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Scientific topics from sermons- Lesson (348): The Harm Caused by Sleeping for Long Hours
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

What disease is caused by long sleep?

 Modern medical studies have recently proved that those who sleep for long straight hours are liable to heart diseases at very high rates. This is because fats in the blood precipitate on the internal walls of coronal arteries of the heart in great amounts in case of long sleep. This weakens the work of these arteries and cause then to lose their flexibility, which makes them unable to pump enough blood to the heart. In other words, each artery of the heart is normally flexible, just like rubber. When it receives a pulse from the heart, it widens and then returns to its former size, pushing blood to the other parts of the artery and helping the heart pump blood to the different parts of the body. But when fats precipitate on the walls of arteries, the arteries lose their flexibility.

 Sleep for long straight hours slows down heartbeat and, therefore, slows down the flow of blood through blood vessels. This causes fats to precipitate on the internal walls of the arteries, which, in turn, makes the arteries narrower and inflexible. This decreases the flow of blood to the brain and causes lots of troubles that Allah, Alone, knows.

 Those scientists who know nothing about Allah’s Religion of Islam say: It is wise to get up after four or five hours of sleep to do some physical exercises or walk for one quarter of an hour. This helps to keep arteries of the heart flexible and protects them from fat precipitation on their internal walls. It also protects the human body from heart diseases.

 After you have slept f or four or five hours, you should get up and do some physical exercises. If you sleep at 11 p.m., for example, you should get up at five a.m. to perform the Dawn Prayer. In this case, either you walk to the mosque for 15 minutes or you do some physical exercises by performing prayer.

Some Hadiths that urge Muslims to wake up for dawn prayer:

“A man was once described to Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), as having been asleep until it was late in the morning and having failed to perform the Dawn Prayer. He, (PBUH), said, “Verily, Satan has urinated into his ear.””

 Abu Hurairah also quoted Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), as saying,

“The heaviest (i.e. most difficult) prayers for hypocrites are the Late-Evening Prayer and the Dawn Prayer. If they but knew the good things that they (such Prayers) have, they would come to them even crawling. I wish I ordered to have the Prayer called for (to be performed in congregation) and, then, I bade a man to lead people in performing the Prayer, and, then, I went along with some of the men carrying bundles of wood to a people who did not come to perform the Prayer in order to set their houses on fire.”

[Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

  Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), said:

“He who performs the Dawn Prayer is under Allah’s Care and Protection. So, never let Allah miss you from His Care and Protection, for if Allah misses someone from His Care and Protection, He gets him and casts him prone on his face into Hell-Fire.”

[Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

 You see, dear Muslim brother! Your getting up early at dawn to perform the Dawn Prayer protects your heart from serious heart diseases and safeguards your arteries against inflexibility and blockage. This has been found out by scientists who know nothing about Islam.

 Long sleep causes slowness in the heartbeats. The heart of a person who sleeps for a long period of time beats only 50-60 times/min. This causes slow movement of blood through blood vessels and precipitation of fats on the internal walls of arteries and veins, which become inflexible and narrow. This causes less blood to flow through blood vessels and brings about heart attacks and other serious diseases of the heart.

 To wrap up, in addition to its being originally a kind of worship, prayer is a fountain of good health. In this context, Allah, All-Mighty, Most Gracious, says,

“Verily, I am Allah! There is no god but Me! So, worship Me, and perform prayer for My Remembrance.”

[XX; 14]

  Such is Allah’s Religion of Islamic Monotheism, and such are the Maker’s Divine Commands. It was by no means invented by Allah’s Messenger, for he, (PBUH), does not speak out of his own desires. It is indeed Divine Revelation, revealed to him from the Lord, Allah, Glory to Him.

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