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Ramadan selections (15): Voiding the month of Ramadan from its essence
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

When Ramadan becomes the month of banquets, movies and shows, it is then drained of much of its content, as the contemporary term goes. 
The danger of shows and movies comes from presenting values that contradict Islam. The corrupted person is presented as someone whose house is like a mansion and his wife welcomes his friends in his absence while showing her flesh and beauty. Not to mention, the luxurious life he lives and the many cars he owns are presented too. On the other hand, these shows present the Islamic scholar as someone who lives in a poor neighborhood, his house is small, and his wife is negligent to her children, so they are lazy at school. 
In these shows, they do not attack Islam directly, but they draw the worst image of Islam and the best one of corruption. These arts are meant to wreck Islam.
When the west fail in eradicating Islam, they tend to drain it from its content. The values presented in these shows make Muslims underestimate Islam and say, "Look at the west! Look at their advancement" or say, "Look at Japan!" As if the Japanese had other than Allah as God.  Whatever wrongs our principles, ideology and values is dangerous.

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