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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat -Al-Infitar (82)- Lesson (1)- verses [1-6]: The Terrors of the Doomsday
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

A scene in which the universe changes into another state:

 O believers, we are with the first lesson of Surat Al-Infitar :

(1-When the heaven is cleft asunder. 2-And when the stars have fallen and scattered. 3-And when the seas are burst forth. 4-And when the graves are turned upside down(and bring out their contents). 5-(Then) a person will know what he has sent forward and (what he has) left behind(of good or bad deeds).))

(Al-Infitar : 1-5)

 Dear brother: another scene of changing the universe from its current state to another, radical changes will happen to this great universe on the Doomsday, the heaven will cleave, Allah said:

((1-When the heaven is split asunder.))

(Al-Inshiqaq : 1)

 And said:

((37-Then when the heaven is rent asunder, and it becomes rosy or red like red-oil, or red hide.))

(Ar-Rahman : 37)

Many verses confirm that the heaven will be split asunder:

 Many verses assure that the heaven will rend the word (e’tha=when) is what affirms the inevitability of the rending, because (e’tha= when) denotes the inevitability, while (en=if) denotes the possibility, Allah said:

((6-O you who believe! If a Fasiq (liar evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it.))

(Al-Hujurat : 6)

 Maybe he comes or doesn’t, whereas when Allah said:

((1-When there comes the Help of Allah (to you,O Muhammad ) against your enemies) and the conquest (of Makkah).))

(An-Nasr : 1)

 This means that the Help of Allah will certainly come, and when the heaven will split, it will not remain in this state, but how will it split? What is the nature of this splitting? This is of the Unseen, so the splitting will definitely occur, but the manner of this splitting is totally unknown?!!
 Many verses affirm this splitting, Allah knows best about the form of this splitting, apropos of word (Allah knows best), sometimes man reach the highest level in science, but there are many things that he has no explanation about, our Lord the Great and Almighty said:

((1-When the heaven is split asunder.))

(Al-Inshiqaq : 1)

 This means that this heaven will split, and will cleave, and its system will be in disorder and become in different state:

((2-And when the stars have fallen and scattered.))

The expansion and shrinking of the universe:

 I have mentioned that some stars burst, and this universe is in a continuous life, expands and contracts:

((104- And (remember) the Day when We shall roll up the heaven like a scroll rolled up for books.))

(Al-Anbiya’ : 104)

 And there is another verse:

((47-…, Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space thereof.))

(Adh-Dhariyat : 47)

 This universe is expanding and contracting according to a law that Allah has established:

((2-And when the stars have fallen and scattered.))

(Al-Infitar : 2)

 This means: disband, it is a highly wonderful system that controls all the planets, each of them moves in a closed orbit and this movement makes each one separated from the sh3er. If this movement stopped, the universe would be one mass, because there is a movement that creates centrifugal power equals to the gravitational power. This means that there is an astonishing gravitational laws between the stars, and this is the meaning of Allah’s Saying:

((2- Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see.))

(Ar-Ra’d : 2)

Each planet is connect with other plantes by a system of attraction:

 There is a correlation between the planets, by invisible gravitational attractions. They said: the earth is linked to the sun by gravitational force equals to a billion steel cables (cords), the diameter of each one is five meters, and every cord bears two million tons of stress force, two million billion tons. This is the gravitational force between the earth and the sun, and every planet is correlated to other planets by a gravitation system, extremely marvelous:

((2- Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see.))

(Ar-Ra’d : 2)

 This means invisible pillars, and this pillars are the gravitation forces, every planet is attracted to another one by the gravitation law. This law is very accurate, the gravity factors, the distance and the mass. Distance has an important role in the gravitation, the more it increases, the more gravitation decreases, and vice versa. Mass also has a role, the bigger mass attracts the smaller, this system is what makes the universe at the status quo (as it is now) the planets don’t collide each other,and they are not out of their orbits, the shape of these orbits is oval and has two diameters,big and small. When the planet is in the small diameter, the distance between it and the central star gets shorter, lest it become gravitated to the bigger star, it increases its speed to result an additional centrifugal force equals to the gravitational one, and this is made by Allah the Great and Almighty.

((1-When the heaven is cleft asunder. 2-And when the stars have fallen and scattered.))

 In other words, when this universe becomes disbanded, the stars then go out of their courses and swim in the outer space.

On the Day of Resurrection this system will break off:

 A non- Muslim scientist said: If we suppose that the earth left its orbit, and escaped from the gravitation of the sun, what should we do to bring it back? We should use a billion steel cables, five meters is the diameter of each, and resists two million tons of the stress forces. If these cables were planted in the earth; on the part that faces the sun, what would happen? A jungle of steel cables, between every two cables a room of one cable, and this jungle would hamper the movement, agriculture, building and transportation, and the earth would become a dark jungle, if these cables were visible, Allah said:

((2- Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see.))

(Ar-Ra’d : 2)

 We are on the earth. Allah said:

((41-Verily, Allah grasps the heavens and the earth lest they should move away from their places.))

(Fatir : 41)

 Every planet has its own orbit, and Allah grasps these planets in order not to be out of their orbits, but on the Doomsday this system will change. The stars and planets will scatter, and swim in the universal space without order, and in a different way.
 O brother: Allah draws our attention to these events in order to appreciate the current order.That is called gaininknowledge of something by knowing its opposite, as if our Lord the Great and Almighty wanted us to pay attention to this amazing system. Now, the stars aren’t incompatible,they are coherent, controlled, they are in their orbits. They move according to an accurate system. Don’t you see this force that attach the earth to the sun? billion multiplied by two million tons, this great force must tilt the earth three millimeters per second, to maintain it in its closed orbit around the sun, but if it gets out,then who is would be able to return it to its path? He is Allah the Great and Almighty:

((41-Verily, Allah grasps the heavens and the earth lest they should move away from their places.))

(Fatir : 41)

 The moving away, here, is meant to be off its orbit, the heaven splits, the planets disperse, and the order controls the heavens will end.

Seas are among the evidences of Allah’s Greatness:

 A big building, sometimes, will be torn down; either blown up by a bomb inside it, or by using a very big machine that cuts it from its bases:

((26-…, but Allah struck at the foundation of their building.))

(An-Nahl : 26)

 This means that this building is over, no need for it, and must be destroyed, Allah said:

((3-And when the seas are burst forth.))

(Al-Infitar : 3)

 It is a well known fact that the seas are one of the Signs of Allah which denote His Greatness. They cover four fifths of the earth in which there are about a million kinds of the fish, you cannot find on land in respect of the variety of the kinds and glaring things, either in the wildness, prettiness,or gentleness as much as in the sea animals, and they have a marvelous system and special ways in their life. The deepness of these seas its depth,in some areas, reaches twelve kilometers(Mariana gulf in the Pacific). What forms these seas? The water, what is its composition? Oxygen and hydrogen, one is the most flammable gase, the other helps to ignition. They are combined to form the water, which extinguishes the fire. This is an evidence of the Greatness of Allah, so when Allah wants to blast the seas, He abolishes this relation (the extinguishing), then the two gases combine, causing a blast, how far the nuclear bombs still are from it?!Allah said:

((3-And when the seas are burst forth.))

(Al-Infitar : 3)

People will be resurrected to be reckoned:

 Imagine when an oil well explodes! The flames reach the sky, right, and what happens when a fuel tank explodes? Imagine the size of the blast when these seas which are four fifths of the earth explode, what will the result be then?!! Allah said:

((3-And when the seas are burst forth.))

(Al-Infitar : 3)

 Perhaps the seas flood to cover the whole earth, the barriers between them collapse, or the water ignites, all of these mentioned, Allah said:

((1-When the heaven is cleft asunder. 2-And when the stars hav fallen and scattered. 3-And when the seas are burst forth. 4-And when the graves are turned upside down(and bring out their contents).))

(Al-Infitar : 1-4)

 When I scatter the room’s components, and turn it upside down, I make it untidy. The meaning of “graves are turned upside down” is that what is inside them becomes over or outside them. In other words, the mankind will be resurrected to be asked very accurately about all their deeds in this life, Allah said:

((4-And when the graves are turned upside down (and bring out their contents). 5-(Then) a person will know what he has sent forward and (what he has) left behind(of good or bad deeds).))

(Al-Infitar : 4-5)

Belief in the Last Day changes all measures:

 Dear brother, an eminent scholar gave an evidence that the origin of the belief in the Last Day is rational, because the disparity of the chances or fortunes is the nature of the worldly life. Some are rich and sh3er are poor, some are weak and sh3er are strong, some are unjust and sh3er are aggrieved,some are long-aged and sh3er are short-aged, some women are pretty while sh3er are ugly, it is a big difference. Now,with the activity of people, some people wrong and ash3er are wronged,some kill and sh3er are killed, some trespass, and sh3er are trespassed, some exploit and sh3er are exploited, this situation is an abnormal, you must believe in the Last Day, the Doomsday, where all accounts will be settled, and everyone will be rewarded according his work, in fact, when you believe in the Last Day, the standards are totally reversed, you can imagine a person who didn’t believe in this Day, he sees the supremacy is by blackmailing the sh3er, controlling them, and consuming their efforts, but when he believes in this Day, the opposite happens, he sees the supremacy through being at their service and supporting them, giving them their rights, treating them modestly, hence you see a big difference between the believer and the infidel; the believer gives, whereas the other takes, the believer lives for the people, the infidel wants people to live for him. The believer is concerned in being on the Way of Allah the Great and Almighty, but the infidel doesn’t mind about the Way of Allah, and moves according to his lusts, therefore, Allah has categorized the humans into two groups, in spite of the differences in their sect,races,colors and religions. Allah said:

((5-As for him who gives(in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him. 6-And believes in Al –Husna.))

(Al-Lail : 5-6)

 This means that the believer established his life on the giving, while the infidel on the stinginess:

((8-But he who is greedy miser.))

(Al-Lail : 8)

 The first one gives,fears Allah and obey Him :

((6-And believes in Al –Husna.))

(Al-Lail : 6)

 He believed that he is created to the Paradise which the discipline and giving are its price but the other was miser and was in no need to obey Allah:

((9- And belies Al-Husna.))

(Al-Lail : 9)

 So, when he belied Al-Husna (the paradise) he thought that he didn’t need to obey Allah, and built his life by taking from the people not by giving them. Thus, the prophets gave everything, and the transgressors took everything, the prophets captured the hearts, while the transgressos controlled the life of people.The perfection was the weapon of the prophets,but violence was the transgressors’ weapon.

If your measure don’t change, your life is all reverse:

 Therefore, the belief in the Last Day reverses the standards, to be frank, if your standards wouldn’t be reversed,your life would be reversed and your nature is perverted. Truly, for the believer in the Last Day, the soil and gold are alike. In other words, the hundred millions are under his feet if they are doubtful, he doesn’t seek except the legal income, doesn’t do anything that doesn’t please Allah, but the disbeliever is like an astray beast always is on the loose, so what concerns us in His Saying:

((4-And when the graves are turned upside down (and bring out their contents).)

(Al-Infitar : 4)

 The meaning of (turned upside down), to scatter the creatures therein, and they get to its surface in order to be compensated for their works, good if they are good and evil if they are evil:

((9-Truly, that Day will be a Hard Day. 10-Far from easy for the disbelivers.))

(Al-Muddaththir : 9-10)

 The test’s day is hard to the lazy student, because he didn’t study, he tries to cheat, suddenly he finds somebody who deters or restrains him, and maybe he gets forbidden from study for six years, and the test is a problem to him, in the contrary, the test is an enjoyment for the diligent student, because he expresses his efforts with correct answers, so:

((1-When the heaven is cleft asunder. 2-And when the stars have fallen and scattered. 3-And when the seas are burst forth. 4-And when the graves are turned upside down(and bring out their contents). 5-(Then) a person will know what he has sent forward and (what he has) left behind(of good or bad deeds).)

(Al-Infitar : 1-5)

The activities of man are divided into what he did and what he didn’t:

 The activities of the man can be summed up in two things, one that he did, and one he didn’t, for the thing that he had done, would that he didn’t do it, and the thing that he hadn’t done it, would that he did it, this is the infidel, but the believer, the thing that he did, he wishes that he did it many times, and a thing he didn’t do, he wishes that he avoided it more and more:

((5-(Then) a person will know what he has sent forward and (what he has) left behind(of good or bad deeds).)

(Al-Infitar : 5)

We must always ask ourselves what we did for the sake of Allah:

 You, what have you presented to Allah the Great Almighty? Everyone will stand before Allah, and He will ask him, what did you do for Me,o My slave? Prepare the answer now, O my Lord, I looked after my house highly and decorated it, is this answer acceptable to Allah?, O my Lord I enjoyed my life exceedingly, I had a good taste in the food, I had a strong desire for travelling, is this acceptable? What did you do? I created you in the worldly life to return to me with good deeds, so, what is the kind of this good deed for me? Did you educate (raise) your sons? Did you guide people to Allah the Great and Almighty? Did you understand My Speech? Did you work according to it? Did you learn the Quran? Did you teach it? Did you observe the limits ordained by Me? Did you believe in My messengers? Did you look after an orphan? Did you give from your legal money in My Cause? Did you offer your knowledge? What did you do? What did you send forth for yourself?
 It was said: ((the mankind is asleep, they wake up when they die)), just if you know that you will stand before Allah to ask you: I gave you the universe, Allah said:

((13-And has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that in the earth; it is all as a favour and kindness from Him.))

(Al-Jathiya : 13)

 I gave you the universe, I created you, I supplied you, I bestowed upon you the guidance and the Path of Truth. I granted you a wife children, and house, what did you do for My sake? What did you send forth for yourself?
 We shouldn’t forget this question at all, what did you do for Allah’s Cause? Some one offered his knowledge, another offered his experience, gave from his money, did his best, somebody gave advise to the Muslims, O my Lord I did that in Your Cause, Imran’s wife, what did she do?

((35-..,”O my Lord! I have vowed to You what (the child that) is my womb to be dedicated for Your services.))

(Al-Imran : 5)

 Is there any mother that she says: O my Lord I have vowed this child in my womb to be dedicated for Your service, and I will look after him to be righteous. By Allah, if a mother did that, and raised her children highly, this is the first mother in the earth, the perfect mother, you have skill in a foreign language, what did you do by it? Did you employ it in spreading the truth? In translating some of Islamic books to the foreign languages? You, Allah has given you money, what did you do by it? Did you enjoy yourself by it, or gave part of it to the orphans, poor, needy and students?
 This is the accurate point, everyday ask yourself: what is the kind of work that you will present to Allah the Great and Almighty?
 O My slave, what were you used to do? O my Lord I taught in Your Cause, Allah will accept this when you are honest and sincere, or it will be said to you: you lied, you learned and taught to be said about you : he is a scientist (scholar)and really that was said, (the angels will be ordered then) take him to the Hell-fire, (another man will say) O my Lord, I read the Quran, if he is honest Allah will accept this otherwise He will say: o My slave, you read the Quran to be said about you: he is a reader and really that was said, take him to the Hell-fire, (to another): What did you do in My Cause? O my Lord, I fought the infidels and hypocrites, you fought to be said about you: he is brave, and really that was said, take him to the Hell-fire.
This is the daily question: what did you do in the Cause of Allah? Did you employ your major or craft for the truth? Did you give your money to the needy and poor? Did you offer your knowledge or you didn’t? Did you educate your children? What concerned you about them, their food and certificates, or their faith and uprightness? You should ask yourself this question everyday; so what is the work that you keep to Allah?

The Quran is great as it talks to the mind and to the heart:

 There are some people who are in their sixties or seventies and stay awake at night, playing dice, or watching T.V. What is the work that you prepared to your life in the hereafter?

((4-And when the graves are turned upside down(and bring out their contents). 5-(Then) a person will know what he has sent forward and (what he has) left behind(of good or bad deeds).)

(Al-Infitar : 4-5)

 Now Allah addresses the man:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar : 6)

 By the way, the greatness of this Quran, is that it addresses the mind sometimes, and sometimes addresses the sentiment (emotion), the callers who addressed only the mind or only the emotion didn’t succeed, but who succeeded those who addressed both of them, and this verse is one of the subtlest verses in the Quran, there is only one verse that Allah addresses the mind and emotion of the man at the same time, Allah said:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar : 6)

 By the way, what is the conceit? It is to give a thing an importance(volume) more than its real volume. Sometimes man finds an expensive box on the pavement, he imagines that it is full of precious things, but when he opens it he finds out it is empty, this disappointment and frustration is the conceit.Sometimes man is lured by this life, and sees it bigger than its real size, perhaps he sees it everything, when he gets older,he considers it a thing not everything, but when he departs it, he sees it nothing.
 Sit with a person in his twenties, another in his forties, and another in his seventies, you will notice that the young man sees the worldly life as everything, houses, women, vehicles, companies, till he makes it as his soul, the middle –aged person is interested in the religion, in reciting the Quran and in knowledge his Lord, but the old man gets interested in the hereafter, Allah said:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar : 6)

Man might be deceited about this world and gives it more than its size:

 O brother: It is a very important truth, as Allah said:

((103-Say (O Muhammad {p.b.u.h}):”Shall we tell you the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds? 104-“Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thuoght that they were acquiring good by their deeds.))

(Al-Kahf : 103-104)

 He fell in the conceit, perhaps the man takes the worldly life as a big deal, but in fact it is much smaller,
 Narrated Salama ibn Obaidullah ibn Mohsen Al Ansari from his father saying: the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) said:

"He who is healthy, safe and has his livelihood (enough food for one day) is like the possessor of the whole world."

(At-Termidhi- Ibn Majah)

 Some people have very big business, and they gothrough serious crisis. One of those people told me that he wishes that he eats a dry bread and the he wasn’t involved in this trading. The worldly life deceives, harms, then itpasses. It was reported that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: The husbandry (frugality) is better than some trade. There are some wearing trading which may cause a chronic disease to the trader:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar : 6)

Bad belief paralyzes human movement:

 But what is the meaning of to be deceived about Allah? If some body has a legal case with some judge,, this person imagined if he gave the judge a present he would take a decision for his favor, but the judge is honest, so when he discovers the bitter truth, he suffers a loss that is manifest. We say: this suspect was deceived about the judge, i.e. he thought that he will take a decision for him, and that isn’t true. The man was deceived about Allah, this means that he thought that Allah will never ask His slaves, but he was surprised by the opposite, he imagined that he will be forgiven with the sum he took, but he will receive a dire reckoning, so man should know the bitter truth and prefers it to the comfortable illusion, because most of the Muslims have this comfortable illusion, on the base of that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) will intercede for them, so they can commit sins, for they hear from some preachers that the Prophet will intercede for them, it is a simple understanding, this corrupt belief paralyzes man and cripples him from working.

“Abu Huraira narrated that when this verse was revealed to him (And warn your tribe of near kindred)the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) said: O people of Quraish, buy yourselves from Allah, I don’t avail you anything from Allah Sons of Abdulmttaleb, I don’t avail you anything from Allah, O Abbas ibn Abdulmuttaleb, I don’t avail you anything from Allah,O Safei'ia aunt of the Messenger of Allah, I don’t avail you anything from Allah, O Fatema daughter of the Messenger of Allah ask me by whatever you want, I don’t avail you anything from Allah”.

(Agreed upon)

 This is a truth, let yourself be familiar with the bitter truth, not to be deluded into thinking comfortable illusion, a person has a check for one hundred thousand dollars, but it is counterfeit forged), he had to know that it is counterfeit, he thinks himself rich, if he presents this check, he would be arrested and all his hopes disappear, he’dbetter know this early to work, how many Muslims live in incorrect delusions.

Muslims fell in the same illusions of the Jews:

 Allah said:

((19-Is, then one against whom the Word of punishment is justified(equal to the one who avoids evil? Will you (O Muhammad(p.b.u.h)) rescue him who is in the Fire?))

(Az-Zumar : 19)

 Impossible, the Jews did that, Allah said:

((80- And they (Jews)say, "The Fire shall not touch us but for a few numbered days”.))

(Al-Baqarah : 80)

 And He said:

((111- And they say,” None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.”These are their own desires, Say (O Muhammad(p.b.u.h))” Produce your proof if you are truthful”.))

(Al-Baqarah : 111)

 Just desires and the Muslims fall in such desires, Allah the Great and Almighty said:

((123- It will not be in accordance with your desires(Muslims),nor those of the people of the Scripture(Jews and Christians),whosoever works evil, will have the recompense thereof.))

(An-Nis’a- : 23)

 Allah said:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar : 6)

 Maybe the man gets conceited that Allah will not bring him to account.He says: don’ be strict, Allah will not reckon in this severe manner, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, as soon as you say: Allah is Forgiving and Merciful naively, you have been conceited about Allah:

((49-Declare (O Muhammad {p.b.u.h}) unto my slaves, that truly, I am the Oft- Forgiving, the Most Merciful. 50- And that My Torment is indeed the most painful torment.))

(Al-Hijr : 49-50)

 And He said:

((53-Say: O Ibadi(My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves( by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: verily, Allah forgives all sins; Truly He is Oft –Forgiving, Most Merciful. 54-“And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islamic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him (in Islam) before the torment comes upon you, (and) then you will not be helped. 55-“And follow the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord, before the torment comes on you suddenly while you perceive not”))

(Az-Zumar : 53-55)

Whoever forgets the Account has been deceited about Allah:

 The torment comes suddenly, every person forgets the punishment of Allah, the Reckoning of Allah, the Justice of Allah, and conducts according to his evil desires and lusts, and says: Allah is Oft –Forgiving, Most Merciful, this is really conceited about Allah, Allah said:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar : 6)

Allah gives each one his due right:

 Let’s take this example; a student whose father is the math teacher in his class, he says: it is impossible that my father lets me fail in the test, but his father is very dispassionate (evenhanded), the son didn’t study and failed, he was conceited about his father and thought that his father will favor him, or give him the questions:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar : 6)

 Verily, Allah the Great and Almighty is the Equitable, Allah said:

((92-So, by your Lord (Omuhammad{p.b.u.h}), We shall certainly call all of them to account. 93- For all that they used to do.))

(Al-Hijr : 92-93)

 Truly, Allah gives everyone his right:

((47-…,And if there be the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it. And Sufficient are We to take account.))

(Al-Anbiya’: 46)

“ (a Bedouin) asked the Prophet (p.b.u.h)said: O Allah’s Apostle advise me briefly, He said to him:
(So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom shall see it.
And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom shall see it.)
The man said: I have been satisfied, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: the man has understood.”

Conceit about Allah is to think that He will not account people:

 The conceit about Allah is to think that He will not bring His creatures to account, and will not punish, Allah said:

((21- Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe and do righteous good deeds.))

(Al-Jathiyah : 21)

 In other words, a young errant, perverted man, does and eats whatever he wants, and sits with anybody he wants, and another one who is straight, honest, mosque-goer, fears Allah, worships Him sincerely, so, is it reasonable that this young man will be treated like that one, impossible:

((21- Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe and do righteous good deeds.))

(Al-Jathiyah : 21)

 And Allah said also:

((18- Is then he who is a believer like him who is a Fasiq (disbeliever and disobedient to Allah)? Not equal are they.))

(As-Sajdah : 18)

 And He also said:

((35- Shall We then treat the Muslims like the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists and disbelievers, etc.)? 36-What is the matter with you? How judge you?))


 And He said:

((61-Is he whom We have promised an excellent promise (Paradise)-which he will find true- like him whom We have made to enjoy the luxuries of the life of (this )world, then on the Day of Resurrection, he will be among those brought up(to be punished in the Hell-fire)?))

(Al-Qasas : 61)

Allah doesn’t leave any one without account:

 If you did not believe in these verses, you are certainly conceited about Allah when you don’t ascertain that He is equitable and He will call you to account and He will punish:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar : 6)

 Is it believable that Allah the Great and Almighty will favor you, although you oppress people, extort from or blackmail them, a person lived on the ruins of the sh3er, and made his money by extorting them, and by exploiting their ignorance, is it possible to a person of high profession, and people trust him, then he cheats them to take their money, and this happens without any punishment and scandal?!! Impossible:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?))

(Al-Infitar: 6)

 Allah grants a respite but He doesn’t ignore (God’s mill grinds slow but sure), and He gives the ignorant person enough rope to hang himself, i.e. He loosens the rope till he thinks that Allah will not reckon, nor will He punish, then He tightens this rope, suddenly he finds himself in the Hand of Allah.
 There is a very important point, most of the people,now, according to their power, extort money from the sh3er.Some lawers know that a certain lawsuit is hopeless, but they promise the plaintiffs that they will win it, so they extort their money for years, but Allah knows everything:

((7-…., He knows the secret and that which is yet more hidden.))

(Taha : 7)

 He knew what you did secretly and what you didn’t know. Everyone who is conceited about Allah, namely, he doesn’t consider the Reckoning of Allah, he is mindless. Allah the Exalted and Glorious said:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous. 7-Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion. 8-In whatever form He willed, He put you together.))

(Al-Infitar : 6-8)

Greatness of creation denotes accurate reckoning:

 Verily, the greatness of the creation denotes the accuracy in the treatment, and the perfection of the creation indicates the perfection of the disposition, this is a rule, it is as if you entered a very big company, of high production, and this means that it adopts a precise accounting, it has accounting department, accurate means, vouchers, and computers.So the perfection of the creation indicates the perfection of the disposition, and this is the subject of next lesson, Allah willing:

((6- O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous. 7-Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion. 8-In whatever form He willed, He put you together.))

(Al-Infitar : 6-8)

 We will study this verse deliberately, and we will know why the believer doesn’t get conceited about Allah, but he connects the greatness of the creation with the greatness of the accurate reckoning.

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