderstanding of this religion as we comprehend it as ritual acts of worship only, and we disregard every mandatory order in the Quran, Allah said:
((And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy))
Threats here means that the country owns the power and the might, besides owning powerful weapons, in this case only, our enemies will think twice before trying to attack us.
This is the method of Allah the Almighty. What did we prepare for them? On the contrary, they are the ones who prepared for us, not to mention forcing their culture on us.
If you take a ride to the mountain of Kasyoon (a mountain near Damascus city) and look to Damascus’ houses, you will realize the invading of the western culture throughout all the transmitting dishes which are spread all over Damascus.
The bigger the dishes on the roofs of our houses are, the less food we will have on our tables, and the less shyness we will have, the less rain water we will get, and the cheaper the flesh of women is, the more expensive the price of sheep flesh we will have.
This woman who wanders around in streets exposing her flesh and leaving nothing for her husband, where is her Muslim father who attends prayers at the mosque? Where is her brother? Where is her husband? This is how we are as Muslims nowadays.
Allah will disregard those who disregard His orders:
We were told by one of the greatest scholars that a soap opera was broadcasted a few years ago and it consisted of 300 episodes, the title of that soap opera was a name of a girl, 23 thousand girls in Aleppo were named after that name, 600 shops were named after that name, 63 million phone calls were registered in 20 days in an Islamic country calling that soap opera, and all that is because of a worthless soap opera in which women flesh is exposed.
This is how Muslims are nowadays, so don’t blame Allah. When we ignored Allah, He ignored us. Perishing the entire world is easier for Allah than not bringing about the promises of Him, but we are the one who should level up with those promises.
I say my words asking Allah’s forgiveness for me and for you, so ask His forgiveness as those who are forgiven are those who prosper.
* * *
The second Khutbah:
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and I testify that there is no god but Allah Alone the supporter of the pious, and I testify that Sayyidina Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the Messenger of Allah, the Master of everything created and of mankind, O Allah bless and grant peace to our Master Muhammad, his folks and companions.
Launching an economic boycott of Danish products by:
1- Make a black list of all Danish products and launch a boycott of them:
Dear brother, one might ask: What should we do? To answer that question I will tell what to do in way that you won’t be held responsible for, and your governments won’t get in an embarrassing situation, they claim that they have the freedom of media and their prime minister said: I can do nothing to prevent these newspapers from publishing whatever they want, along the same line, our leaders should say: We can do nothing to force our people to buy what they don’t want to buy.
Hence, look up for all the Danish products and stop buying them, and by doing so, I assure you that all Europe will be shaken by such act. Therefore, don’t wait for the rulers as they are not at liberty to act because they are under the spot light and our enemies are waiting for one mistake to attack us, but as a citizen you can do a lot.
A lot of Danish products were burnt in some Islamic countries though these were useful products, but that is what happened.
You can live without the Danish butter on which billions of Dollars are spent in Khalijee countries only.
Therefore, again, look up through the internet for all Danish products and boycott them.
2-The exclusivity of the products’ black list:
I will offer another advice, make your list exclusive to Danish products only even though France allied with Denmark, however, just keep your list limited to Danish products only.
We can’t face the entire western world, so, make your message as effective as it can be from people whose prophet was humiliated to them, as Denmark is the one who started the whole thing, not to mention that this boycott started after 3 months of being patient and after we were turned down by the government and we weren’t interviewed by them.
The double standard attitude of the western world is very obvious, namely, if you interfere with any of their matters, that would be considered as their internal affairs and you are prohibited from doing so, but on the other hand, they might give a small community in an Islamic country the right of Self Determination, justifying that as interference by human rights.
That is considered as duplicity and he, who practices it, is despicable as he is someone whom you can’t reason with, and who has no righteous scale, better yet, the only scale he used is his mood and his interests.
During the Iraqi invasion, a foreign soldier was asked respectfully about his name while he was drinking tea, made the minister of defense hold a press conference in order to declare such an act as something against Geneva’s agreement of human rights, but on the other hand, they showed the ruler of that country in his underwear washing his cloths on the national TV without considering that a violation to human rights.
This double standard attitude can only be faced by boycott, as they worship the Dollar rather than worshipping Allah, hence, your powerful weapon as a citizen is to stand against their economic interests by ceasing to buy all Danish products only.
By the way, I am not with boycotting everything we import from those countries, as we should not do that in respect to products which strengthen us, hence, boycotting cars, Macdonald, Pizza hut, cigarettes and all consumer products is one thing, and boycotting scientific programs which strengthen us is another thing, as we shouldn’t do that, we should limit our list to the consumer products which have substitutes, needless to mention the importance of the collaboration between Muslims, and creating a common market which becomes the rule of thumb in business.
Dear brother, we are fine, and Allah will not abandon us, and be sure that we are under His intensive care while they are not, Allah said:
(( So, when they forgot (the warning) with which they had been reminded, We opened to them the gates of every (pleasant) thing, until in the midst of their enjoyment in that which they were given, all of a sudden, We took them to punishment, and lo! They were plunged into destruction with deep regrets and sorrows.))
We beseech you Allah to show us the way of rightness, together with those to whom You have showed it; and give us good health, together with those whom You have healed; and be our Protector, together with those for whom You have become their Protector; and bless us in what You have bestowed on us and save us from the afflictions that You have decreed, for You rule with justice and You are never judged. He whom You protect shall never be humiliated and he whom You make enemy shall never be exalted. Blessed and dignified are You, and we thank You for what You have decreed.
We seek your forgiveness and we repent our bad deeds, O, Allah lead us to do the best of deeds, as you are the only one who leads to them, and lead us to the best of morals as you are the only one who leads to them.
O, Allah make us do well in the religion which is our dignity and make our lives good for it is our living and make us safe on the day of judgment for it is our final destination please make the life our supply for all good things and make the death a rest from every evil our master the Lord of all worlds.
O, Allah please make me with what You have made lawful needless of what You have made unlawful and make me with Your benevolence independent of all sh3er.
O, Allah, by your mercy grant victory to the word of truth and to this religion, and grant triumph to Islam, dignify Muslims, humiliate polytheism and polytheists, and lead the rules of Muslims to what pleases you O Lord of the worlds, as you are the only one who is capable over His decreed, and who responds to our supplication.