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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al- Baqarah (2)- Lesson (6)- Verses [8-12]: The hypocrisy and the hypocrites are the great danger which Threatens Muslims.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Dear brother, we continue with the sixth lesson of “Surat Al-Baqarah”, and the eighth verse.

The believer, the infidel, and the hypocrites:

 O brother, at the beginning of this precious chapter “Sura”; Allah, Almighty, revealed the characteristics of the believers in a few verses, He revealed the characteristics of the infidels in two verses, and He revealed the characteristics of the hypocrites in thirteen verses, why?
 Because both the believer and the infidel are clear; the believer was bold, as he believed in this great religion, so he had received the price, he sacrificed a little and took so much; also the infidel was bold, as he refused the right, and he has paid the price.
 The believer is compatible with himself, and the infidel is compatible with himself; the believer is compatible with the truth and himself, while the infidel is not compatible with the truth, but he is compatible with himself; so the believer and the infidel are clear and obvious.

 But the dangerous human is the hypocritical, because he is obscure, as he has an apparent, and he has an interior; he has a declared position, and he has an inside position; he has something to do in his observance, and he has something to do in his privately; hence, the publicly of the hypocrite is not like his hiding.
 So, the hypocrite is danger, and the believer is clear, also the infidel is clear too; the believer is compatible with the truth and with himself, he was bold and he accepted the right; he has sacrificed, and he has received the price.
 While the infidel is compatible with himself only, he was bold, and he refused the right, then he has paid the price.
 All the believer is welfare, all of him is giving, all of him is honor, and all of him is charity; while the harming of the infidel is limited because it is appearing, that people fear him because he is infidel.. But the danger of the hypocrite is great, because he misleads the believers that he is a faithful while he is with the infidels; therefore, Allah, The Greatest, has said:

﴾ Indeed, the hypocrites are destined to the abode in the deep bottomless abyss of Hell…(145)﴿


 The hypocrite has taken the characteristics of the believers, and he was treated as the believers were treated; he took all their privileges, because he showed the faith, in addition that he benefited from the infidels, and he hocused the faithful, so he is in the nadir of the fire.
 Allah has described the believers in a few verses, and in only two verses He has described the infidels, and in thirteen verses Allah has described the hypocrites.

Hypocrisy is the most dangerous thing for the believers:

 O brother, Allah, Almighty, tests the believers with many afflictions; He tests them for the purpose of giving them the force, or He tests them for the purpose of wakening them; the believers are afflicted when Allah makes them ascendant on their enemies, and they are afflicted when they are weakened; as if the trial is weakness then the infidels increase, because they are not afraid of anyone; while if the distress is strength, then the hypocrites increase.
 In Mecca, there were no hypocrites, because a person could be an infidel publicly, and he could accuse the Prophet openly by saying: that he is crazy, magician, poet, and he is an impostor; then he sleeps safely at his home, and no harm infects him, because believers were weak; therefore, the infidels increase when the believers are weak.
 But in Al-Medina, the believers have become stronger, as they are a force, so the hypocrites increase.
 The hypocrite is an infidel, but he found that his interest is to join the believers falsely and to cooperate with the infidels in reality; so the most dangerous thing in the believer’s life is the hypocrisy.
As I have said earlier the believer is clear, and the infidel is clear; the faithful is compatible with the truth, and with himself, and he became a source of giving for the creatures; on the other hand, the infidel is compatible with himself only, not with the truth, his evil is limited, because his identity is declared.
 The believer is bold, he believed in the right, he sacrificed, and then he received the price; also the infidel is bold, he refused the right and earned some of the temporary gains, and he has paid a high price; while, the hypocrite is a changeable person, neither to them, nor to those.

﴾ And when they are face to face with those whose hearts are impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues they declare that they have conformed their will to Allah’s will, and when they are apart with their satanic confederates who delight in satanic wickedness, they assure them of their confederacy and that they confederate in their design but they were only laughing at the believers with an outward contempt of what they esteemed sacred (14) Allah is laughing at them…(15)﴿


The true believer accuses his self of hypocricy:

 Dear brother, it is of the rise that the human self is always accuses its owner of hypocrisy, an accusing.
 One of the exalted followers said: “I have met forty Companions, and each one of them has thought himself a hypocrite!” that the believer is fluctuating in a day about forty status for fear of hypocrisy; while the hypocrite has been keeping on one case for forty years without feeling that he is a hypocrite.

 The hypocrisy is a dualism, and the hypocrisy is case of schizophrenia, which he has two personalities; as when he is presenting with the believers, he pretends with piety and righteousness, and he broaches a very precise questions about the doctrine; for example, he asks: “A seed of sesame has remained between his teeth, what is the rule of his fast, sir? Apparently, you find him a top of devoutness, while he hides a very large amount of sins; whenever he has sat with the believers he asked many questions, advisory opinions, and issues, to show them that he is a believer, to take the privileges of the believers, and to gain their winnings; but, in fact, he is with the unbelievers.
 Allah, Glory be to Him, says: “There are some people who say...by their tongue... and to say is easy:

﴾ Among people are those who pretend to believe in Allah, give credence to His Omnipotence and Authority and acknowledge the truth of the Hereafter..(8)﴿

 And Allah, Almighty, has accused them of lying when he said:

﴾ while in fact they hug their old irreverent conviction to their hearts(8)﴿

Man is not evaluated by sayings, but by deeds:

 The human does not be evaluated by his sayings, but by his deeds; as there are many people who say to you: “I believe in the Hereafter”, but if you notice their acts, you will not find any righteous work which tells that he is afraid of the fire; like to gain the ill-gotten money, to sit with women who are not allowed to meet, or to aggress on the rights of sh3er, to aggress on their honesty, and to aggress on their treasury, either openly, or inclusively; by the falsity, by the swindle, and by the trickery; as he realizes his interests.
 The hypocrite claims that he is a believer, while the faith is clear of him; for instance, A man could sell a house, which its real price is seven millions, for only seven hundreds thousand, by devious and illegitimate methods and while he is going to the mosques.
 “To leave a small coin (1/6 of dirham) of the ill-gotten money is better than eighty pilgrimages after the pilgrimage of Islam.”

 So, hypocrisy is the most dangerous thing in the life of the believers, the personality dualism, the schizophrenia, a declared position, and a hidden position; he has something to do in his observance, and he has something to do in his privately; hence, the publicly of the hypocrite is not like his hiding, and his privacy is not like his appearance; when he is living in his country, he behaves as converse as what he does in another countries; and how many of veiled women who have come from a country where the veil is mandatory, but when they board a plane, they took off everything, as if she does not believe in anything in this religion; this is a hypocrisy.
 A person can notice this dualism in his life; if he is doing an acceptable act in front of the people, and he has done the opposite thing in his privacy, then this is a case of hypocrisy; and do not forget, my brother, that the hypocrites in the nadir of the hell; the most dangerous thing in the life of the believer is to slip to the hypocrisy.

Types of the hypocrisy:

 I’ll be frank with you, there is a hypocrisy which is of a weakness in the faith, or a weakness before the desires; this hypocrite, who started from the weakness in the certainty, and weakness in the will; may Allah, Almighty, medicated him and gives him a hand to the faith; and there are many cases of those who lived through the Prophet, peace be upon Him, were hypocrites then Allah had repented on them, but the hypocrisy that is being utilized for a worldly gains, as I said in the last lesson, when the human benefits with the infidelity, and when he makes the infidelity as a means for the financial gains, then this human becomes with the unbelievers:

﴾.. it is all the same to them whether you warn them O Muhammad of menacing danger and misfortune or not(6)﴿

 And the hypocrite who was originally an unbeliever as a believed infidelity, and a behavioral infidelity, he is apparently with the believers, this person also does not benefit from any sermon he has received...

﴾ Among people are those who pretend to believe in Allah, give credence to His Omnipotence and Authority and acknowledge the truth of the Hereafter(8)﴿

Hypocrisy is a very perfect acting:

 Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ Therefore, you must know O Muhammad and realize with great prudence that there is no deity but Allah…(19)﴿


 He did not say: Then say, because the saying is easy, and each human is clever
Also the acting has reached a great superiority, that the most clever person has become skillful in acting, and he can make you think that he is a believer, by words, movements, quietness, acting, and attitudes; but he is not so; particularly in the case of marriage, as he makes you think that he is righteous, pious, pure, and virtuous; and after the wedding you find another person; on the other hand, she makes him think that she has learnt the words of Allah, she has a scholar who she receives the knowledge from her, she fears Allah, and he saw her veiled; but in another time, he saw her as if she is another woman.
 So, nowadays, the acting is very perfect, it means that the experiences of acting are in the highest degree; in fact, the acting is a hypocrisy, the more obvious thing is that the actor may take the role of a righteous man, and so he is; or he may take the role of a bad man, and so he is.
 Anyway, there is a mastery of roles, Hypocrisy, and acting meet, the hypocrite is an actor; then the hypocrisy is types, and the acting is types; as there is a very well done acting, and a bad acting.
 Once, I have told you about a play in the Legitimate Institute which tells the story of our Master “Bilal”, and “Omayya bin Khalaf” who was torturing our Master “Bilal”, because he has owned him in the pre-Islam era, and how “Omayya” was punishing him, then Bilal said: “Allah is the only one”; so person who acts the role of “Omayya” said to him: “I will not stop your suffering until you disbelieve in Muhammad, peace be upon Him,” of course it’s not a good acting because he said: “Peace be upon Him”.
 So, the hypocrite is a very smart actor.

The person’s deeds emphasize his prestige:

﴾ Among people are those who pretend to believe in Allah, give credence to His Omnipotence and Authority and acknowledge the truth of the Hereafter while in fact they hug their old irreverent conviction to their hearts(8)﴿

 The human is evaluated of his work, his deeds emphasize the prestige of him; therefore, you find a person who believes in a thing overtly, but his deeds do not stress that; and among the deeds of the hypocrite,  you will not find any work that stresses his faith in the heaven, so he does not work for it; on the other hand, you will not find among the deeds of the hypocrite any work that emphasizes his fear of the fire, because he does not refrain from it.
  Those who are indulged to the top of their heads in the ill-gotten money, do the heaven and the hell have a place in their life?
 By Allah, if the human has believed that there is a hell which he will enter forever, then he would think a million times before he earns any ill-gotten money, and if he has believed that there will be a difficult accountable..

﴾ But by Allah, your Creator, there shall come the Day when all of them shall have much to answer for (92) And all their misdeeds shall be laid to their charge(93)﴿


﴾ Then it is a momentous Day of heavy consequence, a Day of constraint and constriction (9) So distressful to those who refused to acknowledge Allah and conform to His blessed will; a day fraught with pain and affliction(10)﴿


Faith is work and obligation:

 When you do not find in the human’s deeds any work which indicates that he fears the hell, or any work which indicates that he interests in the heaven then it’s a kind of hypocrisy; and when the fact of the human stabilizes in the heart of the believer, this fact will express itself by offering help to sh3er; as the believer moves to serve other people, and he holds a very precise self-accountable.
 So, the faith is work, and the faith is obligation...

﴾ Those who conformed to Islam and emigrated to where they could best serve Allah and strove in His cause with their wealth and their lives, and those who gave them refuge and afforded them help, are joined one to the other in mutual intimacy. Those who conformed to Islam but due to social or business interests did not emigrate to where they could best serve Allah will be denied your tutelary protection until they have emigrated..(72)﴿


 The faith is a movement; there is no static faith ever, a still believer!! A disobedient believer!! A believer who never does the righteous deeds!! This is not a faith.
 The true faith is what has been confirmed by the work, the faith is a confession by the tongue, and working of the pillars; the faith is what has settled in the heart, also it has been believed by the tongue, and it has been confirmed by the work.
 A conviction in the heart, a confession by the tongue, and a working of the pillars; that is the faith; therefore, Allah, the Greatest, says:

﴾ But those whose hearts reflect the image of religious and spiritual virtues and their deeds wisdom and piety are the best of the intellectual beings(7)﴿


The faith has come associated with the righteous deed more than two hundred times:

﴾ whose hearts reflect the image of religious and spiritual virtues and their deeds wisdom and piety are the best of the intellectual beings(7)﴿

The enemy of the believers is an enemy to Allah:

﴾ They apply their minds to deceiving Allah ﴿

  and in fact, they are deceiving the believers, they did not believe in Allah, but Allah, Glory be to Him, has honored the believers; He regarded those who deceive the believers as if they deceive Him, He made their enemy as His enemy, and He made the exaltation to them as an exalting to Him..

﴾ Quote to them O Muhammad what Allah says: «O My people Who worship Me.. »(53)﴿


 In the previous verse, (O) was mentioned for the kinship; as it is an honoring and hospitality kinship, Allah has honored the believer when He, Almighty, has related them with His selfsame; therefore, the hypocrite only deceives the believers, but Allah, Almighty, has made the delusion of the believers as a delusion of Him, then the believer’s enemy is the enemy of Allah, and who deceives him is deceiving Allah, also who honors the believer is honoring Allah; “The one who has honored his brother, as if he has honored his Lord”; the one who has honored his brother, as if he has honored his Lord, and this is the highest type of honor..

﴾ They apply their minds to deceiving Allah, AL-'Alim (the Omniscient), Who knows what is secretly suggested to the mind, and to deceive those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, when in fact, they only deceive themselves, failing to perceive(9)﴿

He who prevents his self from goodness deceives it:

 How did they deceive themselves? They prevented it from the welfare; for example, if a person has one kilo of a cheap metal, a very low-priced metal, that it is less than one Syrian pound; then by his hard effort, cleverness, and tricks, he convinced people that this metal is gold, and people has believed him, and they revered this fortune, then who is the loser, the people or that person? Of course, he is alone the loser, because he has been reassured to their conviction, while, in fact, he does not own anything.
 As well, the hypocrite deceives the believers, and feels swoon that he could deceive them and he could convince them with his belief… then what if you convinced them? You are not a believer... And you do not have any of the believer’s privileges.
 In the end, you have convinced me that you carry the highest certificate, while you do not read or write, can you be utilized from your illiteracy? You have convinced me in a transient session that you carry the highest certificate, you can not utilize at all, so how are they deceiving themselves?
 The hypocrite is relieved when he persuaded the believers that he is one of them, and the plan has succeeded, but what is the value of this success? Your plan has succeeded, but you are not a believer, and you will not survive the punishment of Allah, nor of His wrath... Nor His discipline; you will not survive the damaging of your money, nor of the discipline in your health, nor of the discipline in one of your family; then you did not take anything of the believer’s features, as you convinced them that you are a believer and they have believed you; actually, you are deceiving yourself.
 Like an ostrich, when it is pursued by an enemy, it dips its head in the sand, thereupon it does not see; is it smart? It is of the utmost stupidity, as when it immersed its head in the sand it did not see, it assured as it has set in its place, then the enemy has come and ate it, did it deceive its enemy, or deceive itself? Of course, it deceived itself.

The relationship between each human and Allah:

 Briefly, if you could deceive people, and if you made them think that you are a believer, so simply and naively people had believed you, and they had commended your faith, but you do not so; then your relation is with Allah, and He, Almighty, will expose you for the difficult exams, and the extreme reprimand; and you will not take anything of the believer’s privileges, then who has deceived the other?
 The son said to his father: “I convince you that these are three chickens, but in fact, they are two”; his father said to him: “I will eat a chicken, your mother will eat one, and you eat the third... It is a nonsense talk, and it does not make a sense...

﴾ They apply their minds to deceiving Allah, AL-'Alim (the Omniscient), Who knows what is secretly suggested to the mind, and to deceive those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, when in fact, they only deceive themselves, failing to perceive (9)﴿

 You are naïve, and stupid, as you have made me think that you are a faithful, but you are not; then what did you attain? You are related with whom? Are you related with Allah? And the most eloquent talk is what the Prophet (PBUH) said:

((..And some of you may be more eloquent and persuasive in presenting their argument…))

[Al-Boukhari & Muslim from Um Salama]

 He is fluent, quick-witted, and he turns the right into falseness, by a witty intelligence... Someone came to The Prophet, peace be upon Him, and he had convinced him, then The Prophet (PBUH) sentenced in favor of him, and said:

((..And some of you may be more eloquent and persuasive in presenting their argument. So if I give someone’s right to another (wrongly) because of the latter’s (tricky) presentation of the case, I am really giving him a piece of fire; so he should not take it.))

[Al-Boukhari & Muslim from Um Salama]

 He did not benefit anything, and that is the meaning of the words of Allah, The Greatest:

﴾ when in fact, they only deceive themselves, failing to perceive (9) ﴿

Allah knows everything people think or feel:

 If you have been invited to a very delicious food, and you were very hungry, then you made the person who has invited you think that you ate a Very delicious food before a while; so he said to you: “Excuse me! And please do not eat too much”; did you deceive him? Or did he? What is the benefit of this talk? You deprived yourself of this food, you made him think that you ate a delicious food a little while ago, while you did not eat for a couple of days, and the food was very good, when you made him think that you ate, then he stopped of inviting you to the food, while you were wriggling of hunger, and the delicious food in front of you; who did trick the other? You deceived yourself only.

﴾ They apply their minds to deceiving Allah, AL-'Alim (the Omniscient), Who knows what is secretly suggested to the mind, and to deceive those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, when in fact, they only deceive themselves, failing to perceive(9)﴿

﴾ when in fact, they only deceive themselves, failing to perceive(9)﴿

  That is a real foolishness, and that is an imbecility, do not pretend of what you do not have; your relationship with Allah who is nothing hidden of Him; you are completely naked in front of Him, Allah knows your thoughts, He comes between a man and his heart, your notions, your intentions, your motives, your goals, your aspirations, and your trickery..

﴾ Yet, with cleverness in circumventing, they -the Meccan infidels- had recourse to stratagem, but all their cunning they take for a sinister and crooked wisdom comes to Allah's knowledge, notwithstanding that their breastplate of cunning is overreaching that it moves mountains(46)﴿


You escape from Allah’s punishment only with His obedience:

 By Allah, o brother; every day I see a man convinces people of something, while he is on the contrary of that, then he falls, and he does not survive the wrath of Allah ever, and he will never survive.
 We hold a party, a men wedding party, we invite all the scholars, and, simply, the scholars stand and compliment the two generous and pedigreed families, etc..
 But the two families are not as well; if a person has complimented you, would you survive the punishment of Allah?
 They say: “We invited so and so, and he made a speech, and another scholar has given a speech...” but in the wedding party, you find dressed naked women, the wines were distributed, the dancers were brought, and photographers were brought too.
 Before two days, in the men wedding party... Two highbred wellborn families, and the righteous women for the righteous men; and after two days you find a dressed naked women, the wines are distributed, the dancers are dancing, and all the sins are committed in this wedding party.
 So, when you brought all those scholars to give the words what did you do?
 You made people think that you're a good and righteous person; but your relationship is with Allah alone, and you will not escape from the torment of Allah, except by obeying Him; but to make people think that you are a believer does not avail.
 An anecdote is narrated about a person entered a lawyer...The lawyer thought that if he makes a several telephone calls, his standing will get higher, then he made calls with important personages, the lawsuit succeeded, the lawsuit succeeded, it succeeded; after that the lawyer asked the person about his need; then the man said: “I have come to connect the phone cord for you!”, as he did not have a phone!! You may speak words, and you think that you raise your standing, but in fact, you have fallen.

﴾ They apply their minds to deceiving Allah, AL-'Alim (the Omniscient), Who knows what is secretly suggested to the mind, and to deceive those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, when in fact, they only deceive themselves, failing to perceive(9)﴿

Truthfulness is a salvation from the torment of Allah:

 If the hypocrite knows that he is a hypocrite, then he is not; the problem is that he does not feel, he thinks himself a smart person, a discreet person, and proficient in the vernacular expressions, but he is not as well Do not make anyone think of an incorrect thing, make your relationship with Allah is honest, be honest with Allah, and be sincere in your religion, then a little of work is enough.

 Our master “Ka'b bin Malik” had stayed behind The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, then when The Prophet, peace be upon Him, came back to “Al-Medina”; Ka’ b occurred to apologize to The Prophet as the hypocrites were apologizing; he said: “When The Prophet (PBUH) came, he stood in His presence and said: “ O Messenger of Allah, by Allah, if I have sat with someone, then I would go out because of his irritation; that I was given a disputation… (And I had fluency and a mean of persuasion)… But I fear if I have made you pleased falsely, then Allah would make you displeased of me; and I wish if I am honest with you today, Allah will forgive me”.
 Our master “Ka’ b” was interested in Allah, alone, and he did not want to deceive The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him; eighty hypocrites had given Him a convincing pretexts, and a strong excuses, then The Prophet asked Allah to forgive them, and He left their hearts to Allah; but when Ka ‘b came and was honest with Him, The Prophet (PBUH) said: “As for this man, he has told the truth”; by the word “As for this man, he has told the truth”, then all those who apologized in front of Him, He has accepted their excuses apparently, and He left their hearts to Allah; but they did not be honest; He said: “As for this man, he has told the truth”.
 The trueness is a salvation, so be honest, and do not disclose yourself, as you are not in charge to disclose yourself; but do not show anything other than what you are, and ask Allah the salvation, and ask Allah to conceal..

﴾ …while in fact they hug their old irreverent conviction to their hearts (8) They apply their minds to deceiving Allah, AL-'Alim (the Omniscient), Who knows what is secretly suggested to the mind, and to deceive those whose hearts have been impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues, when in fact, they only deceive themselves, failing to perceive (9) Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being(10)﴿

 An illness.

The love of the worldly life is the head of every misdeed:

 I have told you in the last lesson that the troubles of the heart illnesses begin after the death, and continue forever and ever.

﴾ «The Day when neither wealth nor progeny shall be of advantage.» (88) «Except him who comes to the audience of Allah with his heart in its right place, heartened or filled with devotion»(89)﴿


﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being(10)﴿

 Love of worldly life is a disease, love of the worldly life makes blind and deaf, and love of the worldly life is the base of every misdeed; but to buy a house with your lawful money, to marry a righteous wife, and to like that you have a lawful money are not from the love of worldly life; but the love of the worldly life is what prompts you on aggression, to take what is not yours, to aggress on the property and the honor of sh3er, to compete with people for this world, and to destroy them for your own interest; all of what is mentioned belong to the love of the worldly life, which is the head of every sin..

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being (10)﴿

Self-diseases get worse because man is dynamic:

 The worsening of psychological diseases because the human, in the base, is kinetic and dynamic... If he has done a good work, it would lead him to a better one; and if he has done a bad action, it would lead to a worse one... For example: “A look, a smile, a welcome, a talk, a date, and then a meet...

﴾ Nor should you commit adultery (32) ﴿


﴾ Do not follow the footsteps of AL-Shaytan (Satan) (21) ﴿


 The human is a kinetic, as if his heart has fallen ill, then this disease would transmit him to another disease.
 For example, a man has a problem in his heart, the heart medications left an ulcer in his stomach, so the heart disease has taken him to an illness in the stomach, then the ulcer has evolved to a malignant tumor in the stomach.. Look how it started with a heart disease, then it transmitted to the stomach and finally it became a tumor, these cases are too much... The disease always transforms to a more severe illness; even in the vehicles, if there was an error, then it transforms to a bigger mistake.
 Assume that a person his pressure has come down, then if it has stilled low for six hours the kidney would stop, he was concerned about the pressure, and now he is concerning about the kidney; this is the nature of the diseases.
 The diseases are fire from disease to another, The rate of sugar increased.. He became blind, or a clot in the brain has come into being, and this clot caused a paralysis, then the paralysis caused ulceration of the skin.

The life of the infidel is an explosive series:

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being, and consequently did Allah make their seats of intellect melt away in disease and lassitude that they addicted themselves to vice(10)﴿

 From a disease to another; a person may started with a view, then he allows to his eyes to gaze, then the gazing moved him to a nice talk with the opposite sex, then the talk moved him to a meeting, the meeting ended up in adultery, which ended up in the prison, and then to AIDS, so he started with a look..
 I heard that a woman rode a car, and the driver asked her: “Where to?”
 She said to him: “To anywhere you want”; the driver understood her intention, and thought it a great gain.
 After he had finished she gave him a message, and an envelope with money in it, when he opened the envelope, he found five thousand dollars.. And a letter which is written:
“Welcome in AIDS club”, she infected him with AIDS, and when he went to change the amount, he found them false, so he was put in the prison.

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being, and consequently did Allah make their seats of intellect melt away in disease and lassitude that they addicted themselves to vice(10)﴿

 The life of the infidel is an explosive series, he earns an ill-gotten money, he steals, and he gets involved in the theft to a murder, then he is sentenced to be imprisoned for thirty years.. He finished.. He began with the robbery and ended with the killing; he does not pray, and he has divorced his wife because of a silly reason, he divorced her and she has five children, then she insisted not to come back, she went to her family, and she rely on them, on the other hand, he left his children without a nanny; he was in a thing, then he became in something else.
 The infidel is blind, and the hypocrite is blind and he moves from phase to phase, all his life is filled with explosives and mining...

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being, and consequently did Allah make their seats of intellect melt away in disease and lassitude that they addicted themselves to vice(10)﴿

Lying is the main character that perishes the human:

Another meaning:

﴾ ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being(10) ﴿

 That is the love of the worldly life..

﴾ and consequently did Allah make their seats of intellect melt away in disease and lassitude that they addicted themselves to vice(10)﴿

 When they insisted on the love of the worldly life, Allah has set them free for it; it was a desire which they can repent of, then it became a reality…

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being, and consequently did Allah make their seats of intellect melt away in disease and lassitude that they addicted themselves to vice, and there awaits them a fitting punishment for their intentional assertion of what is false(10)﴿

 A painful torment, so the biggest character which perishes the human is the lying, and it was mentioned in the right speech “Hadith”:

((The believer was imprinted on all of the characteristics, except the treason and the lying))

[Ahmad from Abu Umama, may Allah be pleased with him]

 The believer never lies, and he never betrays, but he may mistake, that he is a guilty and forgiving, but he never to lie, and impossible to betray..

((No belief for whom has no honesty, and no religion for whom has no pledge))

[Narrated by Al-Baghawi, from Anas may Allah be pleased with him]

﴾ and there awaits them a fitting punishment for their intentional assertion of what is false(10)﴿

 Their torment is painful because they deceive the people..

Danger comes from those who claim to be religious:

 The truth O brother, where did the dangers come to the Muslims from? Of themselves, because the right does not multiply, and the right is one, no battle between two rights may occur, never, because the right does not multiply, and if a battle has occurred between the right and the falseness, then it would be very short, because Allah with the right; but if the battle has occurred between two falsenesses, then it would be endless; and the greatest danger which threatens the Muslims is not the enemies of religion, because they are uncovered, but the danger comes from those who claim the religiosity, those are the hypocrites.
 The dangers which have destroyed the Muslims are not of the religion’s enemies, but of those who claim the religiosity; and the Islamic religion’s enemies, especially in the western world, had illustrated that the Islamic religion is greater and stronger than to be faced, what did they do?
 They wanted to explode the Islamic religion internally, by the hypocrites; as each person works to change the Islamic doctrine, by making the lawful is unlawful, and making the unlawful is lawful, he originates an unreasonable heresy in the religion that is a hypocrite who explodes the religion internally.
 Now, the plan is open and very clear, as the religion’s enemies try to explode the life of Muslims from their inside.
 How many terrorist acts, the believers did not do them, but the hypocrites did in order to distort the reputation of the religion, and to make the Muslim is a terrorist, while he is the furthest person from this character. The danger always threatens us of the hypocrites, those who lurks among the believers, and do what its results are not laudable.
 The talk about this subject is long, then How many religion’s sworn enemies who have hidden with the believer’s uniform, and they did criminal acts which had been imputed to the believers, this behavior is repeatedly open and clear, so the great danger which threatens the Muslims is not from their enemies, as their enemies are open; the right does not multiply, but it is of the hypocrites who dissatisfied the believers.

The believer reconciliates, and the hypocrite expatriates:

 The example of this is like if we have said their words… the Holy Quran.. is the Words of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, but the cutting of hand is brutal, surely, there must be any other preventive mean but cutting the hand, what did they do? They destroyed the rules of the Quran; did Allah, Almighty, miss that this means is brutal, and there must be another way?
 It means that when the human dresses the grab of religion, then he attacks the Quran, he attacks the Sunnah, and he attacks the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in one way or another; either by claiming the objectivity, or by the precise scientific research, or by the civilizational outlook; this is a hypocrite that destroys the religion by a dangerous pick under the name of these ridiculous covers, and he does not feel.
 Therefore, the hard danger which threatens the believers is of those who claim the religiosity, not of the enemies of religion; and Imam Al-Shafi’i has a word that fits this place, he says: “To make a living by dancing is much better than to make a living by religion”.

 To make money by the dance is making a living, but the dance is not an ideal that exemplary at all; as for the human who makes a living by the religion, he makes the people think that he is a believer, then he draws the religious texts in order to his interest; and he takes the money that he does not merit, hence, he gives the worst reputation about the religion to other people; so, if the people have departed of the religion, it is because of this hypocrite person who has alienated people from the religion; the believer approaches, and the hypocrite expatriates; the believer joins, and the hypocrite cuts; and the believer makes sh3er love the religion, while the hypocrite alienates..

﴾ , and who disjoin all that Allah has ordained be joined together (27) ﴿


 The believer is approaching, and the hypocrite is expatriating..

Hypocrites corrupt selves and environment:

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being, and consequently did Allah make their seats of intellect melt away in disease and lassitude that they addicted themselves to vice, and there awaits them a fitting punishment for their intentional assertion of what is false (10) And when told to stop making mischief on earth nor create discord, they say: «But we only try to bring people to abandon the wrong course of life and conduct and adopt the right one till the new principle governs their thoughts»(11)﴿

 This water is not spoiled, because it has no color, no taste, and no smell, then how do we spoil it? If we change its color, its taste or its smell, and the perversion of a thing is ejecting it of its characteristics; the spoiling of a girl is taking her out of chastity and modesty, the spoiling of the officer is taking him out of serving the citizens, the spoiling of the judge is taking him out of the justice, the spoiling of a doctor is taking him out of advising the patients, the spoiling of the lawyer is to lie to his clients, and the spoiling of the teacher is to give a simple information in a long time, it means that he did not teach anything, then he takes a sum of money without teaching anything.
 Every profession, every character, and every identity has a right path, and has a rotten path; so, the hypocrite wants the desires of the worldly life, so he spoils the woman and seducing her to be unveil and to present her charms in front of people in the road, also the hypocrite seduces a person to take the unlawful money, (He said to him: you have children and all the people are so on)…
So, always, the task of the hypocrite is corrupting the selves, or even spoiling the environment, the air spoiling, and the water spoiling..

﴾ And when told to stop making mischief on earth nor create discord.. (11) ﴿

Man has to increase goodness:

 Indeed, the human is commanded to increase the goodness of goodness.
 For example: A water well which its destruction is possible, then we make a metal shirt inside the well to support it; so, the well is valid for use, but you have increased its power, and if you have left the well such as it is, then you did not subvert it; but if you have decided to destroy it, then you have corrupted it; so, a corruption and a non- corruption have occurred, and you have to increase the goodness.
 The believer is commanded to increase the goodness, then if he has spoiled, it means that he had spoiled twice, once because he left the corruption, and once because he has corrupted the thing; and you are, originally, commanded to increase the goodness of goodness, then the believer reconciles between people, and he reconciles the environment.

 Before fifty years ago, as I remember, people used to drink from these rivers which are walking through Damascus; the water of the river was drunk because no one was daring to throw something in it; now all the sewages pour in the rivers. Make a balance between the riverhead of “Barada River” and its embouchure; what did come about it in its flowing to the embouchure? Streams with ablack water; so the spoiling of a thing is to eject it off its original features.
 So, that was a corruption of the water, and there is a corruption of the crops by adding these hormones, as the farmer is interesting in profits, so he sprinkles forbidden hormone which its import is prevented, so he brings it by smuggling, then he sprinkles it in order to enlargement the size of the production, and their colors become brighter; but this hormone is carcinogen, and all these pesticides cause the soil brininess, cause the diseases of plants, and the diseases of humans.
 As for the fodder, there is the flour of carcasses meat, and the dried blood, which are essentially forbidden things, and that is the cause of “mad cow” disease, as the humans were mad, then the cows were mad too, that the cows were fed the flour of carcasses meat, then what was happen?
 They were obliged to burn about thirteen millions of cows, which their price is thirty-three billion sterling pounds.
 They spoiled the meat, and they spoiled the air, even these many broadcasting stations in the air, which cause a corruption in the communications, also they caused many diseases to the people; the noise, the water pollution, the excess salinity which causes a soil pollution, and the chemical pesticides; all these bad things, why? Because the profit is the only human’s purpose.

The love of money makes the man subverts in the earth:

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being(10)﴿

 The disease is the love of money; we do anything for the love of money
So they change the creation of Allah, Almighty; is it impossible that to add a clear chemical substance, which is not acceptable by the human body, to some of the foodstuffs in order to increase the whiteness of the product for raising its price?..

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being(10)﴿

 The love of money make them corrupt this product..

﴾ and consequently did Allah make their seats of intellect melt away in disease and lassitude that they addicted themselves to vice, and there awaits them a fitting punishment for their intentional assertion of what is false (10) And when told to stop making mischief on earth nor create discord, they say: «But we only try to bring people to abandon the wrong course of life and conduct and adopt the right one till the new principle governs their thoughts»(11)﴿

 Of course, they reclaim their pockets, they only reclaim their life way, and they look for their limited interests.

The Hypocrite thinks that goodness lies in his advantage:

 Dear brother, the first character of the believer is that he reclaims, but the hypocrite spoils, with all the meaning of the word “spoil”; as he spoils in every thing, he spoils the relationship between a husband and wife, he spoils the relationship between the two partners, he spoils between the two neighbors, he spoils the relationship between the mother and her son, and between the father and his son; always the task of the hypocrite is spoiling the relations, also his task is gaining the profits, even at the expense of spoiling the environment.
 The hypocrite spoils the environment, the air, the water, the plantations, and the industry, and he disseminates the incorrect ideas for spoiling the doctrines, so he spoils the belief, and he spoils the relationship between Allah, Almighty, and the human, by enticing him of unlawful things… ( It does not hurt, o brother, you are living out of the era!, you have to be open up, and you have to see what is happening in the world, install a dish antenna!.. or you will be solitary of the world!); and when the dish antenna enters, many things may change; the person may leave the prayer, he may do the abominable, and he may divorce his wife, of course, she did not please him; therefore, the spoiling is wide, belief spoiling, manners spoiling, relationships spoiling, environment spoiling, industry spoiling, agriculture spoiling, water spoiling, and air spoiling..

﴾ And when told to stop making mischief on earth nor create discord(11)﴿

 They are shameless, and they take their own way, by saying:

﴾ they say: «But we only try to bring people to abandon the wrong course of life and conduct and adopt the right one till the new principle governs their thoughts»(11)﴿

 The hypocrite thinks that the goodness is by the spoiling, he thinks that his profits are the goodness, even at the expense of everything…

﴾ Indeed, the reform they claim is nothing but a euphemism for ruin, they are composed more of mischief than ill-will, but they fail to perceive(12)﴿

The believer is blessed:

 The believer is blessed, as he gathers but not differentiates, he reclaims but not spoils, he approaches but not alienates, and he makes people love the religion, but not disinclines.
While Allah, Almighty, has imprinted the hypocrites when he said:

﴾ Indeed, the reform they claim is nothing but a euphemism for ruin, they are composed more of mischief than ill-will, but they fail to perceive(12)﴿

 In another lesson, by the willing of Allah, we continue with the attributes of the hypocrites which are very precise, and we must know them very carefully, lest our feet stumble to some of these attributes.
 The believer escapes, the evil of the infidel is limited because he is open, but the danger comes from the hypocrites.

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