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Scientific Topics- Scientific Topics from Sermons- Lesson(31): Prayer is healthy and a cure to migraine and Uterous inversion
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

A prescription for migraine:

A migraine patient headed towards a western country to find a cure for such long-last disturbing disease. She met a doctor there, and he asked her, "Where are you from?" She answered, "I am from Damascus." He wondered, "Are you a Muslim?" She answered, "Yes, I am." Then he asked, "Do you pray?" She said, "No, I do not." After that he said, "Well, Salah (praying) is your cure." She was upset about what the doctor said, since she paid thousands of dollars to travel by plane only to listen to those words by a doctor from a foreign country, "Salah is your cure." 

She asked him, "What does praying have to do with migraine?" He said to her explaining, "When the Muslim prostrates, the blood rushes to the head causing congesting in the blood arteries, and the minute he raises his head, the pressure lessened suddenly from the congested arteries, giving in this process flexibility to the arteries and protecting them from hardening. As you know arteriosclerosis, narrowing of small arteries and brain lack of blood are reasons of migraine."

Salah is undoubtedly light and purification. Besides, it is a Divine Order and a major Islamic obligation. Furthermore, it is reported that "There is no good in religion that has no Salah." Also, it is reported that "Salah is the pillar of religion, so whoever keeps praying, keeps his faith intact, but whoever abandons it, destroys his faith." 
Other diseases cured by performing Salah:  
Scientists of sport in the advanced countries have organized a number of exercises by which all muscles in the human body move, his hearts never gets exhausted, and the body never gets physically hurt. Oddly enough, they have found out that such exercises are identical to the moves man makes during Salah. They have even concluded, "The best exercises are done in different times of the day."

All athletes do their exercises early in the morning or before they go to bed, but if they do these exercises at different times during the day, they will get more benefit. Also, they may do exhausting exercises for their heart. While the moves done during Salah are not exhausting, and they make the muscles flexible, and the spinal column and the toes refreshed.  Moreover, Salah protects man from many diseases, such as arteriosclerosis which affects the brain causing a painful and unbearable migraine attack to some people.          

Dear noble brothers, tilted uterus is a disease from which some women suffer, and it is treated by doing exercises that are exactly the same moves one makes during Salah. 
Benefits of performing Salah: 
Dear noble brothers, obeying Allah's Orders is beneficial to man in thousands of ways. Moreover, performing Salah is establishing a connection with Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He. In addition, Salah enlightens man's life with Allah's Light that casted into his heart, and Salah is the tranquility man feels while he is standing before Allah, Exalted and Sublime be. Needless to say, Salah provides man with physical health; it keeps man's heart, arteries, muscles and brain healthy. Allah the Almighty orders us to pray:   

(…and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) for My Remembrance.)

 [Ta-Ha, 14]

(Perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) from mid-day till the darkness of the night (i.e. the Zuhr, 'Asr, Maghrib, and 'Isha' prayers), and recite the Qur'an in the early dawn (i.e. the morning prayer). Verily, the recitation of the Qur'an in the early dawn is ever witnessed (attended by the angels in charge of mankind of the day and the night).)

[Al-Isra', 78]

(And in some parts of the night (also) offer the Salat (prayer) with it (i.e. recite the Qur'an in the prayer), as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer Nawafil) for you (O Muhammad PBUH). It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqaman Mahmuda (a station of praise and glory, i.e. the highest degree in Paradise!).)


[Al-Isra', 79]


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