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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-Imran (3)- Lesson (51) Verses [172-175]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Dear faithful brother:
 Dear brother, this is lesson 51 of Al-Imran Surah, verse 172. Allah the Almighty says:

“Those who answer (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger even after being wounded; for those of them who do right and refrain from wrong have a great reward.”

(Al-Imran Surah: 172)

Those who answer (the call of) Allah and the Messenger even after being wounded:

Supplication to Allah after calamity:

 It is great that you answer Allah after a problem happens to you. This means that you understand the problem didn’t happen by chance. It was predestined by the Wise, the Merciful. But he who gets inflicted with a calamity and doesn’t understand its truth, its cause, and who predestined it upon him is the one who has a major internal calamity of not understanding. He, who doesn’t take a lesson from the calamity, has a greater internal calamity. If you enter a mosque ninety percent of those in the mosque are people who sought refugee to Allah, came back to Him, and made up with Him after a wise carefully managed calamity by Allah. Allah is Merciful. So He doesn’t count the faults of the other side but He guides to correct them.

Hardship and calamities trails happen to make people turn to Allah:

 There is an example I mention often. If you were a manager in a company and you employed someone. You set a trial period after which you either accept him or dismiss him. Your job during this period is to count his faults, if they are too much you dismiss him and replace him with another one. If this employee is your own son, in this case the job of the manager is not to count faults but guides him to correct them. Every time the employee makes a mistake, the manager, mercifully, explains to him, warns him, and clarifies the right way to him. This is the merciful, but the non merciful counts the faults. If Allah asked humans to carry the trusteeship. And made the world as an evidence that He is the Creator, the One, sent prophets and messengers, gave him mind, gave him freedom of choice, gave him desire and gave him everything he needs to be responsible, then left him like that (left him without supervision and guidance). You’ll find that most people deserve eternity in Hell. Allah may afflicts people with hardship, limits their money, afflicts them with draught or sends to them an aggressive ruler. Allah says:

“Say: ‘He has power to send torment on you from above or from under your feet, or to cover you with confusion within the sects, giving you a taste of mutual evil to suffer one from the other”

(Al-An’am 65)

 All this for education, there is stronger evidence. Allah the Almighty says:

“Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of people earned”

(Al-Rum 41)

 Evil can’t come from Allah. His Perfection is absolute, everything is managed by Allah and his management is totally perfect. For example, the society of bees is the most elegant society because bees have no choice in their relation between one another. They are created organized. There are fascinating things about the colony of bees; solidarity, organization, there is a bee for the password, bees for ventilation, maidservant bees for the queen, bees for exploring the locations of flowers. If you study a colony of bees you will be astonished. There is one queen. If another bee claims to be a queen it is killed, perfect organization. But this system is imposed on the bees by Allah while human society is free to choose, so some people obey and sh3er disobey. Everything done by Allah is absolute perfection. So Allah says:

“Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of people earned”

(Al-Rum 41)

 Evil appeared (because), why?

“Thus (Allah) gives them the taste of some of their actions”

(Al-Rum 41)

  Allah’s wisdom for people to taste part of what they have done. He could have not let them taste the result of their evil.
 AIDS, for example, appeared as a result of homosexuality almost in the first place. It was possible that there were homosexuality without such illness, but Allah made it happen by His Wisdom.

“Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of people earned”

 Why? Allah says:

“in order that they may return.”(to him)

 It is clear, Allah is always guiding us. He guides us back to his straight path by inflecting a calamity or a hardship on us through health, work and family. He can also make us fear the consequence of a calamity so we can remember him and return to his straight path.

“Praise be to Allah, Lord of Creations”

(Al-Fatiha 2)

 The job of the care giver or guardian is not to give you food and drink only. His task is to help you reach happiness, wellbeing, and peacefulness. So Allah the Almighty says:

“Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger”

Meaning of answering Allah and his messenger:

 Answering the call of Allah means that you repent to Allah and you return to Him. Answering the call of Allah is to act according to the Quran. Answering the Messenger is to act according to his noble Sunna. Allah the Almighty says:

“And Allah would not punish them while you are amongst them”

(Al-Anfal 33)

 How can we understand this verse after the death of the prophet peace be upon him. This verse is permanent: As long as we apply the sunna of the prophet in our homes, jobs, happy times, sadness, relations, earnings, travels, and stay,( the prophet is among us when we follow his teachings,(sunna)) we are safe of from the punishment of Allah. Allah has promised us:

“And Allah would not punish them while you are amongst them”

(Al-Anfal 33)

 However, if we get the ritual acts of worship only; prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and zakat, and we don’t adhere to the dealing acts of worship in our daily lives such as; being truthful, honesty, righteousness, and keeping promise, we lose our right in taking the results of the ritual acts of worship, and they turn into empty acts without meaning. Thus Allah the Almighty says:

“Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger after being wounded”

(Al-Imran 172)

 You can answer after contemplating in this universe, by your initiative, when you see that the universe tells abut the Greatness of its Creator, and that you must have a relation with this Great Creator, or you can answer after a trouble, both are accepted happily. The Noble Messenger says:

(The strong believer has more goodness and more love from Allah than the weak believer, and there is goodness in both. Be protective of what benefit you. Ask help from Allah and depend on him, and do not get weak. And when something happen to you, do not say: if I did that, this what would happen, but say this happen by the will of Allah and he does whatever he wishes, because the word “IF” open the door for evil doing.)

 The Prophet likes to make everybody happy “both are good”. The weak believer is OK but the strong believer is better and more useful, and he has a more important task. He can elevate to the highest degrees of Paradise with this strength that Allah has given him. Thus, whenever I meet a high rank person, I say to him: You will have a special account with Allah. He gave you this strength and rank only to benefit the believers. If you don’t take advantage of this strength, you will have double punishment. Every one of position and power will have double reward if he does good deeds and double punishment if he does bad deeds, because he is a row module that people will follow, so if they imitate follow him in good deeds he will be rewarded for their acts, and if they follow him in bad deeds he will be punished for their deeds- May Allah forbid. That is why Allah mentioned the wives of the prophet, promising them double reward, because they are the first ladies in the society. They are the prophet’s wives. Allah says:

“For those of them who do right and refrain from wrong have a great reward.”

(Al- Imran 172)

 It has been said: the tear that gives the person a lesson is not lost.

Calamities are hidden blessings:

 I bear witness to Allah many brother have been guided to Allah after a problem; may be after an illness, a punishment, a misfortune in which they lost their freedom. These brother swear bear witness to Allah that the misfortune brought them happiness. It was the reason that made them return to Allah. For this reason, they like this misfortune. So Allah called these misfortunes hidden blessings:

“And has completed and perfected His Graces upon you, (both) apparent and hidden.”

(Luqman 20)

 Calamities are hidden blessings. I know of a brother who was afflicted by a misfortune last week in which he lost his shop, and his position in the market. He lost money and was short of money. He went through a great suffering. He told me few days ago that he now he knows things he had never known before about Allah, His worship became much better than before. When the true believer is afflicted with a calamity, he should know well that in this calamity there are great rewards. If he goes through a hardship, he should be sure that it will pull him to Allah.
Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet peace be upon him said that Allah says in the Day of Resurrection: Translation copied from the book” Commentary on the Riyad-us-Saliheen

“O son of Adam, I was ill but you did not visit Me. ‘He would say: O my Rubb (God), how could I visit you and You are the Rubb (God) of the worlds?’ Thereupon He would say: ’Did you not know that such and such a slave of Mine was ill but you did not visit him? Did you not realize that if you had visited him (you would have known that I was aware of your visit to him, for which I would reward you) you would have found Me with him? O son of Adam, I ask food from you but you did not feed me.’ He would submit: My Rubb (God), how could I feed you and You are the Rubb of the worlds?’ He would say: ‘Did you not know that such and such a salve of Mine asked you for food but you did not feed him? Did you not realize that if you had fed him, you would certainly have found (its reward) with me? O son of Adam, I asked water from you but you did not give it to me. ‘ He would say: ‘My Rubb, how could I give you (water) and You are the Rubb of the worlds? ’Thereupon He would say: Such and such a slave of mine asked you for water to drink but you did not give it to him. Did you not realize that if you had given him to drink you would have found (its reward) with me?”

Why we must be content with predestination:

 If Allah takes health away from you he compensates you with closeness to Him. Thus, the noble prophet taught us what to say if we like the way things go or in case things go in contrary to what we want. Aisha said:

“Whenever the Prophet peace be upon him saw (experience) what he likes he would say: thanks to Allah who by his blessing the goodness is perfected, and if he saw (experience) what he dislike, he would say thanks to Allah in all circumstances”

 He is content with Allah, whether the Muslims are victorious or not. It is up to Allah. I have to supplicate for them and be with them with all my heart, but I don’t know Allah’s wisdom in being victorious or not.
 The difference between the person who worships and Allah and the one who worships himself is that when the person who worships himself has things as he wishes, he accepts them and praise Allah through them. But if things happen unlike what he wants he thinks badly of Allah. This person doesn’t worship Allah. He worships himself. For a great wisdom, Allah makes the duties he prescribes to mankind for their benefits in this life and hereafter. Some of Allah’s orders duties are meant to test people’s obedience to Allah. If you don’t understand them, if you can’t grasp the wisdom in them, if you wonder why this happens, why Allah left those people? You should say my knowledge is very limited compared to that of Allah’s knowledge. You can’t know Allah through His Actions only. You should know Him through His Creation and His words. Allah’s creations and words are the two safe sources to knowing him. You can know Allah through His Creation, and you can explain His Actions through His words.
 There is a simple example: if you see a strong tall person hitting a small boy, you would say: he is a monster, but if you know that he is a the father, and the heart of the father is one of the evidences of the Greatness of the Creator, you will say: he might have caught his son stealing, he must punish him because he is his father, he doesn’t want his son to turn into a thief. Notice yourself; if you see your son, your nephew, and your friend’s son all smoking, you will be so angry with your son, less angry with your nephew, but you will say to your friend’s son: go! Your reaction towards your son is intense. Your reaction towards your nephew is less intense, you might say: I’ll tell your father. As for your friend’s son, you have nothing to do with him. If there is mercy, there is treatment.
 Allah the Almighty says:

“O you who believe ! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter?”

 He advices us.

“But the comfort of this life is very small, compared with (the comfort of) the Hereafter”

(Al-Tawba, 38)

This is God’s advice and guidance. And he informs us:

“If you march not forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and will replace you by another people; and you cannot harm Him at all, and Allah is Able to do all things.”

(Al-Tawba, 39)

 This means that punishment is a sign of mercy. There is a stronger evidence. Allah says:

“If they accuse you of falsehood, say: Your Lord is full of Mercy”

(Al-An’am. 147)


“But his anger will never be turned back from guilty people”

(Al-An’am, 147)

 Allah’s Mercy necessitates that His Punishment could not be turned back from the guilty people. If a merciful father knew that his son needs a surgery, and it should be performed in three days or else his illness will worsen. There are some tumors which will spread if they are not taken out in time. In this case the merciful father may sell his bedroom in order to have the surgery done for his son.

“Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger after being wounded”

(Al-Imran 172)

 “wound” here means “pain” in general.

“For those of them who do right and refrain from wrong have a great reward.”

(Al- Imran 172)

Congratulations to those who respond to Allah after a calamity:

 Once I was in a Sunday lecture, and one of the brother followed me saying: I have a story I must tell you. I said: OK. And we went home. He said: I have attended your lectures for eight years. I studied in France and I did all the bad deeds there. I got used to the life of immorality, adultery, and wine. I got a doctorate in computer sciences. I went back to my country. I carried what I had to my house in Damascus. There was a night club in my house. He spent the first year in hotels. His wife is unbelievably liberal. He told his story in details and asked me to tell it to the brother. It is an old story. He had a good position in his job, and he is handsome and has a high educational degree. He was very liberal. He said: Suddenly, I saw things moving in front of me, I lost balance whenever I move or walk. I couldn’t walk if there was no one to hold me. If I wanted to hold a glass of tea, I had to try six or seven times before I can hold it. I visited every doctor in Damascus. I went to thirty six doctors. There was no hope. So I went back to France. When they saw the symptoms in France they took me to a hospital. A doctor came by helicopter. They were surprised because my illness was so rare. Its rate in the world is one to thirteen million. The population of Syria is thirteen million. He was the representative of Syria for this illness. He said: I suffered most because they treated me for free because I was a guinea pig as the illness is so rare. The doctor treated me for six months and told me literally: I have the highest specialization in the world in this illness, but there is no hope that you might be cured. He advised me to go to India to practice Yoga. I went back home seeing the whole world black. I had intolerable life. I couldn’t walk, hold anything in my hands, and I saw everything moving. He was living near Al-hajbia mosque, and I used to give lectures there. He told me that a cousin of him used to attend my lectures and he kept urging him to attend until he got bored of him that he attended a lecture to stop him from insisting on me to attend. He said: I wasn’t listening to you during the lecture, I was thinking of the bad things I needed to do and I couldn’t understand a word. This was before his illness. He said: after coming back from France, with no hope to be cured, my cousin asked me again to go to the lecture. This time I attended and listened. In the lecture I said: Oh Allah, if you cure me I will perform the prayers, this is a condition. And he said: In the next lecture, I said: You can’t set conditions for Allah, and you can’t try Him. He said: I went home and told my wife that I want to have a bath and perform the prayer. I stood up for prayer, I reauthord AL-Fatiha crying. While I was reciting Al-Fatiha my vision returned to normal. He said: I bear witness to Allah that I was amazed. I tried everywhere in the world for cure. He said: After the prayer, I walked and fell down, the second symptom didn’t go. I tried to hold a glass and I couldn’t. An hour later I got back my balance and movement harmony. I was cured. And I have attended these lectures for eight year. He asked me to tell his story.
 If he wasn’t afflicted with this calamity, where would he have been now? In night clubs! What brought him back to religion? It was the calamity.

 I know a man who has a printing house shop. He said to me: I had great earnings. I am telling you his words exactly. He said: I prepared 500 thousand Syrian pounds and exchanged into dollars. I wanted to spend a month in America, without my wife, to be free. That is what he told me frankly. He said: On the third or sixth day after being in America, I felt severe pain in my back. I visited a doctor and he told me that I had cancer in the spinal cord. I couldn’t stand up. He cut his holiday and came back to Damascus, from one mosque to another. After that, he had no cancer. Allah brought him this hardship so that he would repent. Only Allah can cure him. The hardship was inflected upon him during a comfortable time in a comfortable place. Allah says:

“For those of them who do right and refrain from wrong have a great reward.”

(Al- Imran 172)

Responding after calamity is a great virtue:

 It is a virtue in human being that he thinks of the calamity. Allah the Almighty says:

“Why should Allah punish you if you have thanked (Him) and have believed in Him. And Allah is Ever All-Appreciative (of good), All-Knowing.”

(Al-Nissaa, 147)

 Allah has no interest in bringing hardships to his servant. For example, Draught: Allah inflects draught not because he is unable to bring rain but because he wants his servants to turn to him. However when we, humans, ration water or electricity we do it because of disability to bring rain or produce more electricity.

“And there is not a thing, but with Us are the stores thereof.”

(Al-Hijr, 21)

 In Damascus, all we aspire to is 210 mm of rain all year. This amount was rained in 12 hours in Algeria. It is very good to respond to Allah after being wounded, It is a virtue. But after you responded, you repent and do good deeds, you will have a great reward.
 Those who respond and do good deeds, respond and excel, respond and give.
 Some people might pass by an aggressive teacher, and he might hit them. Some people live in fear all the time from a calamity that Allah might bring down on them and their relationship with Allah is mostly fear. However, people should love Allah, do good, and be a humbled obedient servant to Allah. In return Allah will accept you, reassure you and elevate you.

Beneficence (doing righteous deeds) after calamity is great:

 It is great to respond after calamity, and to do good deeds you will get great rewards.

“For those of them who do wright and refrain from wrong have a great reward.”

(Al- Imran 172)

 Ikrima bin Abi-Jahl is the son of the most aggressive enemies of the prophet, but Ikrima became a Muslim, so the noble prophet said to his companions:

“Ikrima has come to you as Muslim. Beware not to speak badly about his father, because this hurts the living (Ikrima) alive one and doesn’t reach the dead (his father).”

An Athar

 When a believer responds to Allah, he wishes he could compensate for all the bad things he or she did and do turn them into good deeds. This is the one who responds and do good deeds, he doesn’t just respond without doing any good deeds. So, for every stand he took against the truth in the past, now will stand with the truth, The money he spent on his desires,now will spend in the obedience of Allah. The time he spent with bad friend, now he will spend time with scholars. This is the meaning of the verse:

“For those of them who do wright and refrain from wrong have a great reward. "

(Al-Imran 172)

 Allah says:

“Those unto whom people said: ‘Verily the people have gathered against you, therefore, fear them.’”

(Al-Imran 173)

 They gathered against you: crews, alliances, aircrafts, aircraft carriers, missiles, and many kinds of boms; cluster bombs, intelligent bombs, etc. Allah says:

“ Therefore, fear them.’ But it increased them in Faith, and they said: ‘Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)’”.

(Al-Imran 173)

Worship Allah in Whose Hands is everything:

 We have no one but Allah the Almighty. It is impossible that Allah leaves us to an aggressive person to do as he likes. Allah says:

“And to Him return all affairs so worship Him and put your trust in Him.”

(Hud, 123)

 You must worship the one (Allah) who is in his hands and control your destiny. Some people who, due to their weak believes think that someone (other than Allah) have the control or some control and can force nations to follow their rules and their way of life. They are living an illusion. They are equating the power and the will of Allah to one of his creatures. This is Shirk (Polytheism).

 Even if I don’t understand the wisdom in some of Allah’s actions, I believe in Him and in His Total Perfection, Wisdom, Mercy, and Fairness. I can’t understand such things unless I have knowledge like His, and this is impossible. So I submit to Allah. My task is to worship Him. Allah the Almighty says:

“Nay! But worship Allah and be among the grateful”

(Al-Zumar, 66)

 And Allah says:

“(Allah)said: ‘O Moses I have chosen you above men by My Messages, and by My speaking (to you). So hold that which I have given you and be of the grateful.”

(Al-A’raf, 144)

 I sympathize and cry sometime for what is going on. I suffer, wish, and supplicate from all the depth of my heart. I am but a weak slave, who can’t make change in the world but I have to adhere to the guidance of Allah in my home and work to be grateful to Allah.

“(Allah)said: ‘O Moses I have chosen you above men by My Messages, and by My speaking (to you). So hold that which I have given you and be of the grateful.”

(Al-A’raf, 144)

 Your mission ends here.

“Those unto whom people said: ‘Verily the people have gathered against you, therefore, fear them.’ But it increased them in Faith, and they said: ‘Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)’”.

(Al-Imran 173)

“And they returned with grace and plenty from Allah: No harm even touched them: Because they followed the good pleasure of Allah: And Allah is the Owner of the greatest bounty”

(Al-Imran 174)

 Allah the Almighty has promised us but we don’t know when this promise will be realized? His promise is definite but we don’t know when. Allah knows when He is going to make us victorious. We know that we have to obey Him, love Him, depend on Him, this is our task.
 Allah the Almighty says:

“It is only Satan that suggests to you the fear of his friends; so fear them not but fear Me, if you are (true) believers.”

(Al-Imran 175)

 Satan wants us to fear his friends but Allah says:

“So fear them not but fear Me if you are (true) believers.”

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