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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-Bakara(2)- Lesson (16)- Verses [28-29]: Life and Death
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Dear brother, we continue with lesson sixteen of the interpretation of "Surat Al-Baqarah".

Everything in the universe refers to Allah:

 We continue with the verse number twenty-eight which is the saying of Allah, The Greatest:

(How could you people deny Allah when you were inanimate and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist, then He shall deprive you of certain functional activities to occasion your death and then at the predetermined moment He shall resurrect you and back to Him you return for judgment? (28))

 The linguists say: That " How" is an interrogation noun, to interrogate about the status, for example, you may ask: "how are you?"; but sometimes, the interrogation goes out of its origin to other meanings, so if you want to reprimand someone, you would say: "How could you do this?", or if you want to disapprove of him, or if you want to deter him; hence, the interrogation is reprehensive. How could this human disbelieve and he has been created by Allah Almighty, from an ignoble fluid? How could he disbelieve and Allah has created what is on the Earth as a whole for him? How could he disbelieve and he has been given the grace of mind? How could he disbelieve when Allah has created for him a wife from himself? How could he disbelieve when Allah has created for him children from himself, and they're moving in front of him? And he knows for sure how these children have been created from a sperm of an ignoble fluid? How could he disbelieve when everything around him indicates Allah, Almighty? How could he disbelieve, and there's nothing in the universe but refers to Allah as existing, only one, and perfect?
So, this interrogation is reprehensive and one of disapproval:

(How could you people deny Allah (28))

 The scholars of interpretation say:

(when you were inanimate (28))

 It means that you were in the state of nothingness, the first death is the death of nothingness:

(and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist (28))

 Allah brought you to the worldly life, then He has made you die after the end of life, then He will vitalize you on the Day of Resurrection to receive the results of your deeds. So, first, the death of nothingness, then the revival of entering the worldly life, then the death of getting out of the worldly life, and then the revival of the Day of Resurrection forjudgment, punishment, and retribution.

This life, which we enjoy, is from Allah Almighty:

 Dear Brother, the life of a human is at Allah's disposal; Allah Almighty, controls the creation of human, and controls his life; Allah Almighty, is He Who has granted man the grace of life; you are an animated organism, you can see, you can hear, you can sense, you can eat, you can drink, and you can go to your home; this life, that you enjoy, is from Allah Almighty, He who granted you the life.

(and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist (28))

 Allah granted you the grace of creation, He granted you the grace of supply, and He granted you the grace of guidance; and these are the great graces.

(Was there not an era when man was not even heard of? (1))


 Allah granted you the grace of life, the grace of supply, and the grace of guidance.

(then He shall deprive you of certain functional activities to occasion your death (28))

 You're between two brackets: The bracket of life, and the bracket of death; Allah Almighty, is He Who controls life, and Who gives life; Allah Almighty, is He Who puts to death, and He Who ends the life of human; if the beginning is of Allah's creation, and also the end, why don't you make your life for Allah? "The worldly life is too short as an hour, so spend it in obedience."

The greatness of Allah in His creation:

 Life is as short as an hour; the time is running quickly, and the human is time, the human is a few of days, whenever a day has passed, a few of him would be pass, and the wise man makes a countdown for his age, he says: "How much has remained of my age? How did it pass? It passed like an apercu; so if two-thirds of the age has passed, the remaining third would pass very quickly too; and suddenly, the human finds himself in front of a precise judgment, a precise penalty, and a precise punishment.

(How could you people deny Allah when you were inanimate (28))

 You were in the phase of nothingness.

(and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist (28))

 The origin of human is the ignoble fluid, there are five hundred million spermatozoon in the intercourse, and the ovum needs one spermatozoon, and the ovum is not seen by eye because it's very small; on its way to the uterus, the ovum divides into ten thousand parts. Elongations like legs arise in the uterus in order that the ovum hangs on the wall of the uterus; If the ovum has suspended, it would begin to take the nutrition from the wall of the uterus for nine months and ten days.
This ovum, and this spermatozoon, which you cannot see by the bare eye, constitute together an object inside his brain about a hundred and forty billion supporting cells which have not been known its function yet; in the cerebral cortex there are fourteen billion cells, and the optic nerve contains nine hundred thousand; the retina contains one hundred and thirty million bacillus and cone; the smelling contains twenty million neural olfactory ends, each end has seven cilia, and the cilia are dipped in a particular material that interacts with the smell which becomes a geometric shape, and it's shipped to the brain.
 In the brain, the geometric shape is presented on a file that contains ten thousand smells in order to identify smells; the eye sees people in the real size, and the accurate color, and the human eye differentiates between two colors, and between two degrees of the eight hundred thousand degrees of a single color; in other words, if we have divided one color into eight hundred thousand degrees, the sound human eye would be aware of the difference between two degrees.

The creation of Man is from the signs of Allah that indicate His greatness:

 There are three hundred thousand hairs in the head of human, each hair has a vein, an artery, a nerve, a muscle, a fatty gland, and a tinctorial gland; that is a human's hair.
Also the brain of human, the senses of hearing, sight, and smell... the hearing is a very complicated process, and the balance system.
 The pituitary gland weighs a half gram, and it excretes twelve hormones; it's the queen of glands as it controls all the endocrine glands in the body; and if the secretion of any hormone does not function, the life of human would become as hell; the growth hormone, the sex hormone, and the hormone of fluids balance; it's something incredible; the thyroid gland is responsible for the metabolism which turns the nutrition into energy; the adrenals is responsible for facing the imminent threats, it gives the order for the heart to raise its pulse, it gives an order for the lungs to increase their inhalation and exhalation, it gives a third order to the liver to subtract an additional amount of sugar, it orders the blood vessels to narrow, and it gives an order to the liver to secrete the hormone of thrombosis; the adrenals gland is something unbelievable.
 The stomach excretes thirty-five million juice in the meal, and a half liter of hydrochloric acid to digest food; the pancreas, the spleen, the liver implements five thousand functions, each cell of the liver implements all these functions; the bones, the muscles, the nerves, the heart, and the arteries; all of these are made in the most perfect workmanship through nine months. Allah has granted life for us, and He Alone has the right of disposition. A sound, rich, and powerful person, and then he ends and becomes a reminiscence in a second, he becomes just a death notice.

(And We made them the talk of all towns; Away with people who just refuse to acknowledge Allah (44))


 The giver of life is Allah, and it is Allah Who causes death, and your life is between these two brackets, so why don't you devote your life to Allah, Almighty? "The worldly life is too short as an hour, so spend it in obedience."
 It was stated in the old writings that on the first night when a man is put in his grave, he is called: "They went back and left you, in the soil they buried you, even if they have stayed, they would never be useful for you, and no one remains for you, but Me, and I'm "the Ever Living" Who does not die.

Impossibility of finding a way out in the case of disobedience to the Creator:

 The Holy Verse:

(How could you people deny Allah (28))

 A scholar was asked by a human to find a way out in case of Allah's disobedience, so he said: "If you have done five things, you would never be hurt by a sin", something wonderful, what are these things?
 The scholar said: " If you wish to disobey Allah, you should never live in His own land", the man said: " So where should I live?" The scholar said: " How could you live in His own land, and you disobey Him?!! Is it reasonable?! If a person has welcomed you in his home as his guest, is it reasonable that you hit his son while you're in his home? Is it reasonable that you poison his food while you're in his home?"; the person said: "Tell me the second thing" the scholar said: "If you wish to disobey Allah, you should never eat His sustenance!!" the person said: "So what am I eat?" the scholar said: "Is it reasonable that you live in His own land, and eat His sustenance, then you disobey Him?!! The person said: "Tell me the third thing"
The scholar said: "If you wish to disobey Allah, you should do this in a place where He cannot see you", the person said:

(He is in presence with you wherever you are and He sees of all that you do (4))


 The scholar said: "Is it reasonable that you live in Allah's land, eat His sustenance, and disobey Him; and you know that He is seeing you?"

Don't you feel shame of what has happened?

Don't you fear our blame at the day when we'll be together?

Isn't it the time that you refrain from the sin?

And wait for what we have promised you..


 The person said: "Tell me the fourth thing"
 The scholar said: "If you wishto disobey Allah, and the Angel of Death has come to take your soul, do not go with him!! The man said: "I can't".
 The scholar said: "Are you living in His land, eating His sustenance, disobey Him, and He sees you, and also you cannot avoid the Angel of Death?"
 The man said: "Tell me the fifth thing" The scholar said: "If you wish to disobey Allah, and the angels of torment come to take you to the Hell, don't go with them!!" The man said: "I can't".
 The scholar said: "Are you living in His land, eating His sustenance, disobey Him, and He sees you, and also you cannot avoid the Angel of Death? Or the angels of torment?" Then he said to him: "Have you heard enough?"

(How could you people deny Allah (28))

Allah gives a time, but He does not forget:

 Your existence is from Allah, your hearing, your sight, your pronunciation, your intelligence, your muscles, your intestines, the digestive system, the circulation system, the filtering system, the bones, and the nerves, all these are at the disposal of Allah; is it rational that you disobey Him through His blessings? Is it rational that you disobey Allah by the organs which He granted to you? How? This is an, reprehensive and exclamatory interrogation at the same time.

(How could you people deny Allah (28))

 I've never seen more stupid than one who ignores the existence of Allah and does what he wants, while Allah Almighty, can terminate him any second; the person who ignores the only force in the universe, the only truth in the universe, is a stupid human being and there are thousands of stories; a man has walked in the way of aggression and sin, then he was destroyed by Allah Almighty. Allah gives a respite, but He does not forget, after that:

(And back to Him you return for judgment? (28))

 You must be certain that you are responsible for every movement, every quietness, every word, every smile, every frown, every connection and disconnecting, and every grant and prevention; and you will be asked why you did this. Allah, The Greatest, says:

(But by Allah, your Creator, there shall come the Day when all of them shall have much to answer for (92) And all their misdeeds shall be laid to their charge (93))


As long as you are still alive you can reconcile with Allah:

 As long as you're alive, the reconciliation with Allah is very quick and easy because He is waiting for you:

((Allah is happier with the repentance of His worshipper than the lost man who has found his way, more than the sterile woman who has been given a baby, and more than a thirsty man who has found the water.))

[Ibn 'Asaker in Amaleeh from Abu Hurayra]

 Again, I'll tell you the story of Bedouin who has ridden his camel, and his drink and food with him:

((Allah is happier with the repentance of His worshipper than a Bedouin was with his camel in a wilderness land, then the camel has escaped with his food and drink, and the man has despaired of finding it; then he came to a tree, and while he was lying down in its shade, he found his camel standing before him, so he held its bridle, and said rejoicingly: "O Allah, You're my worshipper, and I'm Your lord!!" He has committed a mistake because of his big joy.))

[Muslim from Anas ibn Malek]

 The heart of the Bedouin was right, and his tongue was wrong; so the Prophet, peace be upon him, said in his reliable speeches: "Allah is more happier with His penitent worshipper than the happiness of this Bedouin when he found his camel". So what are you waiting for?!!

(O My people who worship Me and who do not, who have carried disobedience to excess: do not despair of Allah's mercy; Allah forgives all sins; He is All-Forgiving (AL-)Gaffour) and the Merciful (AL-Rahim) (53)


Wealth and poverty are after the showing to Allah:

 If the worshipper has said: "O Lord", while he is kneeling, Allah would say: "Oh, My worshipper, I hear your request"; and if the worshipper has said:" O Lord", while he is prostrating, Allah would say to him: " Oh, My worshipper, I hear your request, I hear your request"; and if the worshipper has said: "O Lord" and he is a sinner, Allah would say to him: " I hear your request, I hear your request, I hear your request".

What a shame if He has said to me

O, Our worshipper, didn't you reauthor Our Book?

Don't you feel shame of what has happened?

Don't you fear Our blame at the day when We will be together?

Isn't it the time that you refrain from the sin?

And wait for what We have promised you..

How long are you busy with pleasures?

And you're responsible for all what you have done

You disobey Allah while you show love for Him

I swear that it is an outrageous matter!
If you were sincere in your love, you would obey Him

Always the lover obeys whom he loves


 How? Does the Creator of the universe wonder? Does the Creator of the universe wonder?!

(How could you people deny Allah when you were inanimate and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist (28))

 You're alive, this life is a grant from Allah Almighty, after life there is a death, and after death there is a precise account, so how? Through this meaning our master "Ali", may Allah ennoble his face, has said: "Wealth and poverty are after appearing before Allah"; you can consider that the human is rich or poor after appearing before Allah, and the righteous deed is the true opulence.
 The creator of universe wonders, how could this be? You have been given the grace of guidance, the grace of generating, the grace of wisdom, the grace of supply.
I met a man and asked him: "Do not you see that Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, is great?" He replied: "No!!" I said to him: "Do you find something in your body that is not well done?" He said to me: "Yes, the appendicular" I said to him: "Didn't you find anything in your body but the appendicle? It's named the defending appendicular, because it's a line of defense as the tonsils" He told me: "my tonsils are also not well. tiresome!!".

(How could you people deny Allah when you were inanimate and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist, then He shall deprive you of certain functional activities to occasion your death and then at the predetermined moment He shall resurrect you and back to Him you return for judgment? (28))

The righteous heart is filled with glorification, fear, and love together:

 How does the human recognize Allah? Human recognizes Allah by His workmanship, by His graces, and by His punishment. It was mentioned in old writings, the words of Allah:

((“O Lord, who is the human of your worshipers whom You love, in order that I love him as much as You love?” Allah said: “The one I love most from my worshipers is who has a pious heart, who has immaculate hands, and who does not carry the evil to anyone, who loved Me, and who loved any one has loved Me, and who made My creatures love Me.” he said: “O Lord, You know that I love You, and love everyone loves You, then how do I make Your creatures love You?” Allah said: “Remind them of My Greatness, the Fear of Mine, and My Affluence"…))

[Narrated in "Al-Durr Al-Manthour" from Bin Abbas]

 It means: "Remind them of My greatness so they Glorify me, remind them of My affluence so that they love Me, and remind them of My ordeal to fear of me…"

 The righteous heart is filled with glorification, fear, and love together. The glorification comes through the cosmic signs; a galaxy which is three hundred thousand billion light-years away from us, and you need four light- years (or fifty million years) to get it by an earthly vehicle, so if the distance was three hundred thousand billion light-years, how much time do we need to get it? And where is it?

(I swear by the location of the stars (75) And it is an asseveration of immense magnitude if only you knew (76))


 Can you disobey that Great God? Don't look at the smallness of sin, but look at to whom you defied.

Everything on the Earth was created especially for man:

 So, the first death is the death of nothingness, the first revival is the revival of entering into the worldly life, the second death is the death after the end of age in the worldly life, and the second revival is the revival of the Day of Resurrection for accountability and penalty; then Allah, Almighty, says:

(He is it Who created for you all that is on earth (29))

 Notice: "created for you all", for example, sometimes you banquet or feast, there is a guest of honor who is the main guest of the anquet, you may invite his friend, his neighbor, or his son, but the main one is the first guest, the food was cooked specifically for this guest, and while he is eating, the door is knocked, you say to the coming person: "Welcome, come and have lunch with us", and then he entered and had lunch with sh3er, but the food was made especially for the first guest, not for the person who came later. This is the utilized meaning of the word "for you all".

(He is it Who created for you all that is on earth (29))

 How many metals are there in the earth? Some metals corrode and become salts, other do not rust, precious metals can serve as valuables such as gold and silver, there are radioactive metals, and light metals; no one knows the characteristics, the molecules, the types, and the number of metals and minerals but Allah; also the semi-metals, organic materials, and the types of plants.
 There are one million species of fish at sea, beginning with the whale which weighs more than one hundred and fifty tons, to a pet fish which is found in the aquariums, its length is not more than one centimeter, and you can see it in several colors, phosphorous, black, or sometimes transparent that you may see its guts, it's something incredible.
How many species of birds are there? How many species of plants are there?
 I remember that I have read a book which consists of eighteen parts, each page covers one kind of bulb; this book contains just bulbs without any kind of roses; this book is handy; in addition to the roses, plants, and spray flowers, it's something incredible; all these kinds of organisms are not for eating, but just for the pleasure of the eye.

(Who created for you all that is on earth (29))

 The species of plants, animals, birds, fish, vegetables, fruits, and ornamental trees are innumerable.

Plants are also of the signs that indicate the greatness of Allah Almighty:

 There are plants which are made specifically for the furniture of your home like bamboo, and there is wood for industrial purposes, the types of wood are more than one hundred species; there are machines for industrial purposes that only rest on a base of berries wood because the fibers of this wood are flexible and robust, so the movement of shuttle is absorbed by the base; There is timber that serves as a basis for gigantic buildings; there is a building in "al-Marjeh" square that it's base is made of wood, and its size would grow if it has absorbed water.
there is wood which is never affected by water, air, heat, and cold, windows are made of this wood, as if it has designed for that purpose. This kind of wood is not affected by rain, wind, cold, heat, or any climatic variations, it never changes, not even a millimeter, and if you used more expensive wood for making windows, it would never fit. The beech wood is used for the furniture of houses, another kind of wood that is soft as sulfur wood serves industrial works because it's very easy to deal with; these trees which have been designed to be wood for your usage.
There are decorative trees which are there for the enjoyment of your eyes,, there are umbrellas trees, borderline trees, there are trees which give you the rubber, other trees give you the cork, plants give you the drugs, plants give you the dyes, plants give you nutrition, plants give you vessels, plants give you the beads of rosary which are pierced and ready to use, plants which are used to clean between your teeth, some which are tooth cleansers, and plants that are used to be paper as the papyrus pads. Allah, Almighty, says:

(We cause vegetal activity of all –plants (99))

[Al-An 'am]

 There are plants for making paper, plants for making tooth cleanser, plants for making teeth picks, and there is fiber plant (loofah) one side soft and the other side coarse. The types of plants are innumerable, all have been created for you, and for your honoring.

Allah made all the creatures tamed for human:

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

(He is it Who created for you all that is on earth (29))

 Mountains, valleys, deserts, plains, seas, rivers, lakes, springs, high mountains, and the types of animals. How many sheep do human beings consume per day? Astronomical numbers, who created these sheep? How many animals do you need for human food per day? Astronomical numbers.

(He is it Who created for you all that is on earth (29))

 The rule says: "It's not necessary to be aware of something if you want to use it", for example, it is possible to use air condition device without knowing anything about the composition, nor the mechanism of its action, and this is one of the great graces of Allah; you can benefit from everything in the Earth without depending on the knowledge of it, so the device is tamed for you.
There are some very complicated devices that you would not benefit from, if you have not learned how to operate them, as if the device has no value, but everything that has been created by Allah is tamed for you, but sometimes the tamed wind becomes devastating hurricanes, the refreshing rain becomes devastating floods, and the settled land becomes devastating earthquakes. What is the wisdom of earthquakes, floods and storms?
 It was said: If man believes that the wind, rain, and storms work under his will, or that he can exploit them, he would be mistaken because he does not own them, sometimes they benefit him, and sometimes they destroy him; so Allah, Almighty, is He Who has tamed them; watch a man approaching a cow, it looks domestic. One of our brother has told me: " A cow in "Al-Ghouta" has become mad, so it killed two men and wounded the third, then its owner was obliged to shoot it, note that its price is seventy thousand Syrian pounds! Who has made the cow tame?
 You don't have fear of the camel, while you have fear of the scorpion because it is not tame, also the snake and the hyena are not tame, but the camel and horse are tame. Sumpters are tame. Allah, The Greatest, says:

(And We made them –the cattle– subservient to them in one way or other; some of them do they ride and of sh3er they eat! (72))


Things are permitted in origin:

 Dear brother, the scholars devised from this verse:

(He is it Who created for you all that is on earth (29))

 Things are permitted in origin; for whom were these things created? They were created for the humans, therefore they are permitted, except what was mentioned in an inhibitory text, which is conclusive in its significance; our religion is systematic.
 But the worships are on the contrary, it means that the prohibition is the origin, and the worship does not proceed but by a right text, which is conclusive in its significance. So, things are permitted in origin, and worships are forbidden in origin, therefore, the one who prohibits what has been created by Allah is strayed away from the right:

(He is it Who created for you all that is on earth, then applied He Himself to. the immeasurable expanse of the realm (29))

 You may say: "Allah, Almighty, knows, and the person knows"; you may say: "Allah, Almighty, is Omnipotent, and the man is capable" Is it possible that the capacity of human is like the capacity of Allah? Is it possible that the knowledge of a human is like the knowledge of Allah? Is it possible that the setting of a human like the setting of Allah?

 Nothing is like Allah, Almighty, Allah is different from all that comes to your mind, so the most completed thing is that we entrust to Allah the exact meaning of the very few verses which are related to the selfsame of Him, how did Allah set Himself to the heavens? Allah knows this setting, the setting is known and the quality is unknown, then to ask about it is a heresy, and to believe in it is a duty.
 The setting of Allah is different from the setting of human, for example, Zaid has set himself to Assyria means that he has owned it, and if we have say: "He owned it" means that he has annihilated who was before him, and this meaning does not fit in the presence of Allah Almighty; if we have attributed the setting to Allah, there would be a meaning that must not be like the human meaning, because there is nothing like Allah, therefore, "Imam Malek" has said: "The setting is known and the quality is unknown, and asking about it is a fad, and believing in it is a duty", this is related to the selfsame of Allah; the most perfect is to entrust to Allah the exact meaning of things which are related to Allah's selfsame, or we construe them according to what is worthy with the perfection of Allah:

(And there come Allah (22))


 It means that the order of Allah has come.

(Allah is indeed Sami'un (Omnipresent) with unlimited audition and 'Alimun (Omniscient) (17))


 It means the knowledge of Allah, and thus.

The next verse indicates the Solar System:

 Allah, The Greatest, says:

(He is it Who created for you all that is on earth, then applied He Himself to. the immeasurable expanse of the realm and set it in order and arranged it in seven heavens (29))

 There is an accurate, good, convincing, and wise interpretation, that these seven heavens, are accurately seven; the interpretation scholars have counted the planets through a thousand and two hundred years and found that they are five planets:
 Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, those are five planets and in the verse they are seven, so they added the sun and the moon in order that the number became seven, but Allah, Almighty, says:

(Do you not see how Allah created seven heavens one above the other.. (15) How in all amid them stood the moon - the satellite of the earth dispensing light to dispel the darkness of the night, and He made the sun candescent and a body giving natural light (16))


 In this verse, the sun and the moon are not related to the seven skies, after a thousand and two hundred years it has been discovered that there is a sixth planet which is Uranus, and a seventh planet which is Neptune, as though this verse refers to the solar system, the sun is the center of this group, and the moon is following the Earth; so the planets of the solar system as it has become clear after one thousand and two hundred years are seven planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Everything that human admires, is existing, exploited, and tamed on the Earth:

 Dear Brother, there is another interpretation; the word seven subserves the meaning of increasing in Arabic, and the Quran is interpreted in different ways, you can consider that there are many heavens, and you can say: There are seven heavens; they are seven planets which rotate around the sun:

(He is it Who created for you all that is on earth, then applied He Himself to. the immeasurable expanse of the realm and set it in order and arranged it in seven heavens, and He is AL-'Alim who has infinite knowledge of all things (29))

 All these things are exploited for us, and we did not do anything but that we have benefited with. Everything the human thought that he has offered, is existing on the Earth, but he has just discovered it. Did you find a man that he has made a metal? He discovered the metal, but we have a big illusion that man has achieved miracles, actually, the human did not do anything, but discovering and benefiting, while, in fact, things are existing, metals are existing, and oil is existing, everything that human admires is existing, exploited, and tamed on the Earth.

The time between life and death must be for Allah, Almighty:

 Sometimes, the same thing becomes difficult, the Earth is tamed, but if it has trembled, everything would end, the wind is tamed, but if it has irritated, it would destroy everything, and the water is tamed, but if it has exceeded the reasonable limit, it would destroy everything; it means that the flooding of rivers, the spreading of the destructive storms, and the earthquake of the Earth, all these disasters confirm that the human is weak, and Allah has created them tamed, so what brought them out of their nature?
 Britain has the largest herd of cattle in the world, and the first country that exports beef and all what relates to this meat; but they fed their cows the flour of meat carcasses, although the cow is meant to have a vegetarian nourishment, and the result was that cows became mad, this madness is named "The encephalic spongy sickness"; also the madness of cows forced them to burn thirteen million cows, the price of those is thirty-three milliard sterling pounds. When these cows became mad, they were no longer tamed, and their illness could have been transmitted to humans, this is something very serious, all this trade has stopped.
 So, things are tamed, and if human has thought that he has exploited the nature, or he has dominated it, as it works according to his orders, this word is based on a very big ignorance, because the tamed thing may become hard at a moment, and we see something like this every day, for example, a person is walking, but he may become paralyzed at a moment, a sighted person, but he may lose his sight at a moment, he may lose his hearing, he may lose his mind, and in a moment he may die.

 Yesterday we were at a condolence of a young man who is thirty- two years old, in the prime of youth, he was one of those who has memorized the Quran, and he was excelled in the ten readings of Quran, he passed away because he had caught a bad cough, and his blood pressure increased, so he had a stroke. Who does ensure that he will stay alive for just one second? Allah, Almighty, is He Who created the life of human, and He is Who creates the death, so Allah is:

(It is He Who created death and life from nothingness in order to try you and to determine which of you performs the better deed, and whether his deeds agree with his words and whether his works are imprinted with wisdom and piety; He is AL-Aziz (Almighty) and AL-Ghafur (Oft-Forgiving) (2))


 Allah, Almighty, must be present in your life from the birth to the death, as if your life was between two brackets, the first is the life, and the second is the death; because Allah is the creator of the life and the death, and He is always with you, so how can you disobey Him? This is impossible.

The grave is the final resting place:

 Dear brother, our lesson for today was about:

(How could you people deny Allah (28))

 An exclamatory and reprehensive interrogation:

(when you were inanimate and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist, then He shall deprive you of certain functional activities to occasion your death and then at the predetermined moment He shall resurrect you and back to Him you return for judgment? (28))

 I swear, O brother, that death is just the biggest lesson, because you lose everything that you own in one second; the dead person may have owned a private drawer, in which he put some masterpieces; after his death, this drawer will be opened, its contents will be taken, and his car's key also will be taken, there is nothing that he was desirous in his life, but he will lose after the death, he will become a corpse, before death he had owned hundreds of millions, but after he has died there is nothing but a shroud of brown raw cloth and the grave; there is no a five-star grave, not even one star.
 So, the grave is the final resting place, no matter how you have looked after your house, the tomb is the final resting place; our Master Omar had engraved on his ring "O Omar, Death is the biggest exhorter, and enough! ", it's the inevitable event, and the rational, intelligent, and successful person is he who prepares himself for this inevitable event, the death event; you should not be surprised, you should strive day and night in preparation for it, because the grave would be one of the Paradise gardens, or one of Hell holes; so, the people of Pharaoh:

(Exposed to the fire shall their souls be, morning and evening, (the interim between death and Resurrection) (46))


 Since six thousand years:

(and when a point in the course of time is marked by the Eventful Hour of Judgment, the command is issued thus: «Enter Pharaoh and his people into the pit of Hell and submit them to the maximum punishment.» (46))


One of the graces of Allah for us, the grace of automatic breathing:

 This grave is the fate of each alive human; look at the people in this mosque, how many brother who were with us and then we lost? They are hundreds, they were filled with life, then they passed away, and became dependant on their deeds in the worldly life, and we are all walking on this path, because death is the fate of each live person:

(when you were inanimate and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist, then He shall deprive you of certain functional activities to occasion your death and then at the predetermined moment He shall resurrect you (28))

 We were in the stage of nothingness, then Allah animated us, and then He made us die, then He will reanimate us for the account and the penalty, and everything in the universe was created for us, for honoring us, to make us know about His creatures, and also we can benefit from these things without learning anything about them.

 The human breathes throughout the night while he is sleeping, there is a center in the medullary bulb which is responsible for the hypnoid alerting of lung; if this center has broken down, the life of human would become as a hell; when he sleeps, he will die immediately because he needs to breathe voluntarily (consciously), this disease affects some people, and of course, they die; now a cure for this disease has been found, but it is too expensive, and the patient must use it every hour through the night, so the patient sets several alarms in order to awake him. Hence, did you know the grace of automatic (subconscious) breathing?

 Also the grace of automatic (subconscious) digestion; the food needs five hours to be digested, and by a very complicated mechanism; the hydrochloric acid, the pancreas, the bile, and the liver, your task is just eating, and then go to sleep.

The graces and the favors of Allah for us are unnumbered:

 If the digestion was voluntary; you would say: "I cannot go I'm digesting!!", but one of the great graces is the automatic digestion, your task is just eating.
The heart works automatically, if the work of heart was voluntary, the suicide would be imminent, the work of heart is not voluntary, as well as the lungs; we live among millions of blessings that we do not know anything about, for example, you walk balanced on two legs, what would happen if the balance system has been disturbed?

(How could you people deny Allah when you were inanimate and He brought you into being from nothingness and caused you to exist, then He shall deprive you of certain functional activities to occasion your death and then at the predetermined moment He shall resurrect you and back to Him you return for judgment? (28) He is it Who created for you all that is on earth, then applied He Himself to. the immeasurable expanse of the realm and set it in order and arranged it in seven heavens, and He is AL-'Alim who has infinite knowledge of all things (29))

 All these graces are of the favor of Allah for us; our essential task is to obey Him, to love Him, to glorify Him, to fear Him, to be sincere to Him, to miss Him, and to say: " O my Lord, You are my purpose, and Your satisfaction is what I want", and say: "that my prayer, my eremitic, my life, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

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