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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-An’am (6) : Lesson (52-73) - Ayat 126-127 The Straight path- Enjoying the support of Allah or being desterted by Him
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Dear brother, in our 52nd lecture in Surat al An’am, verses 126, Allah the all Mighty has said:

﴾ And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam) leading Straight. We have detailed Our Revelations for people who take heed﴿

[ Al-An'am, 126 ] ﴿

And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam)

 What does the word “this” refer to? It refers to the Qur’an, this path, the Straight way. A human being is born with desires that drive his movements. There should be a path on which a person walk on soundly, otherwise, he won't salivate. As long as there's a movement there must be a path. What causes movements? Desire causes movements How do desires drive movements? A person must eat to stay alive and maintain health, marry, unconsciously, to beget. A person proves himself to keep good reputation. These human motivators cause movements, which need path. The mind is steering man's desires, and motives are the stimulators.

 Allah, the Great and Almighty, has drawn the Straight way to man, , who has accepted to bear the Amanah (the trust or moral responsibility or honesty and all the duties that Allah has ordained), and who has said: I will carry it oh Allah.

﴾  Allah has made serviceable “all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; it is all as a favor and kindness from Him” to man.  ﴿

[ Al-Jathiyah, 13 ]

This straight way is the Noble Qur’an, the way to Allah the Great and Almighty.

 Oh brother:

﴾ All praise and thanks are Allah’s, Who (Alone) has created the heavens and the earth ﴿

[ Surat Al-An’am: versus 1 ]

﴾ All praise and thanks are Allah’s, Who has sent down to His slave (Muhammad, peace be upon Him) the Book (the Qur’an) ﴿

[ Surah Al-Kahf: versus 1 ]

 The Qur’an is as wondrous and as magnificent as the entire universe. The universe is a silent Qur’an, the Qur’an is a speaking universe, and the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) is a walking Qur’an. Therefore, the word "this " referring to the Holy Qura'n , which includes the cosmic verses indicating the Greatness of Allah, the verses pointing out to the Commander, the legislative verses, the verses represents Allah's Curriculum. the historical verses deducing lessons and examples, and the verses depicting afterlife, in order to impel the human to seek his path to Heaven, and keep away from hell by following the correct Curriculum.

 Thus, the Holy Qura'n with its cosmic , legislative, reporting verses and sceneries of resurrection day is to be your Curriculum in life.

The human need for a proper Curriculum to follow

 The existence of man without a Curriculum to follow is meaningless. To clarify the idea: a very expensive, very useful, and too complicated machine if cost a great a mount of money without having its instructions manual, it could be damaged, and its value would thus be lost. On the other hand, not using it out of worry of damaging it would freeze its value. This proves that the manual is even more important than the machine itself. The Noble Qur’an has pointed out to this sense in the following verses:

﴾ The Most Gracious (1). He has taught (you mankind) the Qur’an (by His Mercy) (2). He created man (3). He taught him eloquent speech (4)﴿

[ Ar-Rahman ]

 Would it sound logical if man had been taught the Noble Qur’an before being created? Scholars have noted that these verses are not arranged chronologically, it's a categorical arrangement. As there's no point of human existence without Curriculum to follow, so the only creature that can possibly behave depravedly and immorally is the one in which Allah has laid desires, freedom of choice, a sense of discretion and bestowed him balance. What do we see in the world now ? Murder, mutilations, robberies, conquers assaults, immorality, slackness, injustice, destruction, and corruptions; are movements driven by lusts and desires when the Divine instructions are not followed.
 So what we daily face & hear in this world of repetitive injustice, compulsion, destruction, deviation, degeneration are all movements without tracing Allah's curriculum.

﴾ And the heaven: He has raised it high, and He has set up the Balance ﴿

[Surat Ar-Rahman: versus 7]

 Although He (Allah) has sent down Books to his prophets, the human was still driven by his desires ignoring Allah's right path.

﴾ And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah ﴿

[Surat Al Qasas: versus 50]

 Thus, it's ok for a human being to follow his desires & fancies according to Allah's curriculum.

 Islam is a religion of life. It is the instinct and reality. Islam fills life with integrity and happiness. It is the way to the Creator’s Paradise.

 Islam is the religion of life. It is the religion of both instinct and reality. Islam fills life with integrity and happiness. It is the way to the Creator’s Paradise.
 Thus , the holy Qura'n with its cosmic verses, 1300 verse, give a recognition to Allah -the Al-Mighty, the Qura'n also includes legislative verses, dealing verses, worshipping , reporting ancient nations' news, showing sceneries of Resurrection Day. This is the curriculum with its integrities, and its details illustrated in the Holy Sunnah.

﴾And instructing them (in) the Book (the Qur’an) and Al-Hikmah﴿

[ Aal-'Imran, 164 ]

 the wisdom and the Sunnah of the Prophet – Peace be upon Him - (i.e. his legal ways, statements, acts of worship)

 The Sunnah and Hikmah (Wisdom) of the Prophet – Peace be upon Him) serve to clarify and explain in full the Qur’an, and its legislative & recognition integrities which describe cosmic, legislative, historical, conduct, worshiping, and prophetic truths: “And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam)”.

﴾  "And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam) leading Straight. " ﴿

 Thus, it is by following Allah’s guidelines that a person can lead a long happy, productive, sane, and successful life.
 With aimful movements, a life in which you can achieve your goals , gain a good reputation , classy life only by applying …..

﴾ Whosoever does righteous good deed, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his own self ﴿

[Surat Fussilat: versus 46]

﴾ And this is the Path ﴿

 The word Sirat in Arabic means
Unsmooth path means it has rocks, obstacles, hills ,holes ا, strangulations...etc
Unpaved path means it maybe a montane road with edgy curves.
 Sometimes, when digging a road , a high hell couldn't be removed , so its surrounded by the road…. Paved but not straight.

 Other times, a mountain should be punctured in order to dig a road , so a ditch is needed which is costy.
 To sum up , you must understand the fact that The Path of Allah is both straight and smooth paved road.
 In this tough time , matters are really very clear , it's easy and clear whereas fancy, desire & conflict s path is totally different from the path of Allah.
 “And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam)” addresses the Prophet Muhammad – Peace be upon Him. By addressing the Prophet – Peace be upon Him” in this versus, the path “Sirat” is ascribed to Muhammad – Peace be upon Him -,
 you must strongly believe that obeying Allah's apostle Mohammed (PBUH) , is an obedience for Allah. Thus,

﴾ He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad – Peace be upon Him), has indeed obeyed Allah  ﴿

[Surat Al-Nisa’:versus 80]

﴾  But if they answer you not (i.e. do not bring the Book nor believe in your doctrine of Islamic Monotheism) ﴿

[Surat Al-Qasas: verses 50]

 So, answering Allah's apostle Mohammed (PBUH) , is it self answering Allah. & vise versa Thus,

﴾ But it is more fitting that they should please Allah and His Messenger – Peace be upon him ﴿

[Surat At-Taubah: versus 62]

 Pleasing the Messenger is pleasing Allah, and vice versa.

﴾ Nor does he speak of (his own) desire (3) It is only a Revelation revealed (4) ﴿

[Surat An-Najm: verses 3-4]

 Because of his (the Prophet’s) infallibleness, Allah has ordained us to obey and follow him. hence, we are obliged to take what he gave us and refrain from what he forbid us from.

﴾ And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad – Peace be upon him) gives you, take it; and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it) ﴿

[Surat Al-Hashr: versus 7]

﴾  “And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam)” ﴿

 If you try to draw a 1000 single straight line between two certain points , it will be identical.
 Thus, in the above mentioned verse; untruth path has come in plural form whereas straight path has come in single form.
 That's to say , there's only a unique single truth- the Path of Allah.

 "And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam) leading Straight" .
 just one single path, whereas other paths are:

 "And follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away"

 Not straight (bent) paths came in the plural form

﴾ He brings them out from darkness (thulumat) into light ﴿

[Surat Al-Baqarah: versus 257]

 light is single

 Darkness’ – thulumat in Arabic – is expressed in the plural form, whereas light is expressed in the singular form. One might wonder why has Allah not expressed it as: “from darkness into lights”, or “from the darkness (thulmah, singular form) into light”? The answer: there is only one truth, as opposed to the countless varieties of falsehood, perverting beliefs and behavior, and provoking hostility and assaults.

 "And verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it , and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away"
 The truth, which is easily perceived and accepted by man, serves as a scale of discretion, 

﴾ And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance. ﴿

[ Ar-Rahman,7 ]

Neither our life times , nor all this earth inhabitants life times can be enough for untruth., for instance , you need many years to get to know the concept of a certain un truth party , then you'll find that seeking falsehood is a time-consuming attempt leading only to a dead-end. A vehicle would safely drive on a smooth and paved road, whereas an uneven and bumpy road would cause damage to it.
 An accident may damage a car front, or its side ( whether left or right )its roof, wheels ,bumper …etc unlike a safety car which has only one condition , the original condition as was manufactured.
 So, safety is unique while damage is rational.
 Thus, get to know the right path ( the truth) and absorb it , stick to it. you'll find it satisfying. the much truth you comprehend, the higher is your scale.

﴾ And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam) leading Straight. We have detailed Our Revelations for people who take heed﴿

[Surat Al-An’am: versus 126]

(He brings them out from darkness (thulumat) into light﴿

[Surat Al-Baqarah: versus 257]

 Thus, it is from the Grace of Allah to us that the Sirat, which is the Qur’an, is the straight (shortest) and smoothest way to salvation.

The great illusion in understanding Islam

﴾ And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam) leading Straight. We have detailed Our Revelations for people who take heed﴿ 

[Surat Al-An’am: versus 126]

 Many Muslims believe that practicing Islam is simply limited to performing the five duties: prayer, fast, Hajj, Zakat, and testifying that there is no god but Allah. De facto, there are countless practices in religion, of which the five mentioned above only form a fraction. The path of Allah starts from your intimate relation, from your bed ,till the international relation. This is the Islam , its curriculum. though enemies of Islam want to simply limit Islam only to worshipping ( i.e to pray, fast , hajj or emphasizing on details such as rulings of Fiqh. But the general aspect of Islam to be imported from them , this is not the concept of Islam. Allah's path is approximately 500.000 item , and prayer , fasting hajj , Zakat and certifying that there's no God but Allah are among these 500000 item of Islam.
 Unless Islam is practiced as a whole, the fruitage is not seen. Choosing and selecting what one would find convenient to practice, while ignoring the rest, is fallacious. Traveling to Mecca, performing a Umrah, Tawaf (circumambulating the kaa’ba), and shopping could be easy tasks. What about one’s income, spending, and relations and dealings with sh3er, are they according to the Divine teachings?

 Thus, Islam is an integrated curriculum , if not taken as a whole package then you won't be able to pick its fruit.
 Islam is just like knowledge , unless you truly dedicate yourself to learning , you can't gain its profits, if you only pay some of your attention to learning you can't excel in it.
 This is the problem , as I said before they ( our enemies ) want to limit Islam to prayer and mosque staff only, rather than in selling or buying ( business ) which they want it to hold lies, cheating, forbidden goods, and wrong social relations. which is un accepted in Islam. So,

﴾And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam) leading Straight. We have detailed Our Revelations for people who take heed﴿

[Surat Al-An’am: versus 126]

 There's one verse yet, In sha'a Allah, I'll explain it , and next lesson, we'll have a wide illustration for it.

﴾For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector) because of what they used to do﴿

[Surat Al-An’am: versus 127]

Allah’s Curriculums lead to the home of peace (Paradise). Other paths drive to perils.

 What would be the reward of one who has followed Allah’s teachings, obeyed His orders, and abstained from the forbidden, other than a Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth? It might falsely appear to some that a Muslim is limited and deprived from the beauties and pleasures of life. “For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord "
 Growing older and suffering from health problems such as memory loss, weakness, arthritis; sight weakness, back bone defects & carrying the burdens of a spouse and children; bearing low income, experiencing social pressure and civil wars; occupation, compulsion, beauty and hideousness, intelligence &idiocy, wealth and poverty, and health and disease, altogether make the present life a home of work, rather than a home of peace.

Life is the house of deeds & efforts

 It's irrational that a studying chair at school would turn into a bed, even if a pupil got tired and needed a place to lay.
 It's irrational that a class should contain a screen, a radio, magazines, foods, fruit , hot sandwiches, If so, it won't be a school. But , when a pupil's graduates ; he buys a house and furnishes a fabulous sitting room But when , after graduation.

 Unknowing that Allah has promised to recompense people - for their deeds - in the Hereafter, many live to gratify their desires and seek delectation, until death comes unexpectedly, to steal them away from all their pleasures, and leave behind the wealth.

 It is natural for a human to seek a peaceful and sound life. However, a wise person would understand that the present life is a life of work, rather than a life of hope, a life of burdens, rather than a life of glory , a life of efforts, rather than a life of ease.

((If, to Allah, the world was worth a wing of a mosquito, He would not have given any disbeliever even a drink of water.))

[Narrated At-Tirmithi, reported Sahl bin Saad ]

 Though life is too short and worthless for to be a bestow for a person or a torture for an other, it is a fact that many of the greatly deviated people in the world are among the wealthiest people, who have made their fortunes through unlawful and corrupt ways, such as illegal drug trade, which is built on youth's wrecks.

((May a person with disheveled hair and covered with dust is turned away from the doors (whereas he is held in such a high esteem by Allah) that if he were to adjure in the name of Allah (about anything) Allah would fulfill that.))

Narrated Muslim, reported Abu Huraira ]

 Thus, in this life, one will only need what will be the best to serve him in achieving his goals i.e. a home, a spouse, income, etc..that's this life's utmost.

((To whoever of you who awakens secure in himself, well in his body, having his foodstuff for the day, it is as though he has gained possession of the world))

[Narrated Al-Bukhari in the Book of Good Manners, and Al-Tirmithi and Ibn Majah, reported Abullah bin Mohssin]

 Thus, they compete this life & suddenly die. And what they spent a life time gathering they lose in a moment.
 A man who has lived for 35 years in an oil producing country, lived in the land of the two holy Mosques, and has never performed neither prayers nor pilgrimage, died at the age of 55 while spending his vacation in Turkey. In a second, he has left behind a fortune of 4000 million, in which he has put all his effort. It's just life.

Death comes unexpectedly, and the grave is where deeds are collected”

 … Arabic poetry.

The importance of recognition of this life reality

 Oh brother, its such an importance to recognize the reality of this life.

 To understand this present life, it is essential to understand the reality of the universe and the human being. Life is a house of work. It is thus decisive to be in good health, nourished, and sheltered. A king once asked his vizier:
 - Who is the king?
 - You
 - No. The king is a man who neither we know, nor he knows us. He has a home to shelter him, a wife to please him, and bread to satiate him. If he makes our acquaintance he would have striven to conciliate us, and if we had made his acquaintance we would have striven to disconcert him.
 Thus, a joyous person would be the one who perfectly understands the reality of life. It has been reported in the tradition that the happiest ones are the most disinclined, and that the life-cravers are the most miserable.
 “By my Might and by my Greatness, I have created for you all what is in the heavens and on the earth, and I was not wearied by their creation, would I be wearied by the bread I convey to you at all times? I have rights over you, and you owe Me means of living. If you breach (do not perform your duties towards Me), I will not breach nor suspend your means of living. By my Might and by my Greatness, if you are not content with what I have given you, I will surely render you overcome by life, so you will strive in it like a beast in the wilderness, then you will only obtain from it what I have predestined to you, & it shan't make any difference for me, and I will regard you disgraced. You desire and I demand. If you submit to My demands, I will satisfy your desires. But if you do not submit to My Demands, I will weary you in fulfilling your desires, then you will only get what I intend for you.”
Hadith Qudsi

 That is why the happiest ones in life are the most disinclined. It is needed for a person to marry, work for his living, and have children, however, without extravagance or haughtiness.

﴾And eat and drink but waste not by extravagance﴿

[Surat Al-A’raf: versus 31]

 He who accomplishes the goal is highly esteemed by Allah and by people. What will be the reward for he who follows the Divine Curriculum, obeys Allah in what He has ordained, and abstains from what He has forbidden?

The meaning of Salvation in the Afterlife

﴾For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector)﴿

[Surat Al-An’am: versus 127]

 The home of peace is a home where a person has no ugliness, neither age to suffer from loss of vision or hearing, joint pain, mental disorders, or high blood lipids that would limit his choices of tasteful foods. It is a secure house free from hideousness and poverty and bad wife.

((For them will be the home of peace (Paradise)"
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Allah said: I have prepared for My righteous servants what no eye has seen and no ear has heard, not has it occurred to human heart. Thus reauthor if you wish: And no soul knows what joy for them (the inhabitants of Paradise) has been kept hidden))

[Related by al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah. ]

﴾There they will have all that they desire﴿

[Surat Qaf: versus 35]

 When it is death that puts an end to present life – Glorified and Exhalted be He, the Omnipotent, who ordains death - it is in Allah’s paradise where exist the never-ending life, continuous Divine granting, and all that one would wish for. The decease and the burial of the sovereign of a rich country would be indeed a great admonition!

﴾ For them will be the home of peace (Paradise), with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector) ﴿

 He (Allah) supports ,tends and protects his servants in this life. However, He also tests them with hardships and countless unpleasant conditions,
But, I ask Allah that all the hardships we face shall be just as some one who was kept in intensive care for better cure.
 A patient with a malignant intestinal tumor asks his physician about what to eat and what to avoid. The physician replies: “you can eat whatever you desire”, for his case is hopeless.

﴾So, when they forgot (the warning) with which they had been reminded, We opened for them the gates of every (pleasant) thing﴿

[Surat Al-An’am: versus 44]

 Another patient with acute gastritis (stomach infection) is given a list of allowed and restricted foods from his physician, for there is likelihood of recovery.
 I ask Allah that we be under His Divine Providence, and that we not be among those who have gone astray, and plunged into the enjoyments which they were given.

﴾ For them will be the home of peace (Paradise), with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector).﴿

 So, when they step the Paradise , they say:

﴾ And they will say: All praise and thanks are Allah’s Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land ﴿

[Surat Az-Zumar: versus 74]

 We came into this world, where we have believed in Allah, and followed His Path by performing our prayers, pilgrimage, fast, and giving charity taxes. We have lowered our glazes from looking at forbidden things; we have spoken honestly, learned, and read the Quran. We married so as not to commit adultery, and worked so as not to steal. We've done so because we have a straight curriculum to follow and we believe in Allah.
 It is by doing so that we are blessed and gratified.

﴾And they will say: All praise and thanks are Allah’s Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land, We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent a reward for the (pious, good) workers!﴿

 A successful doctor, in a developing country, passes by the university from where he had graduated. He would recall the seven long years he spent there. He would recall the poor condition of the buildings and classes, the tough professors, the difficult subjects and tests, etc… Yet, “it is thanks to this university that I am what I am”.

 To explain it: if not fro this university, if not for the tiring lectures, 12 hrs daily, tough professors, unbelievable demands, difficult home works as well as tests; I wouldn't be what I am now.

﴾And they will say: All praise and thanks are Allah’s Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land﴿

[Surat Az-Zumar: versus 74]

 The pious will then say: We lived on earth where we have recognized Allah (our Lord). Now, we “can dwell in Paradise where we will”. “How excellent a reward for the (pious, good) workers!”

Death is the believer’s bridal

 A person who sees his whereabouts in Paradise at the moment of decease comes under the impression that he had never experienced misery or badness.
 A daughter attended her father's -our Master Bilal Al- Habashy- death said:
 " Oh, father, I'm too worried about you".
 The father replied back: no more worry for your father from now on , tomorrow , I'm meeting my beloved ones; Mohammed(PBUH) & his companions.
A believer's couragement to consider death as a bridal ceremony not a catastrophe
 Those who adhere to the life of this world fear the slightest deterioration in health, which to them indicates an end.

﴾Is he whom We have promised an excellent promise (Paradise) – which he will find true – like him who We have made to enjoy the luxuries of the life of (this) world, then on the Day of Resurrection, he will be among those brought up (to be punished in the Hell-fire)?﴿

[Surat Al-Qasas: versus 61]

 A clarifying example:

 A person who's been granted to be given a high position, a luxurious home, a marvelous treat , a tremendous income , a beautiful wife, a recent car ,a yacht , only if you manage to hold a PHD certificate!!!. Though he his miserably poor, he went to study , worked for different restaurants as dishes cleaner , worked as a guard, studied for 7 years , so he nearly died. Once he graduated as with his PHD certificate, he bought a return ticket , went to the airport, took the entering note to the plane , he directed to the plane and while walking on the plane's lift , he felt as if this moment was the greatest ever in his past life. Now, there's no more worry, studying, effort, washing dishes , it's now time of high position, luxurious house, recent car..etc. according to earthly standards.
 A wise person is he who follows the path leading to Allah, not to a dead end. A wise person hastens to turning to Allah in repentance, for in this life full of coveters, a tough start is the way to a happy ending.
Once, I've been with a doctor who received a phone call from a milliard ere who begged the doctor to take him to which ever clinic in the world, no matter how expensive it shall be , the doctor simply answered him  that there was no use ,it's a hopeless case , fifth grade tumor.
 You , my brother , be wise enough as not to walk in a blocked path with Allah.
 One has committed a murder, consequently was put in prison then after a trial was sentenced to death then he appealed but again was sentenced to death , the whole matter reaches to the president , who believed execution, thus was executed ( which is a blocked path – a dead end , if he wanted to cry he is able to , he wanted to laugh he is able to, if he wanted to beg , he shall. He'll be executed all ways. No hope at all.
 Some brother tell me the several kind of people's death. however the situation is , it ended with death.

 Be careful , not to walk to a dead end, blocked path, as earlier as you make repentance to Allah, it's better. When ever you know Allah earlier, it's better, as who ever has a burning start who will have a shining end. So, be aware ,not to be consumed by life, now life dances with desires , whenever you look around you see woman in its best wherever you go in the road, in a magazine, in the internet , in the satellite channel, in the books… where's Allah ? thus ,Allah likes nothing more than a repentance youth.

﴾No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do.﴿

[Surat As-Sajdah: versus 17]

 So, brother, our time is a vanity fair , one's walks up as a believer, when evening comes , he becomes a disbeliever , so a person instantly switches from a phase to the other. one may leave his religion for the sake of a worldly matter, this life is continually dazzling, with its pressure, sceneries, blood, killing, acting women wearing considered to be wearing nothing ( either too tight or transparent clothes) , they are deviated and lead to deviation , so this is life one side is unbearable and the other side is totally decorative , and you have the choice.
 But , I swear Allah that:

﴾But for him who fears the standing before his Lord there will be two Gardens.﴿

[Surat Ar-Rahman: versus 46]

 One garden is in the present life (referring to a peaceful life-according to Allah's curriculum), and the other one is in the Hereafter (referring to Paradise). It is only by passing through the first garden (of the present life) that one can enter the second garden (in the Hereafter),this garden in the present life is the garden of imminence to Allah, as stated in the following versus:

﴾And (He will) admit them to Paradise which He has made known to them.﴿

Surat Muhammad: versus 6]

 I swear , I'm not exaggerating , true believer, who obeys Allah and follows His Curriculum, is the one who experiences true happiness, due to following Allah's path ,applying his orders, serving his creatures, this  happiness would be enough to please a whole country if distributed over its people.
Oh ,respectable brother , one knows that he follows Allah's curriculum when he controls his desires, income, expenditures, relations , marriage, when he monitors his children.
 “And this is the Path of your Lord (the Qur’an and Islam) leading Straight. We have detailed Our Revelations for people who take heed. For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector) because of what they used to do”

 This is despite the fact that life can never be perfect, for it is always burdened with hardships and discomforts. For instance you may have a good income , though your wife is bad, or a good wife but a low income, or excellent wife and income but, bad children , if they were good , then there's a disease of some kind ….. No one can avoid life's troubles & discomfort.

 So, your courage is to stick to Allah's Curriculum , i.e the Straight Way

Allah's tendance versus His desertion

 For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector) "
 He, Allah, tended them in this life by controlling over them. So, he drove them a crises , thus they repented. If you enters a mosque and finds 10000 person , be sure that 9000 were wisely cured by Allah,( one by a disease, other by poverty, or a great agony, or by honoring him ), thus they attend mosques. So , only Allah , can distinguish what is better for every one.
 Narrated Imran:

((I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Why should a doer (people) try to do good deeds?' The Prophet said, "Everybody will find easy to do such deeds as will lead him to his destined place for which he has been created.'))

[Reported by Ahmad, Bukhari Muslim, and Abu Dawoud]

 So, some are to be bestowed heaven, well, a certain path to heaven bases on fear, thus he brings him fear, another path to heaven bases on disease, after this disease , a person shine in a brilliant way ,thus disease was a key to heaven , some times poverty is the key to heaven , a poor one who depends only on Allah may become rich afterwards… So , when you believe in Allah , whatever happens to you shall be good.Just accept it

﴾And verily, We will make them taste of the near torment (i.e. the torment in the life of this world, i.e. disasters, calamities, etc.) prior to the supreme torment (in the Hereafter), in order that they may (repent and) return (i.e. accept Islam)﴿

[Surat As-Sajdah: versus 21]

﴾For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector) because of what they used to do﴿

 When you follow Allah's Path , he tends you. When you say: Oh, Allah he tends you
When you say: I , he deserts you.
 The Prophet's (PBUH) companions at Bader battle said: Oh, Allah, he bestowed them triumph.

﴾And Allah has already made you victorious at Badr, when you were a weak little force﴿

[Surat Al’Imran: versus 123]

 Whereas when they( the same companions) felt proud of their great number in the battle of Hunain, and said “We shall not be defeated today due to our fewness” , Allah has deserted them.

﴾And on the Day of Hunain (battle) when you rejoiced at your great number﴿

[Surat At-Taubah: versus 25]

 Obeying Allah, following His Straight path, and asking for His help are truly a reason for His protection. Whereas, rejoicing at ones smartness capabilities, popularity, academic achievements, etc, without seeking Allah’s help is a reason behind His desertion. When the Prophet (Peace be upon Him)’s companions turned to Allah during the battle of Badr, they achieved victory.

﴾For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord. And He will be their Wali (Helper and Protector) because of what they used to do﴿

[Surat Al-An’am: versus 127]

Paradise: Its essence and the way to it

 Paradise is sheerly of Allah’s Grace, and Hellfire is sheerly of His justice. It is a fact that the good deeds performed are nothing but means of entering Paradise and determining one’s rank in it, but are not the price of Paradise itself.
 I.e. a father promised his son to buy him a bicycle once he succeed , when the son succeeded , would it sound logical , if the son took his certificate to the bicycles store and ask for a bicycle and give him the certificate for its price??
 Would he get it by this way?
 So , your sticking to Allah's path your life time, your effort, is only the cost of the price of the house, here the paradise, while the paradise is an absolute grace of Allah.
 This key is the reason to enter the house ,as your good deeds – pray, fast, hajj, almonds, and obedient to Allah , are the cost of the key , which is the reason to enter Paradise
So, your level in Paradise is according to your deeds

﴾Enter you Paradise, because of that (the good) which you used to do (in the world)﴿

[Surat An-Nahl: verus 32]

 Paradise is divided into categories , according to human deeds, your rank is according to how much good effort & deeds you made in this life.though , entering Paradise is an absolute grace. Thus , scholar's said that: Paradise is sheerly of Allah's grace , while Heel fire is sheerly of Allah's fair. This also assures the Prophet's saying in the Holy Hadith:

((None of you will enter Paradise because of his deeds. They said: ‘Not even you, O Allah's Apostle?!’ He replied: ‘Not even I, unless Allah encompasses me with His Grace and Mercy))

[Reported Ismail by Ziad Al-Makhzumi, Narrated Abu Huraira]

 Thus, deeds are the price of the key to Paradise, and not the price of Paradise itself.


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