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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat -Al Maïda (5)- Lesson (3)- Verse [2]: Cooperation on good deeds and piety
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

All orders in the Quran mean obligation:

Dear Believers:
Our third lesson regarding Surat al-Ma’edah and what Allah Almighty says:

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr and At¬Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment.﴿

Dear Brother,
Every command in the Holy Qoran implies an obligation unless it is clearly stated otherwise, it means any command necesitates obligation, and any prohibition requires avoidance from, unless the command is a threat (warning). Such as what Allah Almighty says:

﴾Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve﴿

[Al-Kahf Verse:29]

Let him’ that is mentioned in the verse above is a command and it is like a challenge,

However, it could be a command but in a permissible form such as in the verse which Allah Almighty says:

﴾and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (darkness of night)﴿

[Al-Baqara Verse: 187]

or it could be an invitation to do something: Allah Almighty says:

﴾And marry those among you who are single (i.e. a man who has no wife and the woman who has no husband) and (also marry) the Sâlihûn (pious, fit and capable ones) of your (male) slaves and maid-servants (female slaves)﴿

[An-Nour Verse: 32]

Contradiction between nature and assignment is the price of Heaven:

However, if the verse is not an invitation, nor a permissible act, nor a warning against, then it is an obligation, such as the prayers which Allah Almighty has commanded us to perform, the prayers are obligatory, because Allah Almighty commanded us to pray, as Allah Almighty says:

﴾ ‘And perform the prayers﴿

[Taha Verse: 14]

Likewise the command to collaborate, is a command that implies obligation. And you know my dear brother, that if we look at the nature of man and the assignment he receives, it is clear that his nature opposes the assignments. so When Allah commands you to pray five times a day, the first of these prayers being the dawn prayer, you have to wake up for that prayer whereas your body requires that you stay sleeping.Therefore there is a conflict between the desire to sleep and the need to wake up to perform the dawn prayers. It is the same when Allah commanded to cast down one’s glance, one’s natural instinct is to let your glance wander, therefore there is a conflict between one’s instinct and the assignment (command). This struggle between these two (one’s natural instinct and assignment) is the price one pays for Heaven. When Allah Almighty commands you to spend your money and one’s nature rejects that and prefers to save that for himself, so this struggle is the price for Heaven. When Allah commands you to collaborate with sh3er and one’s nature prefers working alone.,
Allah Almighty has commanded you to cooperate with sh3er. One’s nature prefers solitude, to prove your individuality, to prove that you can live alone even if everyone else dies. Man is commanded to collaborate, while his nature prefers solitude. The more obedient you are to Allah Almighty, the more you will collaborate with sh3er, and the more disobediant you are the more you will live alone. The socities in the ages of ignorance are societies which lived alone, the dominating factor in that society is ‘me’ and ‘I’, whereas the Muslim societies are cooperative, and the benefit and good of the society is what prevails.

Man has no choice to be with his brother:

First, ‘collaborate’ is a command, it is an obligation and this in itself contradicts the individual’s nature. So when you get up to pray and your body requests that you stay resting, and when you cast down your glance, while you would really like to let your eyes wander, and when you overcome your sleep to get up and pray, that is what Allah wants you to do as a price for Heaven. Allah Almighty says: “Collaborate” or ‘Help one another’ in Arabic, the verb is in imperative form. It is a two sided action, it is like resist, fight, or defend these are all verbs which one is either a subject of the verb at times and at sh3er he is the object.

Why the verb ‘cooperate’ or ‘collaborate’? Why did He not say: ‘help one another’, because ‘help’ is a one-sided action. Allah through His Wisdom made you excel in one thing in your life, or maybe two or three, but whatever it is that you master is limited. You actually require one million skills, and you only master one. For example: the loaf of bread that you eat for breakfast; you bought it at a grocer’s shop. The grocer’s got it from the bakery. In the bakery the dough was mixed at night, and let set, then kneaded and put it in the oven to bake. The flour was brought from the mill, where before that it was taken from wheat washed, prepared and then ground. The wheat was bought from the farmers who grew it. So just count the people involved in making the loaf you eat for breakfast.

Another example: The farms that raise chicken; the chicks are brought and raised, taken care of, kept warm, fed and looked after when they get sick. So you realize that you need one million different kind of skill, and you only master one. Another example, the clothes you wear; there are factories that make the fabric, another factory dyes the fabric, sh3er weave the thread Farmers cultivate the cotton. There are thousands of people involved in the one dress that you put on.
Similarily when you go to the doctor to treat your son. The doctor studies for thirty years, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, he does his training. Then he gets his diploma, the Master’s degree, Phd and then the Board. His education continues for thirty to thirty-five years before he can say, ‘give your son this medicine.’ Your son’s maths professor studied long years before he perfects the science of mathematices, he studied equations, algebra, geometry and sh3er. The geography teacher, the history, the philosophy , the Arabic studies and other various professions they all need to go to a university to learn their profession. In order for you to be transported you need a vehicle. The car factory is a hundred years old, every year it is being enhanced.
The network of skills is unbelievable. 6000 million people and each person masters a skill and each contributes in one way or another. When I drink a cup of tea, do you know that if it weren’t for the seas that made things float on it, there would have been no ships or navigation in the sea. Ships carrying thousands of tons of tea moving it from India to the Middle East. These huge ships can carry a million tons sometimes. How were they made? Who designed them? How are they fueled? Who did the plans for them? Think about everything that you use.

When you wear a shirt, think of the button on that shirt. The factory that made the buttons. When you cut your nails, think about the pair of scissors. The blade which you sometimes use, the brush, and sh3er. It means you are looking at millions and millions of skills. Allah allowed you to master just one or a few more, so you need to be with your brother. Your son needs a school, he needs a vehicle to take him to school. The school needs someone to clean it, to teach, to manage it, to supervise. Each child needs to eat during the day, therefore that requires someone to sell the food, he needs someone to help him study, he needs a calculator, and many other equipment.

Mass acts of worship in Islam to make us together:

Therefore Allah Almighty says:

﴾Help you one another﴿

so helping one another is a fate whether you like it or not. If you do not collaborate you cannot survive in this world. Allah wants this collaboration to lead you to Heaven. So while you are living with other humans, you can be honest, or you can be dishonest, you can be loyal or you could be a traitor, you can be a professional or you could not be one, you could keep your promises, or you could break them.
You are always living with people and no one on earth can live alone.

That is why in Islam, there are acts of worship which are done in congregation; when you pray in the mosque in congregation, the reward for your prayers is twenty seven times more than if you pray individually. Hajj is done in congregation, fasting as well. There are many Hadiths that command you to be with the group.

((You should group together and beware of separating, because the Devil is always there when one is alone, and he is further away when there are two people.))

[Ibn al-Mubarak – Mohammad bin Soukka)]

((A wolf only attacks a stray lamb ))

[Abu Daowud]

Allah Almighty has commanded you to help one another. That is something that is done both ways: you help him, and he helps you, you do him a favor, and in return he does you a favor, you give him advice, and he gives you advice, you grant him and he grants you, you provide him with your expertise, and he provides you with his expertise. When a person does not feel well he goes to the doctor. In this situation the person is of lesser level than the doctor, this person may be in a very high status, and he feels pain in his heart, he stands humbly in front of the doctor because in this situation the doctor is of higher status than him.

The values of this religin are religion itself:

Now the doctor may hear a strange noise in his car and he goes to the mechanic, he stands humbly there and asks the mechanic to check the problem and advise him whether a change of motor is needed. So in this situation the doctor is of lower status than the mechanic. One day you are above other people and sh3er when they are above you. In your own field of expertise you are above while in other domains you may be below them. You may be a great scholar who has studied Islamic studies, verdicts, Jurisprudence, law of inheritence, interpretation of the Holy Qoran, science of Hadiths, history of Islamic ideology and you have a deep philosophy, yet when given the cardiogram you do not understand it at all. You are completey ignorant in that matter. And he who has the highest degree in medicine and cardiography could be ignorant when it comes to the interpretation of a verse in the Qoran, and he may ask you: what is the meaning of that verse, I don’t understand it.

So each person can be good or excellent in their specialty however in other specialties he or she could be ignorant. Maybe this is Allah’s Will that life is interconnected and you are obliged to live in a society with sh3er, and to be honest with sh3er, because this honesty will be a reason for you to be admitted to Heavens. You have to be a perfectionist because this perfectionism will lead you to Heaven. You should be loyal as this loyalty will lead you to Heaven, all these values are what our religion teaches.

(( we were people in the days of ignorance, we worshipped idols and ate meat of already dead animals, we committed evil-doings, cut the ties of relation with relatives, we treated our neighbors badly, the strong among us abused the weak. And we were living that way till Allah sent down a Messenger from among us. We knew his family name, and his honesty, trustworthiness. He called us to believe in the one God: Allah Almighty, with no associates, and to worship Him. And to abandon all the idols and statues that we and our forefathers used to worship. Now listen attentively- and he ordered us to be truthful in what we say, and to give back what we have been entrusted with, and to join the ties of relations, and be good to our neighbors, and to stop any fighting ))

[narrated by Ahmad and his team except for Isaac]

You are obliged to be with people whether you want to or not, and whether you like it or not. This society you live in could be your door to Heaven, or your road to Hell. You may deal with people according to Islamic law this will be your road to Heaven. Your interaction with sh3er may lead you to Hell-Fire, when a person transgresses, lies, steals, blashphemes and abuses people and harms sh3er will be in Hell-Fire. However someone who is honest, trustworthy, good and gives sound advice to sh3er will be on the road to Heaven.

Allah Almighty says:

﴾Help you one another﴿

because Allah wanted you to be united.
A very important point here: cooperation is not only among Muslims. A Muslim can help anyone because helping each other is one thing and liking one another is another matter. Your admiration should be to Believers whereas your cooperation should be with everyone.

We should be fair with all people even non-muslims:

Allah Almighty says:

﴾as long, as they are true to you, stand you true to them.﴿

[At-Taubah Verse: 7]

﴾Allâh does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes.﴿

[al-Mumtahena Verse: 8]

You are instructed to cooperate with everyone, even at work. As long as your business is legitimate, within the boundaries of the Islamic rules and there is no religious violation you can deal with anyone whether Muslims or not. and on the contrary if you are not fair when dealing with a non-Muslim, you have committed a big sin, because Allah Almighty says:

﴾and let not the enmity and hatred of sh3er make you avoid justice. Be just:﴿

[al-Ma’idah Verse: 8]

Be just With whom? With those whom you dislike, and this should not drive you to ‘avoid justice’ because justice is above all, and you should be just with everyone.

Amir (ruler of ) al-Mo’mineen (believers) , Omar had a brother who was murdered by a man in the days of ignorance (before Islam) ‘al-Jahiliya’ , then this person embraced Islam. He asked Omar: “Do you like me?” He said frankly and without any compliments: No by Allah I do not like you.” The man asked: “Will your dislike me prevent you from giving me what is rightfully mine.” Omar said: ‘no by Allah, I cannot prevent you from what is your right.’

Love is different from cooperation:

Therefore, a Muslim is open-minded and cooperates with all the people. This command from Allah Almighty addresses all the people and not only the Muslims. When Allah Almighty says: “Collaborate”, if a towns’ inhabitants are of various religions, they should all work together to make their town a better place to live, provide jobs for the people, serve the people, provide them with food, with housing. This is required, whereas love and intimacy is something else, that should be only for the Muslims. Collaboration, is addressed to all the people. ‘Collaborate” sometimes a person is narrow minded and due to his ignorance in matters about the Islam, he only works with believers. Obviously, if working with non-believers leads to committing sins, then you refrain from that, (refrain not from collaborating, only from committing a sin). when cooperation is within the religious boundaries, such as for example a town is planning a project, and it is raising money for that project, there should not be anything to deter you from cooperating with everyone else to execute that project, if it is within the religious framework. the Prophet PBUH attended the confederation (alliance), and this was not an Islamic confederation, however, it was established to ensure there is justice for the whole society. If all Muslims had such mentality, we will be in a much better status in the world. The fact is that Muslims as well as non-Muslims live together, and as long as there are common interests between the two we have to cooperate within the boundaries of the Islamic guidelines.

“Birr” (righteousness) is instinct:

Allah Almighty says: “and collaborate.” The question is ‘on what?’ The topic is about collaboration and the meaning of collaboration. It is a command that is obligatory and should be obeyed. You help him and he helps you. What should we collaborate on? And who should we collaborate with? The order was given to the Muslim to collaborate with everyone. The order requires participation from both sides, so on what should we participate? on Al-Birr. Allah Almighty says:

﴾in al-Birr (virtue, righteousness and piety) ﴿

So what is ‘al-Birr’? By the definition of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH it is: ‘what the soul feels comfort about, and evil is what you hide in your heart and are afraid that anyone would know about it.” For example: diluting milk (by adding water to the milk) is not done in front of the buyer, but in a secluded room where the buyer cannot see therefore it is evil doing. Anything you do in the open you are not afraid that anyone will reprimand, or punish you for doing it, then it is virtue. Why did Allah Almighty call the good-deed by ‘ma’arouf’ (in Arabic, ma’arouf’ means ‘well-know’) because one’s nature knows it, and why did He call evil-doing by ‘munkar’ (unknown), it is because one’s nature denies it.
This is the right time to bring up this story that was told to me by a friend. One of the television programs once cast an interview with a young man who was sentenced to death. He had raped more than fifteen girls then killed them all. A social worker requested from the office of the attorney general to interview this young man, and they agreed. She asked him: ‘are you literate (Do you read and write)?” He said: ‘No’. She asked: “do you pray?” he said: ‘No. I don’t know how to pray’. She asked: “Do you know the ‘Fatiha’ (First Surrah in the Quran)?” He said: ‘No’. She asked: ‘Did you ever in your entire life say the Shahada ‘I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah’?” He said: “What is the ‘Shahada’?” She said: “There is no god” he said it slowly word by word, it took him two minutes to say perfectly the whole sentence ‘there is no god but Allah’.” I am telling you these details so that you know that the person we are talking about is completely ignorant and does not know anything. She asked him: “Why did you rape those girls then kill them?” he said: ‘because of what they are wearing.” She said: ‘what if you saw a girl wearing a ‘hijab’ (veil).” He replied: ‘I will kill anyone who tries to molest her or even tell her one word.”

Did you see this ignorance? The natural instinct of a person is that a veiled girl will not stir any desire in men. She will not stir their emotions nor feelings and does not offend anyone. When a woman displays her beauty she offends people, drives them to become perverts. Even this ignorant criminal who was sentenced to death declared that the reason he raped these girls was because of their clothes. So I thought of a new name called: “girls tempt men because of their clothes.” So when she asked him, “and what if you see a girl wearing a hijab.” He said: “I will kill anyone who molests her.” This is one’s nature; the girl who wears hijab is a noble person, she is chaste. Her beauty is for her husband, children and the people who she is not allowed to marry by Islamic verdicts. Her beauty is not for everyone to look at. So she does not offend anyone.

Cooperation should be on righteousness:

The meaning of collaboration is to do virtue and good, where one’s natural instinct is pleased when doing it. Here are some projects that please us and agree with our instinct: building a building by cooperating with one another, a charitable organization, a society to help beggars off the streets, a health center, an orphanage, a home for the elderly people (senior citizens home), a job recruitment agency, a marriage center or a motel on the road so that travelers can sleep in. These were some of the things that we should be doing together.
Did you see how comprehensive this is:

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr and At¬Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety);﴿

Virtue is anything that one feels good about. Wonderful projects. Another example: Someone goes to a big dinner which he pays for and only one fifth of the food is eaten. We can then establish a society for collecting all the food that is left untouched, adding some nutrients, then canning it and giving it to the poor, isn’t this a wonderful project? Would anyone protest against such project? Never. Allah Almighty says:

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr and At¬Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety) ﴿

Dear brother,
Virtue is what is acceptable by one’s instinct. And one knows it by instinct without learning. There are thousands of good professions and jobs that people perform. For example if we build a hospital and provide it with specialized doctors, if we build a school, if we organize our lives, if we are able to set a system which we follow whereby people can live comfortably and with ease, that is what is required.

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr (virtue) and At¬Taqwa (, righteousness and piety);﴿

This worldly life is limited, you may live sixty wonderful years, then you go to the eternal afterlife.

Righteousness is the good life in this world and piety is the good of the Hereafter:

Allah Almighty says:

﴾righteousness and piety);﴿

piety is the obedience to Allah Almighty. You have to put in a lot of effort in order to gain the Hereafter by improving your life on earth. Learning, teaching what you learned, ordering people to do good, and preventing what is evil. Help strengthen people’s bond with Allah Almighty, encourage them and motivate them to abide by Allah Almighty’s path this is what is required of you. Every person who learns the Quran and teaches it, learns the jurisprudence and teaches it, learns the Hadiths and teaches it will be a role model to sh3er. He invites you to know Allah Almighty, and to seek the knowledge that is all included in the this verse

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr (virtue)﴿

This is the good life in this world and piety is the good in the Hereafter.
Maybe in some countries people have sufficed by improving their worldly lives. In these societies people cooperate with each other and they teach their children from young ages to cooperate with sh3er. When they choose a candidate for a job they will look for someone who is a team player. Whereas in underdeveloped countries, not only do the people not help one another, they actually go out to distroy one another. Collaboration is advancement, collaboration is in our religioun, collaboration is good nature, collaboration is civilization, and collaboration is power.

Don’t you see what has happened to the Muslims because of their division, they do not help one another, they are enemies to each other. Each one of them wants to be in a higher position than the other. These facts are unacceptable to anyone, whether a friend or foe.

Devils cooperate in sin and transgression:

Allah Almighty says:

﴾Help you one another﴿

and in another verse He says:

﴾and do not dispute (with one another) and if you do: you lose courage and strength﴿

[al-Anfal Verse: 46]

You will be weak

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr and At¬Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety);. Demons help one another in sin and transgression Allah Almighty says:

﴾help one another in sin and transgression.﴿

They help one another in corrupting mankind. There are seven hundred million woman and children working in prostitution. They have been cheated. With help from sh3er they bring huge amount of money. The business with the highest income worldwide is drug dealing. And it is the most profitable. It requires people to help one another, monitoring the road, hiding the drugs in a very smart way.

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr and At¬Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression.﴿

For example: a man with a broken leg in a cast had gone to the airport to travel. There was an anonymous call that this man on such and such flight bound to a country (they named it) is a drug dealer and he is carrying drugs. The airport security stopped him and broke the cast and searched him all over but found nothing. They apologized and let him go. On his next trip, he actually carried drugs on him. Isn’t this a smart thing to do? Actually it is very smart. They helped each other to smuggle the drugs, to drive the innocent girls to fall into the prostitution trap, to fool the buyer etc.

Sin is to be far away from Allah:

A brother told me a couple of days ago, that there were people gambling in the street. And as he was walking he passed them, a man comes up to him and tells him that these people have fooled a man who has come from a far country and took his money. The description he gave him of this poor man makes the heart bleed. He went back to ask him, and they considered him an accomplice and they beat him up and took his money. Both parties were liars and were pretending. This is an extreme, but there are millions of cases where people help each other in sin and transgression. A million cases where people help each other to take what is not theirs. A million cases where people help each other to gain illegitimate profit.

Our Lord tells us:

﴾ but do not help one another in sin and transgression﴿

You commit sin when you are far away from Allah Almighty. A person might tell you “I don’t harm anyone” which is good. My faith is in my heart, and I never harm anyone. That’s really nice. However when alone he commits sins where no one can see him and he says I don’t do anything, this is the evil. When you are distant from Allah Almighty, far from your Creator, away from your Provider and the One who makes you successful, this is in itself a sin. There are days when someone does not harm anyone and he does not transgress, yet he can fall into a pit of sins. For example if your only job is to fix the receivers and satellites that bring the channels, 450 channels. What exactly are you providing for the society? You are providing people with a reason to stay up at night to watch illegal movies on channels from the satellite, so they are deep in sin? Isn’t that the case?

((The Holy Spirit inspired me that no one will die until he has completed his sustenance so fear Allah and seek your sustenance in a good manner))

[ narrated by Al-Bazzar from Huthaifa]

Find a career that is beneficial. Someone tells me, ‘I sell backgammon set, it is quite profitable, I gain 100% profit on each one. However you are helping people waste their time and fall into the trap of enmity.
‘Whomever plays backgammon is like he has dipped his hand in the pigs blood and flesh’.
Examples of actions which considered sins: selling anything that is not lawful, fixing something illegal, dealing with something illegal, selling something which you yourself do not accept. Another example: a publishing house which contains books with perversity, someone said something that sounds absurd: it is easier and may be less sin to sell alcohol than it is to sell books which contain perversity. Because the one who drinks alcohol may repent, however reading a book with wrong ideas has a long lasting effect on its readers.
You say “I only sell a book but I have nothing to do with it’. Actually you are responsible. It is not acceptable and is prohibited to sell books that contain wrong information and obscurity, books that invite people to commit sins, for example: a book that tells you that usury is legal, or a book which tells you that our religion is old fashioned, and not suitable for this era. you are selling these books under the umbrella of your bookstore.

﴾but do not help one another in sin and transgression﴿

Sometimes in your job young girls and young men work together. Do you know what illegal things happen among them? So the issue is not to make things difficult, on the contrary, it is to protect them. Do not make your job a place for committing a sin. For example: let’s take a restaurant, where in its corners there are dim lights. Who would go there? Most likely someone who is suspicious and plans to do or say something that is not permissible (may be commit a sin) and he does not want people to see. Therefore do not be the cause of an unlawful violation, for a sin, a transgression.

﴾ but do not help one another in sin and transgression.﴿

﴾ And fear Allâh﴿

it means do not disobey Allah

﴾Verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment.﴿

I apologize that I have mentioned a few professions as examples, not because these professions are unlawful, but any profession with unlawful acts, the acts are unlawful, not the profession itself. So to sell food is a hundred per cent lawful and legal. However selling food accompanied by relationships that Allah Almighty would not approve is not permissible. Therefore anyone who gathered the people in one place and provided the environment to commit a sin is responsible. Any work that results in disobedience or being far away from Allah, or a violation of our Islamic teachings, is accountable to Allah Almighty: Allah Almighty says:

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr and At¬Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression.﴿

For any system in the world there is legal support. For example, the law for driving states: that anyone who drives without a valid drivers’ license will have his vehicle confiscated, and he would have to pay a large fine, and similarly anyone who parks his vehicle in a no-parking zone. Every command or prohibition comes with punishment and rewards. Therefore Allah Almighty says:

﴾Help you one another in Al¬Birr and At¬Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment.﴿

We must not build our wealth on corrupting the society

A relative of a movie theater owner, who was a student of mine, told me once, that the more exauthorment the movie had, the more profit it got. So the owner used to always ensure that the movies he bought were extremely exciting and sexy and the young men would always come to indulge in this prohibited temptation. After the movie they would go to commit prohibited acts that only Allah knows of, and he became very rich due to this. When he reached his middle age he got sick with cancer, so he told his his relative, “I made a lot of money so that I can enjoy it when I came to this age, however, I am dying now.’ He was sure that he would die and he did in fact die. Allah Almighty says:

﴾And fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment.﴿

Do not gather your fortune by corrupting the society you live in. Do not gather your fortune by making sh3er poor. Do not build your fortune by misleading people. Do not build your fortune by ruining a marital relationship. There are many ways that only Allah knows about, which ruin a marriage and separate between husband and wife, it ruins relationship between parents and children. For example: starting a business that attracts young men to it. It may be useless, like games which are addictive. When that young man doesn’t have money, he would most likely steal so that he may play. He will start by spending what he has and when that is not enough, he will take more money from his mother, then after some argument he will take from his father, later he may steal or do unlawful things to get the money and continue without you knowing. You are making money and profiting, but for him it is useless. Therefore you should choose a career that is a hundred percent lawful. I am not being fanatic about this topic; however I am making things very clear. There are so numerous professions, the majority of which make money in illegal ways, or by ruining the relationships amongst people or by leading the young generation to deviate from the right path.
I pray to Allah Almighty that this verse becomes a way of live

﴾Help you one another in Al-Birr and At¬Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression].﴿

and a guideline for our laws

﴾Verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment ﴿

There are many stories about this. Someone who built his success on the destruction of people and causes their corruption, or that he built his wealth on the poverty of sh3er. He or she will end up with Allah Almighty for punishment in this world, or in the Hereafter. It is not necessary that Allah punishes him or her in this world, because Allah Almighty punishes some people who do evil so that they may be a lesson to sh3er, and He rewards some of the virtuous to encourage sh3er.

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