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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al- Baqarah (2)- Lesson (12)- Verse [23]: Miracles in The Quran.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear brother, we continue with lesson twelve of the interpretation of "Surat Al-Baqarah".

The universe is the creation of Allah, the Quran is His Words:

We continue with the verse number twenty-three, which is the Words of Allah, The Greatest:

﴾ And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Qur'an) to Our slave (Muhammad Peace be upon him ), then produce a Surah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful.(23) But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.(24) ﴿

Dear Brother, these two verses are related to the Holy Quran; hence, Allah, Almighty, created the heavens and the earth, and the Quranic expression of "The havens and the earth" means the universe, which is everything except Allah.
Allah, Glory be to Him, created the heavens and the earth and revealed The Book (Quran) to His Servant (Muhammad), peace be upon Him, so, the universe is His creation and the Quran is His Words; yet, in another verse the Quran has been put in a scale, and the universe in the second:

﴾ Praise is to Allah Who created the heavens and the earth (1) ﴿

[Al-An 'am]

And Allah says:

﴾ Praise be to Allah Who sent down to His servant the Book -the Quran (1) ﴿


The importance of the approach revealed in the Quran:

The most important thing after the creating of universe is the approach which Allah has revealed to our Master Muhammad, peace be upon Him.

Dear brother, Allah Almighty says:

﴾ Al Rahman (1) Who taught man the Quran, and by its instrumentality has He imparted to him knowledge and wisdom (2) He created man and brought him into being (3) And He taught him the expression of his thoughts in words and intellectual acquaintance with, and perception of, fact and truth and good versus evil (4) ﴿


We face a question about the order in versifying these four verses that constitute the beginning of "Surat Al-Rahman". Is it possible that the human recognized the Quran before he is being created?

﴾ The Most Beneficent (Allah)!(1) Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy). (3) He created man..(4) He taught him eloquent speech.﴿


The interpretation scholars have said: This is a rank order, not a chronological order; it means that no meaning for the human existence without an approach which he follows.
There are computers that if you have set a drop of blood, it would give you twenty-seven analysis in the push of a button; if the owner has one hundred analysis, and each analysis costs one thousand pounds, his daily income will be one hundred thousand pounds. If you have bought a very complicated computer which its price is thirty million pounds, but the manufacturer did not send the operating instructions to you; in this case, if you have used it without following the instructions, you would destroy it; and if you did not use it, its price would be frozen; so, is the instructions as important as the device itself? Man is the most complicated machine in the universe, he is the first creature.

Who is the evil?

The human in his nature has desires, which Allah has deposited in him; these desires are driving forces, like the love of food, the love of women, the love of to be in a high position, and the love of immortality; all of these are desires, which are destructive without a method, and good forces with a method. For example, when an experienced person drives a car, it transports him to his objects easily; but when this car is driven by an unconscious man, or by a drunk man, may it kill him to the abyss, and the vehicle did not change. The human, who is the most complex machine in the universe, Allah has deposited desires in him...

﴾ Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world's life; but Allah has the excellent return (Paradise with flowing rivers, etc.) with Him. (14) ﴿


These desires need to a halter, need to apply through a clean channel; then, what is evil? It's a creature in which desires have been deposited, and he did not care for the approach of Allah; if he has wanted money, he would take it by aggression; if he has wanted the pleasure, he would have by rape; and if he has wanted to be in a high position, he would build his glory on the ruins of sh3er; this is evil, a creature in which desires have been deposited, and moved without following the approach of Allah, Almighty.

﴾ And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah? Verily! Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun (wrong-doers, disobedient to Allah, and polytheists). (50) ﴿


The human mind has to detect the unseen affairs through effects:

Dear brother: this Book (Quran) is the method, and it's no meaning for the existing of human without an approach to follow, or he will be at risk.
A vehicle starts off at a high speed on a road which has many turning points, and a bottomless ravine is on both its sides; so if the lamps of this vehicle are extinguished, the incident is inevitable. You are like that vehicle, your way is full of turning points, and there is a bottomless valley on both its sides; the approach is the light by which you remain on the road and without it, you will be located in the valley, therefore:

﴾ The Most Beneficent (Allah)!(1) Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy). (3) He created man..(4) He taught him eloquent speech.﴿


The issue in this verse: What does assure you that this is the Word of Allah? Although every faithful has a strong belief that the Quran is the Word of Allah, but I hope to check and examine and ponder and even to be filled with conviction by evidence and reasoning that the Quran is the Word of Allah.
At the outset, Allah, Almighty, has given mind to the human, the task of this mind is to know what was missing through its effects; this is the brief of summary, the task of the human mind is to detect the unseen affairs through the effects, all of this universe indicates to Allah, all this universe is an appearance of the Beautiful Names of Allah, and all this universe is the embodiment of the Beautiful Names of Allah; hence, the way to recognize Allah is to think in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and we find in the Quran one thousand-three hundred verses that talk about the manifestations of the universe; hence, through the universe you know Allah, Almighty.

You have known your Lord, you have known that the universe has a Creator, that the universe has an Educator, and that the universe has an Impeller; but there are things you cannot see in this universe. Why did Allah create me? Whatever you have thought in the mountains, in the rain, and in the seas, you don't know why Allah created you.
There must be a direct connection between this first creature and his Great Creator, the relation between the Great Creator and this creature is the Quran.

﴾ Except him on whom your Lord has bestowed His Mercy (the follower of truth - Islamic Monotheism) and for that did He create them. And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled (i.e. His Saying): "Surely, I shall fill Hell with jinns and men all together." (119) ﴿


There must be a book that human follows:

Allah has clarified the reason of your creating:

﴾ Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth (4) ﴿


Allah has showed you that the origin of creatures is Adam, He has showed you what comes after death, he has showed you the destinies of peoples, and He has showed you the Heaven and the Hell; so you need a book to understand the details; if you have entered the building of university you would contrive through the meditation in the building many facts; you say: The engineers were on the highest level, the engineers were in a close contact with the management of the university; as they prepared the halls, the amphitheaters, the gardens, the buildings of students, and the laboratories; also you find the means of ventilation of the first degree, and the rooms are wide amphitheaters that match with the number of students in each year; so, through your meditation in the building of university you contrive a lot of things, but whatever you think, you will not be able to devise the rules of procedure of the University; whatever you contemplate the arches, the halls, the amphitheaters, the buildings, the squares, the parks, and the stadiums; you will not be able to work out how much colleges in this university! You will not be able to contrive who are the deans of the colleges, how is the promotion system, and how to accept students at this university. You must have a booklet that describes all these matters.
There is something which is subject to the contemplation, and there is something which is subject to the notification; first, you conclude that a large sums of money had been spent on the buildings of this university, and we contrive that the engineers at a highest level, and we contrive that they are in touch with the Administration of University, therefore, their plans agreed with the needs of University; you can conclude all these matters by thinking and contemplating; but to know the number of colleges in the University, who are the college's deans, what is the rules of procedures, and the conditions of accepting the students; all these affairs need to a booklet, and need to a system.
If the human has contemplated in the universe, he would know that there is only One Creator, he would know that there is an Educator for this universe Who supplies His creatures of what they need, he would know that there is an Expert Creator, a Wise Creator, a Self-Sufficient Creator, an Omnipotent Creator, and a Merciful Creator; you can contrive all these matters by contemplating. But why I have been created!
I should know that matter by an explanation which comes from Allah, Almighty, why did Allah has brought you to this worldly life? What is the best way to happiness in the worldly life and the Hereafter? Is there an Afterlife? Who does say that? Allah, Almighty.
Therefore, there must be a book which you follow in addition to the contemplation in the creating of the heavens and the earth; there must be an approach that recognizes you the fact of the universe, the fact of the worldly life, the fact of the human, the road which leads you to the safety and happiness, and the path that achieves the goal of your existence; all these issues are existing in the Holy Book "the Quran".

The mind has three missions:

Allah has sent a messenger, but every human being can claim to be the Messenger of Allah, how do people know that this man in particular is the messenger of Allah?
There must be a miracle, it is necessary for this prophet to make an act which no one of the human beings can do it, because it comes from the Creator of human beings alone; what makes a stick becomes a real snake is something superhuman, what makes the sea becomes a dry route is superhuman, and who was thrown in the fire but he didn't burn is a Messenger; so, in order that Allah gives the messenger an evidence that he is a Messenger, He, Almighty, has supported him with miracles.
First, the whole universe indicates Allah, as Allah, Almighty, is the great truth in it, also His Prophets, Messengers, and their miracles indicate that they are Messengers and Prophets; but what does assure you that the Quran is the Word of Allah?
If a possible has come to you that the Quran is Muhammad's made; as He was genius, smart, well spoken, and an author; so, He wrote this book and made us think that it is the Word of Allah. What is the conclusive evidence which denies all doubts that the Quran is the Word of Allah?
The conclusive evidence is the miracles of Quran. The evidence for the existence of Allah is the universe, the evidence of the sincerity of the prophets and messengers is the miracles, and the evidence that the Quran is the Word of Allah is its miracle; so, mind has three tasks: The first is to know Allah through the universe, the second is to know the Prophet through the miracle, and the third is to know the Word of Allah through the miracle.

The generous verse:

﴾ And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Qur'an) to Our slave (Muhammad Peace be upon him ), then produce a Surah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful.(23) ﴿

Miracles prove the truthfulness of the Messengers:

The Miracle of the Quran is the evidence that it is the Word of Allah, Almighty. Now, I want to poses a question: Has Allah witnessed for His Messengers that they are the Messengers of Him? Has Allah done? You may meet a person who says to you: "I certify that this man has borrowed one hundred thousand pounds from so-and-so, because he rendered him in front of me"; so, it is very easy for a person to witness about an issue in front of you, as you can meet him and hear his testimony directly, but how does Allah to witness to you that this man is his Messenger? What is the definition of Allah's testimony to His messengers that they are His messengers?
The testimony of Allah to His messengers is achieved through miracles, as the miracle itself is the testimony of Allah to His Messengers that they are His Messengers.
A human may say: "I am the Messenger of Allah!", and you reply: "What is the evidence?", he says: "This is a stick"; it's a stick till now, but when he threw it on the ground, it became a real snake; he pulled his hand out, and it was white to all beholders, also he spoke in his infancy when he was a baby and his age was about a few hours! It's a miracle:

﴾ "He['Iesa (Jesus)]said: Verily! I am a slave of Allah, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet;" (30) ﴿


And Allah says:

﴾ We (Allah) said: "O fire! Be you coolness and safety for Ibrahim (Abraham)!" (69) ﴿


The mountain split and a camel went out of it, and that was the miracle of the Prophet "Saleh" for his people "Thamud"; so, Miracles are the testimony of Allah to all people that those Messengers are the Messengers of Allah.

Testimonies of Allah that the Quran is His Word:

Here is a question presents itself to us: Did Allah give an evidence to us that the Quran is His Word? Of course, there are hundreds of testimonies. One of these testimonies: That in the Quran we find a command, a prohibition, a promise, and a threat; so, if you have applied the command, you would pick the best results, and if you have committed the prohibitions, you would pay a price which is often high; so, when Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter). (97) ﴿


The good life which the believer lives is the testimony of Allah for him that the Quran is the Word of Allah.

﴾But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Qur'an nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection." (124) ﴿


The misery and the hard life which the person who turns his back upon His Lord lives are the testimony of Allah for him that the Quran is His Word.

When the usurer loses all his money in one time, the loss of his wealth is the testimony of Allah for him that the Quran is His Word, because Allah says:

﴾ Allah denounces usury (276) ﴿


When the charitable man performs the alms, and Allah makes his money a lot of multiples; the reduplication of his money is the testimony of Allah for him that the Quran is His Word.

Allah helps the believers in doing good deeds:

If you have implemented the command, and be far away of what has been forbidden by Allah, you would see that all events are conducted in accordance with the method of
Allah and you would live a good life.

﴾ As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him, (5)And believes in Al-Husna.(6) We will make smooth for him the path of ease (goodness). (7) ﴿


When do you find the facilitation?

Everything is facile, and all signals are green, which means that the way is clear, and you don't need to stand ever. When you believe in Allah, fear Him, never disobey Him, and make your life based on giving sh3er, the facilitation will be with you.

﴾ As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him, (5)And believes in Al-Husna.(6) We will make smooth for him the path of ease (goodness). (7) ﴿

The facilitation became a companion to us in all the aspects of our lives, and when we reap the result of any worship for Allah; this result, in fact, is the testimony of Allah for the believer that the Quran is His Word, and the price which the human pays when he commits a sin is the testimony of Allah for him that the Quran is His Word. This is a kind of miracle.

Some verses are very short, still they are very important:

If you were in a room that overlooks a seaport, and somebody has said to you: "I am the port manager, and all these vessels are under my orders until the departure"; then you saw a very large ship has begun leaving the port, in order to make sure that he is really the port manager, you have said to him: "Can you make this ship stops?" He said: "Yes", he contacted with it, and the ship has stopped; after that you have said to him: "Let the ship to go back to the port", he said to you: "I will do", then he took it back to the port; this means that his words were correct, and the evidence is that the huge ship has stopped and returned to the port. What is the benefit from this parable? The benefit is to show you that there are verses in the Quran which even consist from two or more words, as the following verse:

﴾ Allah denounces usury (276) ﴿


However, its significance is certain, its meaning is determined, and it's a definitive proof; for example, you may find a person who has a hundred million, but he was fined a sum of money estimated at one hundred and eighty millions, because he committed a simple mistake; is it reasonable for this person to lose all his money at once and nothing still with him? Yes!
Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ Allah denounces usury (276) ﴿


Three words in the verse which are printed in small letters:

﴾ Allah denounces usury (276) ﴿


It means who has revealed this Book, and put all His commands and forbidden things within it, is He who has destroyed the property of that person.

You would reap the results of everything you follow in the Quran:

The affairs of a person changed after he has improved his relation with Allah, Almighty; that he felt happy, he felt serenely, he felt with success, his affairs became facile, all the roads became passable, and his home became like Heaven.
He reads the verse:

﴾ Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter). (97) ﴿


This small verse is coming from Allah Who has made his life good, Who has made his home happy, Who has made his children righteous, and Who has made his work successful. It's something very precise: In the Quran, every promise, threat, order, and prohibition which you have implemented, you would reap its results, and the reaping of these results is an evidence that the Quran is the Word of Allah.

A person has become polytheist, so his heart was filled with fear:

﴾ We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they joined sh3er in worship with Allah, for which He had sent no authority; their abode will be the Fire and how evil is the abode of the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers). (151) ﴿

[Al I'mran]

This terror, which filled the heart of that terrified man, is an evidence that the Quran is the Word of Allah, and it's one of the evidences.
This is the testimony of Allah for us that the Quran is His Word.

All events are moving according to the method of Allah:

In the beginnings, the number of Muslims was not more than tens of thousands in "The Arabian Peninsula"; they were wandering nomads, underdeveloped according to the standards of civilization, they had no knowledge, no universities, no equipment, no developments, and no technology; then, how did they conquer the far countries in the east and the west? and to reach to a short distance from Paris, and to the outskirts of China? How did the most of the old world become under their domination?
The reason of their success is that they had applied the religion in their hearts, and turned it into work and behavior!
Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ Allah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth (55) ﴿


This means that the Quran is the Word of Allah:

﴾ Allah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practise their religion, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah). (55) ﴿


O brother, if you read the Word of Allah verse – by – verse, you will find that all the events starting from galaxies to the heavens, to rain, and to the sea; all are moving in line with this approach, so the occurrence of the promise and the threat is the testimony of Allah for us that the Quran is His Words. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ Nay, they deny that; the knowledge whereof they could not compass and whereof the interpretation has not yet come unto them. Thus those before them did deny. Then see what was the end of the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)! (39) ﴿


The scholars of interpretation have said: "The anagoge is the occurrence of the promise and threat.

Faith and loyalty are the two major reasons for the victory.

Dear brother, I ask Allah, Almighty, that every one of us to be honest, then if he has dealt honestly with Allah, I swear that he would see the wonder of wonders, and he would see what is unbelievable; because of the Quran is the Word of Allah, Glory be to Him.
Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. (173) ﴿


It's of the fourth impossible that to be from the soldiers of Allah, then you are defeated; so, if you did not win, you should know that your existence with the military of Allah has been disrupted.
A human called people to Allah, but the mission did not succeed, and it was prevented, then he says: "It is beyond my control!' and we say to him: "No, read the verse:

﴾ Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection), (51) ﴿


Is there any accurate talk more than this?

﴾ Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection), (51) ﴿


It means that when you are truly a believer, and when you're really faithful, you must win; because there is no god in the presence but Allah, Almighty.

Allah alone is Who carries into effect what He wills:

Allah, The Greatest, alone is Who carries into effect what He wills:

﴾ Who carries into effect what He wills (16) ﴿


Allah alone is Who carries into effect what he wills, but man may want thousands of things, and he may be prevented of what he wants, but if Allah, Almighty, wants something:

﴾ Whenever it is His will to bring, anything (animate or inanimate) into being, all it takes is to say «Be» and «it is» (82) ﴿



﴾ And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (23) ﴿

Dear brother, for example, sometimes, human has a lawsuit in the judiciary which has been litigated for eight years, and he has paid hundreds of thousands as fees for the lawyers; after all this the lawyer says to him: "The case has succeeded" The man says: "How?" The lawyer says to him: "I have found a discretion in The Court of Cassation for your advantage!" Is it reasonable that four words printed in a magazine fill the Lawyer's heart with confidence that the lawsuit has succeeded?!

The Quran is in front of you, The Word of the Lord of the Worlds, the Word of the Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who created the galaxy, which is away from us about three hundred thousand billion light-years, is He Who has revealed this Book (The Quran), this book which is from the Creator of the universe; so, Which is more credible for you?!! The Jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation, or the promise of Allah, Almighty, for you, O believer?
Which one of them gives the hope and the tranquility in the heart of its owner? The adoption of the court? Or the promise of the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and Who owns everything?

Verses confirm that all the affairs belong to Allah:

Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ Whatever of mercy (i.e.of good), Allah may grant to mankind, none can withhold it, and whatever He may withhold, none can grant it thereafter. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. (2) ﴿


Allah owns the kingdom of the heavens and the earth:

﴾ Indeed your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and then He Istawa (rose over) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty). He brings the night as a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly, and (He created) the sun, the moon, the stars subjected to His Command. Surely, His is the Creation and Commandment. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)! (54) ﴿


And Allah says:

﴾ Say: "Allah knows best how long they stayed. With Him is (the knowledge of) the unseen of the heavens and the earth. How clearly He sees, and hears (everything)! They have no Wali (Helper, Disposer of affairs, Protector, etc.) other than Him, and He makes none to share in His Decision and His Rule. (26)﴿


And He, almighty, says:

﴾the hand of Allah be at the top of their hands (10) ﴿


Also Allah says:

﴾ Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Wakil (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian, etc.) over all things. (62) ﴿


Many verses confirm that the affair belongs to Allah.

The issue of the Holy Quran is a crucial issue:

If the Creator of the universe has reassured you saying: "As long as you are faithful, and make a righteous work, I will provide a good life for you. In all cases, in all circumstances, in all occasions, in all regions, in any country, and by any system: As long as you are with Allah, Allah will be with you.

Be with Allah, and you'll find Him with you
Leave everyone, and beware your greed

And if Allah has given you, who would prevent Him?
Then who would give, if Allah has prevented you?

Obey Our Command, and we will raise our covers for you
With all the satisfaction, We bestowed who has loved us

Resort to Our shelters, and seek protection in Our presence
In order to protect you from what contains the evils of Our creatures


Dear Brother, the issue of the Holy Quran is a crucial issue, this is the method of Allah, and the manufacturer's instructions. If your computer crashed and your neighbor, who you love him so much, works in the sale of vegetables, for example, will you charge him to mend your computer? Although you love him a lot, but it is not his career; you will look for an expert, or you will look for the agency; so, why don't you look for the expert in the affairs of your eternal happiness?

﴾ And no one can inform you of the truth like Him. Who is Khabirun (14) ﴿


Whenever the science progresses, it matches the Quran:

Dear brother:

﴾ And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Qur'an) to Our slave (Muhammad Peace be upon him ), then produce a Surah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful.(23) But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers. (24) ﴿

The phrase "Did not" is used for the formulation of the past negation, and the phrase "Will not" is used for the formulation of the future negation:

﴾ But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers. (24) ﴿

You could not do that in the past, and you will not be able to do in the future; and the proof is that although the Quran has been revealed since more than one thousand -four hundred years, but science could not come up with something that is opposite to it; rather, whenever the science progresses, it matches the Quran.

﴾ He sent the fresh water and the sea water and made them come into contact with each other (19) And He set up an immaterial and natural barrier between them so that none of them gains advantage on the kingdom of the other (20) Therefore, which of your Creator's blessings, you people of mankind and the Jinn, will deny? (21) ﴿


Where is the isthmus? The Red Sea and the Mediterranean meet in the Suez Canal, the sea scientists found that the Red Sea has a density, ingredients, components, and has a brininess degree which is different from the White Sea; also the Mediterranean Sea meets with the Atlantic Ocean in the Strait of Gibraltar, and the components, density, and the brininess degree of the Atlantic Ocean differ markedly from the density, brininess degree, and the components of the Mediterranean; on the other hand, the Red Sea meets with Arabian Sea in the Strait of Bab.

Some evidences about the miracle of the Holy Quran:

Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ And He set up an immaterial and natural barrier between them so that none of them gains advantage on the kingdom of the other (20) Therefore, which of your Creator's blessings, you people of mankind and the Jinn, will deny? (21) ﴿


This verse has been interpreted only after the invention of space ships, where found by the high Space Imaging, an illusory line between every two seas, that line is the difference of density, and the difference of color; when scientists conducted researches, they found the line; so, one of the marine scientists has converted to Islam as a result of his understanding to the implications of this verse. This is a miracle of the Holy Quran.

Other thing; people were convinced that the earth is flat, but Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ «And proclaim pilgrimage to the people; they shall come to you on foot and mounted upon the back of every lean and exhausted beast of burden from every deep, distant and faraway places» (27) ﴿


Why did not He say "remote"? Although "remote" is closer to the mind? Because whenever you are away from one point of the ball, a depth has become:

﴾ «And proclaim pilgrimage to the people; they shall come to you on foot and mounted upon the back of every lean and exhausted beast of burden from every deep, distant and faraway places» (27) ﴿


As for the ball, the dimension is the depth when the distance is too far, but when the distance is short, the line is straight; for example, If you have gone to "Doma", you would find that the line is straight, but if you have gone to America, you would rotate a semi-circle exactly; so, the dimension in the ball is the depth, this is the talk of the Creator of universe.

Another evidence about the miracles of the Holy Quran:

Now a person is riding a luxury car or boarding very modern plane which accommodates six hundred and sixty passengers; or he is boarding a ship which carries one million tons, and he is reading the verse:

﴾And horses, mules and asses did He create for you to ride and to use as an adornment (8) ﴿


Where are horses, mules, and donkeys in our days? I am riding a very luxurious car which its price is twenty-four millions. Allah says:

﴾ and He creates what is yet unknown to you (8) ﴿

So it is the Word of the Creator of the universe:

﴾ and He creates what is yet unknown to you (8) ﴿

As you are in the plane:

﴾ and He creates what is yet unknown to you (8) ﴿

Or riding a luxurious car

﴾ and He creates what is yet unknown to you (8) ﴿

Or you are in a huge yacht:

﴾ and He creates what is yet unknown to you (8) ﴿

Some of the scientific miracles of the Quran:

If it has been of the talk of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, He would only say: "Horses, mules and donkeys to ride and to use as an adornment...", and it is over, because those were existing in the time of the Prophet, but because it is the Words of the Creator of the universe:

﴾ and He creates what is yet unknown to you (8) ﴿

When the human goes up to a high classes, of course, the oxygen decreases there; therefore, aircrafts pumps air about eight times of its size in order to be the pressure inside it as the pressure in the earth; if this pressure has faded for one reason or another, the plane should land at any place on the earth, or all the passengers would die; so, this is the distress that a person feels if he has boarded in a rarefied plane.
Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam, and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky. Thus Allah puts the wrath on those who believe not. (125) ﴿

[Al-An' am]

Was there any human go up to the heaven in the era of the Prophet? Now we can do that. This is of the scientific miracle of the Quran.

In the past, they could not measure the far distances; now, scientists can measure the distance between the Earth and the moon in millimeters by laser beam; also, in our days, you find a device with the engineers which is put in front of the wall and reveals the distance in millimeters on the screen in front of them; these rays are sent to the wall and return back, so, the distance is measured.
After the invention of the laser ray, it became possible to measure the dimensions very accurately; hence, it was discovered that the deepest point in the land is the valley of Palestine, and it has mentioned in the historical accounts that the famous battle which took place between the Romans and the Persians were in the Valley of Palestine; Allah, Almighty, has said:

﴾ The Romans have been defeated.(2) In the nearer land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious. (3) Within few years. (4) ﴿


We find two miracles in the verse: Scientific miracle and informative miracle; how does Allah witness for us that the Quran is His Words? By the miracle.

Other evidences about the scientific miracles in the Quran:

It was discovered that there is nothing in the universe but consists of atoms, and the atom consists of electrons rotate in a several circles around nuclei; you see the wood is static and also the stone, but everything is following this system, and that is the atom system which seems as the galaxy system. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ each describing its own orbit (33) ﴿


﴾ each﴿

is used for the ultimate inclusion:

﴾ each describing its own orbit (33) ﴿


After that atom has been discovered, it was found that there is no element; stone basalt, stone, wood, rock, water, air, … etc, but consists of atoms and electrons on orbits around the nuclei; for example, the solid element contains on its outer orbit three electrons; and the gaseous element has on its orbit four electrons, so, the difference between the gaseous element and the solid element is only one electron; everyone has read the physics textbook of the secondary certificate knows this fact, because it's something natural. Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾each describing its own orbit (33)


The woman has no relation in determining the sex of fetus:

It is discovered that the sex of the fetus is determined by the sperm not by the ovum, and woman absolutely has no relation in determining the type of fetus. So, the person who divorces his wife because she gave birth to a girl is stupid and ignorant.
Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ And that it is He Who created the two sex divisions of organic beings and distinguished them as male and female (45) And that He derived these two sex divisions of organic beings from the male seed (Notfa) when emitted (46) ﴿


From the sperm only, and the husband is responsible for the sex of fetus whether it is male or female. There are heterochromosome in the genes which are Y and X, the X is male, and the Y is female.

﴾ And that it is He Who created the two sex divisions of organic beings and distinguished them as male and female (45) And that He derived these two sex divisions of organic beings from the male seed (Notfa) when emitted (46) ﴿


Allah says:

﴾ a period of a day, determined by His own unit of time, amounting to one thousand years of those you -people- count according to your earthly calendar(5)﴿


The next verse is the theory of relativity:

Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ And a day in your Creator's calendar is as a thousand years of your earthly calendar (47) ﴿


Scientists have discovered the meanings of some verses of calculation, and the clarification is in the following paragraph:
We count years by the moon, the moon orbits around the Earth cycle every month; if we take the center of Earth and the center of the moon and measured the distance between them, we'll know the radius of the circle which is the path of the moon around the Earth. By mathematical principles, we can know the circumference by the radius; now we knew the circumference (the moon rotates around the earth one cycle in each month ) × 12 ( gives the distance that the moon rotates around the earth in a year) × 1000 (gives the distance that the moon rotates around the earth in thousand years); If we have divided this distance by the time,

﴾ And a day ﴿

the day is twenty-four hours, the hour is sixty minutes, and the minute is sixty seconds; now, if we have multiplied 24× 60 ×60 and we divided the distance in kilometers, which the moon rotates in its cycle around the Earth through one thousand years, by the number of seconds in a day; the result would be the speed of light in a minute: 299,812 Km in one second. This is the famous theory of Einstein: "The Theory of Relativity". We find it in this verse:

﴾ And a day in your Creator's calendar is as a thousand years of your earthly calendar (47) ﴿


The mathematical exactitude is of the miracles of the Quran:

Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ By the heaven and what it returns of condensed water vapor as rain and what it reflects of the various kinds of waves (11) ﴿


The heaven is everything above you. How does Allah describe the heaven as a whole in one word?

﴾ what it returns (11) ﴿

It is established that all planets of the universe rotate around each other in closed paths, and the meaning of a closed path is that this planet is due to the initial point of departure.

﴾ By the heaven and what it returns of condensed water vapor as rain and what it reflects of the various kinds of waves (11) ﴿


Of course, the verses of the Quran miracles are innumerable, and here are some models; do you believe that the rate between the number of land words and the number of sea words in the Quran is equal to the proportion between the land and the sea exactly? Who can believe that the number of angles words is equal to the number of demons words? Who can believe that the number of the worldly life words is equal to the number of the Hereafter words? This arithmetic exactitude does not end.

I swear, my brother, by Allah who is no god but He: If you have thought about the Quran through its miracles, each cell and each drop of blood in your body would believe that the Quran is the Word of Allah.
A human may read an announcement or a statement in a newspaper by "The Director of Foundation" which consisted of five words, "There is a possibility about the allowing of cars importation"; so, the price of each car decreases two hundred thousand pounds because of those five words in a newspaper and an uncertain statement. Is it possible that the car price falls two hundred thousand pounds for a statement of five words in a newspaper?

The Quran is abandoned when its rules are abandoned:

There are a large number of orders, prohibitions, and promises in the Quran; but it is on a side and people on the other side:

﴾ «O Allah my Creator, I presented to my people Your divine message but my people took a dislike to Your divine discourse -the Quran- and they rejected it as a groundless fiction, and what they formed in their minds they exhibited in action» (30) ﴿


They have reauthord the Quran in the occasions, in the condolences, and in the radio, but they have abandoned its rules.
The Quran is in the front part of the market, and many verses are hanged:

﴾ We have opened for you O Muhammad the way of wisdom, and We have circumstanced the matters of fact in Our own manner to give you access to every virtue which makes fortune and victory sit on your Helm(1)﴿


The owner of this market thought that the great facilitation is just to win, so he wrote on the storefront

﴾ In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful ﴿

but in fact, his behavior is on a side, and the Quran is on the other side.
The Quran is put in front of the driver in his car, which starts from place to another that does not please Allah ever. The Quran is abandoned when its rules are abandoned, and when it becomes hymns. In a big ceremony in Paris, The Quran was read as an Eastern folklore, not as the Word of Allah, and not as an approach of Allah; thus:

﴾ «O Allah my Creator, I presented to my people Your divine message but my people took a dislike to Your divine discourse -the Quran- and they rejected it as a groundless fiction, and what they formed in their minds they exhibited in action» (30) ﴿


You have to know, my brother, that our life and our happiness in this Book (the Quran), and we achieve our success through the implementing of it, because the Quran is a full approach. The people have abbreviated the religion into five acts of ritual worships; but also we find in the religion: The preventing of looking at the forbidden women, sincerity, honesty, fulfillment of promise, and faithfully; read the Quran which is of six hundred pages coming from the Creator of universes; you must read it and listen to its interpretation, and that is the minimum.

The fire and its boiling points:

Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Qur'an) to Our slave (Muhammad Peace be upon him ), then produce a Surah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful.(23) But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers. (24) ﴿

This is in the past.

﴾ But if you do it not, and you can never do it, (24) ﴿

In the future:

﴾ then fear the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers (24) ﴿

Dear brother, what do you think about fire?!!
Now I will start talking about red color suns, and the distant stars are white, look at them at night and you will find them white; now, also there are black holes. The flamed planet passes in the reddening, whiteness, and nigritude phases; and in each phase the heat multiplied millions of times. Our sun is red, as it is in the beginnings, but there are white suns which shrink and become white color, and after a thousand years the sun becomes black; and there are holes where the pressure is too high, that if Earth has entered one of these holes, its size would become like the size of egg, but in the same weight.
It has been mentioned in Prophet's speeches:

((Allah has ordered to be kindled under the fire a thousand years until it turned red, then it has been kindled a thousand years until it turned white, and then it has been kindled a thousand years until it turned black.))

[The Bazzar from the speech of Anas, and it's weak]

Human’s life will end with death and he’ll be questioned:

If you have put the basalt stone, which comes in the last degree in terms of fusion, in fire, it would fuse:

﴾ the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers (24) ﴿

Do you know, my brother that the experts make the oven's floor of the black stone (The basalt) which rarely melts; but in hell it becomes a liquid If the earth has been thrown in the sun, it would evaporate in one second, because the sun's heat on its face is six thousand degrees, and in its depths twenty million degrees; we talk about the red sun of the Earth, not the black sun!! The red sun is twenty million degrees.
Allah says:

﴾ But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers. (24) ﴿

Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ So how bold they are (for evil deeds which will push them) to the Fire. (175) ﴿


O brother, the words are very serious, and when you hear a serious words your troubles begin, as you are responsible, and you are living in a time that will elapse with death, then you will be asked for every movement and quietness, you will be asked for every giving and prevention, you will be asked for the marriage and divorce, and you will be asked for the anger and breeding; so, you will be asked for everything. Therefore, if you have an evidence that the Quran is not the Words of Allah, then, prove it to me; but if all evidences say that the Quran is the Words of Allah, then what do you do?!

We would not be defeated unless we have left the Quran:

If someone has read a communiqué of curfew and under the penalty of shot, then he did not move or go to his house, he would be insane, because if he has violated the communiqué, he would be killed; also, if he has read it and said: "The handwriting is beautiful, the signing is good, the color of ink is very good, the paper is very valuable, and is not available, from where did they bring it?"; in another sense, if he has left the content of the communiqué, and went to the particles which are not related to the content of it at all, it would be foolish. This Quran is a method, but we read it for the dead people, we read it in the special occasions, and we obtain it as a masterpiece of the museum; while it is a method for implementation.

Our Caliph Omar saw a man who was reciting the Quran, but seemed that he did not apply It; so, Omar said: "May Allah kills them, the Quran has been revealed to be applied with; then do they make the reciting of Quran as a work? Do they make the reciting of Quran as a work?" You should implement the Quran, not to make a living from it, because it is our approach, and the Words of our Lord.

Our enemies will not be able to win us, but if we have left the Quran, and this is what has been said by one of the great ministers in Britain: "As long as this Book in their hands, you will not be able to win them." and the Prophet, peace be upon him, says:

((The best person of you is he who learns “The Quran” and teaches it))

[Al-Boukhari from Othman]

And Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them (by preaching) with the utmost endeavour, with it (the Qur'an). (52) ﴿


The invitatory jihad is of the greatest forms of jihad:

Our Lord has named the learning of the Quran and teaching It: The great warfare "jihad"; this invitatory jihad is of the greatest forms of jihad; to reinforce the meanings of this Book, to convince the people give priority to the Quran, to lead them to apply its rules, and to lead them to follow its commands and prohibitions; this is what we want.

I ask Allah, Glory be to Him, to succeed in an upcoming lesson to continue in interpreting of this verse:
﴾ But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.(24) And give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous good deeds, that for them will be Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise). Every time they will be provided with a fruit therefrom, they will say: "This is what we were provided with before," and they will be given things in resemblance (i.e. in the same form but different in taste) and they shall have therein Azwajun Mutahharatun (purified mates or wives), (having no menses, stools, urine, etc.) and they will abide therein forever.(25)﴿

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