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Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (151)- Mother's tenderness and milk
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Characteristics of mother's milk:

Dear noble brothers, Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He, has implanted mercy and tenderness in the hearts of the mothers towards their children. Such mercy and tenderness are but part of Allah's Divine Mercy, which makes a mother's breast abounds in a unique kind of milk that best suits her baby.  

Scientists confirm that the mother's milk is not only amazing but also unique, as no other kind of milk mankind could ever make is comparable to it. Composition of the mother's milk changes so as to meet the baby's different needs and requirements and according to its digestive ability. It is more suitable, more condensed, more digestible, and less harmful than any other kind of milk. Furthermore, it is the safest nutritional way for a baby from the viewpoint of sterilization and cleanliness, as it is taken directly from the mother's nipple, without being contaminated, and its temperature is steady during breastfeeding. Such matchless qualities are not available in case of artificial nursing. It is always reasonably warm in both cold and hot weather. Moreover, it is easily digested, as it needs only one hour and a half to be digested, whereas bottled-milk needs more than three hours to be digested. 

One more point is that the baby that suckles from its mother's breast acquires immunity against all illnesses, as the mother's milk contains substances that prevent intestinal and respiratory infections. Also, the mother's milk contains substances that prevent germs and bacteria from sticking to the internal walls of the intestines of her baby, and it contains acid substances that kill germs. It has also been found out that natural nursing protects the baby from such serious diseases and epidemics as cholera, dysentery, infantile paralysis, and tetanus, simply because the mother's immunity is all to be found in her milk that she gives to her baby. Natural nursing also protects the mother from malignant breast tumors, just as it protects the baby from heart and vascular diseases, and nutritional and metabolic ones. Let alone, early weaning causes psychological disorders and behavioral abnormalities.

The mother's milk needs no preparation; it is ready to use day and night, in both travel and settlement. It is always available at the proper temperature and with an ideal sterilization. It is easily digested and provides immunity from most diseases. In this context, Allah the Almighty says: 

(Verily, We have created man in toil*Thinks he that none can overcome him?* He says (boastfully): "I have wasted wealth in abundance!"* Thinks he that none sees him?* Have We not made for him a pair of eyes?* And a tongue and a pair of lips?* And shown him [An-Najdain] the two ways (good and evil, [and according to some interpretations they are the two breasts]?)

[Al-Balad, 4-10]

The mother's breasts are a gift from Allah the Almighty to man. Allah the Almighty says:

(And shown him [An-Najdain] the two ways (good and evil, [and according to some interpretations they are the two breasts]?)

[Al-Balad, 10]

The two noble companions, Ikrimah and Ibn al-Mussaiyeb said, "An-Najdain can be interpreted as the two breasts of the mother." Allah the Almighty says: 

(And shown him the two ways (good and evil [and according to some interpretations they are the two breasts])?* But he has made no effort to pass on the path that is steep.)

[Al-Balad, 10-11]

What is your answer to this question?  

Dear brothers, what prevents man from obeying Allah, Exalted ad Sublime be He? What prevents him from being a true believer? A knowledgeable righteous believer invoked Allah the Almighty in the following verses: 

You bestowed Your Kindness upon us in the dark of the wombs,
And being the Best Guardian: in the wombs You did protect us.
And You made tenderness in the mothers' hearts to dwell for us,
And in their breasts you caused our sustenance to flow.

To wrap up, Allah the Almighty casted His Mercy into the mothers' hearts and caused to run from their breasts milk as moral mercy and pure natural food. The verses go on as follows: 

You created us infants, and made our tongues
Acknowledge that You are, indeed, our Lord.
And You made us know You, so Praised be 
Your Divine Face, as You provided us with Your Guidance! 

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