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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-A'raf (7) : Lesson (15-60) - Ayaht (33) Prohibition of adultery, alcohol and theft
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
  Dear brother: this is the fifteenth lesson from Sourat al-Aaraf, and we will cover the verse thirty three, in which Allah Almighty says:

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al¬Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allâh for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge."﴿

Related to this Ayah:

1 – The importance of using the style of exclusivity in the Quran:

 Dear brother, to start with, the word (‘however’, or ‘but’) in Arabic is used to indicate exclusivity and limitation, meaning that that which Allah Almighty has prohibited will come after “however” , and nothing else besides that is forbidden. Prohibition and permissiveness is a matter that is Allah’s affair Alone, and it is no human being’s business. Therefore Allah Almighty said:

﴾Say (O Muhammad): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden﴿

 What is it that He has forbidden? He has forbidden what comes after the word “But”.

2- What are the ‘Fawahish’ (great evil sins)?

The ‘Fawahish’ or great evil sins is any act that is ugly, ‘alfahisha’ is any act that is disgraceful, ‘alfahisha’ is any act that is shameful, any act that is considered a scandal, an act which outcome effects people other than the one who did it. Someone may drink alcohol and by that he harms himself, but when he commits adultery, he harms a girl, and converts her from a pure girl to an adulteress whom Allah looks down at, and whom she herself looks down at.

3- All the ‘Fawahish’ (great evil sins) are forbidden

 This is why all the great evil sins are forbidden. Why? The secret for that is because Allah has legislated paternity (fatherhood); the most sacred relationship between two people is the one between a father and his son and the proof for that is that Allah Almighty says:

﴾I swear by this city (Makkah); And you are free (from sin, to punish the enemies of Islâm on the Day of the conquest) in this city (Makkah) And by the begetter (i.e. Adam >>) and that which he begot (i.e. his progeny);﴿

[Surat Al-balad]

4- Adultery eliminates the fatherly structure 

The parenthood and progeny structure leads to Allah, because any person’s happiness comes from his children’s happiness, and no one wants anything from his children except for them to be happy.

 Allah Almighty has placed a natural love in fathers’ hearts for their children, and He placed a natural love in mothers’ hearts for their children, so when a person knows that a child is his son/daughter he will naturally devote himself wholeheartedly to serve him, he will devote himself wholeheartedly to make his life as easy as possible, he will dedicate himself to make him happy, he will go hungry in order to feed him, he will go without clothes in order to put clothes on them, this is the system which protects the lineage. So what do the evil sins do? Parents are mixed and lost so one does not know who the son’s parents are.
 Here is a simple example: a very religious woman, who wears a veil and is very devoted to her faith, and she has children of her own and step children from her husband, you would notice her merciful behavior towards her own children whereas she may be cruel and harsh towards the step children.
 This is a normal system which Allah Almighty has embedded in peoples’ nature, a mother and a father would go a long way to protect their children from any harm, and to provide their future, their health, their food, their clothing, and their upbringing, this is the way Allah has designed His creation, so why would anyone commit adultery? By that he would efface parenthood, and childhood, and the sacred feelings which Allah has put in man.
 When does man work? When does man strive hard to provide for his son? If he knew for certain that this was really his son. And when can he be certain that this is his son? Only if it was his wife, who lives with him, has carried the child and then gave birth to him.
 Therefore the most dangerous issue about adultery is that it eliminates the structure of fatherhood, and son.
 There is a joke which I often repeat because it is expresses this situation well. A man who lived abroad fell in love with a girl, and he asked his father’s permission to marry her. The father said: No son, you can’t marry her because she is your sister, but your mother does not know. Then when he liked another girl, he told him the same thing again, and the third one the same. So he went to his mother to complain about this, she told him, you go and marry whichever girl you like, for you are not really his son, but he does not know.
 Evil sins abolish ancestry; it also eliminates the love which Allah has put in parents towards their children.
 I heard a story about a religious woman who performs all her religious duties perfectly, furthermore, the upbringing of her children is ideal, however, she is so mean and hard on her step daughter in a way which is hard to describe.
 When adultery is committed, the parentage gets mixed thus breaking the structure and system which Allah has put down for humans, and this is why in the west you find that the injustice there is beyond imagination. This is due to the fact that the number of illegitimate children is higher than that of legitimate children, and the illegitimate child has no father, therefore he has not had any affection and mercy from his father nor from his mother.
 Committing adultery will result in that the fatherly (parental) structure is cancelled, and it also means that the sacred emotion and love which Allah has placed in the hearts of the fathers and mothers, will also be eliminated.
 Adultery is an ugly thing, and it is the act which is scandalous, and an act which people feel embarrassed about revealing, and one which spreads the consequence of performing it to individuals other than he who committed it.

 Scholars said that the great evil sin is adultery. Any desire which Allah has instilled in man, Allah has given us a pure legitimate method to fulfill it with. So in Islam there is no deprivation, however there are rules in Islam and structure, in Islam there is purity and cleanliness and chastity, and clear descents, so this is the father of that son, and this is son of that father, and this is the son of that mother, and this is the mother of that son. This disciplined structure creates the sacred affection that Allah has instilled in parents.
 This is why evil sins contradict the family structure, while the legitimate relations and marriage which Allah has made for us confirms the Divine structure which has been set for humans, in that He has made the nature of fathers to love and care for his children, and the son is obligated to care for his father. (parents)
 Therefore there are many verses in the Quran which advise children to look after their parents, while there is only one verse which covers the heirs, and there is no verse except the previous verse which commends fathers to look after their children, because taking care of the children is a natural instinct in man.

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly,﴿

What is committed openly or secretly

 There are evil sins which are committed openly, and others which are committed secretly and not announced, all of which are prohibited, and when a person lives away from Allah’s guidance, he is afraid for his reputation, he may commit sins secretly, and which no one knows about, and the holy Quran has told us that Allah knows everything, and nothing is hidden from Allah.

﴾He knows the secret and that which is yet more hidden.﴿

[Surat Taha]

 The ‘fawahish’ great evil sins are those horrible acts which are considered to be scandalous, and which effect people other than those committing it, and the great evil sin is adultery, which is prohibited in Islam and all other religions, and in all other faith, because it causes a mix-up in ancestry and causes the loss of love, affection, and mercy which Allah has placed in the hearts of parents and children.

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly﴿

 The Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) said:

(( (he who has no fear which prevents him from disobeying Allah Almighty when he is in seclusion, then Allah does not care about his other deeds))

[ narrated al-Hakkim by Anas RA]

 Narrated by Thawban that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

((I know some people from my nation who will appear on the Day of Judgment, with good deeds as big as the mount of Tuhama, but Allah Almighty will make those deeds disappear as if dust that has been scattered.” Thawban said: “Oh Messenger of Allah, describe those people to me, as I am afraid that we are of those people and we do not know.” He said: “They are brethren from your flesh and blood, and they pray at night just as you do, however they are people who when they are in their privacy, will perform illegal acts))

[Bin Majah]

 Therefore Allah Almighty says:

﴾whether committed openly or secretly﴿

 The proof and indication to your devotion to Allah Almighty, is that your deeds which you perform secretly are the same as those you do in public and openly, in your privacy and in public, before people and when you are alone at home.

 The proof and indication to your devotion to Allah Almighty, is that your deeds which you perform secretly are the same as those you do in public and openly, in your privacy and in public, in what you conceal and in what you display. Therefore the first thing to start with is:

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.)﴿

 because this eliminates the descents and causes a foundling (illegitimate child) to be born without a father.

Difference between a Foundling and a Legitimate Child

 Dear brother, Allah Almighty has made a child’s childhood long so that he can receive as much affection, kindness and mercy from his parents as possible, this child grows up loving his mother and father, in a relationship which is very refined and humane. On the other hand, a child who has no father (illegal child) has no mother or father, therefore when this child grows up, and if he is given the position at a company, you will find him very harsh, to an extreme where he would have no mercy. He takes out his anger at the society which he lives in, his harm is extremely exaggerated. Our Lord’s system and structure is based on a family, which in turn is based on preserving the family names, which in turn contradicts adultery. Adultery is a relationship far from preserving ancestry, it is a unclean relationship, a secret one, therefore, even the marital contract if completed without the knowledge of the girls guardian, is considered an illegal contract.
 The holy Prophet PBUH said:

((there should not be any marriage except with the presence of the girl’s guardian, as well as two witnesses.))

 What is the difference between a marriage which is announced and made public and adultery/ The relationship is the same. Except that the former is one which is legal and the latter is an illegal one.

﴾ Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly﴿

 Therefore your strength is that you fear Allah in secret, and in seclusion, in your home, in your own room. Allah Almighty says:

﴾Allâh knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal﴿

[Surat Ghafer: 19]

 Let’s say that you are in your room, and your window overlooks the neighbor’s house; if your neighbor goes to her balcony in revealing clothes. Who will control this violation if you stared at her beauty without her knowledge from you room which is darker than the street, therefore you see everything? Allah Almighty says:

﴾Allâh knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal.﴿

[Surat Ghafer]

 Therefore , controlling and preserving the lineage is the main reason to avoid adultery, and adultery is considered one of the biggest crimes in today’s societies, however, ultimately it has become something real common.
 “How will it be, when virtue becomes vice and vice becomes virtue.’ A brother called me from abroad, and he is very stringent and strict in observing customs, and heritage, someone they would call proper in their societies, this man, if he saw his daughter going out wearing her make up and decorating herself, he would only warn her against getting pregnant, this is how the situation is nowadays.
 Therefore my brother, we are in bliss , our Muslim society is still well controlled, there are still families existing and there is a minimum number of marital betrayal. However, if there is infidelity between the spouses, which results in an illegitimate child, then we have a big problem. And this is why the first thing that was covered in the verse is:

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly﴿

 Adultery is an ugly act, it is humiliating, one would be ashamed of, it has a terrible smell to it, and it spreads the effect to people other than the one who committed it..

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly﴿

 In a press release that was broadcast over ten television stations which was attended by many important people, a woman who was nominated to be the Queen of Britain said in an interview, “I have had sexual relationships, ten times with such and such man, and with another,” and she said it so calmly and in a very natural way, as if anyone in our country would say that “I ate such a meal and at such a restaurant,” with such ease. This is what being distant from Allah Almighty does. We are in such blessing, we still have remaining in our societies some bashfulness, shyness, fear of Allah, discipline, family ties, pure clean families may Alla h maintain these blessings.
 Dear Brother,

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly﴿


1 - Sin (wrongdoing) is Alcohol

 A Sin: as stated by the scholars: is every major evil which necessitates the punishment.
 Others said: Sins refer to alcohol and gambling, so he who drinks liquor says: I don’t harm anyone,” this is a true statement that you do not harm anyone, however, you do harm yourself. Why?
The deep meaning and reason why Allah has prohibited committing this sin (intake of alcoholic drinks) is because Allah has entrusted man with his brain (mind), and the mind is the part that is commissioned, and it is the most precious device which Allah has given us.

﴾And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance.﴿

[Surra ar-Rahman]

2- You have a brain so take care of it:

 This brain will be damaged when intoxicated, so just like man should move according to a family system, to take care of his children and look after them, to provide them with food and drink, shelter clothing and education, good upbringing, guidance, and to look after anything that may affect them and just as man has to maintain the ancestry as a basis for a father-son structure, and in order for life to continue, likewise he should preserve his brain that manages his life, and without one’s brain, this is lost. When someone says I drink alcohol in order to forget my worries, we tell him: no, you shouldn’t do that, because when you refrain from drinking alcohol you will have a brain which can solve your problems. The noble prophet (peace be upon him) says in a hadith:

((Allah blames those who profess helplessness. So seek cleverness.))

[narrated by Abu Dawood thru Awf bin Malek]

 You should use your minds:

((Allah blames those who profess helplessness. So seek cleverness. If you are overwhelmed by a certain matter, say: Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs))

[narrated by Abu Dawood thru Awf bin Malek]

3- Do not blame destiny for your negligence and shortcoming:

 This is a very important matter. I hope I can clarify it below.
 We will take an example: if there was an exposed electric outlet in the bathroom which supported 220 volts, and a child walks barefoot on the wet floor, and unintentionally the child’s foot touched the electric socket, he would die immediately. Now if a person has an exposed socket in the bathroom which also has an exposed wiring, and he has a very young child, if the bathroom is wet and the child enters barefoot in the bathroom, and he touches the electricity, he will die on the spot, the father will then say: Glory be to Allah. He has died on his appointed day. Actually not. This is a result of the father’s negligence. Beware of blaming the results of your faults on fate and destiny.
 I tell you this very specific matter. Let’s say that the doctor tells you to avoid eating salt completely, as you have high blood pressure, and the blood pressure is a silent murder weapon. If you said: eat salt and put your faith in Allah, as Allah will cure you, and do not be afraid because when you mention Allah there could be no harm. If this person who eats the salt, and has a blood clot in the brain due to high blood pressure, and this person looses all motion, don’t say: this is his fate and destiny. Instead you should say: this is the result of negligence. However, when you take all precautions and follow the doctor’s orders, and in spite of that something happens, only then can we say this is fate and destiny.
 When you don’t study, and as a result you do not succeed, do not say this is my fate, Allah has not prescribed for me to pass. Glory be to Allah. Do not say that. You should say: I didn’t pass because I didn’t study. However, if you studied to your best ability, and on the day of the exam you had a misfortune (maybe you got ill) and couldn’t take the exam, then when you say,: Sufficient unto us is Allah and the best of our guardians” in that case, your phrase is correct.
 I hope that in order for us to progress and prosper, that we do not blame all our faults on destiny and fate, there are rules and regulation which Allah has not changed for you, there are health rules, safety rules. So he who sleeps on the roof and then falls off and dies, has indeed died a sinful death, and he whose camel is obstinate he should not ride on it. When someone did ride such a camel, and fell off and broke his neck, the Prophet Peace be upon him did not pray on his body. Or if you get off a moving vehicle and you lose your balance and fall, and your leg gets caught under the wheel of that vehicle, then you say: This is what Allah has predestined for me. But why did you get off the moving vehicle in the first place? Destiny and fate is one thing and the result of negligence is another, so we must never blame our faults on destiny. Therefore you should focus on the following:

﴾Verily! Those who brought forth the slander (against 'Aishah radhiallahu'anhu the wife of the Prophet SAW) are a group among you ﴿

[ Surat an-Nur:11]

A lesson to be learned from the incident of slander,

 The incident of slander is that which Aisha May Allah be pleased with her, the wife of the Messenger of Allah Mohammad, the sheltered, protected, chaste, and pure was accused of committing an indecent act, which is the most precious thing which a woman owns, her honor.

﴾Verily! Those who brought forth the slander (against 'Aishah radhiallahu'anhu the wife of the Prophet SAW) are a group among you. Consider it not a bad thing for you. Nay, it is good for you﴿

[Surat an-Nur:11]

 Allah also said

﴾and as for him among them who had the greater share therein, his will be a great torment.﴿

[Surat an-Nur:11]

 Therefore monotheism does not relieve of one’s responsibilities. Let’s say that the paramedic was talking to a nurse, and an injured man was brought in, if he tells them, wait a while as he finishes his conversation, and this person dies, he may say: well he died according to his prescribed term. No that is not true. He did not die because of his fate, he died because of the doctor’s negligence who should be held accountable for that. The matter that hurts me the most is that people mix the issues, negligence and shortcoming, and not performing to one’s best ability, and ascribing that to fate and destiny.
 Another example, is if a man installed a satellite dish (which is another topic to be covered) and he erected it with one screw only. Later there was a strong wind which blew the dish over and it fell on his friend’s young daughter who died. In such case, do not say this is fate and destiny, Glorified is Allah, she died at a very young age, do not say that. The person who erected the dish should be held accountable and he should receive a severe punishment due to his negligence.
 As long as we link everything with fate, and we blame all our faults on fate, then we will never advance.
The Prophet Peace be upon him said

(( He who has not learned to be a doctor, yet he performs the act of one, then he will be responsible. ))

[reported by Abu Dawoud the Nisaii and bin Majah, al-Hakim]

 If you did not study medicine nor did you specialize, yet you prescribed a medication, if one of the side effects of this medicine is that is could cause a sudden shock, and you have not ensured that this patient could resist the shock, therefore if he does get a shock and die, do not say: he died at his prescribed time, this is what Allah has written for him, and what can we do, there is no ability nor power except with Allah. These are the problems of the Muslim world, they mix papers and reasons. Fate and destiny is one thing, and the consequence of negligence is another, laziness which leads to failure is one thing, and to wake up on the day of the exam with a sudden illness which prevents him from taking the exam is another.
 Therefore when a person does everything in his ability and power, then he willingly accepts any consequence that is predestined for him, and he says: I have done everything I need to do, and in what I received there is a wisdom. Therefore I assure you that if you do everything you should and could do, any destined result will only come in your favor, in that case I can tell you:

﴾and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know﴿


 Trust me dear brother, by law the two spouses should get tested when they want to get married. In practice this test is done as a formality (theoretically). At times the test reveals that these two people if they get married and have children, the children will have serious blood disease, in some countries there are eight thousand cases, in another country where there is awareness, there are four cases of sick children. When there is no medical awareness and without discipline, there are eight thousand cases, a child will be born maybe paralyzed and the cost for follow up on his case will be high on a monthly basis, and he may have to receive blood transfusion for eight hours, all this may cost approximately 200 to 300 thousand a year, which is more than many people can afford. This money is spent on diseases caused by neglecting to perform the tests.
 In life there is science and Islam is a religion of science, and a religion of rules and responsibility, and principles, therefore Allah Almighty has forbidden the following:

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al¬Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly and every sin﴿

 because it intoxicates the mind, and if the mind stops functioning as it should, the management of life will be disturbed; someone who is drunk and intoxicated.

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al¬Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly and every sin﴿

 Alcohol prevents the mind from functioning properly, and we are in need to preserve ancestry in order to maintain the family structure (parents/children) so each father has a son whom he spends his whole like serving, and whom are his provision to either Paradise or to Hell, his children are the continuation of himself, and his children are the reason for his existence.

﴾Evil sins (adultery) ﴿

 eliminates the family structure when there are children without known fathers, and therefore those children become bitter as he did not get any mercy or affection from his parents.
 Sin is alcohol. And it is what destroys the mind which is responsible for planning one’s life. This mind stops working properly when a person is intoxicated.


1- What is Oppression

 Oppression is transgression and any act in which the effects other people in addition to the one who performed it. It could be assault on ones honor, reputation, and money which is the clearest type of assault.

2- What are the Unpleasant consequences of oppression

 Example: If someone planted a land and worked a whole year on it, then he sold the crops and produce from that land and received the price for it, this money is the result of eight month’s hard work, working long hours as well as effort in using the knowledge in harvest, and putting effort in preventing any pests or disease from affecting the crops, and effort in marketing the product and collecting money. While this person was on his way, he was stopped by an armed gangster, and he told him to give him what’s in his wallet. What exactly happened? The stronger man assaulted and took the revenue of the former one.
 Every time there is an assault on anyone’s income, the value for work decreases, and as work is the base for advancement, the base for the building, so when someone oppresses others and assaults them in honor, wealth, and people themselves, there is chaos, and may Allah curse anyone who says that chaos is constructive. What chaos is constructive? What is going on around us, with no security, no stability, no house, or family, or sons? Therefore my dear brother, when someone assaults you for your money or your honor, and people lose the security, and work does not advance, and whenever there is chaos there is theft, robbery, less jobs, and once again: work is the basis for advancement.

The consequences of Adultery, Alcohol and Oppression

 When the ancestry is mixed the parental structure is no longer valid, so there is no more father, child relationship.
 The second issue is that ‘sins’ which is alcohol, which deprives the mind of its reasoning.
‘unrighteous oppression’ it deprives the legitimate earning , and work no longer has any value, all countries which have applied the elimination of ownership has failed greatly, and at the end, it reverted back to the ownership.
 Societies which had been requesting the socialism for seventy years, where there is no ownership for anyone, have not advanced at all, and it was back warded and when it was proven that this system does not allow for any advancement for peoples’ capabilities, they reverted back to the old system.
 Oppression is transgression, in reality, the things that have been prohibited are very few, the first one is forbidding fornication , second is forbidding alcohol, and the third is forbidding oppression. Life stability will not be achieved except when there is no adultery, whereby the families are all clean and pure, and without alcohol, minds are clear, and without oppression, earnings increase.
 If you tell anyone, the earning for your work is yours alone, you would find this person working day and night, because when there is a fruit to reap you will devote yourself to your work.
 I remember once in a factory when one of the machines was out of order at mid-night, the owner brought someone to fix it at three in the morning in order for the production not to be interrupted the next day.  Therefore when there is a fruit to reap for your efforts, you will devote yourself to serving it.
 We find therefore that the prohibition has a lot of wide dimensions. Allah Almighty says:

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al¬Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression﴿

Unrighteous Oppression

 There is oppression which is righteous, and this below is a simple example: Let us say that there was a very experienced captain who was retired, and he was on board a ship sailing, and the current captain of the ship was a novice. All of sudden there was a storm and the waves slammed at the ship, there was a high risk of drowning, so the retired captain took over the sailing of the ship and he sailed it in order to save the people from drowning. He took over without the right to, but he did it for a good cause; these are rare cases.
 Allah Almighty says in the Quran talking about our prophet Yusuf: he said to the ruler of Egypt:

﴾Yûsuf (Joseph)]said: "Set me over the storehouses of the land; I will indeed guard them with full knowledge" (as a minister of finance in Egypt, in place of Al-'Aziz who was dead at that time). ﴿


 You may find that the person steering the wheel was incompetent, and has many problems, so if you took over the ship you may save it from definite drowning. This is a comment on this:

﴾sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression﴿

joining partners with Allâh in worship:

1- Life is not stable while joining partners with Allah 


﴾ joining partners (in worship) with Allâh for which He has given no authority﴿

 When one associates partners with Allah, his life becomes disintegrated, a life full of struggle, life is full of powerful people, and each one goes in a different direction, each powerful person has followers, people and propaganda, struggles of life are really strange, and all that is because people have abandoned the path of Allah Almighty, and they did not hold on to Allah’s tide and way of life.

2- The Basis of life is Monotheism and Devotion

 Therefore associating others with Allah is one of the most dangerous issues in one’s faith, and nothing anyone has learned is better than monotheism, the road of knowledge leads to monotheism, and the road of striving leads to piety, and monotheism:

((perform any act asking reward from Allah Alone, and He will suffice you from all others.))

[ bin Odai and Dulami reported from Anas]

(( Whoever makes his concerns only one concern, the Hereafter, Allah will be enough for his concerns in the world.  ))

[ Al Baihaqi in Shu'ab Al Iman ]

﴾With Him (Allâh). So plot against me, all of you, and give me no respite. "I put my trust in Allâh, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving (living) creature but He has grasp of its forelock. Verily, my Lord is on the Straight Path (the truth).﴿


 This is Monotheism, monotheism brings happiness, monotheism brings relaxation, with monotheism there is a feeling of safety, your relationship is with Allah, your fate is in His hands, your house is in His hands, your family are in His hands, everyone who is stronger than you is in His hand, he who is weaker than you is in His hands, illness is in His hands, you turn to Him with devotion.
 Therefore after there are no more evil sins, man is disciplined, the structure of fatherhood is active, each person looks after his children, there are some households which are pure. When you eliminate the factor of intoxication from alcohol, minds become more active and can manage life, and when you eliminate aggression, work becomes sacred. Therefore there are houses that are clean and pure. So when you eliminate the alcohol, minds stay alert and active managing this life, and when you eliminate transgression, work becomes sacred, eliminate to protect work, and eliminate evil sins to maintain one’s mind, and eliminate adultery to maintain the ancestors , so the mind is active, and there is no enmity, and when a man knows that the earnings for his work are for him, only then will business advance.

3 -What is Monotheism?

 Monotheism is that you do not turn in worship except to Allah Alone, and that you do not depend and rely except on Allah, monotheism means that He is the One to elevate you and He is the One to pull you down, and there is no one who can give you nor prevent anything from you except Allah, there is no one who can provide for you except for Allah, and no one can give nor take away except for Allah, and there is no provide sustenance except Allah, and there is no one who can grant honour except Allah, and there is no one who can cause humiliation except Allah, so with monotheism, it is similar to the following example, if you want a visa to a certain country, however that particular country has a law that none but the general manager at the department of immigration can grant a visa, and the department building of the immigration is ten stories in which one thousand employees work, would it make sense for you to degrade yourself to ask any of these employees for the visa, when none of them can help you, and the matter is all in the hands of the manager? So when you know that your affairs are all in the Hands of Allah, you would not humble yourself before anyone, nor would you submit before anyone.
 The Prophet Mohammad PBUH said:

((When you ask for anything, maintain your pride, because everything has been predestined.))

[narrated Abdullah bin Baser, reported by Ibn Asaker]

 A Muslim’s honor is in his prayers at night, and his pride is that he can dispense of others, therefore with monotheism one’s personality becomes stronger and monotheism grants you safety, grants you clarity of mind, grants you the boldness, because uttering the truth cannot cause one’s means of sustenance to be ended, nor does it cause one’s life to be ended prematurely, this is monotheism.

﴾joining partners (in worship) with Allâh for which He has given no authority﴿

and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge."

 The most dangerous thing is that you get wrong information about Allah Almighty. Someone may tell you: that there is a Hadith by Prophet Mohammad Peace be Upon him that says:

((My intercession is for those who have committed greater sins ))

[Muslim reported by abi Huraira ]

 This is really something interesting: this is an authentic Hadith, however, people interpret it in a wrong manner, thinking it means that “you can do whatever you want of the greater sins, for you will have the intercession of the Messenger of Allah,” this is a misleading explanation of the hadith and could lead to destruction.

﴾and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge."﴿

 If the following were true, that the sins were all placed in an ascending order, they would be placed so that we start with the evil sin, then with alcohol, then transgression, then associating partners with Allah, then on top of all these sins and evil would be the following:

﴾and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge."﴿

 Therefore, it is easier that people commit a sin than to:

﴾and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge."﴿

﴾Say (O Muhammad SAW): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allâh for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge. ﴿


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