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Books- Allah is the Greatest- Paragraph (14-25): Slaughtering adahi is slaughtering of lusts
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Pilgrims take the sacrifice to the place where they slaughter them. The sacrifice stands for a present given to Allah to thank Him for the blessing of guidance, which is the most precious grace of all. When a pilgrim slaughters the sacrifice, it is as if he slaughters all the lusts and desires that Allah forbids, and as if the pilgrim sacrifices everything whether it is cheap or expensive for the sake of pleasing the Lord of the worlds. Allah the Almighty says:

﴾It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is piety from you that reaches Him. Thus have We made them subject to you that you may magnify Allah for His Guidance to you. And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) to the Muhsinun (doers of good).﴿

[Al-Hajj, 37]

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