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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat -Al Maïda (5)- Lesson (4)- Verse [3]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Purpose of prohibition in the following verse:

 Dear Brother:
With the fourth lesson of Al-Maida Chapter:

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked and the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn and that which wild beasts have eaten except what you slaughter and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide by the arrows That is a transgression.This day have those who disbelieve despaired of your religion so fear them not and fear me.This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed my favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion But whoever is completed by hunger not inclining willfully to sin then surely Allah is forgiving merciful ﴿

[Al-Maida verse (3)”.]

The first question who prohibited the dead, blood and flesh of swine ? Almighty Allah. Why he said prohibited ? This question requires the answer that the believer when believed in Allah and when knew him take from him everything he is satisfied that this thing from knowing, expert and merciful as if there was a share on this prohibition Allah Almighty has prohibited and you accepted. the issue is not exclusively and not pressure but its case based on conviction Allah Almighty said prohibited to you not I prohibit to you.
 When you receive an order from who you do not like or who was unjust with you or who wants to take everything you have, you feel cruelty of the order but when you receive something from someone that you like and you are confident of his knowledge, wisdom, experience and his mercy you do not take this matter as a compressor but it is something that you need which stems from your interest and it appears in the results of your success in this life or in the end and the meaning of this verse "Prohibited to you”.

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself ﴿

Great difference between death and killing:

I said one example a few months ago that the electric lamp goes off for two reasons it turns off if you cut off the electricity or broken it , the first case is death where as the divine supply disruption and the man dies But if the existence might have been disrupted and not suitable for understanding this spirit by kill the man dies either dies open his nose on the bed or either to die of sabotaging his body where as he cannot receive the supply of Allah Almighty. There is a big difference between death and murder, the murder is a corruption affects the body so you cannot be able to receive the supply from Allah Almighty then the human being die , The death open the nose of death on his bed of death his basis stop getting the divine supply as it is prohibited to eat this dead animal because its blood inside it and this flowing blood which transport food , oxygen and takes the results of combustion acids toxic, acid urine and toxic substances and carbon dioxide it takes food and oxygen and return carbon dioxide and combustion product especially uric acid, there is no liquid in the human body which is as a focus of bacteria as blood, all the factors of the disease in the blood and all toxic substances in the blood and all the materials that are harmful to the blood and the nutrients and the oxygen.
 But blood in the body filtered with three very complex filtered through the lungs as the two lungs give oxygen to the blood and the blood ejects coal gas in the lungs. Inhaling is taking oxygen and exhale put out coal gas, then the blood is cleared from poison gas through the lungs and blood is going through the kidneys per day five times and walking in the way of hundred kilometers long in the kidneys in order to take from it uric acid. The human ejects hearting poisons substances in his urine. This blood as long as in the body it is pure because it is filtered but if it is slaughtered it is a focus of the bacteria , toxins and uric acid there for it is not correct to eat the animal unless it is purified. purified means all it is blood came out of it is blood.

Purpose of keeping the head of animal attached to body after slaughter:

 I have talked to you before and this verse is appropriate to return back to this subject is that the Prophet peace be upon him forbade us to cut off the head of the animal during the slaughter and he ordered us to keep her head connected to her body and cut it is neck veins and arteries or not in any scientific center in the earth in the edge of the Prophet nor after a hundred years or after five hundred years or not after a thousand years or a thousand and three hundred year, or not after a thousand And four-hundred year. there are scientific researches in the world can reveal the wisdom of this Prophet instruction and the thing outright is that the Prophet peace be upon him not only a passion does not speak, not the experience nor the culture nor the experience nor the data environment but utter inspired by the sky, now discovered that the task of the heart is to pump blood to all parts of the body and this pump depends on the pulse of this pulse and this pulse receives order from the heart itself because the heart is the most dangerous organs of the body can not be linked to electric general net.there must be an auto generator as there is basic electric generator in the human being heart if it has disruption there is a backup generator last If crashes there is a third backup generator. Three electric generators in the heart supplies the heart with ordinary pulse eighty beats per minute. When the man faces an emergency effort or followed by a fearful enemy he have to make very high muscle effort. While the regular pulse is not enough to supply the muscle with blood so the pulse must increase to a hundred Eighty-pulse, by the way the heart beats from sixty to eighty beats a systematic but if faced with a threat of human pulse may rise to a hundred and eighty-pulse how increase pulse ? Eyes see the danger and the danger printed as a snake or as animal or as enemy or as human wielding a gun and the danger printed in the eye retina and a sense of recognition goes to the brain in the brain as understanding that when a man saw a snake this snake has a file in the mind and this file is dictated by stories heard or study or studied something he saw consists of a series of studies the concept of the snake.
 The Brain recognizes Risk and gives order through hypothalamic to the Queen of the glands ( the pituitary gland ) , then the pituitary gland ( Queen of the glands and hormonal system ) gives order to the upper adrenal of the kidneys , The adrenals is responsible for the face of danger give something back to the heart to lift the pulse and order to the lungs to raise the pulse and order to the surrounding vessels to narrow the gloss so the afraid person breaths and increases his heart rate and turn into yellow and gives an order to the liver subtracting big amount of sugar and gives an order to the liver also to raise hormone coagulation All this is done in seconds, when man aware of the danger his heart rate increases to one hundred and eighty and the wisdom of a very Allah wanted it to make the animal system similar to the human system. You see the most accurate devices when butcher sees the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen and see tendons, muscles and bones. The animal when its veins and arteries of the neck were cut only and its head still linked the extraordinary order comes from the brain to the adrenal to the heart relieved the heartbeat.
 What is the task of heart after slaughter? Empty blood by regular pulse, The whole blood does not come out all only part of it but by the extraordinary order the whole blood come out from the animal which are killed by electricity as in western slaughterhouses or the animal which its head were cut off and hanged from its , This animal is not saved because most of the blood stay there and most diseases factors in it in which toxic substances remain if the human eat unpurified flesh The Toxic substances transported to him and possibly deposited in his joints and his sensitive systems there for the Prophet peace be upon him not only a passion of ours to cut off the animal’s neck (veins and arteries) without cutting off the head. This dead animal why its flesh has been prohibited ? Because the blood in it if it is not saved.

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself ﴿

Blood is the cause of prohibiting eating the animal:

 And blood is the origin of the prohibition. In the pre-Islamic period, the Arabs were taking an animal's blood and put it in the intestines and then eat the intestines with blood and when I give the cow dried blood meal and meat and cattle the cow gone mad and the cow madness is from the mankind madness.
 Britain has had to destroy thirteen million cow by burning and value of these cows were burned 33 billion pounds sterling and cow madness disease is not far away from us and all the beef products harmless to humans.
 Allah Almighty says:

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself ﴿

 Because its blood in it and because all the factors of the disease in the blood and where blood is in it. A friend of mine told me that he went to buy a package of meat from the land of East Asia where as these animals have two prices the price meat having blood and price if slaughtered in the Islamic manner because blood may weigh up to five kilograms.

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself and blood ﴿

The cause for any order is that it is an order:

 Because the origin of prohibited and flesh of swine , Now if they wanted to plant germs they put it islands of blood where there is no means assisting for growth of germs as fluid blood , which take care of germs and grow them geometrical progression not arithmetical one.
 We can talk about flesh of swine and the wisdom of the prohibition but if you want to understand the prohibition by only scientific explanation this is closed road ,you say to those engaging in dialogue that the swine flesh has tapeworm he tells you we sterilized it and you tell him that the swine lives in affected trash places , he say no we grow it up in clean farms. Inform him that who created us and created this universe, Who has sent down this Holy Quran, which prescribed he forbade his flesh to us. There for the wonderful answer I heard from scientist from the Western world becomes Muslim he met scientist from eastern countries and had a long discussion about the sanctity of swine flesh, this Eastern scientist elaborated and elaborated on the wisdom of the prohibition and the western scientist replied him with an exhaustive definitive curative answer he said to him: it was sufficient to tell me that Allah has prohibited it because he is the creator of universes without feeling that you entered the clinic and the doctor told you leave the salt you don’t think for one second to discuss him because you resigned to his knowledge and he may to you Sell your house that is in the fourth floor and buy a ground house you do not hesitate one hour you offer the house for sale. IS it rational to believe the doctor and not discuss and not to dialogue with Him and not to believe in Allah Almighty.
 Doing any order that is order, the fact the swine has functions that means it is equipped with a very complicated gastrointestinal system can eat carrion as if Allah forced this animal to clean up the wild of the carcasses and dead animals, but the other party did not find food he liked best of it.
 A brother of mine studied in the East countries holds a PhD and became the dean of the Faculty of Medicine, he said to me, there are many researches about the transmission nature of the animal to its eaters, there are animals does not allow anyone to see her meeting with its female and there are animals exercise this meeting facing a huge crowd of swine who eat the meat, perhaps taking of this nature of this animal at all we are Muslims and we are followers.

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine ﴿

Swine is prohibited for itself while dead animals are prohibited because they are dead:

 There is a very accurate fact that if you purchased air-conditioners and you've got the PhD in physics or in the cooling from the finest universities in the world if you press the button and the this condition worked and a cold air comes to you , you know exactly what is happening in this condition: gas principle and cooling principle and switching principle and pushing principle but if an ignorant man does not read or write and you placed air conditioning in his room and he pressed on the button and cold air came to him , will he will get benefits as who knows ? there for they said using something that is not a branch of its science means that as you obey Allah Almighty by deep understanding or worship of Allah You reap the fruits of this approach, Good Ancestors respect religion too much , if Allah the almighty forbade any thing it is over.
He said to him it was enough to tell me that Allah has prohibited, I do not advice that you interference with the other party in scientific discussion about the wisdom of swine flesh is prohibited whenever you gave him a reason he reversed it, Allah Almighty has prohibited swine flesh to us and Allah is the Knowing , Allah is the Wise , Allah is the Aware.
 I went to a man to repair my vehicle there was a piece of steel he throw to the ground and told me it is not necessary in this place but I told him to return it back I cannot discuss you in what you are doing , but I can not believe that five-thousand engineers in this manufacturing company you can understand more than them, so return it back to its place.

 It is unreasonable that the creator of universes says to you:

﴾Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine ﴿

And I discuss the reason for any order that is:
 3We must mention the name of Allah when we slaughter sheep:

These three prohibited things: dead meat, blood and swine flesh , of course sheep meat is allowable to be eaten If it died its prohibited to eat it but the flesh of swine either slaughter or not or blood flew forth it is prohibited to eat it , scientists say the swine is prohibited in itself, while dead sheep is prohibited for the reason of death , it is not prohibited for itself but it is prohibited to other reasons.
 We have believe prohibition Allah says:

﴾And that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked ﴿

 Means an animal slaughtered in honor of the person on behalf of the Lat and The Uzza slaughter this animal, Who are Lat and The Uzza here ? prohibited is not is a harm prohibited but it is a believe prohibited that is now you're an idolater and when you slaughter an animal and did not say Allah is the greatest and the meaning of Allah is the greatest of that Allah Almighty ` it to me and allowed me to eat its meat because I’m responsible creature but this animal subjected creature maybe it waits for a gift from Allah because it was subjected to this human , when I eat an animal and slaughter animal I’m doing what Allah ordered me to do and I say Allah is the great who subjected it to me and allows me to eat it.
Do not eat it if we slaughtered this animal for Zaid, or obaid or any one it is prohibited because it based on polytheism.

﴾And that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked ﴿

 An animal should be slaughtered on the name of God that says God is great.

﴾ And the strangled (animal) ﴿

 That have strangled the blood remained in it if it is similar to the dead.

﴾ And that beaten to death ﴿

 That means the animal that has been beaten to death.

﴾ And that killed by a fall ﴿

 That fall from a high place.

﴾And that killed by being smitten with the horn﴿

 That the animal has been smitten with the horn of another animal.

Five kinds of sheep prohibited to eat:

﴾And the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn and that which wild beasts have eaten ﴿

 Means a wild beast tore cheep it Between life and death, there are five prohibited types of animals to eat it That have strangled the blood remained in it if it is similar to the dead ,That means the animal that has been beaten to death and That fall from a high place and That the animal has been smitten with the horn of another animal.
 Horn and that which wild beasts have eaten except what you slaughter. The scholars have an accurate opinion , when you see an animal smitten with the horn while it is on the verge of death if you slaughter it and the blood was shed from it and moved its slaughtered as it is not smitten and if you slough it and blood doesn't shed from it and didn‘t move it is dead.
 The sign of slaughter animal smitten with the horn and That fall from a high place and That animal that has been beaten to death and wild beast have eaten and the strangled animal that the blood flows heavily and it is moving, and if it doesn't move and the blood doesn't come out from them heavily it is dead and prohibited to eat it , there for in some of slaughterhouses lightened for animal pain by a drug so we have brought in some scientists to take there opinions on this method of slaughter, they said to us the following answer, if shocked not slaughtered and died it prohibited to eat it But if stunned and slaughtered and the Blood flow from it and moved that means that it has not died, the sign of slaughtering animal smitten with the horn and That fall from a high place and That animal that has been beaten to death and wild beast have eaten that the blood pouring from them and move if the move was from the tail or leg or head this is the movement of life and guide the flow of blood flow is a proof of life.

Slaughtering on stones for the idols and dividing with arrows:

﴾And the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn and that which wild beasts have eaten except what you slaughter﴿

 Some scholars said only except what you slaughter do not apply to dead meat, blood and swine , except what you slaughter only the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn and that which wild beasts have eaten and Allah did not mention that this time beating was on its head or in the stomach or in any other place anywhere if the animal has been beaten seemed to be dead we hurry to slaughter it if blood flood from it and moved it is slaughtered as if it was not that strangled.
 The Arabs were put stones on top of each other to form a pyramid and slaughtered an animal on behalf of the Lat and Uzza.

﴾ What is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) ﴿

 Where people worship a god except Allah Almighty the animal that is sacrificed on stones respecting to other than Allah is also prohibited to be eaten but this is an ideological prohibition, the prohibition in accurate expression is a belief prohibition and not scientific one.

﴾ Slaughter and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide by the arrows﴿

 Divide by the arrows mean that Arabs were in there Ignorance come with arrows or darts by writing on one of them god ordered me and the second forbade me the god and the third nothing, and this man if he wanted to travel or wants to marry or any work he come to the priest give him a bag of these arrows and he withdraws if the arrow came with my lord ordered me he travel, and if it came as he forbade me he will not travel and if the arrow was empty he repeats the lot and the words make no sense at all , we've got control approach.
 Islam came with approach and with controls and order and prohibition and when i do something by random and it is not based on scientific thing it is prohibited thing.

﴾ And that you divide by the arrows ﴿

 And also they were slaughtered a camel and in a huge number of arrows one arrow has been taken and they cut this camel near to thirty part and one arrow has one part has a name and who was hit by this arrow go and take a piece of meat from this camel and it the arrow has two parts with a special name that I did not remember it takes two pieces and there is another arrow takes three and another takes four parts and five and six and seven and eight there is someone who pay for it and he didn't take any thing and this is unfair and some one take the whole of it by chance and the other man paid its price and got nothing that was wide in the ignorance time.

Orders and prohibitions are not discussed because Allah knows the purpose:

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked and the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn and that which wild beasts have eaten except what you slaughter and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide by the arrows That is a transgression. ﴿

 But the Prophet peace be upon him prescribed the lottery in permissible not only in the interdiction and analysis. The test is the first feature of the lot it is in permissible means if you have two kids and they have a room one bed is along the window with view and an internal bed and they disputed. The solution is lot, You have a travel and you have two wives they competed to accompany you in this travel we found that the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him used lots as lot perfumed hearts and do not embarrass anyone as there is things that are permissible in the competition either honor competition or interest competition the main idea is to use the lot for solving some problems not for the analysis the prohibition or prohibited allowable.

 The other thing in these prohibitions:

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine﴿

 This is on detailed prohibition so only discuss the origin of religion. If you believe in Allah creator, educator and fully exist fully believe in His Beautiful Names and Attributes he said:

﴾ Prohibited to you is that which dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine﴿

 It's all over as if visited a doctor and before you done that you asked thousands of people about him to make sure of his knowledge, sincerity, religion , experience and his skills. when you visit him stop your mind from thinking and when u get from him instructions you must not discuss with him and when he brings you the guidance your mind should stop working as spiritual matters are being discussed in its origins but in its branches is orders and prohibited for a wisdom wanted by The Allah Almighty.

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