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Interpretation of theQuran- Surat Al-Imran (3)- Lesson (14)- Verses [39- 44]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 O brother who believe in Allah, this is the fourteenth lesson within the lessons of the chapter of Al Imran (Imran’s family) (from the Holy Quran). In the verse 39 (of that chapter), Allah the Exalted says:

(( While he was standing in prayer in the chamber, the angels called unto him: "(Allah) dose give you the good news of Yahya, witnessing the truth of a Word from Allah, and (be besides) noble,

chaste, and a Prophet,- of the (goodly) company of the righteous ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 39]

While he was standing in prayer in the chamber, the angels called unto him:

 This verse came after Allah the Exalted has said:

((Right graciously did her Lord accept her (Mary mother of Jesus): He made her grow in purity and beauty: To the care of Zakariya was she assigned. Every time that he entered (Her) chamber to see her, He found her supplied with sustenance. He said: "O Mary! from where does this (come) to you?" She said: "From Allah. for Allah Provides sustenance to whom He pleases without measure. There did Zakariya pray to his Lord, saying: "O my Lord! Grant to me from You a progeny that is pure! (for) You are He Who hears the prayer ))

[Al-Imran (Imran’s family) 37]

1- Making supplications for having a progeny so as to ensure an ongoing call for Allah

 Some interpreters (of the Holy Quran) have said:

‘As for Prophet Zakariya, his wife was sterile and he reached an infirm old age. Therefore, neither he nor his wife had the potential for having children. However, once he saw Mary enjoying something (food, fruit and so forth) not in its due time, and without convincing reasons, Prophet Zakariya did pray to Allah to give him the gift of having a son who can assume the call for Allah after his (Zakariya’s) death’.

 Allah the Exalted says:

((Now I fear (what) my relatives (and colleagues) (will do) after me: but my wife is barren: so give me an heir as from Yourself (5) One that will (truly) represent me … ))

[Maryam (Mary)]

 In other words, Prophet Zakariya wanted an heir to assume the call for Allah. In this regard, I explained before that the most important thing within the call for Allah is its continuity. Persons always change (i.e. some persons pass away and other persons take their places). However, a constant call for Allah has to be ever maintained. Besides, this mission can be successful only when every person, who dedicated himself/herself to assuming this call, strongly wishes that it (the call for Allah) will be continuing even after his/her death. Hence, Allah is going to provide those who truthfully and sincerely called people to believe in Him with knowledgeable persons who are able to continue the mission until the Day of Judgment. From this perspective, Prophet Zakariya wished for having a son, not to support him in his old age nor to be benefited by him in this worldly life. On the contrary, his ultimate goal was to have the call for Allah continue

((There did Zakariya pray to his Lord, saying: "O my Lord! Grant to me from You a progeny that is pure: (for) You are He Who hears the prayer ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 37 ]

 The answer came, i.e. Allah the Exalted is waiting for us (to ask Him and to supplicate to Him). As I said in a previous lesson, we have to consider every verse and every word in terms of determining our relation with it. What did Prophet Zakariya do? He just uttered sincere words:

((O my Lord! Grant to me from You a progeny that is pur ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 37]

 He is a blessed Prophet whose supplications (prayers) are going to be answered. Nevertheless, why does Allah address His servants who believe in Him saying:

((Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer) ))

[Ghafir 60]

he most disable is the one who does not make supplications to Allah.

 Had not He had the desire to answer our supplications, Our Lord would not have asked us to make supplications to Him. In this sense, can you guess who is the disabled person? Verily he is the one who is lazy to make supplications to Allah. Do supplications require you to do anything other than uttering some words? which you can even do it silently?! Allah the Exalted says:

((but never am I, not blessed (by You) O my Lord, in my prayer to You!))

[Mariam (Mary) 4]

 Every time a believer makes supplications to Allah, he/she will be awarded in some way (by Allah). So, who is the disable person? Verily he/she is the one who is lazy to make supplications to Allah the Exalted. You can get up late at night (before dawn) and make supplications to Allah. Narrated Abu Said and Abu Hurairah (companions) that the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

"Allah gives people the chance until the first third of a night has passed, then He looks at the first heaven and says, ‘is there anyone asking me for forgiveness? Is there any one repenting? Is there anyone asking for something? Is there anyone who is making supplications?’ until dawn occurs ".

[ Reported by al-Bukhari, Muslim, Termizi, Abu Daoud, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Malek and al-Darmi]

 Don’t you need to ask Allah for something? Don’t you face any problem? Verily, it is impossible to find person who have nothing to ask Allah for. It is impossible to see a person having no problems. This is the nature of life. Allah the Exalted says, [(thus) do We try (men)] Mummins (Believers) 30

3- Calamities accompany every human being:

 One characteristic of life is that calamities accompany human beings in it, as stated by Allah the Exalted:

((thus) do We try (men))

[Al- Mu'minun], Believers 30]

((Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested? ))

[Al-'Ankabut (The Spider) 2]

 A believer is always tested (in life). Prophets are the persons with the strongest tests. Then the next best come and so forth. Therefore, to be a champion does not mean to survive calamities. Rather, it is to have a perfect attitude when confronting calamities. Again Allah the Exalted says:

(( (thus) do We try (men) ))

[Mummins (Believers) 30]

((He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed ))

[Al-Mulk (Sovereignty) 2]

 You are being tested with your money, health, wife, children, neighbors, peers, colleagues, or those who are around you. Not only this, you are also likely to be tested when you are living in luxury, suffering calamities, being healthy, sick, rich and/or poor. Thus, you are under a two-factor examination. One factor is positive whereas the second is negative, i.e. you are tested with good and bad. Calamities are one characteristic of this worldly life. For example, someone might knock at your door asking for something when you have just entered the house. In such a case, would you dismiss him or respond to him?
 Another example is that while you are living in extreme poverty, a large amount of money became available to you but there is suspicion in terms of its legality. So, would you accept it or reject it?

 Thus, a human being is likely to be tested tens of times every day. Every time you manage to deal with an issue, to have an attitude, to come across a seductive thing(s) and to be under pressure all are a kind of test. The question is what would you do? Allah the Exalted observes what we are doing.

4- Allah ordered us to make sup[lications to Him just because He wants to respond to us:


((While he was standing in prayer in the chamber, the angels called unto him: "(Allah) does give you the good news of Yahya))

[Al Imran (the family of Imran) 39]

 This is because he made supplications to Allah sincerely. Therefore, I swear by Allah, O brother, that if one looks forward to achieving something as far-fetched as a dream, Allah will fulfill his/her desire but when he/she is sincere in his/her request. This is because Allah ordered us to make supplications to Him only He would respond to us.

 In this regard, I have heard a story narrated by one of the great scholars of Damascus. It tells that once upon a time a poor illiterate peasant in Upper Egypt sent his son to study at Al-Azhar (University). After that, this son came back gaining knowledge. At the age of fifty five, his father wished to be as knowledgeable as his son although he is totally illiterate. This story can be unbelievable due to its being quite strange.

 He mounted his beast and headed towards Cairo. Once he got into Cairo doors, he asked about his destination saying: where is Al-Aza’ar (instead of Al-Azhar). He even mistook the name (of his destination). Anyway, he was guided to it. At the age of fifty five, he started learning how to read and write. Then he studied the Holy Quran. Then he started educating himself (in Islamic teachings). Eventually, he had occupied the position of the head of Al-Azhar (University) by his death. O brother! I swear by Allah that if anyone of us sincerely wishes for something as far-fetched as a dream, he/she will certainly attain it in the sense that Allah ordered us to make supplications to Him only because He wants to respond to us.

 So, get up at night and start talking to Allah saying, for example, ‘O Allah guides me to the right path. O Allah makes me a guidance for sh3er. O Allah makes me among those who can guide sh3er and who are already guided (to the right path).

 You can address Him saying: ‘O Allah give me legal money and help me dedicate myself to doing the good’. You can also say, ‘O Allah helps me be a righteous and do good deeds that can make You satisfied with me. Do not hesitate to ask Him as such. Even those who wished for worldly things, they were enabled to attain them (by Allah). So what do you think if you wish for winning the hereafter?

 Those who worked hard for winning this worldly life lawfully achieved their goals by making honest supplications to Allah. You, therefore, have no means but to make sincere supplications. Everything is controlled by Allah. You are weak but Allah is the Strong. You are poor, but Allah is the Rich. If you want to attain your wishes, all what you need is to be sincere in your supplications (to Allah).

((And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer ))

[Al-Muminun (the believers) 60]

(( When My servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he call on Me ))

[Al-Bakara (the Cow) 186]

 In the Quran, there are more than ten verses:

((They ask you concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave ))

[Al-Bakara (the Cow) 217]

(( They ask you concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask you how much they are to spend; Say:
What is beyond your needs))

[Al-Bakara (the Cow) 219]

((They ask you concerning women's (menstrual) courses. Say: They are a hurt and a pollution: So keep away from women in their courses ))

[Al-Bakara (the Cow) 222]

 There are more than ten verses (which include the word ‘say’) except one verse which is:

(( When My servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he call on Me ))

[ Al-Bakara (the Cow) 18)]

 Thus, since there is no one standing between you and your Lord, then why do you envy sh3er?

 Paraphrases of Arabic poetic verses (narrated by Dr. al-Nabulsi) come below:

Say to the one who envies me, ‘do you know to whom you are impolite?’
‘you are impolite to your Lord, for you did not accept what He granted me’.

Call on Allah to make you rich, to uplift you to endow you with good politeness.

((O my Lord! Grant unto me from You a progeny that is pure: (for) You are He Who hears the Prayer ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 37]

 So why do not we ask Allah for granting us a purely good progeny? A righteous wife? Lawful money? A suitable accommodation? A husband for his daughter who will be kind to her? An adequate job for his son? And so forth!!
 I swear by Allah that Allah did not mention these stories to us just for granting us with knowledge, providing us with artistic enjoyment or for telling us (stories). Rather, He did so in order for us to follow the example of this great Prophet (Muhammad) peace be upon him.

(( And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer) ))

[Al-Mu'minun (the believer) 60]

((When My servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he call on Me))

[Al Bakara (the Cow) 186]

 You can even call on Him by heart letting no one hear a single word.

 O brother! I swear by Allah that one brother narrated to me:

 ‘I was brought up in a very poor family until I have finished my military service. At that time, I was very poor. Therefore, my sister gave me a piece of golden jewelry (in order for me to sell it). Its price, then, was enough to buy a plane ticket to (a state) of the Gulf, which was easily attainable then.

 He swore by Allah that when he was on the plane (going to the Gulf), he said by heart, ‘If Allah helps me achieve my aim (behind this travel), I will build a mosque for Allah’s sake in my town. By Allah, I did not even move my lips nor did I speak a single word. It was just a kind of internal feeling’. Truly, he went to the Gulf, achieved success and came back many years later. Now, he is living in a coastal town before (the town of) Banias.
 Once, I was paying a visit to that area. I entered that mosque to pray. It appealed to me because it was very neat. It was overlooking the sea directly and located on a quite beautiful area around which thick greeneries exist. After finishing my prayers, a person came out of a room, ‘would you mind drinking something in your honor?’ he said. Then ‘With pleasure’ I replied. ‘I am the one who built this mosque’ he said telling me his own story.
 It is worth noting that the place where this mosque is built is totally illegal because that very area is not organized by the principality. Actually, this is quite normal because mosques are usually built in both cities and crowded places. That is why the man was not allowed to build a mosque in that place in accordance with the rules and regulations (of the country). ‘Hence, I traveled to meet a government official in the coast area and told him about my own story and how Allah responded to my request’ the man said. ‘The official made a phone call giving his instructions for me to be allowed to build the mosque. As a result, the mosque was built’ he told me.
 Thus, a very beautiful mosque was the product of an internal feeling. Thousands of stories can be told all of which revolve around this subject. Once again, ‘By Allah, I did not even move my lips nor did I speak a single word’ he said. ‘What I only said was, if Allah helps me achieve my aim (behind this travel), I will build a mosque for Allah’s sake in my town’ he said. In accordance with the rules and regulations of the principalities all over the world, mosques are built in crowded places. Nonetheless, (let’s consider) what did inspire the governor to give instructions to the people concerned to allow him to build the mosque?! (Certainly Allah did).
 Now, travelers and picnickers (in that area) head for this same mosque for performing prayers. Thus, is it difficult to ask Allah for something good both in this worldly life and in the hereafter sincerely and honestly? Definitely not.

 When an old man (Prophet Zakariya) with a sterile wife called on Him secretly, Allah responded to him. So, since Zakariya’s Lord is ours and since we worship Allah the Exalted whenever and wherever we are, then why do you think that Allah will not respond to you?
Everyone has a request for Allah to respond to. So, everybody should sincerely and honestly call on Allah to respond to his/her request.

5- Allah’s good tidings for Zakariya having Yahya (his son):

 It means that you will have a son who is the first person who believes in Issa (Jesus Christ) peace be upon him. (As we read in the Quran) He is going to believe in Allah’s word, which means that he is going to believe in Issa. Prophet Issa is, therefore, a (Allah’s) word since Mary has no husband. When Allah intends a thing, His Command is, "be", and it is!
That is why, it was said that Issa is Allah’s word and a spirit of Him sent down into Mary:

((Witnessing the truth of a Word from Allah, and (be besides) noble))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family 39]

6- The meaning of ‘noble’

 One of the most beautiful interpretations of the word ‘noble’ is that he is a superior in everything, i.e. having no shortcomings, gallant, clever, understanding, enthusiastic and so forth. In fact, much has been said by the interpreters (of the Holy Quran) in this respect. However, the most agreed upon interpretations indicate that ‘noble’ means that he is excellent at everything, i.e. noble, famous, prominent, having good manners, forgiving sh3er, brave, fair and so forth.

7- The meaning of ‘chaste’

 However, O brother, we should pause for a while (considering the word ‘chaste’). (In Arabic) it means limited (in what one is able to do). So, what does this word indicate (in this Quranic verse)? It means a true believer is following the restricted path that Allah prescribed for him. Prophets followed that path fully. All their desires were restricted to what Allah allowed them to do only. In this sense, the most beautiful thing said by interpreters (of the Holy Quran) about the ‘sound heart’ is:

((The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail. But only he (will prosper) that brings to Allah a sound hear ((

[Al Shu’ara (The poets)88-89]

The believer is controlled by Allah’s religion:

 A sound heart is the heart that does not wishes for anything disallowed by Allah. All its desires, admirations and tendencies are limited to Allah’s course. For instance, as for women, a believer can only look at his wife and his Mahrams (those women whom he can never marry: one’s mother, sister, daughter, niece, aunt, foster mother and foster sister). He also does not like to look at a foreign woman (that does not belong to Mahrams) nor does he like to talk to her or to enjoy her beauty. As for money, he or she can only gain lawful money. He or she never looks forward to having unlawful money no matter how much that money is/or how much he or she is in need for it. He does not hope to commit misdeeds, to gain unlawful money, to have any relationship with a woman (that is not his wife) or to desire anything that is against Allah’s course. Thus, a ‘sound heart’ is the heart that does not desire anything forbidden by Allah. Similarly, the noble chaste person is the one who limits himself to doing only what is allowed (by Allah).

 As for the relationship with women, you, O believers, can get married, but you are not allowed to commit adultery. As for money, you can gain lawful money and do good deeds. The chaste person is the one who has restricted himself to doing what is allowed by Allah to the extent that he or she never thinks or imagines disobeying Allah. Some (Muslim) jurisprudents have said in their books that the man who imagines himself to be with a woman who is not Mahram (as shown above) is even blamed for this imagination. A true believer never imagines something forbidden (by Allah), never looks forward to do something forbidden (by Allah), or wants something disallowed by Allah the Exalted. This is simply because he is chaste. I focus on this blessed Prophet’s (Yahya) characteristics in order for us to take him as an example.

((Do you see the one who takes for his God his own desire))

[Al Furkan (the criterion) 43]

 Thus, you either worship Allah or worship lust. Allah the Exalted says:

((and who is more astray than one who follow his own wishes (desires) without the guidance))

[Al-Qasses (the stories)50]

 The opposite meaning is that the one who satisfies his desires according to Allah’s guidance is not guilty. For instance, if he desires a woman, he gets married, if he desires money, he gains it lawfully and if he desires to be noble, he obeys Allah:

((He who obeys Allah and His Messenger, has already attained the highest achievement.))

[Al-Ahzab(the coalition) 71]

 There is an essential need for food and drink in order for mankind to survive. There is an essential need for the other sex in order for mankind to guarantee existence. There is an essential need for everybody to excel (in a certain aspect of life), which is called proving oneself (to sh3er). In this sense, there are people who try to prove themselves by spending a lot of money. He may boastfully say, ‘I have squandered money in abundance’ or ‘I have stolen (money), I have eaten or I have spent a very large amount of money on this journey’.
Some people boast of their money in order to be prominent, sh3er boast of their folk, sh3er boast of their children, sh3er boast of their businesses, sh3er boast of their clan just for the sake of becoming prominent and so forth. However, a believer obeys Allah the Exalted

(( And elevated your fame ( in the eyes of the people) ))

[Al-Inshirah (Rlief) 4]

 Man’s every essential need can be attained to the highest level through Allah’s course.

As long as Allah has raised high the Prophet’s (Muhammad, Peace be upon him) fame and linked it to His Great Name, so every truthful, penitent, loyal, devout and pious believer’s fame will be raised high by Allah. Also, Allah will upgrade his position and make him liked by His creatures.

" Narrated Abu Hurairah, May Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, ‘"Allah the Almighty said: I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in a better assemble. And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I come to him at speed."

[Reported by al-Buhkari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn-Majah]

 If you wish for money, for chastity, for exaltation in the world, all these will come (to you)

((He who obeys Allah and His Messenger, has already attained the highest achievement. ))

[Al-Ahzab (the coalition) 71]

((And (be besides) noble, chaste, and a Prophet,- of the (goodly) company of the righteous. ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 39]

 Thus, be noble, and do not be ignoble

"Narrated Abu Hurairah, May Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (Muhammad) peace be upon him said, ‘miserable is he who is worshipping (blindly going after) dinars, durhams, marigold and khamisah (woolen garment)".

[Reported by Al Bukhari, Al Termezi and Ibn (son of) Majah]

 If you are in need of a creature, you will be a slave of him. If you are in need of a man, you will be a captive of him. If you are independent of a man, you will be equal to him. If you do a man a favor, you will be his master. Do not be a slave, be a noble. If you are poor, your poverty is not a stigma. On the contrary, it may be a medal of honor in the sense that your poverty may have been caused by your straightforwardness. This is because Allah is not necessarily satisfied with every wealthy person. Therefore, you should be free and not controlled by sh3er. Do not be sh3er’ endorser, sh3er’ sin or sh3er’ follower.

 A late great scholar occupying a high position in some Arab country was once asked, ‘why have you been granted such a great status by Allah?’
- ‘Because I rely on Allah’ he replied.
 Similarly, you should rely only on Allah. Do not rely on a servant of Allah, no matter how important or unimportant he/she is. You should not be (or live) for the sake of anyone other than Allah Al mighty. You should be a noble.

(( and (be besides) noble, chaste, and a Prophet,- of the (goodly) company of the righteous." ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 39]

8- Yahya: his name indicates his mission

 Prophet Zakariya was given the glad tidings of having a son named Yahya (which means ‘to be revived’). But, what is the relationship between him and his name? It indicates that he (Prophet Yahya) will (work to) revive hearts (by guiding them to Allah). He (Prophet Yahya) was alive and guided to the straight path because he has already known Allah. (That is why) He was able to revive the hearts around him. In other words, he was a guide who was already guided, and he was a reviver (of hearts) whose heart had already been revived (by Allah). This alludes to that a believer’s speech can revive hearts.

(( Who avoid vain talk ))

[Mumminun (believers) 3]

 He always glorifies Allah and once he starts talking, he will (be able to) revive (people’s) hearts.
This is in line with what the Prophet (Muhammad) peace be upon him says,

"My Lord gave me nine orders: to fear Allah secretly and openly, to speak fairly when pleased or angry, to only ask Allah when I am poor or rich, to keep in touch with the one who has ignored me, to forgive the one who has wronged me, to give to the one who has deprived me, to exploit my silence to think, to exploit my speech to mention Allah and to exploit observing things to take a lesson ".

[Reported by old books]

 However, he (Prophet Zakariya) asked about the how? i.e. How can he beget children while he is old and his wife is sterile?

(( He said: "O my lord! How shall I have a son seeing I am very old and my wife is barren?"))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 40]

 He said: how shall I have a son

(( Thus" was the answer " Allah accomplish what He Will. ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 40]

(( He said: "O my Lord! Give me a Sign! ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 41]

(( ''The Sign," was the answer, "you shall not speak to no man for three days but with signals ))

[ Al Imran (Imran’s family) 41]

The sign is that you shall not speak

1- The sign of having the son on the part of Zakariya is his inability to speak:

 Which sign? When?

(( Thy Sign," was the answer, "you shall not speak to no man for three days but with signals ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 41]

 Once you lose the ability to speak, it means that your wife has become pregnant. Thus, this miracle has started when (Prophet Zakariya) became mute. This means that if there were only one person who has been deprived of mentioning Allah in this world, this person would have been Prophet Zakariya. Nonetheless, Allah says to him,

(( Then celebrate the praises of thy Lord again and again ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 41]

2- Then celebrate the praises of the Lord again and again

 This person (Prophet Zakariya) who has gone mute has been ordered to glorify Allah more and more.

((Then celebrate the praises of the Lord again and again, and glorify Him in the evening and in the morning ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 41]

 i.e., In the evening when the sun is set, and before it rises (in the morning).

(( And (remember) when the angels said: “O Maryam (Mary) Allah has chosen you and purified you- Chosen you above the women of all nations ))

[ Al Imran (Imran’s family) 42]

 In his interpretation of the Holy Quran, al-Tabari said, ‘the meaning of has chosen you is (that Allah) picked and chose you both to obey Him and enjoy (the miracles) He would provide you with. As for ‘purified you’, it means that He purified your religion against doubt and the defects that can be witnessed in other women’s religions. ‘Chosen you above the women of all nations’ mean that Allah chose you above the women of all nations in your own time period out of your obedience to Him. That is why He made you seem better than them all’.

(( O Mary! worship your Lord devoutly: Prostrate yourself, and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 43]

The importance of praying in congregation;

 Narrated Abdullah, son of Omar that Allah’s messenger (Muhammad) peace be upon him said:

"Praying in congregation is twenty seven times better than praying alone "

[Reported by Muslim, Termezi, al-Nissa’I, Ibn Majjah, Ahmad and Malek]

 Even when we are confronting our enemies face to face, we should perform our prayers in congregation. So, what do you think of times of peace then?!

(( O Mary! worship your Lord devoutly: Prostrate yourself, and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 43]

 ‘O Mary! Worship (your Lord) devoutly’ means keep worshipping and obeying Allah.

(( This is part of the news about the things unseen, which We reveal to you (O Prophet) by Revelation ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 44]

This is part of the news about things unseen

1- From the telling miracle in the Holy Quran:

 This is called telling miracle (Allah telling us what happed in the past and what will happen in the future). There are several miracles in the Holy Quran. For instance, there are systems miracles, scientific miracles, rhetoric miracles and so forth. Allah is telling us (in the Holy Quran) about what happened in the very ancient time periods.

 Also, He is telling us about what will happen (in the present and/or future). It is worth noting that telling miracles related to the present and the future has a time dimension. Whereas telling miracles in the present has a positional dimension, i.e. what is happening now in a far place? For example, what is happening in Mecca? Surely we do not know. Who led the prayer therein? We do not know either. So, in case we have been told the news while the means (of telling the news) are impossible, then this is called telling miracle in the present. An example of the telling miracle in the future is found in the Holy Quran:

(( A. L. M. The Roman Empire has been defeated- In a land close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat, will soon be victorious ))

[Ar-Rum (the Romans) 1-3]

 The miracle of telling about the past:

(( This is part of the tidings of the things unseen, which We reveal to you(O Messenger.) by revelation: you were not with them when they cast lots with arrows, (and when they decided)

about which of them should take care of Mary: Nor were you with them when they disagreed (about it) ))

[Al Imran (Imran’s family) 44]

 They disagreed on who should take care of Mary. To solve the problem, they agreed on each one of them would throw an arrow in the river and the arrow that sticks to the bottom of the river would be the winner of taking care of Mary. Only Zakariya’s arrow stuck and he was the winner.

 This is all a kind of confirmation of Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) prophecy. It also confirms that this Quran is Allah’s revelation to the Prophet (Muhammad) peace be upon him.

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