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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-Imran (3)- Lesson (21)-Verses [75-76]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Honorable Brother, with the twenty-first lesson from the lessons of Al- 'Imran, and with the seventy-fifth verse, which says:

(And among the followers of the Book there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a heap of wealth, he shall pay it back to you; and among them there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a dinar he shall not pay it back to you except so long as you remain firm in demanding it; this is because they say: There is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach); and they tell a lie against Allah while they know.)

And among the followers of the Book there are some ….

1- Man between belief and behavior

 In this verse, brother, a wonderful link between human belief and behavior, so the one who you don't very often entrust with a heap of wealth, he Would not be honest in Dawah(they wouldn't be honest in guiding you to Allah ), Those who concealed that in their books about the characteristics of the Prophet peace be upon him, And denied to be in the Torah, and in the Bible includes badges for the prophet, Those who have betrayed God in their knowledge and faith., Very natural to betray the people in their dealings.

2- The justice of the Quran

 But the most wonderful thing in this verse the word (of them), this for partitioning, let's assume if one of the followers of the book was honest, and there is no partitioning in this verse, then what would be his feeling? He will say that these are not the words of the Creator of human beings, they are from human since he generalizes and does not investigate, Does not cast a substantive provision, does not examine instead he tends to a general provision, If he travels to a town and abused by some residents, so he will accuse the whole town of aberration, This is a matter of human beings, But God the Great and Almighty is the Creator of human beings, is the right, so he says:
 And among the followers of the Book there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a heap of wealth, he shall pay it back to you

3- The Trust is the wealth

 And the truth: the fidelity is the wealth, the largest capital asset is your people's confidence and your fidelity is its basis, If you are honest so they will trust you, and if they trust you then you have the greater capital at all, therefore this is who if you entrust him!, And sometime someone may betray his brother a hundred or fifty of pounds, sells his religion for transient things of the world, and There are those who, if paid him a hundred million to eat ill-gotten wealth, Or to do something does not please God so he will kick it off in his foot.
 Unfortunately we have lived within an unrestricted community where values are lost, covenants are collapsed, and word became unenforceable, Because it does not reflect the reality, but what if we lived a valuable community, we are currently live in a community of lusts not in a community of values, in a community of interests not in a community of principles, in a community of weakness not in a community of highness, When these people know Allah and Fearing him in the most delicate of situations, life between those people is like in heaven as mentioned in some prophetic traditions:

"If your leaders are your best, your richest are your magnanimous and your things are under consultation between you, then the top of the land is better for you than its inside, and if your leaders are your worse, your richest are your misers, your things are to your women, then inside the land is better for you than the its top"

[Narrated by At-Tirmithi, reported by Abi Huryarah]

 For this reason Islam does not spread except of only one case, there should be a space, even it is small, a space where Islam is applied to find Muslim human being who is fully active, since Islam on papers does not affect and Islam for reading does not affect as well. Islam as cassette only for listening does not affect, but what will affect is to see one chaste, honest, faithful clear Muslim who works under the sunshine.
 Dear brother, there was one person who found a very big amount of money inside his vehicle, he was able to buy a house in the best neighborhoods and a shop in the best markets of Damascus, a resort and luxury vehicle, but he searched for the owner of the money for about twenty days till he reached him and gave him his money as they are exactly! while another person may sometimes steal a hundred or fifty of pounds, so there is a clear comparison in this holy verse:
 And among the followers of the Book there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a heap of wealth, he shall pay it back to you when consciences are lost and people aren't afraid from their God then obligations would fall down, there is no faith for the one who doesn't have fidelity, and there is no religion for the one who doesn't have obligation.

And among them there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a dinar he shall not pay it back to you.

4- And among the followers of the Book there are some …

 Someone has narrated to me about his father who is one of the richest, I consider him righteous however I commend no one to God, he told me:
 The cause of the richness of my father that he was in debt of gold pounds to a non-Muslim, this story is very old since about fifty years ago, where a directive was issued to prevent trading in gold and turn to paper trading currency according to the law, so If he will pay him the dept in paper then he will pay the quarter of what he has to pay, he said: So my father insists to pay back the loan as he has took exactly which is in gold and the loaner is a non-Muslim, He has an agency in a neighboring Arab country and asked him to open an agency in this country where he is on his deathbed, and to give this agency to this Muslim who pay back his loan as is exactly, so when his children came to him they said: we don't have the price of this goods, he said:we will pay this you just take the agency, so this is the reason of his richness, because he pays what he should, and who did that he is high-class person.

 How rights lost between us and we are Muslims? this is the cause of the religion's weakness, how come Omar May Allah be pleased with him stay judges for two years and no litigants come to him, and how come our courts are full of tens of thousands of our matters, Muslims are raping the money of each other, regular class the average Muslim who attend mosques to pray, who is subservient to Muslims, he is taking what is not his own!, Go to the courts and you will find thousands of cases, money extortion, companies extortion, agencies extortion, false swearing, he will sell his religion for worldly little gain, so the championship is not only to pray, but we should see the fruits of your prayers as fidelity, honesty, virtue, This an-Najashy (Negus), when he asked about the Prophet peace be upon him what replied Jafar? he said: we know his honesty, his fidelity, his virtue and his faith.
Morality Elements are the honesty in your speaking, fidelity in your treatments, virtue if your desires being exauthord, these are morality elements.

[And among the followers of the Book there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a heap of wealth, he shall pay it back to you]

 And you may find a very good behavior from a non-Muslim man, and some of them would sell his religion and hereafter for worldly little gain

[And among the followers of the Book there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a heap of wealth, he shall pay it back to you; and among them there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a dinar he shall not pay it back to you except so long as you remain firm in demanding it]

5- Except so long as you remain firm in demanding it

 Cycle billing every day, every day you are in the place of his work, keep in calling and pushing until he pay back your money, but there is a most difficult case, when you stand beside him all long the day, and your demand takes long time,he will pay nothing, in spite of your pushing he will pay nothing, How many people bought the goods, got the price, pay this on his sons brides and until now he is on dept since twenty years ago, he actually attend mosques!, and leaving ill-gotten penny is better than eighty pilgrimage after Islam.

Don't be deceived with the appearances

 I swear I knew someone bought goods from Damascus, sold them and got the prices, then he gives in marriage to his couple of sons and bought them houses, and he still till the moment owes enormous amount of dept, and if he spoke he spoke about religion, this is the problem, why people disbelieve religion sometimes? this is from such behavior, This who sees someone who is subservient to Muslims but he eats ill-gotten money as he tricks them, he cheats them in their sale and purchase, how to call him Muslim? how God the Almighty accepts him? there are too many ways to get ill-gotten money, Suffice it to rub the expiration date for anything If expired then you sell it, the buyer may be unaware of this so he will buy it, If a medication has an effect when it is expired it will seriously harm human being, I thought it useless only, but now the harming became firm after I've been informed by one of the honorable doctors, these materials would disassemble and become serious poison, so Suffice it to rub the expiration date for medications, foods, canned foods and then sell it as it is valid, therefore you breached your trustiness, suffice it to cheat Muslims by changing the origin of the expensive western goods fabrics, it is enough to bring eastern fabrics and brand it by western stamp, so the trust would be breached, for this reason those people who cheating each other, lying, unjustly and offensively eating the money of each other, those people have fallen from God's care and protection, and for someone to fall from the sky to the land and break his ribs is better than to fall from the care of Allah the Almighty.
 Don't be deceived by the fullness of Mosques, one like thousand and thousand like thousand, you found the manhood against sinful deed and lawful / permissible, you found him at the order and inhibition, no differences between a million and a one where they are all disobedient, such men build the nation, such pious tribute to civilization, such trustees defend Islam against its enemies, it is not reasonable that the enemy is no more than two million and they are challenging three hundred million, not reasonable!

((We will never lose today because of being little, they were twelve thousand facing four thousand unbelievers))

[predicate of Bazzar from Anas]

 This is an eloquent statement.

[And among the followers of the Book there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a heap of wealth, he shall pay it back to you]

The practical side is what impresses people

 If I mention to you that it is not only the good logic that is attracting people to religion, not only words supported by evidence, not only highly elegant or ornate words, not only the correct perception of the fact of life, the universe and the human being. what attract people to religion is the special behavior.
 One of our brother who is working in a department had swear, that there is a general manager for this department who he asked him a vacation for several days, then the manager got angry and said now we are in dire straits, and would not allow you to leave, he said: since I was praying in the mosque each day for about quarter an hour, I collected this and the sum was six days so I considered this as a relief of conscience, this brother told me: I will never believe that this manager could come to an Islamic lesson in a mosque, next week I found him in the mosque attending a lesson, who attracts this manager to the lesson? the piety of this employee, he has a very high convictions.
 The biggest atheist in America, PhD in Mathematics, In the city of San Francisco, when he was a child he criticized a professor of religion, his father had severely reprimanded him, hit him, and expelled him from the house, so he followed atheism, he grew and he has a high level of intelligence, this person said and he is one of the biggest advocates of Islam in America: there is a girl wearing a full Hijab, and in the hot summer days, was born there, and it seems that her religiousness is very strong with faith and conviction, this girl preparing a PhD in mathematics and her instructor sent her to this PhD, this atheist says: I saw women in America semi-naked, and this wears the full Hijab in the hot summer days, so she has a very special convictions, he says: for the first time I greatly appreciate the Middle eastern girls, this man of his day curled up reading the books of the Muslims, read the entire Qur’an, he found a verse thought it wrong, it's not true,

"This day shall We save thee in the body"

(Surat Yunus from verse 92)

 It means Pharaoh, he called his friend and he told him this is wrong, but the friend told him that Pharaoh is still the same at the Museum of Egypt! And brought to France for restoration, this PhD is currently one of the biggest Islamic preachers in America.
 What is attracting people to religion, excellence moral position, distinct faithfulness, distinct honesty, high moral character, sacrifice, altruism, this is the brilliance of human.
as I said today in the sermon: people does not value highly who has a lot of money, or who is very slyness, or who has a strong body, or who has a high position, people does value highly moral position, for this reason and despite of that earlier eras as ages modest achievements of civilization, the ancestors lived in tents in the desert, but the charity of one of them like "Omro' El Quays" is unforgettable, and the generosity of another one like "Hatim al-Tai" is unforgettable, and the courage of the Muslims is unforgettable also, meaning that what raises human is his moral brilliance, this verse is accurate.

[If you entrust one (of them) with a heap of wealth, he shall pay it back to you; And among them there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a dinar he shall not pay it back to you except so long as you remain firm in demanding it]

 In other cases, if you are based on it does not cause you something, those who are doing this they betrayed trusts, how are they justifying this? they are justifying by:

[This is because they say: There is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach)]

This is because they say:….

5- Who are the illiterates?

 They mean Arabs who are illiterates! those are ignorant, what we understand? Once someone came to you to buy goods, and you see the stupidity in him or ignorance, or lack of experience in him, and then sell him bad commodity for most precious price, so you are one of them.

[This is because they say: There is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach)]

The virtuous does not cheat people, whatever they were

 I swear, once I was at a butcher, a small child came and asked him a piece of meat from a place very accurately to a patient, I'm watching this brother butcher, he complies the request of this young child strictly, and the child cannot distinguish this meat at all, and he was able to give him a meat not be eaten, but I found that the sincere of this butcher draw attention, religion inside him is brilliant even if the other party does not know, impossible for the believer to cheat Muslims, even if they are young, or ignorant, even if they do not know the nature of the goods at all. O brother, religion is indivisible, there is no such thing as just a prayer and just integrity, prayer, righteousness, Zakat, Hajj, and say Ashahadah are one thing, the verse is all

Islam is based on morals

 Why they concealed what they have in the Torah and the Gospel of the Annunciation of Muhammad peace be upon him, They betrayed their covenant with God, so it is possible to betray their covenant with the people, So do not trust except who afraid of God, because who are not afraid of God may they have difficult circumstances so they would not treat you fairly, because there are restrictions that would restrict him, but if you remove some of these restrictions, then nothing can stop him, this vaunted integrity in the occident comes from electronic control, cause When the power went down one night we saw two hundred thousand stolen in one city in America, the sum of two billion dollars have been stolen! this due the power went down for one night, everything from the positive systems based on outside deterrence, and everything from divine systems based on the internal restraint which is the moral
 The legislator is a human being and the citizen may be smarter than him, so he may do something which can neutralize the rule, and finish it off, the legislator is intelligent but may the citizen would be smarter, it is a battle between two minds, We say: Speed of hundred kilometers, well, there are speed monitoring devices, good radar, so he invented a device which can detects the radar !
 Once I was riding a vehicle in America I heard a voice, I said: What's this? He said: this is to warn me about an existence of a radar center and we are so close, so I have lowest my speed to avoid the violation, so the law is out and over.
 Now the state is looking for a device that detects car devices! It is a battle loop, but the greatness of our faith in, such as Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him he saw a shepherd, and said to him:<< sell me, this sheep, and take its price, he said: this is not mine, said: "tell the owner it died, he said: not mine, said:" Take its price, he said: not mine, I swear that I desperately need the price and if I tell the owner that it died, he will believe me as a honest and faithful person, but what about Allah?>>
 This who is kneading the dough what would prevent him from adding bad materials? his fearing of Allah, If he does not fear of Allah Almighty and he found something illegal in the flour, so he would not care, instead he will continue.
 We need faith, and to understand the foundation of virtues, support of consciences and intentions,the balsam of patience at the time of suffering.

[This is because they say: There is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach)]

Do not cheat non-Muslims so that they wouldn’t accuse your religion

 I swear brother, if you cheat a Magus then Allah would punish you, there are ignorant Muslims thought that no prohibition if they cheat non-Muslims, they say: This is unbeliever, this is not a Muslim, I swear I believe if you cheat Muslim then he will tell people this person cheated me, but if you cheat non-Muslim then he will tell people Islam cheated me, there is a big difference between to say someone cheated me and Islam cheated me, you are at an Islam garrison, so don't let enemies to invade Islam through you.

[And let not hatred of a people inauthor you not to act equitably]

(Surat Al--Maaida: verse 8)

 Who are the traditional enemies of the believers? Unbelievers, so don't let your enmity with those to oppress them.

[Act equitably, that is nearer to piety, and he careful of (your duty to) Allah]

(Surat Al--Maaida: verse 8)

 When Jerusalem was occupied by the Franks they slaughtered seventy thousand in one night! but When it opened by Salah Eddin Allah bless his soul, when a woman came to him from the Franks, as she lost her son, he did not sit down until his soldiers returned her son! this is Islam; the religion of justice, compassion, wisdom, and equity.
 Now the concept of Islam has been voided, great mosques has remained, rhetorical speeches, hard bind books, tapes, satellite stations, everything Islamic, but there is no Islam, Islam the purity, commitment, and this is the obedience.

[This is because they say: There is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach)]

 Noproblem this is not a Muslim.
 One brother came to ask me for a legal opinion, he said: I was in a Western country, I bought a Credit card, and I used it for five thousand dollars, then I came back without paying anything, because they are unbelievers! I said: I swear you will be held accountable for this amount penny by penny, who told you this?
 Why was the consignments with the Messenger of God, and when he emigrated to Madina did not take them? because they are unbelievers, why he makes Ali bin Abi Talib his cousin stay to return consignments to their owners? How you covet of those unbelievers to embrace Islam if you were cheating them? Or if you were stealing their money? The war is something else, these are the spoils, even when the husband of Mrs. Zainab being captured in Madina, he had has Quraish Goods, a lot of Quraish's money, and according to the text if he reverts to Islam then the spoils became for him and his community, what he said? he said: I swear I will never start my new religion by this behavior, then he returned to Makkah and then returned back all monies to their owners, then he embraces Islam.
 When you hurt someone, he will accuse your religion, for this reason the supplication:

[Our Lord! do not make us a trial for those who disbelieve]

(Surat Al--Mumtahana: verse 5)

 This unbeliever, if the Muslim lies, or cheats him so he would say: I'm the right approach, then he adheres to disbelieving and polytheism, and he will never accept to give a ear to ear attuned to religion.
 Before you start your Islamic propaganda, you should be moral, honest, modest and with big heart, you should love people, and you should use only one balance when you weigh, because it is inevitable for hearts to be opened for you before ears

[And among them there are some such that if you entrust one (of them) with a dinar he shall not pay it back to you except so long as you remain firm in demanding it, this is because they say: There is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach)]

 The most dangerous for someone to justify his faults, and there is an anecdote: one man lost fifty gold pounds, he said: oh God I wish this will not be founded by someone who has outward Islam, then he will declare a legal opinion that it is his right, then he will take it, this is a very critical issue, you should feel confidence with believer, he will never take a penny from you illicitly, the most dangerous is to say:

[There is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach)]

 He says: this is the deal, and you discover the defect, he may not discover the defect, so when we cheat in our deals, in our sales and purchases, when we lie and fraud, and at the same time we seriously consider to fasting on the fifteenth of Shaaban, they say: this is a virtuous day, aren't you fasting professor? here is the problem, how many days a year to fasting? even the fasting on some days would be considered day as a year, and sh3er doesn't came from a real legal Islamic reference, anyway he likes these seasons, so he will persist in carry out them and at the same time he will illicitly eat millions of people's monies, then he says he is Muslim where he is lying on people and deceiving them.
 Someone is working in the judiciary, he declares ten vexatious matters, once someone gave him a cup of tea he said I'm fasting, because today is Monday, and another one needs to keep his consignment with a man in my presence before he leaves to Pilgrim, so he entered the Masjid, and then he starts watching how they are praying, finally he likes the way of someone how he is praying, as he is standing submissively, closing his eyes, he likes the way he is praying, so he said: I will keep a consignment with you since I'm going to pilgrim, he said: I'm fasting also sir, he said: my God, I did not like your fast, and Allah Almighty says:

And they tell a lie against Allah while they know

1- Contradiction between inwards and outwards is a kind of lie

 They lie against Allah, Allah almighty does not allow you to cheat his human whoever they are, listen, be aware from the suppliant of unjustly treated when he calls on Allah, even if he is unbeliever!, because there is no veil between his suppliant and Allah, start counting to Milliard before you treat someone unjustly whoever is, even if he is unbeliever, this is our religion, but this who allows for himself to illicitly eat the money of non--Muslims as they are unbelievers, this man is ignorant, and if this were came from Islam rules, so our Prophet was able to take with him all what he had of consignments to Madina during his emigrant, so he was able to take them and run, but he left his cousin to return back all monies to their owners

[And they tell a lie against Allah while they know]

[Nay! man is evidence against himself, (14) Though he puts forth his excuses]

(Surat Al-Qiyaama)

 They know well that they are lying, and Allah Almighty Allah does not enjoin indecency, this is impossible!
 Here is a good example: sometime a father who has children, and one of them is a virtuous, and another one is very bad guy, if this virtuous guy needs to illicitly eat his brother's money, would his father be pleased with him? even if he is bad, he won't be pleased with him, on the contrary, if Muslims treat non Muslim in a high moral standards what will happen? he may embrace Islam.
 Someone had married a non-Muslim woman, he has the right to marry her, her mother became crippled, where she has five sons and this daughter, none of the five sons accepts his mother to come to his house under pressure from his wife, they decided to send their mother to a infirmary, but this daughter who is the wife of the Muslim, he requested his wife to bring her mother to their house, he personally told me: I swear I did not tell her anything about Islam, she embraced Islam, why? her five sons abandoned her, but this daughter who has a believer husband bring her to their home, and she lived with them, domesticated with them, she embrace Islam.
 I'm telling you and emphasize: don't let people be attracted to Islam by your eloquence, nor by your evidences, your philosophic speech, instead they should by your honest, piety, straightness, straightness, and your advice in your sales and purchases.

[This is because they say: There is not upon us in the matter of the unlearned people any way (to reproach)]

 Beware dear brother to say: this does not have religion so his money is permissible to us, I swear my brother, I lived and looked over this thing, I went far east and west countries, they believe what I'm saying, they believe that the monies of unbelievers is permissible, so for this reason Muslims in these countries are in the bottom. do you expect that one of those unbelievers would embrace Islam? I swear that if the Islamic colony there applied the real directions of their religion, then the Occident will be in another situation, the Occident is strong, they have very strong weapons.
 Once someone said in a conference: we are human, and we are the strongest of the nation, if you convince us upon your religion, then our power becomes for you, but you lied on us, you was not honest with us, for this reason there is nothing will be beneficial by Allah except high moral standards, Indeed I was sent a teacher

((Indeed I was sent to complete good morals))

[predicate of AShehab from Abi Horayra]

 This is what the prophet said:
 From Lady Aisha that one of the companions of the Messenger of Allah had made a mistake in buying and selling, she said:

((Tell Zaid that he has canceled his fight with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him if he does not repent))

 You think if you pray, and if you have good religious outward, and if you perjury in your sales that the capital is more where your profit is three hundred per cent, and you honestly swear by all holy things that the capital is more, do you think you are a smart person? you felt down from the care of Allah the Almighty, Islam is consist of five hundred of thousands clauses, the pray is one, the fasting is one, the pilgrim is one and the almsgiving is one, they zipped Islam to only five clauses, we did pray, fast, almsgiving, pilgrim then arrived and beat in the drums, this is all.
Isn't the current state of Islam?, we eat ill-gotten money, we have socialization between men and women, we feel appetite for other's wives, we do what is not pleased by Allah, why Allah abandoned Muslims? did not abandoned them due to a small reason, but due to a big reason, most of problems between us are quarrels, there is no house, or family or even a district without quarrels, unlimited quarrels due to staying away from Allah the Almighty.

2- Muslims must not say: this is an unbeliever, we can reproach him

 I have stopped at this point for this lesson in order for us to not think when someone treat non-Muslim as if there is not upon him in the matter any way (to reproach), there is thousands of ways for him to reproach you, the Verse mentioned below is one of the interpretation of the Qur’an which means: surely yes, there is a way, you can notice the period then the resumption, yes there is away.

[And let not hatred of a people inauthor you not to act equitably; act equitably, that is nearer to piety]

(Surat Al-Maaida: from the verse 8)

 So it is worthier to be sincere upon Muslim, this is who afraid of Allah the Almighty, this who his money is permissible, do you take his money illicitly?

[Yea, whoever fulfills his promise]

(Surat Al-Imran)

Yea, whoever fulfills his promise ….

1- It is inevitable to fulfill the promise and to guard (against evil)

 As Like he did covenant with Allah on his knowledge of and adhere to His commands, who fulfill his pledge with Allah on faith, and venerate and obey him, and fear to disobey and eat wealth illicitly.
 And there is another interpretation

[Yea, whoever fulfills his promise and guards (against evil)-- then surely Allah loves those who guard (against evil)]

 Even to revert it to the previous verse, yea there is a way upon you, or to associate it to the subsequent

[Yea, whoever fulfills his promise and guards (against evil)-- then surely Allah loves those who guard (against evil)]

2- The Quran mentions the faults of other people so that we avoid them

 Dear brother, someone may ask: for what reason the talk about Israelites in Quran, particularly in Surat Al-Baqara and Al-Imran? because they are people of the scripture, and we are able to fall and to be infected in the same diseases they were have, what they say?

[And they say: Fire shall not touch us but for a few days]

(Surat Al-Baqara: from the verse 80)

3-neglecting the debts fulfillment is prevention and a breakdown of goodness

 What did Muslims say? our prophet will intercede for us, the crucial factor is to cover our aberration by Islamic law, Muslims had fallen in most of diseases that people of the scripture had fallen in, in addition! why loans become extinct, no one will lend at all, the reason is no one will return back the dept, you find him pretend to be poor to the extent that you believe he is an angel, but whenever he takes the amount he would not be ready to call you to apologize for the delay, neither to salute you, and this is the fact and these are the courts! and when people break their firm covenants, ideals became weak in their life, so their life became very difficult.
 It was narrated that a Beduin was riding his horse In the desert in one of the hottest days which was unbearable, he saw a man not wearing a shoe, where the sand is like the fire, so he feels pity for him and invited him to share him his horse, he was not aware that this man is one of the horses thieves, once he rides the horse he pushes the owner to the ground and moves suddenly and rapidly, the owner said: hey, I donate this horse to you and I will not ask about it, but do not rumor this story, just to save the chivalry, because is the chivalry goes then the most beautiful thing will go.
 May you stand in the road making a gesture in order for someone to stop and take you? this is impossible, how many people do this and they was carrying hashish or drugs, and the driver being a victim and imprisoned for twenty of years, people are afraid, while the fidelity lost goods become unavailable, this is the necessaries withholding, whenever you do badly to whom gave you a favor, so you are contribute in preventing goods.
 There are seven hundred thousands of closed apartments in Damascus, why? because the tenant won't get out, this is the fact and these are the courts, the lease is expired, this is before the new legislation, thanks to Allah, the current legislation is very good, but before this once the lease expires, you could not find a house for rent in Damascus, but if you go to all the countries of the world, you can find a house everywhere, but when people don't fulfill their promises and they persist to stay in the house as they are the owner, and they pay nothing except few amount which doesn't equal one of the yearly taxes, and they lived in the house for twenty five years, this is the fact and these are the courts, the law is on my side close the door for rent completely, as long as we are behaving improperly to ourselves as long as the door for goods would be closed, thousands of empty cars pass and no one would stop and take you, for fear of bad people.

4-Eating people's money illicitly would close the door for speculation:

 Now the only amazing path which you can highly trust, is to invest your money through speculator, the messenger was the first speculator in Islam, he trades in Lady Khadijah's money and the profit divided between them, there are a lot of people who are taking other's money a hundreds of Billions, who became stronger? the bank, because those who are taking other's money to use it in trade, they are eating it illicitly they are offending the religion.
 The only valid legal path which Allah desired, your money and my effort and the profit between us, one don't know how to trade and the other don't have the money but he has a very high capabilities, but he don't have money, so Islamic law unite them both, without usury this is speculation, so those who ate milliards of people's money illicitly they closed the door for speculation and they opened the door of Banks.

 If you followed the society solutions contained in Islam, you will found them all closed, why?, due to the bad behavior, breach of trust, lying, so we need currently an uprising the same as Palestine, but of another type, to shake off our minds, to search for right Islamic values, to treat ourselves in honest and fidelity, Allah exists and he is The Superb Provider, there is no betterment for the new testament unless they follow the betterment of old testament, they were righteous, with high characteristics, there is no betterment by worshiping only, there should be righteous and high characteristics.
 Dear brother we will continue these verses in another lessons if Allah wills.


 Q1: someone said: How can God be just, and he has created an Arab child of Muslims parents, while ha has the chance to know Allah, and Quran further? and another non-Arab child from non-Muslims parents, and he cannot understand the Quran.
 A1: scientists said the universe is a voiceless Quran, Allah's signs in all the universe, Allah gave the mind to human, and naturally his mind will guide him to Allah, and his nature will guide him to his faults, moreover

[And if Allah had known any good in them He would have made them hear]

(Surat Al-Anfaal:23)

 How many sons grew up of a merchant father, and they refused to work in trade, instead they work in science? and how many sons grew up in a scientific family and they refused the science? why you are refusing the fact, and refusing your father's craft, and the facts of your environment? and you need to follow their religion only? no, if you need the hereafter, and you busy your mind then you will know Allah, wherever you are.
 I swear brother, the Scientists of Damascus, Egypt, Gulf, all their cassettes and their speech, their photos, their articles in all over the world, now the world became one room, not a village, but room, for this reason:

[And if Allah had known any good in them He would have made them hear]

(Surat Al-Anfaal:23)

 One time, I met someone from Holland, I wished to remind him little bit about Allah, he directly said: I'm not interested in this subject and I don't care about it!, I'm interested for a beautiful woman, a great house, and an expensive car, I did not know the real concept of this verse till I hear this from him!

[And if Allah had known any good in them He would have made them hear, and if He makes them hear they would turn back while they withdraw]

(Surat Al-Anfaal:23)

 Once a man entered the Mosque in Washington, he saw a person who seems to be prominent he was sweeping the mosque, and cleaning the toilets, and suddenly he is Admiral in Marines! he was on a Battleship and he met an educated Muslim, then he embraced Islam through this Muslim, don't ever think that a human has any good even if one per milliards would not hear about Allah, be in trust, and the verse is clear.

[And if Allah had known any good in them He would have made them hear]

(Surat Al-Anfaal:23)

 Nevertheless he gave you mind and nature, and the mind guides you to Allah, and the nature inside you will show you up your faults, this is the question How can God be just.

Q2: Is it permissible for the menstruating to read Islamic books?

 A1: yes it is permissible, in case a student has to attend the Quran class, so he can read the Quran for studying while she is menstruating, in the subject of studying the Quran or teaching it, the four scientists have permit this.
 So if it is permissible to read the Quran for studying, so it is with greater reason to allow her to read a jurisprudence book, as well she can say: subhan Allah (Glorified be Allah), la Ilaha Illa Allah (there is no god to be worshiped but Allah) while she is menstruating, and she can do dhikr (the remembrance of Allah)


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