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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-Imran (3)- Lesson (08)- Verses [18-19]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Oh believer's brother with the lesson no. eight from Al-Omran sura, and the verse no. eighteen, I passed through it quickly in the last lesson, but due to great necessity I will talk about it in details.

Allah bears witness that there is no god but HE

Oh brother, all of you know that when you are called to perform a witness, you uttered by your tongue that I saw so and so, this is a very clear, but how do you understand this verse:

﴾ ALLAH bears witness that there is no god but HE ﴿

You see the man by your eyes, and you hear his voice by your ears, also you hear his witness.

How does Allah witness that there is no deity except him?

How does Allah witness for you that there is no deity except him? Or how does He witness for you that this speech and the quran are his? This is a very precise question, and how does He witness for you that the whole matters are in his hands, and He is the doer of whatever He wants, moreover all the kingdom of heaven and earth are in his hands, also he is the God of heaven and earth, he knows every leaf that falls, how does he witness for you that this universe with all its molecules, parts and details are in His hand, there are stories that He told us in the quran..
A woman puts her son in a box and throws him in the river, who steers this box in a certain direction until it arrives to the entrance of the palace that is on the Nile River? Which bough that intercepts this box so it stands on the beach of this palace, and which woman that felt a desire to stand on the beach of the river? She the Pharaoh's wife, also how the love of this little childe was thrown in her heart? Moreover how the whole wet nurses abstained from suckling him but this was a prohibition of abstention.

﴾ And WE had already decreed that he shall refuse the wet-nurse ﴿

[Al-Qasas sura]

So, all the details of the life such as the movement of water and the box, the movement of the man, and throwing his love in the man's heart, all these are in the hand of Al-Mighty Allah, there is an indication in the quran stories that all the matters are in His hand, the story of the Prophet Joseph has details, but Allah witnesses besides his quran that there is no deity except Him, how that?

Between taking universal reasons and deifying them:

We get used that every result has a reason and vise versa, for a defect in our faith we imagine that this reason should have the result, so the one who believed in the reasons and depended on them and forget Al-Mighty Allah, then he disbelieved, and the one who doesn't take them then he disobeyed, I always say: the perfect faith to take by the reasons as they are every thing, and to depend on Allah as if it is nothing, it is very easy to take by the reason as the westerns do, but there is a dangerous slide in taking by the reasons as to deify and depend on them as to see them as every thing and to dispense with Allah.
The other party in the east doesn't take by the reason, but only depends on Allah as they were ignorant of the universe's reality, Aufe Ben Malek narrated that our prophet (PBUH) had judged between two men, so the one who had been judged said when he went:
Sufficient for us is Allah, and an excellent Guardian is He, then the prophet (PBHU) said:

((Allah blames on the inability, but be with the witty – take the reason – then if you fail said: Sufficient for us is Allah, and an excellent Guardian is He))

[Abu Dawood&Ahmad]

((Be with the witty))

- I.e. you should be rational and take by the reasons-

((Allah blames on the inability))

– when you yield, don’t move, withdraw and mourn your luck as saying we have ended as Muslims, this isn't the religion but the reliance, however Allah blames on the inability-

((then if you fail said: Sufficient for us is Allah, and an excellent Guardian is He))

So taking by the reason and depending on them only is polytheism and disobedience, but the perfection is to take by them as if they are everything and to depend on Allah as if it is nothing, but if the man imagined that it is everything then Al-Mighty Allah should punish him, but how that? By witnessing to him that He is the Doer, the ruler, and taking by the reasons do nothing as Allah prevented them and the perfect example for that a young boy get married from a young girl, they must have baby, the whole causes are available, but you find that they can't procreate, for Allah wanted this marriage to be sterile, or he allows for unmarried woman who is chaste and virtuous to beget a baby as virgin Maria.

Whether Allah prevented these reasons or cancelling their existence, by this way He witnesses for his slaves that there is no deity except him, as the first and the second force in the world collapsed internally without any war and nuclear and atomic attack, some one said: "I knew Allah from the repeal of the determination'' you may take by the whole reasons and not succeed, and you may obliged not to take them for a force majeure then the results came good as if you take by the whole reasons, so through preventing or cancelling the reasons Allah witnesses for you that all the matters are in his hand only.

Nothing benefit except Allah:

He may make you happy while you own nothing, however the man may be made miserable although he owns all the reasons of life such as plenty money, health, a wife, a comfortable house and luxurious car, also he may make you happy while you are in the prison.
Sometimes if the believer entered the prison said to you: By God I become closer to Allah incredibly, I have ascendance in my faith, prayer and recitation, so he may be merciful towards you while you are in the most difficult position, on the other side he may keep you away from him although you are in the strongest position.
Therefore: The cancellation or preventing of reasons is a witness from God for you that all the matters are in his hand, in a very difficult circumstance he may provide you with means of subsistence, in the suitable circumstances you may be deprived from them, finally you should believe that all the matters are in His hand, and you may fall from forty three feet height and you descend intactly, so the matters are in the hand of Al-Mighty Allah…

If you were with me in every case then I don't need to carry my victuals
* * *

If God with you then there is nobody against you, and if He was against you then there is none with you, if He was with you then He would exploit your enemies to serve you, however if He was against you He would allow your closest people to harm you.
Oh our respectable brother…

﴾ALLAH bears witness that there is no god but HE ﴿

Allah may provide a close-minded man with plenty money, on the other side He may deprive a very clever man of this, so he declines to the rich, one of the proverbs in the east said that: Oh God provide me with a luck by which the rationals serve me, and don't provide me with a mind by which I serve the owners of lucks.
Almighty Allah may elevate a man so the whole experience becomes in his hand, and all the minds are in his service, sometimes the man is in the highest level of understanding but he is utilized to serve someone, all his energies, abilities, intelligence, certificates and rare specialization are in the service of a man who isn’t in his science level, oh God provide me a luck by which the rationals serve me, and don't provide me with a mind by which I serve the owners of lucks",.this is a wisdom from the east of Asia that is said by one of the philosopher.
So when he witnesses to you that all the matters in his hand, the respectable prophet took by the whole reasons without any exception, and they arrived to cave , he took by them in order not to reach him , he went towards the east and hided in Thawr Cave , then he deleted the traces , moreover he has the news and the food, also he selects a polytheist who is an experts in roads, in this way he took by the reasons but he depends on Al-Mighty Allah, therefore when the chasers arrived and saw Abu Baker, he said: Oh they saw us, our prophet(PBUH) said: Didn’t you read this verse:

﴾ And thou seest them looking towards thee, but they see not. ﴿

[Al-Araaf Sura]

Any simple reason, the spider's threads rescued this call, from the greatness of God that He does the great thing by the little reason, and He may destruct a man by a very little reason such a word or negligence as with Allah there should be no negligence, with Allah there is no clever trader, strong or wise, if He wants to execute an order he made him unconscious, Oh God none benefit us except you, if the owner of luck, intelligence and glittering weren't righteous, then will be destructed by their contriving, while he thinks, adds, subtracts and divides, then he was destructed by his contriving, when a man has a good intention, innocence and virtues, then Al-Mighty Allah will preserve him among His good worshippers, so the word:

﴾ ALLAH bears witness that there is no god but HE ﴿

So all the actions of Al-Mighty Allah witness for you that He is the Doer, He is one in heaven and earth:

﴾ when the earth takes on its ornament and looks beautiful and its owners think that they have full power over it, there comes to it by Our command by night or by day and WE render it like a mown down field, as if nothing existed there the day before ﴿

[Yunus Sura]

The only way for salvation is Allah's content:

You see sometimes an earthquakes that costs thirty billion, and a tornado that costs everything that this country collected from the underdeveloped countries for ten years, so the whole matters are in His hand, and there is no way to satisfy Him except to be obedient to him.

Sometimes there is a trader who thinks himself clever so he cheats, then he paid in one hour what he gathered in many years, Allah involved him in a very big breach that costs him unbearable penalty, so he paid hundred million in one hour, with Allah there is none who is strong, clever and wise, nothing rescues you from Him except to obey Him, in one case: Oh God no shelter from you except by you, except by His obedience, so disobedience with intelligence, experience and strength don't benefit.
There was a Jewish man who is considered the richest man in the world, he was lending the British governments loans, his funds were put in a room that has a tightened door, once he entered to his treasury and the door was closed wrongly, he accustomed to travel from time to another, and his relatives were astonished by his travel, so they don't ask about him as they think that he is abroad, consequently he died in his treasury room, he injured his hand and write on the wall: The richest man in the world died from thirst and hunger.

Like the camels in the desert which killed from thirst
While the water was carried on its back
* * *

I don't mention that to criticize: There was a doctor in America who propagates that running is useful for the heart's health, so every day he was running for two hours, and he emphasized in his essays, meetings and forums that the health of heart is by running, this is a correct speech and I don’t criticize him, but he forgot Allah and depended only on running, so he died while he was running in the early age, and he is a cardiologist.

Sometimes you find some high level specialists who are destructed by their specialization, because they depend on it and forgot Al-Mighty Allah, so the one who depends on his intelligence will fail, and who depends on his money will become poor, moreover who depends on those around him and forgets Allah, they will be put upside down, so don't depend on anyone except on Allah, Ibn Abass narrated that our prophet (PBUH) said:

((If I will have a pal from my nation, then it will be Abu Baker, but he is my brother and friend))


Don't depend on anything whether it was a wife, a son, a friend, a health and money, from the fantastic and constant invocation of our prophet that Abdullah Ben Omar narrated: Our prophet (PBUH) invokes:

((Oh Allah I seek your refuge from the cessation of your grace, removal of your health, your resentment of a sudden, and all your indignation))


Suddenly in a few minutes you will turned from a bright person to a neglected one, if a clot whose size not exceed the pin's head froze in the one of the brain's artery so you will lose the sense and movement.

By God I visit someone in Al-Eid, I know him as a bright, clever and wise person, I don't know that he was ill, he received us and began to speak unreasonably, I asked his son whom told me: that he has a brain's clot, where is his intelligence, mind, wisdom and his reception??! He speaks a speech that has no meaning, and brought documents and photos, I was ashamed of his visit as the whole personality related to the liquidity of the blood in the brain and the diameter of coronary artery which is the most dangerous artery, so all your personality related to the development of cells, if it is defected then everything ended.

Once I visit a sick man whom has a call, his telephone was too old and its sound is too loud, I heard the other part said to him: Which country should we take him to, and which amount? The doctor said: There is no hope as the disease from the fifth degree, if Allah afflicts some people with harm; there is none who can remove it, as the whole matters are in His hand, also the whole religion is monotheism, to see none with Allah, so Allah witnesses for you, you take by the whole reasons and not succeed, and may be you take by them coercively and not succeed, I know Allah from the repeal of determination, and this thing has to be understood.

﴾ Allah bears witness that there is no god but HE - and also do the angels and those possessed of knowledge, maintaining justice﴿

And those possessed of knowledgeWho are those possessed of knowledge?

Some interpreters have kind opinions about who are the possessors of knowledge? Someone said: They are the prophets (peace be upon them), because the place of the prophecy is a place of knowledge, also the place of the message is a place of knowledge and notifying together, and some ones said: They are the believers, as every believer has the reality...

﴾ And that is OUR argument which WE gave to Abraham against his people ﴿

[Al-Anaam Sura, the verse no.83]

It is honor for the knowledge that Allah links its possessors with His name:

Any way there was a kind implication which pleased us all, he said: If there were some ones who are more honorable than the scientists, then Al-mighty Allah will links them with His name and His angel's name…

﴾ Allah bears witness that there is no god but HE - and also do the angels and those possessed of knowledge, maintaining justice ﴿

If there was some one among his creatures who are more honorable than those who ask for knowledge, learn and teach, then Allah will join him with his name, who are those that Allah joined them with His name? They are those who asked for knowledge as this considered a great honor and gift, it is the prophets' gift.

﴾ And when he attained his age of full strength, WE granted him judgment and knowledge ﴿

[Joseph Sura, the verse no.22]

But Al-Mighty Allah gave money to whom he didn't love…

﴾ Verily, Korah was of the people of Moses, but he behaved tyrannically towards them. And WE had given him treasures of hoarded wealth so much that the keys thereof would have weighed down a party of strong men. ﴿

[Qasas Sura, the verse no.76]

He gave the kingdom to whom he didn't love; he gave it to pharaoh and Korah, while he gave the judgment and knowledge only to those He loves, as He said:

﴾ And when he attained his age of full strength, WE granted him judgment and knowledge. And thus do WE reward those who do good.﴿

[Joseph Sura, the verse no.22]

If Allah allows you to ask for knowledge, listen to the scholars, to learn, and to serve the scientists and knowledge, this will a medal of a great honor, and this is the greatest godly gift.

Now Al-Mighty Allah ordered his prophet and said to him:

﴾But only say, `Lord, bestow on me increase of knowledge ﴿

[Taha Sura, the verse no.114]

What was the precious thing that Allah wanted for His believers? He said:

﴾ But only say, `Lord, bestow on me increase of knowledge ﴿

[Taha Sura]

He didn't say: Lord, bestow on me increase of honor and generation, no never…

﴾ But only say, `Lord, bestow on me increase of knowledge ﴿

[Taha Sura]

As long as you asked for knowledge and attend its lessons, and He allows you from one time to another to teach this knowledge, this will be a medal of great honor, as our prophet (PBUH) said:

((Scholars are the prophets' inheritors, as they don't inherit neither dinar nor dirham, but they inherited the knowledge, so the one who committed to it then he will have a great luck))

[Al-Termizi, Abu Dawood, Ben Majeh, Ahmad narrated from Abi Al-Dardaa]

Scholars are the God's trustees on his creatures, the sky's people love them, and the wheals ask forgiveness for them, from their death until the Day of Judgment, ask yourself: In which thing he utilized you? Allah may put a man in a work that doesn't satisfied him , of course by his choice , maybe he builds his work depending on the blackmail of People's money, or inserting fear in their hearts, and your work might be the teaching of knowledge, or spending money in the way of Allah , and it might be building mosques.
Once a time a mosque opened in the countryside of Damascus, and I attend its opening beside me there was an official of Alawqaf Ministry, I said to him: Thanks Almighty Allah that He puts you in this statue opening the mosques, and appointed the preachers of mosques, for there is some one who is opening the nightclubs, and teaching the dancers, so if you want to know your statue on Allah so think in which thing He utilized you.

What is your task in this life? Is it the giving or taking? Spread safety between people or fear? Giving money to the people or blackmailing their money? To whom you are follower? For The Creator of the heavens and the earth or for an earthy authority that you are working by its order and you are a device by its hands? Whenever you know the value of your self you refuse to be for someone except just for Allah, the One, the Prevailing, the honor of the believer is in his praying at night and his glory is in dispensing with people

﴾ Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and[so do]The angels and those of knowledge﴾

Those who seek knwoldege should be witnesses on Allah’s Justice:

Another allusion: if you were really from the knowledge of people, so witness for the creations of Allah's justice, for that there are calls for Allah that are not acceptable, he says to you: we are owned by Allah, in fact that is true – He does to us whatever He wants, put us in a hell or in a paradise, and we can't object?! This is not a call for Allah but it’s a repugnant call, they brought an example: a woodworker has two boards of wood, put one of them as a door for a palace, and the other for privy, do you have anything to him? No, but if the bad door put for the privy and the clean one put for the palace , so then it is a wise work , in order to confirm that Allah owns every thing , they don’t pay attention , so they describe Allah by injustice , Almighty Allah said:

﴾ So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it(7), And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it(8). ﴿

[Az-Zalzalah Sura]

﴾ And do We[thus]repay except the ungrateful? ﴿

[Saba Sura]

Many verses confirm the justice of Almighty Allah …

﴾And Luqman said], "O my son, indeed if it[i.e., a wrong]should be the weight of a mustard seed and should be within a rock or[anywhere]in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth.﴿

[Luqman Sura: from verse 16]

So: when the name of the scholars accompanied with the greatest name of Allah…

﴾Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do]The angels and those of knowledge﴿

The humble seeker of knowledge is noble for Allah and the people:

There is no one on the surface of the earth has more honour than the one who asked for knowledge, and the angels put its wings expressing their satisfaction for the action of the knowledge seeker.

﴾There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise ﴿

For that the knowledge seeker shows the justice and virtue of Allah , and my brother I am ashamed to say that I'm a scholar , I say: I'm a seeker of knowledge , be polite with Allah , the biggest scholars of the earth are students of knowledge , for Almighty Allah said:

﴾And you[i.e., mankind]have not been given of knowledge except a little. (85)﴾

[Al-Isra Sura]

Once a youngest guy who is calling to Almighty Allah, it seems that he gave lessons in Baghdad, the people gathered around him, and came upon him with a strong demand, one of the traditional teacher his chest filled rug of him and came to his lesson to get dawn of him, he attend the lesson, at the end of the lesson he stopped, and said:
- Oh, you, this is what did you say we didn’t heard, from where did bring it? This is not knowledge.
He said to him: Oh Sir, and did you have the whole knowledge? It is an embarrassing question? If he said to him: yes then he is against the verse:

﴾And they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills﴾

[Al-Baqara Sura: From verse 255]

﴾And you[i.e., mankind]have not been given of knowledge except a little. (85)﴾

[Al-Isra Sura]

- He said: No, by the name of Allah.
- He said: how much did you have knowledge of it?
- He answers him: half of it.
- He replied him: what I said in this lesson is in the half that you don't know

The man should be humble , don't say: I know , but say: I know by the virtue of God , Therefore the man still a knowledge seeker as long as he seeks for knowledge , but if he thought that he has the knowledge then he didn’t know , just to say I seek for knowledge this means that you are a knowledge seeker , and there is no wrong to say: I don’t know this is a another honour medal , the holy prophet had been asked a lot of questions but he answered that he doesn't know and he waits until the revelation came and got the answer , and he is the highest knowledge in the whole earth.

Any greatest honour you get is when you seek for knowledge, the useful knowledge, there is exciting knowledge, also there is a useful knowledge, and there is cheerful useful readable knowledge, which is the Allah knowing, may be you read in the obituary of someone: this is a person who is one of the most knowledgeable man of the earth in this subject, he died and finished, if he knows Allah so his knowledge will benefits him after death but if he was unaware of Allah , and was superior in his knowledge it will benefit him in the present life , thus if he was knowing Almighty Allah it will be benefit him in his life and after death so focus in this.

There is an exciting knowledge, if you read a poem in the Pre-Islamic literature you find it enjoyable, there is a useful knowledge you have a rare specialization, so your income will be enormous and there is cheerful useful knowledge in this life and in the hereafter which is to know Almighty Allah, for some hearts' scholars there is a word '' wherever the word knowledge mentioned in the Holy Quran it means the knowledge of Almighty Allah''

﴾There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. ﴿

Oh, Brother … another thing Almighty Allah says:

﴾Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam ﴿

The religion for Allah is Islam

1- The call for Islam must be correct:

And whoso seeks a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him, but heard this fact , who calls for Islam by silly, shallowness, , non-cohesive , and contradicted call, , through a caller who didn’t apply what he said and you don’t find trustiness in his speech ,who calls to Islam by unscientific way , and with non educational method , which contradicts between saying and doing , this caller by this way couldn’t be calling to Islam because it's built in our depth that Almighty Allah is great and should be His religion also great and His law(Sharia) is great until the matter let one of the scholars to say: Sharia all of it is justice , mercy, wisdom , and benefit so any case turns from benefit to corruption, from justice to injustice , from wisdom to its contrary , its not from Sharia even a thousand of exegesis entered in it.

﴾ Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam ﴿

2-Isalm is the religion of all prophets:

The thing which draws the attention that if you read the verses of The Holy Quran you are surprised that the whole prophets described all as Muslims, so: it’s one religion at Almighty Allah, which is to know Him, and submit to Him, and this is the expression of Almighty saying:

﴾And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him that, "There is no deity except Me, so worship Me."﴿

[Al-Anbiya – Sura]

﴾Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad﴿

[Al-Baqara Sura: From verse 62]

All of them are alike…

﴾Who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness – will not have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve﴿

[Al-Baqara Sura: From verse 62]

3- Islam is straightness:

You see that all the information of the religions can be press by two words:
To know and obey Allah, to be monotheist and worship Him, if you are monotheist and worship Him you get the aim of your existence, for the accepted religion on Almighty Allah is to surrender to Him, to obey, and submit to him but those who admire by Islam, an Islamic intellectual present himself to you, but he is not straight nor in his home or in his work and his relationship, this is against expression of this verse:

﴾ Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam ﴿

You may admire a doctor , or an engineer , scientist , historian, and astronomer , and his straightness don’t mean to you anything , also don’t connect his science by his behavior at all , except the man of religion you can't listen to him in case his behavior apply to his speech , for the religion on Almighty Allah to be obedient to him , but an intellectual Islamic doesn’t pray, meets strippers dressed women , and full his eyes of their beauties , he says to you: an intellectual Islamic has an Islamic background, tendency ,structure , logical , emotion , and interest, but at the end he is not Muslim for the religion of Allah is Islam ,the lesson is to obey Allah , to be in your speech , movement , quietness , home , work , and in your walking in the street, have you abstain your seeing of looking from Allah's forbidden ? Or you fill your eyes of forbidden? This is the Islamic.

The real religion in the linguistic meaning is to be obey Allah , but at the end of the time , it becomes tradition , custom , folklore , education , knowledge , appearances ,and showing ,for instance he says to you: the Islamic ruins is something beautiful , also an Islamic library , the Islamic decoration , the Arabic Islamic font ,and the decorative Islamic font , all of these are correct , but we want Islam , as the companions of the prophet were , they knew Allah and obeyed him , these things are materialism , decorative , we call cultural , tradition , but Islam is just to obey Allah.

Once I met a person who has a various certifications , and all of it doctorate , and he has a place on my heart , he said to me ; I don’t pray , Oh glory to God how you don’t pray? This who creates the Heavens and earth, doesn't he deserve to be worshiped? Are you bigger than that? Whenever you don’t know Allah then you are at Him not rational basically, who is the madman? The holy prophet was walking in the street and saw a madman, so he asked his companions the question of the knower he said:
Who is this?
They said: a madman
He said: No.

﴾ this is a stricken man, the madman is the one who disobeyed Allah. ﴿

Between the intelligence and the intellect:

When I found this meaning I decided that it must be differentiated between intelligence and rational, as every intelligent isn't rational , you may find a man in the top of knowledge , his thinking is strong , his information is plenty , his logical is powerful , for that his knowledge gave him a fortune , but he drinks wine , and he doesn’t pray , so every intelligent isn't rational , but every rational is intelligent , the intellect is to know Allah and to know the secret and the aim of your existences , but the intelligence is to be in a specialization at high level , and for an exaggerate wisdom Almighty Allah wants us all to disgust from an insult animal ,and from its name , so if this intelligent wasn't pious he shouldn't be proud by his intelligence which is a devilish intelligence , those western have an amazing intelligence , they gathered the whole money at them , they live a life that exceeds the imagination, but they didn’t know Allah and not work for their hereafter for that they are very stupid because they will pay a very high exorbitant price at death , those who killed children in Palestine think that they are intelligent, have deadly weapons, you are strong on a boy? Killed boy by deadly weapons? This is your intelligence? Almighty Allah said:

﴾ Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you﴿

(Al-Baqara Sura: From verse 62)
A running boy, by a precise gun killed, you are the controller, and you must know the true: that some day the man will pay the coast of all his works whatever it was enormous, for Almighty Allah says:

﴾ It will be said to them], "And you have certainly come to Us alone[i.e., individually]as We created you the first time﴿

[Al-Anam Sura: From verse 94]

You come to Allah alone, no one with you, no supporter, no group, no followers, by your self, and you will be accountable for all your works, here nice story I will tell you for preachment , a man of the greatest rich in Egypt , and passed away , and his sons from their intensity of their love to him they afraid from the first night to him in the grave , the grave is frighten , one moves from house its price fifty million to a tomb , there is no grave five star basis and has floor all of it full of spread dust, you when you escort a dead you must be pious, this man who put in the grave was yesterday in a room its coast eight hundred thousand , his cover was from the finest type of wool , his bed room was eight to five , big , and a kitchen , and reception room , a luxury house , two cars or three where he is now? In a small grave.

They asked from a poor man to stay with him in the first night, they gave ten pounds so he was very happy and accept- this is a symbol story not real-
The two angels came ,saw two persons in the grave, they said: this is something new for us, it seems that the alive frightened and moved , one said to each other: the other is alive and not dead let us start with him , the poor man from his keen poverty was wearing a sack of jute which has an open for his head and two opens for his hand , and attach him by rope there is no poor man like him they asked him about the rope from where he brought him , he said: I took it from a garden , and how you get in it ? He confused, so they hit him, he went out of the grave terrified, and said to the sons: we asked Allah to help your father.

﴾So by your Lord, We will surely question them all (92) About what they used to do (93). ﴿

[Al-Hijr Sura]

Someone caught a bird for no need to eat it , and the time is for hunting , the hunter went to the desert with his car and saw a bird , he said: this bird comes on the Day of Resurrection has a voice like the bees sound says: oh, God ask him why he had killed me ? By God you will be accountable for a bird, and for a cat that you imprisoned, Bin Omar narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

((A woman entered the fire by a cat which imprison it , she didn’t eat it , or let it eats from the ground……))

[Agreed on it]

﴾So by your Lord, We will surely question them all (92) About what they used to do(93﴿

[Al-Hijr Sura]

Who is the intelligent? Before he does anything he prepares the answer for Almighty Allah, how you will escape from Allah punishment? This is the believer, so the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam, the real religion is to submit to Allah in your earn living, and spending it, in release your sight, in using your ears, in using your movement and quietness’
Toady I mentioned in the speech:

﴾Allah knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal ﴿

[Ghafir Sura: From verse 19]

He knows the deception in eyes and what is concealed in hearts:

One of the scholars explanation admired me, he said: a man in a society has a stature, a woman passes before him, he didn’t look at her to preserve his stature at those, then he looked at them he found then incurious, so he stole a look at her, but when he saw them beware he lower his eyes from her, he does that in order to preserve his stature and illusion for whom around him that he is pious……

﴾Allah knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal ﴿

[Ghafir Sura: From verse 19]

You will be asked to this level, because this he is The Truth and the texts , or you say the teacher makes it big , this is another subject , I bring to you what is written in the Quran and….., which is the words of the Creators of universes …..

﴾Tell the believing men to lower their gaze ﴿

(Al-Noor Sura: From verse 30)
You say to me: I can't do that, I say to you: you refuse the words of Allah, for Almighty Allah says:

﴾Allah does not charge a soul except[with that within]its capacity ﴿

[Al-Baqara Sura: From verse 286]

﴾Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those whoWere given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledgeHad come to them ﴿

People differed after they were given the Scriptures:

There is a natural difference based upon lack of information, another dirty difference which is based of envy and jealousy, and conflict on interests and presidencies, and there is a praised disagreement which is contrary to competition disagreement, the competition disagreement is praised whereas the disagreement of oppress and aggression is despicable, and the natural disagreement is justified, so we have a person his disputation is justified, dirty disputation, and praised disputation, Almighty said:

﴾So for this let the competitors compete (26) ﴿

(Al-Muaffifeen Sura)

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