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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al- Baqarah (2)- Lesson (5)- Verses [6-7]: The Describing of the Believers and the Infidels
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear brother, we continue with the fifth lesson of “Surat Al-Baqarah”.

Allah's speech about the infidels and the believers 

We continue with the saying of Allah, The Greatest, in the sixth verse:

﴾ As to those who deny Allah, not lifting to Him their inward sight, it is all the same to them whether you warn them O Muhammad of menacing danger and misfortune or not (6) Allah has closed their hearts’ ears and denied them intellectual sense of hearing, and their minds' eyes grow dim as if covered with a film; they are disposed to denseness of intellect and shall suffer a fitting punishment (7) ﴿

Allah, Almighty, has spoken about the believers in the previous verses when He said:

﴾ This Book -the Quran- in which Providence is the Guide, occasions no, doubt and represents the spirit of truth guiding into all truth; it guides those: who entertain the profound reverence dutiful to Allah (2) Who are ply disposed to realise the unseen, especially Allah, Who is exposed only to mental view, perceived only by the mind, Who recognize His spiritual beings, His attendants and His messengers, and they sense with prudence the Hereafter, Who duly engage in worship and spend in benevolence and benefaction of the provisions of life We provisioned them (3) Who faithfully believe in all that has been revealed to you, O Muhammad, -the Quran- way of life, religious and spiritual virtues and all that has been enjoined, crediting all revelations to those sent before you in AL-Taw rah (the Torah) and AL-Injil (the Bible) and the like, affirming the certainty of the Hereafter (4) Their hearts have been touched with the divine hand, they have Providence as their guide, and it is they who will prosper (5) ﴿

Those are the first species.

Believers and non-believers are two opposite, contrasting, and contradictory models

The second species is:

﴾ As to those who deny Allah, not lifting to Him their inward sight, it is all the same to them whether you warn them O Muhammad of menacing danger and misfortune or not (6) ﴿

We can divide people of all their races, their ethnicities, their colors, their associations, their territories, their countries, their tribes, their communions, their denominations, and their religions; into two parts: Believer and unbeliever.
The believer has known Allah, he adhered of His commands, he came to Allah, he disciplined with His approach, and he did good to His creatures; then he pleased in the worldly life and the Hereafter, he has achieved the purpose of his creation, and he has achieved the ideal of his existence.
An unbeliever who is inattentive of Allah, he escaped from the approach of Allah, and he harmed His creatures; then he has been miserable in the worldly life and the Hereafter.
You will not find a third species, and if you have found it would be a hypocrite, which is originally an unbeliever, but his interests require that to appear what he is not secreting; so, the hypocrites are the unbelievers, and the real division is a believer and unbeliever.

The faith is a credence, and the infidelity is a refutation; the faith is a revelation, and the infidelity is a cover; the faith is an approaching, and the infidelity is an avoidance; and the faith is gratitude, and the infidelity is an ingratitude; they are two opposite, contrasting, and contradictory models.
The faith is credence, and the infidelity is a refutation; the faith is a revealing and revelation, and the infidelity is a cover; the faith is an approaching, and the infidelity is avoidance; and the faith is gratitude, and the infidelity is ingratitude.

The infidel  defends his benefits, not his ideas

A species of infidels is being taken out, that species has disbelieved for the lacking of information, but when the information has become available he believed; he disbelieved because the information which had reached to him is distorted, but when they have been corrected, he believed; but the person who the verse is telling about him:

﴾ As to those who deny Allah, not lifting to Him their inward sight, it is all the same to them whether you warn them O Muhammad of menacing danger and misfortune or not (6) ﴿

It is intended that the infidel who is utilized with his unbelief, who worships his desire, and one of the necessities for the worshiping of his desire is to disbelieve in Allah; then his infidelity is an interest, his infidelity is related to his choice, his infidelity is related to his interests, his infidelity is related to his desires, his infidelity is related to his stature, and his infidelity is related to his gains; so, he is the infidel who has made the infidelity is a means to realize his gains.
Notice that, the facts may be hidden sometimes, but if they have come out, he would believe; the previous verse is not related to this person; sometimes, the facts about the religion may come to him deformed, but if they have been corrected, he would believe, the previous verse is not related to this person; sometimes, a man may overlooked, but if he has come to his self, he would believe, the previous verse is not related to those people.
But who has regarded the infidelity is a way to enjoy his life, who has benefited from his infidelity, and who his disbelief has offered to him a high standing, a great gain, a plenty wealth, a high position, or a notable prestige; this man, whether you have warned him or not, he does not believe, because he does not look for the truth, he does not hope for it, he does not wish for it, and the truth does not mean him at all.

Once, I have mentioned an example, and I will repeat it because it is suitable for the meaning, a hypothetical example; a very poor man who works a porter age by means of a sumpter, but he lost all of his income when his sumpter has died; then he buried it, he made a building over the tomb with a green dome, he gave the building a false name, and claimed that a righteous man was buried in this place; then, many people had come to the building to get the blessing of this righteous man, and to gave him the great gifts; so, this poor man had been benefited with the false story, and he had been benefited with this imposture in a way that does not occur; is there any force may convince him that a sumpter was buried in that place?
No, his conviction is more extreme than the conviction of any one discusses him, because it is never of his interest to acknowledge that the buried is a sumpter, he fights for his imposture, for his idea, for his false talking, and he fights for the fable that he had declared among people; he defends of his interest, he defends of his income, he defends of his standing, and he defends of his gains.
This person who has used the infidelity as a means to enjoy his life, his infidelity has provided him a high status, a big income, and a great hegemony over the people; that man whether you have warned him or not, he does not believe; that he is very far from the subject of thought, from the subject of religion, from the subject of principles, and from the subject of goals; you are on a side and he is on the other one; the utilized person doesn't discuss because he defends his benefits not his ideas.
Not those people who had disbelieved are the ones which the information was mutilated for them and when the information was corrected they believed, No, not those people, and not those ones which the facts were absent of them, and when they had acquired them, they believed, no, not those people!
The people who disbelieved are the ones who had utilized of their infidelity, they had got the worldly life of their infidelity, and they had been obeyed by people for their disbelief.

The believer is a man of principles and values, while the infidel is a man of interests and desires

Dear brother, our Lord has told us about the Jews and how they knew The Prophet (PBUH), a self-evident knowing, an absolute knowing, an easy knowing, and any short knowing that to know your son; then, is there anybody looks at his son and says: What is your name? It is impossible.
Is there anybody who says to his son: Who are you? Are you the second or the third among my sons? It is impossible.

Our Lord, Almighty, said:

﴾ They know of the Quran and the Kiblah and assert their existence as much as their sons’ identity .. (146) ﴿


Why did they disbelieve? They disbelieved for envy, as there are interests; therefore, as if Allah, Almighty, counsels us that not to discuss the infidel who is utilized of his infidelity, do not make a dialogue with him:

﴾ …it is all the same to them whether you warn them O Muhammad of menacing danger and misfortune or not (6) ﴿

The person who did not utilize of his infidelity has a welfare inside him, and he who can make a dialogue with; may his information about the religion are few and deformed, but if he has reached the truth, he would believe in it, and such a human, Allah, Almighty, will help him to the faith; while those who are meant with this verse are the utilized of their infidelity.
A believer is a man of principle, and an infidel is a man of interest; a believer is a man of values, and an infidel is a man of desires; and the believer is seeking for the Hereafter, while the infidel is seeking to the worldly life; the principles of the believer are above all his interests, and the interests of the infidel are above all his principles.

﴾ As to those who deny Allah… (6) ﴿

One of the infidelity’s meanings, as I have said before, is the ingratitude.
Allah, Glory be to Him, says:

﴾ Pause here - you people - and think What advantage or benefit does, Allah derive from inflicting punishment on you if you impel yourselves to the feeling of gratitude and gratefulness and conform your will to His will! Indeed Allah has always acknowledged what is esteemed a worthy deed; and He is 'Alimun (147) ﴿


Gratitude is one of the faith’s necessities:

It means that one of the faith’s necessities is the gratitude, and one of the infidelity’s necessities is the ingratitude; that the believer thanks and the infidel denies; therefore; The Prophet, peace be upon Him, said in the right speech:

((“I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful.” It was asked, “Do they disbelieve in Allah?” He replied, “They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the charitable deeds which had done to them. If you have always been benevolent to one of them and then she sees something in you that not of her liking, she will say, I have never received any good from you.” ))

[Al-Boukhari from Ben Abbass, may Allah be pleased with him]

Of course, this speech does not apply on the honest, the righteous, and the believing women, who know the right of the husband, who is caring for their husbands, and who raise the children.

﴾ «If he should divorce you all, Allah may replace you with better wives who would help him accomplish his goal; wives who are submissive with hearts impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues and deeds with wisdom and piety, who feel contrition and in lowliest plight repentant stand, who are devoted to divine worship and service, they exercise their minds in thought and contemplation, conducive to meditation, wives who may have been previously married or virgins (5) ﴿


Before the type of women had known Allah, they were ungrateful to their husbands.
“I have never received any good from you!” he said to her: “Not even the day of clay?” Then she silenced….
This is a long story about one of Andalusia’s kings, his name was “Ibn Abbad”, he loved a bondmaid and got married of her, and made her the First Lady; once she was long for the life of poverty, and she aspired to, then she asked the king to trample in the mud, so he Impasted the camphor, musk, with rose water, and said: “This is the mud!”
When he lost his property; and it was taken by “Ben Tashfeen” who imprisoned him; then “Ibn Abbad” became a poor man, and his wife was treating him badly and said to him: ““I have never received any good from you!”, he replied her: “Not even the day of clay?” Then she silenced.

Infidelity means  an inborn belief, and an ingratitude by the tongue

The infidelity is the ingratitude, the infidelity is the contradiction, the infidelity is the avoidance, and the infidelity is the cover.
Now be precise; some poets of the pre-Islam times said: “On a night which its clouds disbelieved in the stars.”
The word “stars” are a prepositive object, and the word “its clouds” is a back subject, that the sentence becomes “The clouds has covered the stars”, so the disbelief is the cover and the shade; now logically, a new meaning appears, the meaning of who has disbelieved is that he believes in Allah by his inborn, but he has covered this truth, and the existing thing is coming before the cover; then, what do you cover?
The word infidelity means the cover and the shade, and both of the cover and the shade are an infinitive words, then they must cover something; so the word infidelity means the covering of the belief, that you are a believer, but you are covering your belief, and you are hiding your belief; you are a believer by your instinct, but your interest requires that to cover this truth, and to mystify it of people; therefore, in the Day of Resurrection:

﴾ they shall say: «By Allah, our Creator, never did we incorporate with Allah other deities»… (23) ﴿

[Al-An’ am]

Then Allah, Almighty, said:

﴾ See how they will lie in their teeth and tell lies about themselves…(24) ﴿

[Al-An’ am]

The meaning is very precise, that the infidelity is the shade and the cover in the origin of the language, and the Quran was revealed in an apparent Arabic language; so, when the human disbelieves, then he covers a truth that he has believed by his instinct, and when the human disbelieves he covers a truth that is recognized by the intuition, and the covered thing is coming before the cover, also the hidden thing is coming before the shade; hence, the word of infidelity means that there is an inborn belief, and there is an ingratitude by the tongue:

﴾ they shall say: «By Allah, our Creator, never did we incorporate with Allah other deities»… (23) See how they will lie in their teeth and tell lies about themselves…(24) ﴿

[Al-An’ am]

The infidels who are utilized of their infidelity are on a side, and you are on the other one

Dear brother, those infidels who benefit of their infidelity:

﴾ …it is all the same to them whether you warn them O Muhammad of menacing danger and misfortune or not (6) ﴿

It means that you are on a side, and they are on the other side.

If you have called, the alive would hear you
But no life in those who you are calling for

And if you have breathed in a fire, it would be glaring
But you are breathing in the ash


We seek refuge with Allah of the infidelity; the people are two species, a believer person and an infidel person, the believer is who knows Allah, and the infidel is who disbelieved with the right when it has come to him; an approaching believer, and an avoiding infidel; a thankfulness believer, and a denier infidel; a believer who is seeing and certifying, and a blindness infidel:

﴾ And he who has been blind here below and has been lacking in intellectual, moral and spiritual perception shall be jus as blind Hereafter, having no opening for light as if he were lost in blind mazes of entangled wood (72) ﴿


And Allah said:

﴾ As to those who deny Allah, not lifting to Him their inward sight, it is all the same to them whether you warn them O Muhammad of menacing danger and misfortune or not (6) ﴿

Allah mentioned hearing before sight

As if Allah, Glory be to Him, advises us not to spend our valuable time with who has taken the infidelity as a gain, and who has taken the infidelity as a way to the worldly life; but to find another person who is looking for the truth; and what confirms this meaning is the saying of Allah, The Greatest:

﴾ And so, exhort. Any who is willing to open his heart's ears and favorably responds (9) ﴿


Why do not they believe? Here is the problem:

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears (7) ﴿

The human has a sense of seeing, and a sense of hearing; the hearing was mentioned before the sight:

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears and denied them intellectual sense of hearing, and their minds' eyes grow dim …(7) ﴿

The scholars have said that “The eye sees only before it, the eye does not see after the barriers, and it sees only by means; that the angle of the vision is forward; and if there is a wall, then it will prevent the vision; also there must be a light that mediates between the eye and the visible thing; while the ear can reach the six directions, the forward, the backward, the right , the left, above, and below, the six directions; on the other hand, the ear doesn't need a mediator, although the air is a mediator, and without it, the sound waves would not pass on, we can overlook the mediator because it is always constant.

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears and denied them an intellectual sense of hearing, and their minds' eyes grow dim as if covered with a film…(7) ﴿

This film is the love of the worldly life, and the love of the desires; as The Prophet, peace be upon Him, has said:

(( Your love for a thing makes you blind and deaf. ))

[Ahmad and Abu Dawud, from Abu Al-Dardaa]

The desire is a film over the ear, and a film over the eye

If a person loved his desire and he gave it preference to anything else, he worshiped it but not Allah; he made it the end of his hopes, and the object of his packsaddle.
This desire is a film on his eyes, and a film on his ears, then he does not see the verses, and he does not listen to the right; then the human either he sees the verses which indicate to the greatness of Allah, or he listens to the word of the truth that is received in his ear.
So, the desire is a film on the ear, and a film on the eye; and the thought, or what is called, as a metaphor, the mind which is in the head; because there is a mind in the heart, and a mind in the head:

﴾ they carry hearts stigmatized with dullness of comprehension (179) ﴿


If we want to call what is in the head as a thought, then the thought is a deduction device, a conclusion device, a trial device, a device for making decision, a device for knowledge, and a cognitive tool that its outlets are the hearing and the sight; then if the sight and the hearing have been opened, then the information comes to the brain, and the brain will study and analyze, and it will try the fractions of the information, then it will make a decision; and the more thoroughly the presenting of this resolution in the mind, it goes to settle in the heart; that the heart is the heart of the self, in which the facts are stabilized; and when the human places a film over his eye, and his ear, which is the desire, as the hearing and the sight are the outlets of the facts:

﴾ And they add, «had we opened our hearts' ears or used our minds' eyes, we would never be among those destined to the blazes of Hell» (10) ﴿


Then, in this case the human will not listen.

The hearing and the sight are the permeations of the heart

Now call a pleasure-seeking person, who the main concern of him is women, money, desires, and to indulge in the enjoyments of this life; call him to a religious session, it is impossible to respond to you! This man will say: “What do I do in this session? It is an empty talk, and I know it, I do not like to waste my time!” you are on a side, and he is on the other one.
If the human likes the desires, then he loves this worldly life, he loves money, he loves women, and he likes to indulge in the cheap pleasures; this desire is like a film over his eye and his hearing, and the thought remained without information, and the human did not allow his eye to see the verses in order to conclude the facts from, also he did not allow t his ear to listen to the right in order to know the truth, but he placed a film over his eye and ear; so, the thought has disrupted, and the thought is the resource of the heart, then the heart has disrupted.
The interpretation scholars said:” This is a determinate seal”; that if we closed the out doors of the mosque tightly closure, then this internal doors are definitely closed, even if they were opened, no one can reach to them as long as the two external doors were closed, so the internal doors are definitely closed.

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears (7) ﴿

The two permeations of the heart are the hearing and the sight, and there is a film over them.

﴾ ears and denied them intellectual sense of hearing, and their minds' eyes grow dim as if covered with a film (7) ﴿

And the film is the loving of the worldly life.

Allahhas described the heart of the infidel with many characters

Dear brother, Allah, Almighty, has described the heart of the infidel with many characters, He has described it with the tight closing.

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears (7) ﴿

Also Allah has described them with the imprinting, the narrowness, the malady, the blighting, the death, the cruelty, the dismissal, the zealotry, and the denial; those are ten characters of the infidel’s heart.
In fact, Our Master Omar has said: “Look after your heart.”

﴾ «The Day when neither wealth nor progeny shall be of advantage.» (88) «Except him who comes to the audience of Allah with his heart in its right place, heartened or filled with devotion» (89) ﴿


Your first capital in the Hereafter is your righteous heart, that heart in which the facts were settled, that heart which is filled with the gratitude for Allah, that heart which is filled with the love of Allah, and that heart which is filled with the glorification to Allah.

((“O Lord, who is the human of your worshipers that You love him, in order that I love him as much as You love?” Allah said: “The more who I love from my worshipers is who has a pious heart, who has an immaculate hands, and who does not carry the evil to any one, who loved me, and who loved any one has loved me, and who made My creatures love Me.” he said: “O Lord, You know that I love you, and love every one loves you, then how do I make Your creatures love you?”
Allah said: “Remind them of My Greatness, My Affluence, and the Fear of Mine))

[“Al-Dorr Al-Manthour” from Bin Abbas]

The glorification, the love, and the fear of Allah; it means that the righteous heart is filled with the glorification for Allah, love of Him, and fearing of Him; the disaster leaves the fear, the greatness leaves the glorification, and the blessings leave the sincere affection; then the righteous heart is filled with fear, love, and glorification; while the heart of the infidel is filled with the tight closing, the imprinting, the narrowness, the malady, the blighting, the dead, the cruelty, the dismissal, the zealotry, and the denial.

﴾ Those who deny Him simply close their hearts' ears (22) ﴿


It means that their hearts deny the facts, and abhor the truth.

Verses from the Holy Quran about the zealotry of the pre-Islamic

A brother has told me that he had a nice talk with a man about the religion, and then the man replied: “I do not care for this information, I do not listen to it, and it does not equal anything for me; but I seek for a woman, a beautiful house, and a large luxury car.

﴾ and exercise inordinate self esteem and pride got the better of their prudence(22) ﴿


Allah has said about the zealotry:

﴾ While the infidels cherished the violent feeling and furious passion of paganism (26) ﴿


You find a violent emotion, a blind zealotry, an unreasonable partiality, he effervesces for no reason, hardens for no reason, kills for no reason, and getting angry for no reason, a pre-Islamic zealotry, a blind zealotry, he rages extremely without any reasonable reasons.

﴾ While the infidels cherished the violent feeling and furious passion of paganism and national ignorance (26) ﴿


If the person, who has the characteristics of the pre-Islamic man, has got angry he may commits a crime, he may utters with the ugliest words, he may divorces his wife without any good reason, and he may aggresses; this pre-Islamic zealotry is one of the attributes of the infidel’s heart.

Other verses from the Quran about the dismissal and the cruel

Allah, The Greatest, has said about the dismissal:

﴾…and they take their leave (127) ﴿


He left the Right to the untruth, he left the mosques and went to the cabarets, he left the facts and read the stories, and he left the religious sessions and watched the miniseries.

﴾ …and they take their leave. May Allah turn their hearts and thoughts away from the truth and close their hearts' ears to admonition; they lack diligence and they are a people who have no comprehension of Allah nor of the spoken discourse of reason narrated by His Messenger (127) ﴿


Your normal place is in the top high, but you have dived in the bottom of the raffish; your normal place is in the heaven; but you preferred to go down in the mud of the ground; you have gone to the worldly life, and you have stayed at the ground.
Also, Allah said about the cruel:

﴾ … Woe betide the hard-hearted who counsel deaf to exhortation and will not apply remembrance to Allah…(22) ﴿


O brother, what is this heart? It is getting bigger and bigger, and we can not see its magnitude, then every big thing is getting smaller in front of it, on the other hand, may the heart get smaller without seeing its littleness, then every ignoble thing become greater than it.
Who are the great prophets? Those who are of the big hearts which have comprehended people's concerns, The big heart holds the concerns of Muslims; the human does not feel comfortable if he achieves his material interests only, because it does not mean to him so much, what means him is to make an achievement to the Muslims.

Heart is seen by Allah, as it gets filled with mercy when it connects with Allah

Dear brother, heart is the scene of the Lord:

((“Allah does not look at your bodies or shapes; but He looks at your hearts” and He designated to His chest with His fingers.))

[Muslim from Abu Horayra]

Heart is the scene of the Lord, and it has mentioned in the speech of Allah, Almighty:

((O My worshiper, you have purified the scene of creatures for years, then would you purify my scene just for an hour?))

[Mentioned in the prophetic tradition]

Dear brother, heart is the Lord’s home, as it fills with mercy when it connects with Allah; then the mercy is an internal sense which reflects as softness, kindness, favor, and humility.
Allah, The Greatest, said:

﴾ It is part of the mercy of God that dost deal gently with them… (159) ﴿

[Al I’mran]

It means that because of a mercy has been settled in your heart by contacting us, O Muhammad, you became soft with them, so they crowded around you and they loved you; but if you were cut off from us, then your heart would be cruel, then the discourtesy and the dullness are of the necessities of cruelty:

﴾ …but if you were severe or harsh hearted, they would have broken away from about you… (159) ﴿

[Al I’mran]

They are principles, if you have connected with Allah, your heart would fill with mercy, and if the heart has filled with mercy, you would be softness merciful with people, fair, modest, generous, giving, munificent, and condoning; then people would love you and crowd around you; but if you were cutting off from Allah, your heart would fill with cruelty.

The cruelty of heart is the mark of farness, and the gentleness of heart is the mark of mercy

The pointer of faith is exactly moving with the pointer of mercy, that you are merciful as much as you are believer; on the other hand, you are cruel, Allah forbids, as much as your farness of Allah.

﴾ Woe betide the hard-hearted who counsel deaf to exhortation and will not apply remembrance to Allah. These are they who are lost in the maze of error (22) ﴿


And in another verse:

﴾ your hearts have been as hard as stone or even harder (74) ﴿


The infidel’s heart is like the stone, it never compassionates, it never favors, and it never agonizes, it builds his glory on the rubble of other people, he builds his rich on their pauperization, he builds his life on their death, and he builds his safety on their fear; it is a heart like the stone; like those who fought the world wars that left fifty million of killed people, the Second World War, their hearts were like the stones because of the farness of Allah; whenever you have been away of Allah, your heart would get harder, that the cruelty of heart is the mark of farness, and the gentleness of heart is the mark of mercy.

“O Commander of the Faithful, people are afraid of your severity”, he replied: “O Abu Thor, I swear by Allah that if people have known the magnitude of the mercy in my heart, then they would take my cloak, but the responsible that I have needs for this severity.”
And sh3er have said to our Master Abu Bakr: “Are you going to make “Omar” the Caliph of us?” he said: “Do you intimidate me by Allah? I say: O Lord, I have chosen the most merciful man to be as a Caliph for them that is what I have known about him, but if he has changed, then I have no idea about the unseen.”

Attitudes that indicate the mercy of our master Omar:

“ Oh people, the humans are afraid of my severity and violence, that severity is for the people who tyrannize and aggress, but I’m more gentleness with those who believe and be honest, than themselves, I will put my cheek on the ground in order to tread it by their feet, these are the words of our master Omar.
O people, there are five responsibilities that I’ll undertake; I take upon my self that not to take of your money except what is right, and I’ll never spend them, but in the right way, I promise that not to send one of you in a mission for a year, and make him leave his family, and I take upon my self to increase your bestows, by the will of Allah, The Greatest; and if one of you has stayed for a long time in a mission, I promise to be responsible of his family till he comeback.

It is of the mercy of our master Omar that he was wandering around the city at night with our master Abdul Rahman bin Auf and they saw a convoy has stabilized in the heights of “Al-Medina”, then Omar said: “Lets guard the convoy!”

A child was crying, then Omar said to his mother: “Suckle your baby”; the woman suckled her child and he calmed down; then the child cried again, Omar went to them and said: “Suckle your baby”; the woman suckled her child and he calmed down; then the child cried again; Omar became angry and said to her: “O woman, Suckle your child!”
The woman said: “What is your business? I’m weaning him”.
Omar said: "Why?" She said: "Because Omar does not give us the stipend but only after the weaning, it means the family compensation, Omar smote his forehead and said: “Woe to you, Ibn Al-Khattab, how many of Muslims children you have killed.”

When our master Omar prayed the dawn prayer, his friends could not understand his reading because of his extreme crying from the intensity of his fear of Allah, said: “O Lord, did you accept my repentance to congratulate myself, or you drove it away, then I console my self?

A merciful heart, he desired to eat meat in the “year of ash”, but he said to his stomach: "My stomach gurgle or not!” I swear that you will not taste the meat until the Muslim boys has fill of it.

The hands of Mrs. Fatima had festered of grinding and drawing the water from the bucket, and she had tired so much; then she complained to her husband our master Ali; he said: “Go to your father and ask him a servant, every thing are in his hands. She went to her father, and then He said: “O my daughter, why did you come?”
She blushed and said: “I came to see you”; and she returned to her house, then said to her husband: “Please go with me”, she blushed to ask her father a servant, and then she went with our Master Ali.
Our master Ali spoke with the Prophet (PBUH) about their need for a maid, and about Mrs. Fatima’s troubles and painstaking; then The Prophet said to His daughter: “O my daughter, by Allah, I will not prefer you of the poor Muslims, and I will not let the people of Al-seffah starving; but say: Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, and there is no god but Allah”, and that's it.

A mercy in the heart contained all the believers without any preferring.

((The one who does not be merciful, the mercy will not contain him.))

[Al-Boukhari from Abu Horayra]

If you want my mercy, then be merciful with my creatures:

((People who are merciful, Allah, The Merciful, will compassionate them.))

[Al-Termithi from Abdullah Ben Amro]

Attitudes from the Quran and Sunnah people with  cruel hearts 

((A woman has entered the fire because of a cat which has locked in until it died, neither had she fed it, nor did she let it eat the vermin of the earth))

[Accepted upon narrated from Bin Omar]

Allah, The Greatest, said:

﴾ Woe betide the hard-hearted who counsel deaf to exhortation and will not apply remembrance to Allah. These are they who are lost in the maze of error (22) ﴿


May the heart dies. Allah, The Almighty, said:

﴾ It is only those who bow down their ears and open their heats’ ears that favorably respond to heaven's call and to spiritual prompting, whereas those destitute of spiritual life are as good as dead to admonition and the dead shall only hear when Allah resurrects them, be it in this world or in the world to come when back to Him they return (36) ﴿


Those who their hearts have died:

﴾ No, but what deafened their hearts' ears and made them irresponsive was the blight which their hearts acquired through their ill deeds and woeful story (14) ﴿


The blight, that the desires, guilt, and faults make a layer which prevents the heart of knowing the truth.

﴾ They say to you, O Muhammad: «Our hearts’ ears are deaf (88) ﴿


Their hearts are enwrapped:

﴾ The fact is Allah has cursed them for their irreverence and impiety (88) ﴿


Their infidelity, their guilt, and their perversity are the reasons of the sheathing of their hearts.

Heart diseases start after death:

Allah, The Greatest, said:

﴾ Their ill-natured hearts reflect the morbidity inherent in their innermost being, and consequently did Allah make their seats of intellect melt away in disease and lassitude that they addicted themselves to vice (10) ﴿


The hearts sick, the arrogant heart is sick, the denying heart is sick, the stinginess is a disease, the egoism is a disease, to tyrannize people is a disease, and to underestimate the goods of people is a disease; all these are diseases.

Dear brother, the physical disorders whatever incurable they are; the cancer, the cirrhosis of the liver, and the kidney failure; all these diseases end with death, as if the person is believer, then he goes to the heaven, so, the heart diseases begin after the death, and the person who has them will suffer forever, that a million of physical disorders are more easier than one of the heart disease, and the proof is:

﴾ «The Day when neither wealth nor progeny shall be of advantage.» (88) «Except him who comes to the audience of Allah with his heart in its right place, heartened or filled with devotion» (89) ﴿


Your healthy heart is your capital; as there is an arrogance, there is an envy, there is a tyrannizing, an aggression, a haughtiness, an ingratitude, the appropriation of the rights of sh3er, and there is the diminishing of their rights; the heart diseases are innumerable, and all these diseases begin their pains after the death; that people are sleeping, when they die, they wake up.

Allah helps us in faith:

A brother has told me about a man was driving a car in a heedless speed about two o’clock after midnight in a neighboring city, in Beirut, and he ran over a child, but it seems that there is a conscience in the heart of this driver, that he could not sleep for twenty days, he suffered; then he had visited a psychiatrist who had advised him to pay the blood money to the family of the child in order to relieve his conscience and sleep; so, if the heart has alive conscience it is a great blessing, but if the heart was enveloped and full of disobedience then it has ended, and Allah, the greatest, says about the distress:

﴾ But he whom Allah decides to leave to his evil thoughts, He tightens his reins in despair and tightens his chest so as to be rendered impervious to a breath of spiritual knowledge; a feeling similar to that he experiences if he were climbing skywards to high altitudes (125) ﴿

[Al-An ‘am]

This is a big blessing:

((The hearts of humans are submissive to the willing of Allah, The Beneficent, that He rabbles them as He wants.))

[Al-Termithi from Anas Bin Malek]

It means that Allah, Almighty, is assisting us in the faith, as if the human has taken the right decision, Allah would make him satisfied with that decision, and you find him happy; but if the human has taken an incorrect decision, he would feel distress:

﴾ But Allah has touched your hearts with the divine hand to create in them affection for the Faith and to make you regard it with an eye of favor, He made you hate disbelief, immorality and disobedience with heart and hand. Such persons arc those who follow the path of safety and righteousness (7) ﴿


The believer’s heart is pure by nature and pigmented with the perfection of Allah

The heart is a big issue.

((I know a bit in the body, if it was good, then all the body would be good; and if it was corrupted, then all the body would be corrupted; that bit is the heart))

[Accepted upon narrated from Numan bin Bashir]

Your heart is your capital, the believer's heart is clean, his heart is pure, his heart is innocent, his heart is restful for the justice of Allah, and he does not hold malice against anyone, he does not envy, he does not tyrannize, he does not be arrogant, his heart is healthy and it is connected with Allah; the believer’s heart is pure by nature, it is pigmented with the perfection of Allah, by its connection of Allah, This is the heart of the believer; but the imprinting:

﴾their hearts' ears are closed and their breasts are filled with irreverence imposed upon their hearts by the evil hand (3) ﴿


The imprinting is also determinate; for example: a person has belonged to the university, under a pressure from his father, then he did not attend any lesson or lecture, he did not make any exam, and he did not read a page; does he understand anything? Why?
Because by his willing he closed the ways of knowledge, if he listened to a lesson maybe he has learned something, if he has read a book, or if he has visited an instructor, then he would learn; but when he turned away from the presence of any lesson, and to hear any lecture, even if it recorded on a tape, or he refused to read any topic; then he closed by his willing the ways of knowledge, and he has sealed his heart determinately.

﴾ But when they deviated and disinclined their ears from any reverence and attention to him and counseled deaf, Allah deafened their hearts' (5) ﴿


If the deviation is ascribed to Allah, if the perversion is ascribed to Allah, if the sealing is ascribed to Allah, or if (what deafened their hearts' ears ) is ascribed to Allah; all of those are partial deviation which are based on a choice; and the most clear example, as I have said before, a student who did not make any exam, he did not attend any lecture, and he did not read any lesson; then he received a warning from the Department of the University; a second warning, and a third warning, but he did not respond! After that, the Department of the University has issued a decision of abolishing his registration from the university, is in this resolution any slander on him? Or is it a reflection of his choice?

The infidel’s love of the worldly life make desires like a film upon their eyes and ears:

Allah, The Greatest, said:

﴾ But when they deviated and disinclined their ears from any reverence and attention to him and counseled deaf, Allah deafened their hearts' (5) ﴿


If the perversion is ascribed to Allah, then it is the partial perversion which is based on an optional aberration; and if the sealing is ascribed to Allah, then it is the partial sealing which is based on the plugging of the ways of knowledge by your choice; then the saying of Allah, The Greatest:

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears and denied them intellectual sense of hearing, and their minds' eyes grow dim as if covered with a film; they are disposed to denseness of intellect and shall suffer a fitting punishment (7) ﴿

Is the determinate sealing, because:

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears and denied them intellectual sense of hearing, and their minds' eyes grow dim as if covered with a film.. (7) ﴿

The seal is of their own making; their love of the worldly life, their choice of desires, and their insistence on doing them; make the desires like a film upon their eyes and ears; and because the eyes and hearing are the outlets for the thought, and thought became the supplier of the heart, then the heart became sealed, determinately:

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears and denied them intellectual sense of hearing, and their minds' eyes grow dim as if covered with a film; they are disposed to denseness of intellect and shall suffer a fitting punishment (7) ﴿

Types of torment:

In the Holy Quran there is a painful torment, there is a disgraceful torment, and there is a great torment; those who have misled the people, then the people followed them as their perversion; in the hereafter, those misled people will have a disgraceful torment, as they will be excruciated in front of their followers who have been perverted by them; and the disgraceful torment is more extreme than the painful torment.

If a man has a great standing and you have insulted him in front of all people, as if you hit him in an insulting way in front of all his followers; so this is a shameful doom; and there is a painful torment which has a severe sensory pain; the disgraceful torment is an incorporeal punishment, and the painful torment is sensory.
But the great torment is ascribed to the ability of Allah; you, if you want to torture a human then there are limits which the suffering ends, if he died, you can not complete the torment, your ability of torturing him is ending after his death; but Allah, Almighty, is capable of torturing the human forever and ever:

﴾ As often as their skins* are consumed, We replace them with new skins so that they taste the merciless but just punishment (56) ﴿


This is the great torment, also there is a disgraceful torment, and there is a painful torment; the disgraceful torment is to torture him in front of who had submitted to him by his infidelity.
Any person has denied the presence of Allah, Almighty, and said: The desire is everything; like some scholars, and some oppressors; then those who has misled the people and made him disbelieve, they would be tortured in a disgraceful way opposite to their followers; and those who has disbelieved and denied, would be tortured a great torment, that means a continuous torment which never ends; while if the human has tortured, then he must stop at a limit, and the torment ends when the person who is tortured dies.

A summary of the main points of the lesson

Dear brother, our Lord, Glory be to Him, has initiated this great chapter “Surah” by describing the believers and the infidels; as the believers are:

﴾ Who are ply disposed to realize the unseen, especially Allah, Who is exposed only to mental view, perceived only by the mind, Who recognize His spiritual beings, His attendants and His messengers, and they sense with prudence the Hereafter, Who duly engage in worship and spend in benevolence and benefaction of the provisions of life We provisioned them (3) Who faithfully believe in all that has been revealed to you, O Muhammad, -the Quran- way of life, religious and spiritual virtues and all that has been enjoined, crediting all revelations to those sent before you in AL-Taw rah (the Torah) and AL-Injil (the Bible) and the like, affirming the certainty of the Hereafter (4) Their hearts have been touched with the divine hand, they have Providence as their guide, and it is they who will prosper (5) ﴿

The faith is belief, the infidelity is disbelieving; the faith is approaching, the infidelity is avoidance; and the faith is thankfulness, the infidelity is denial:

﴾ As to those who deny Allah.. (6) ﴿

They had benefited from their infidelity, and made it a ride for their desires:

﴾ It is all the same to them whether you warn them O Muhammad of menacing danger and misfortune or not (6) ﴿

The place of the mind is the heart:

﴾ Allah has closed their hearts’ ears (7) ﴿

Because the outlets of the heart are both the hearing and the sight

﴾ and denied them intellectual sense of hearing, and their minds' eyes grow dim as if covered with a film; they are disposed to denseness of intellect and shall suffer a fitting punishment (7) ﴿

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