- Interpretation Of Quran / The long version
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- (007) Al Araaf
"(This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down unto you (O Muhammad PBUH), so let not your breast be narrow therefrom, that you warn thereby, and a reminder unto the believers."
Dear brothers, this is lesson number 2 of the interpretation of Surat Al-A'raf, and I will start with the second Ayah where Allah the Almighty says:
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down unto you (O Muhammad PBUH), so let not your breast be narrow therefrom, that you warn thereby, and a reminder unto the believers.﴿
Allah deserves praising for His Creation and sending down the Divine Books:
Dear brothers, Allah the Almighty says:
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an)﴿
The "Book" refers to the Noble Quran
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down﴿
﴾All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who (Alone) created the heavens and the earth﴿
The heavens and the earth indicate the universe.
﴾All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has sent down to His slave (Muhammad PBUH) the Book (the Qur'an)﴿
I repeat again, the "Book" here refers to the Noble Quran.
1- Mankind need a method to follow:
The universe is on one pan of a scale and the Quran is on the other, for Allah the Almighty created the heavens and the earth, and He lightened them with His Guidance (His Book). In order to elaborate consider this example: when the government opens a road, they put signs on it to warn people about curves, intersections, descending part of the road or the one way road, but before all that they should open the road first, and then they put signs. Hence:
﴾Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth.﴿
Allah created the heavens and earth, and His Guidance casted light into both of them.
In a previous lesson, I clarified the meaning of the following Ayah:
﴾The Most Beneficent (Allah)! Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy). He created man. He taught him eloquent speech.﴿
The order here is not chronological, but rather it is according to the importance of the events. Namely, man's existence is meaningless without a method to follow, for without a method people will become miserable, because they have lusts which they will follow, and following them without a method brings misery to mankind.
2- The difference between the Divine Method and man-made laws:
I repeat the Ayah:
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down﴿
Whenever you hear the word
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down unto you (O Muhammad PBUH),﴿
Allah addressed our Master Muhammad PUBH in this Ayah.
Dear brothers, you should know that it is a great blessing that you follow a method which is not sent to you by a human being who is just like you and who equals you, because the method which is laid down by a human being is incomplete, since the one who puts it favors his own interests, fortunes and needs. Thus, such a method reflects man's limited perspectives, for a lot of matters will be missed in it.
3- Man-made laws are incomplete:
This is the reason why every man-made law is a subject of changing and adjusting, and later on it will cancelled and replaced with another law. Man is not qualified to be a law-giver, because his knowledge is not absolute. Not to mention, man is controlled by his desires, so when he lays down a law, it will manifest his weak insight and ownself. Thus, it is a great blessing that Muslims do not follow each other's method or a method of a group of them, but rather they follow the Method of the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down unto you (O Muhammad PBUH),﴿
The meaning of "so let not your breast be narrow therefrom":
Let me tell you one more thing:
﴾So let not your breast be narrow therefrom,﴿
Allah the Almighty asks the Prophet PBUH not to be straightened or embarrassed of this Book, but what does this mean?
The first meaning of "so let not…"
Actually, there is an outstanding indication in this Ayah; this negation is not addressed to the Prophet PBUH, but rather it is addressed to the straitening and embarrassment themselves, so that they would not sneak into the heart of the Prophet PBUH.
((Verily, the hearts of the children of Adam, all of them, are between the two fingers of the Merciful))
The heart of man sometimes is full of security though he does not own its factors, and sometimes his heart is full of fear though he owns all the factors of security. In order to elaborate consider this example: if someone is on travel and the spare tire is flat, his heart will be full of fear thinking that if his tires go flat, he will not be able to reach his destination. However, his son, fixed the spare tire the night before, but the father did not know that. In this case, the heart of this man is full of fear though he owns the factors of security (the spare tire is ready for use, but the father has no idea about that). On the other hand, if the spare tire is flat and the driver does not know that, his heart will be full of security while driving though he does not own the factors of security (the spare tire is flat). Therefore, security and fear are casted into man's heart. Allah the Almighty says:
﴾(So) which of the two parties has more right to be in security? If you but know."* It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah and worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm(wrong i.e. by worshipping others besides Allah), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided.﴿
When the believer resorts to Allah the Almighty, Allah will not allow worries and fear to sneak into his heart, given the heart of the believer is full of security which is enough for an entire town. The following Ayah is crystal clear:
﴾(So) which of the two parties has more right to be in security? If you but know."* It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah and worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm(wrong i.e. by worshipping others besides Allah), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided﴿
Fitrah is in harmony with the Divine Method:
It is one of the great blessings of Allah that Allah the Almighty made man's Fitrah in harmony with His Method, in the sense that when man obeys Allah and reconciles with himself, Allah will cast security, tranquility and wisdom which are enough for an entire town, into his heart.
﴾And he, to whom Hikmah is granted, is indeed granted abundant good.﴿
When you obey Allah, Allah the Almighty will grant you patience and content.
Dear brothers, Allah the Almighty says:
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down unto you (O Muhammad PBUH), so let not your breast be narrow therefrom,﴿
Allah the Almighty will not allow straitening, narrowness, worries, fear or pain to sneak into the heart of the Prophet PBUH. Due to this fact, two persons (one of them is a believer and the other is a disbeliever) might have the same circumstances, difficulties, troubles, distractions and problems, but the believer's heart is full of security, content, happiness, optimism and submission (to Allah), whereas the disbeliever's heart is full of narrowness, worries, fear, grudge and pessimism.
The immune system is the most crucial one in human body:
By the way, the most crucial system in our body is the immune system, because up to it is the mission of fighting all kinds of bacterial and cancerous diseases. This immune system is strengthened when the heart is full of security, love and affection, and it is weakened when the heart is full of fear, worries and grudge. Hence, when you get to know Allah the Almighty, and when you establish a connection with Him, your spirit will be lifted substantially.
Scientifically speaking, the believer is protected from being afflicted with diseases (unlike the disbeliever), because his immune system is in its highest level of functioning due to the love, security, tranquility and balance he is blessed with in his heart. Accordingly, some scholars commented on the following Ayah:
﴾So let not your breast be narrow therefrom,﴿
They said, "Allah does not allow narrowness to sneak into the heart of the Prophet PBUH. " As I have just mentioned, the believer lives in tranquility, and the spiritual happiness he gains is priceless dear brothers.
The second meaning of "so let not…":
There is another meaning though: the Prophet PBUH is a human being, and had he not been a human being like any other human being, he would not have been the Master of mankind:
﴾Say (O Muhammad PBUH) : "I am only a human being like you﴿
((Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Indeed I have feared for the sake of Allah, such that no one has feared, and I have been harmed for the sake of Allah, such that no one has been harmed. Thirty days and nights have passed over me, and there was no food with Bilal and I forced something with a liver to eat, except what Bilal could conceal under his armpit."))
The Prophet PBUH is a human being who longs for things, who fears, who has desires and who has wishes, but because he conquered his tendencies as a human being and overcame them all, he is considered the Master of mankind.
Dear brothers, because the Prophet PBUH is a human being, he used to be deeply hurt whenever he was accused of being a sorcerer or an insane man.
﴾You (O Muhammad PBUH) are not, by the Grace of your Lord, a madman.﴿
He is a human being, and because of that he would be in agony whenever he used to be accused of being an augur, a sorcerer or a madman.
Why does Allah mention the false accusations the Prophet PBUH was accused of?
O Lord, this is Your Prophet PBUH, the Master of mankind, the most endeared to Al-Haqq, the best of sons of Adam and the one You have chosen among Your creations, so how come You mention in the Noble Quran all the false accusations the Prophet PBUH was accused of? One might expect that these false accusations will not be mentioned in the Noble Quran which will be recited till the Day of Resurrection, and by reading which we offer an act of worship.
Some scholars answered this question by saying, "The wisdom behind mentioning the accusations is to give firmness till the end of days to those who call to Allah whenever they are faced with troubles. " Bear in mind that the battle between Al-Haqq (the truth) and Al-Batil (falsehood) is an eternal ongoing battle, so if the Prophet PBUH who is the best example to the believers, scholars and Du'aat (callers to Allah), who is the Master of mankind and who is the most endeared to Al-Haqq was accused of lying, was opposed and was accused of being a madman, a sorcerer and a fortuneteller, though he is above all these doubts, then Du'aat with greater reason should stand firmly when they have similar accusations:
﴾You (O Muhammad PBUH) are not, by the Grace of your Lord, a madman.﴿
Thus, mentioning these accusations in the Quran, which is recited as an act of worship till the Day of Resurrection, pacifies Ad-Du'aat and soothes their hearts when they are faced with troubles. Keep in mind that Allah's Will decreed that the believers and disbelievers live together on earth, which will cause an endless battle between Al-Haqq and Al-Batil. Accordingly, every believer should be ready for this battle between good and evil, injustice and justice and mercy and cruelty.
I would like to repeat this point: mentioning these false accusations, of which the infidels accused the Prophet PBUH, gives solace to every believer after the Prophet PBUH (if he is faced with troubles or faced similar accusations):
﴾You (O Muhammad PBUH) are not, by the Grace of your Lord, a madman.﴿
The third meaning of "so let not…":
The third meaning: Allah the Almighty soothes the heart of the Prophet PBUH; as if He is saying to the Prophet PBUH: Though they accused you of all these false accusations, you are the closest to Me, you are very far from these accusations, you are above them, you are the foremost Prophet, you are the foremost Messenger, you are the beloved and you have reached a very close status which no other Messenger or angel has reached, for you have reached Sidrat Al-Muntaha [lote-tree of the utmost boundary (beyond which none can pass)] near which is the Paradise of Abode.
﴾So did (Allah) convey the Inspiration to His slave [Muhammad through Jibrael (Gabriel)].﴿
The people take two stances towards the Divine Messages:
Dear brothers, Allah the Almighty says:
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down unto you (O Muhammad PBUH), so let not your breast be narrow therefrom,﴿
As if Allah the Almighty indicates in the second Ayah of Surat Al-A'raf that when the Divine Messages are sent down to people, the latter are divided into two groups, a group who believe in them and embrace them with content and a group who disbelieve in them and reject them in denial. This is life, and life is full of paradoxes, for there is Al-Haqq and Al-Batil, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, justice and oppression, benevolence and wronging and mercy and cruelty. All negative characteristics are the ones the disbelievers and the deviated have, whereas all the good characteristics are the ones the believers and Islam have.
People are divided into two groups whenever great incidents take place. Similarly, people are divided into two groups after they have received the Divine Messages (i.e. believers and disbelievers). The proof is in the following Ayah:
﴾And those who disbelieve, say: "You (O Muhammad PBUH) are not a Messenger.﴿
They accused him of lying, because the disbelievers do not abide by laws, method, instructions or guidelines, they live without principles and values and they are motivated by their lusts just like the animal which follows its instinct in order to fulfill its desires at any cost and by any means without any deterrent of values, principles or shame. This is exactly what the world comes to, for people in the world are divided into two groups: the believers and disbelievers and the just and the unjust.
The believer receives Allah's Message with acceptance, belief, faith, tears and happiness, whereas the disbeliever receives Allah's Message with denial, opposing and rejection. Allah the Almighty says:
﴾ (This is the) Book (the Qur'an) sent down unto you (O Muhammad PBUH), so let not your breast be narrow therefrom, that you warn thereby,﴿
Who are they? They are the infidels, who accused the Prophet PBUH of bad things, mocked him and opposed him.
﴾That you warn thereby, and a reminder unto the believers. ﴿
The meaning of "reminder":
What does the word "reminder" mean? If you travel to a coastal city (like Beirut), and you see the famous rock there that is called "Ar-Rawsheh" with your own eyes, and few years later, you see this same rock in a picture, you will say, "I have been there once", so what does "reminder" mean? It means that you look at a picture of something you have seen or known before, and this picture reminds you of it. Much in the same line, Allah the Almighty created souls before creating the bodies in the world of Azal (the world of eternity) and the world of Dharr (the world of particles), so what does Allah the Almighty say to these souls?
﴾And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam's loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes!﴿
In the world of Al-Azal and Adh-Dharr, all creatures were souls without bodies.
﴾ "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes!﴿
This covenant is installed in man's reason and Fitrah, and it is mentioned in the Divine Messages. Therefore, you are a believer ever since you were created, and in your Fitrah and due to your reason you are a believer. Also, you are a believer, because of all the characteristics Allah the Almighty has installed in you. Thus, when you are called to Allah, you remember (and the call is a reminder). Accordingly, whenever you come across the word "reminder" while you are reciting the Noble Quran, it means that you are a believer in your nature, according to your reason, that you have a commitment to the covenant you gave to Allah in the World of Azal, and that when the Divine Message or the Divine Guidance comes to you, you remember this covenant you pledged in the world of Azal. Allah the Almighty says:
﴾And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam's loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes!﴿
Dear brothers, Allah the Almighty says:
﴾That you warn thereby,﴿
Warn the rejecters of faith, the astray and those who chose their lusts and worldly fortunes over the Hereafter, and they did not choose a seat of truth:
﴾In a seat of truth (i.e. Paradise), near the Omnipotent King (Allah, the All-Blessed, the Most High, the Owner of Majesty and Honour).﴿
They chose the present life of this world and disbelieved in the Hereafter, they chose the worldly life and disbelieved in the Life of the Hereafter, so warn them about their disbelief, their shortcomings, their disobedience and their deviation from the Right Path. On the other hand, the believers are reminded of what they pledged in the World of Azal and of their covenant when they were created as souls in the world of Adh-Dharr. Hence, Allah the Almighty says:
﴾That you warn thereby, and a reminder unto the believers. ﴿
The meaning of "Message":
Dear brothers, what does the word "Message" mean? It means that there is the Sender (i.e. Allah), there is the addressee (mankind) and there is the subject of the Message (i.e. the Quran) which includes the Divine Method, and which is the seal of all Divine Books, the constitution of our life and the path of happiness. Allah then orders the Prophet PBUH to do the following:
﴾ [Say (O Muhammad PBUH) to these idolaters (pagan Arabs) of your folk:] Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah), and follow not any Auliya' (protectors and helpers, etc. who order you to associate partners in worship with Allah), besides Him (Allah). Little do you remember!﴿
A call in the Quran to follow the Quranic Method:
1- A daily life example to consider:
Consider this example: if you own a very expensive machine which is very useful yet very complicated, you have to read its manual in order to know how to use and maintain this machine. You do so out of being keen on the safety of the machine and on using it with the highest possible efficiency. Much in the same line, you are the most complicated machine in the universe, and this complicated machine (i.e. the human being) has Wise Creator Who sent a manual which includes the instructions of functioning and maintenance (i.e. He sent down the Quran).
Out of man's love to his own self, to his safety, to the perfection of his existence and to the continuity of his existence, he should follow the instructions of the Creator. When man buys a new car, he reads every instruction of the manual about how to use the breaks, how to use the windscreen wipers and how to fill the fuel tank…etc. Thus, man naturally follows the instructions of the manufacturer whenever he buys a new machine out of keenness on its safety and efficiency. In the following Ayah, a Divine Instruction is given to the believers (though it is addressed to the Prophet PBUH):
﴾ [Say (O Muhammad PBUH) to these idolaters (pagan Arabs) of your folk:] Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah),﴿
You should follow this instruction.
﴾Hold fast the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah)].﴿
It is sent by the All-Knowing.
﴾And none can inform you (O Muhammad PBUH) like Him Who is the All-Knower (of each and everything).﴿
2- The Divine Orders and Bans are the guarantee for man's safety:
If you walk in the wild, and suddenly you read a sign that says, "Mine field do not trespass", you will not hold grudge against the one who put that sign, but rather you will be grateful to him, because this sign is not put there to limit your freedom, but it is put to guarantee your safety.
﴾ [Say (O Muhammad PBUH) to these idolaters (pagan Arabs) of your folk:] Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah), and follow not any Auliya' (protectors and helpers, etc. who order you to associate partners in worship with Allah), besides Him (Allah). Little do you remember!﴿
Our Lord created us.
﴾Surely, His is the Creation ﴿
Pay attention to the following:
﴾and Commandment. ﴿
﴾ Surely, His is the Creation and Commandment.﴿
﴾O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you ﴿
Who deserves to be obeyed? Only Allah does, and He is the Only One Who is worthy of worship. Allah the Almighty says:
﴾ [Say (O Muhammad PBUH) to these idolaters (pagan Arabs) of your folk:] Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah),﴿
Follow it in order to be granted your safety, happiness, security, thriving, prosperity and triumph.
﴾ [Say (O Muhammad PBUH) to these idolaters (pagan Arabs) of your folk:] Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah),﴿
It is irrational to follow the method of other than Allah the Creator.
((I, Mankind and Jinn are in a great serious state (great news). I create (them), then they worship other than Me; I provide (them with My Bounties), and someone else is thanked; My Mercy descends to them while their evil deeds ascend to Me; I endear Myself to them with My Gifts even though I have no need to any of them while they alienate themselves from Me with (their) sins even though they are desperate for My Help. Whoever returns to Me, I accept him no matter how far he is; and whoever turns away from Me, I approach him and call on him. My dear people are those who remember Me. The thankful ones to Me, I grant them more blessings; and the disobedient ones to Me, I do not dishearten them from My Mercy. If they return to Me, I bestow them with My Love. If they do not repent, I still treat them by putting them in hardship to purify them from (their) sins and faults. I reward every single good deed ten times over and more. I count every single bad deed as one and I forgive and I am more merciful to My slave than the mother to her child))
I repeat the Ayah:
﴾ [Say (O Muhammad PBUH) to these idolaters (pagan Arabs) of your folk:] Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah), and follow not any Auliya' (protectors and helpers, etc. who order you to associate partners in worship with Allah), besides Him (Allah). Little do you remember!﴿
3- Why should we adopt man-made laws since we have the Divine Method?
We should not adopt imported methods from other cultures which have materialistic perspectives, mundane backgrounds and atheist beliefs that meet personal interests only. The cultures of the worldly life are countless, but all of which are false, and only Allah's Method is true.
﴾ And follow not any Auliya' (protectors and helpers, etc. who order you to associate partners in worship with Allah), besides Him (Allah). Little do you remember!﴿
Remember the covenant you pledged to your Lord in the world of Azal.
﴾Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My Guidance shall neither go astray, nor fall into distress and misery﴿
4- Following the Divine Method wards off going astray or falling into distress and misery:
Whoever follows Allah's Guidance, his mind shall never go astray, nor shall his soul fall into distress and misery.
﴾Then whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve.﴿
If you put the two Ayat together the result will be that whoever follows the Guidance of Allah, his mind shall never go astray, nor shall his soul fall into distress and misery. Also, he will not regret anything in the past and will never fear what lies ahead, so what is left of happiness (i.e. this is the happiness itself)?
Dear brothers, Adam PBUH learned a valuable lesson in Paradise. Similarly, as a father, you can teach your child lessons while you are raising him, given you should not only look after his physical wellbeing, but rather you should look after his body, soul, mind and faith, and you should tell him the secret and the purpose of his existence.
﴾Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My Guidance shall neither go astray, nor fall into distress and misery.﴿
5-The Divine Method is transcendental:
Dear brothers, when people are powerful, they force other people to follow their Method. The communist world (the eastern bloc) sanctifies the mass, whereas the capitalist world (the western bloc) sanctifies the individual, but the Method of Allah the Almighty is neither eastern nor western; it is transcendental and sublime. Thus, you should not say that Islam goes along with the method of this or that party, for Islam is a unique Method and it is the Method from the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and Islam is transcendental.
Dear brothers, though man's Fitrah is in harmony with Allah's Method, Allah blessed humanity with Divine Messages from time to time whenever people used to lose their way and abandon the Divine Guidance, and each time people did so, a new Divine Message would be sent to them, but what should be clear to you is that every generation should convey to the coming generation the guidelines of Allah's Guidance. Accordingly, unless the educational methods are based on the Divine Revelation and on the Guidance brought to us by the Prophets, peace be upon them, a grave danger awaits, and it is manifested in mischief on earth, corruption and misery. The old generations should convey to the rising generations the Divine Guidance, and believe it or not, this process is learnt from our own bodies.
Some miracles in creating man:
1- There is a military school in your body of which you are not aware:
The incredible thing is that there is a gland located under the chest bone next to the heart which is as small as a chickpea, and it is called the thymus gland. For two decades, all reference books of medicine considered it a functionless gland, and they taught that information at faculties of medicine, but a decade ago they discovered that this gland is the most dangerous gland in the human body.
What is the function of this gland? It is actually a military school at which strong wrestlers are trained and prepared. It trains the fourth unite in the immune system which is the fighting unit, and the soldiers of this fighting unit are initially uneducated T-cells but lethally equipped. Therefore, they are called by scientists "naive T-cells", but after joining this military school (thymus gland) for two years, these cells will be taught to distinguish between the friends and the enemies.
After spending two years in this military school there must be tests, the first test is to give this matured T-cell an enemy, so if it kills it, it will pass the test and graduates, otherwise it will fail and will be killed. The second test is to give it a friendly cell, so if it kills it, it will fail and will be killed, otherwise it will pass and graduates from the military school. After spending two years in the military school and graduating from it, this school will be closed and the gland will shrink till it disappear. The graduated generations of the T-cells teach the coming generations the rest of man lives.
2- You should learn conveying knowledge from the system in your body:
This scientific fact reminds me that human beings should do the same; the old generations should convey to the coming generations the Divine Guidance and should offer the suitable upbringing which goes along with this Guidance.
After passing the age sixty, the teaching procedures weaken in man's body, and man will be afflicted with "feeble immunity" according to which, the cells which own the lethal weapons might attack the friendly cells (because of the poor information). As a result, a civil war starts in man's body after the age of 60, and the powerful cells hit the weak ones causing seven kinds of serious diseases in man's body, among which is rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, just like the immune system, the Ummah is responsible for conveying the Divine Messages to the rising generations.
﴾Read! In the Name of your Lord* Who has created (all that exists)* Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood)* Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous* Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)], * Has taught man that which he knew not.﴿
3- Teaching is the craft of Prophets, peace be upon them:
Dear brothers, it is deemed important to point out that teaching is the craft of the Prophets, peace be upon them.
((Verily, I have been sent as a teacher.))
((I was sent to complete the best of morals))
Next lecture insha'llah (by Allah's Will), we will go on with the Ayat.