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Interpretation of theQuran- Surat Al-Imran(3)- Lesson (30)- Verses [116-120]
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

 Dear faithful brother:
 This is the 30th lesson of Al-Imran chapter, verse no. 116. Allah says:

[Surely, those who reject Faith, neither their properties, nor their offspring will avail them aught against Allah. They are the dwellers of the Fire, therein whey will abide]

(Al-Imran Surat: verse 116)

Those who reject Faith….

 In Another verse, Allah says:

[Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world]

(Surah Al-Kahf: 46)

1. It is a day in which wealth and children are unavailing:

 Being rich, being bestowed with children: this is the adornment of the life of this world. There are those who disbelieve in Allah, ignore the orders of Allah, do not care for the threat of Allah, do not seek Allah’s content, and do not work for Heaven; but rather all they care for and know about is this world, so they collect a lot of money, and have offspring who have excellence in this world. If Allah wants to punish them, will the abundant money stop Allah from punishing them?

2. Not everything can be solved by money:

 Once, a man said: “Everything can be solved with money”. I wish it was his last fault. He was afflicted with a catastrophe, in which money can never do anything. He said to me: “I had a great punishment from Allah”. Not everything can be done with money. There are horrible illnesses that can never be cured even if you spend everything you own. There are terrifying catastrophes and problems what can never be solved even if you spend everything you have in the world. Thus, the one who disobeys Allah and ignores the religion, even if he has millions of dollars, and Allah wants to correct him, He will bring a calamity to him. Allah is Wise in bringing calamities, and in Arabic they are called “Masaeb” because they hit the goal. The rich man is not affected by losing some money, but the calamity comes in his health; the strong man is not affected by losing some money, but his calamity comes from the centre of his power, and the cautious man is taken from the point he trusts most, and hard work does not avail against Allah. In other words, no one is clever with Allah. When Allah brings a calamity to someone it must happen to him:

[When Allah wills a people’s punishment, there can be no turning back of it]

(Surah Al-Raa’d: 11)

 No matter how rich and strong you are, even if you have good or excellent children, what can the children of the rich man do when he has an incurable disease? Some of them might wish that he dies, and if the doctor says that he would be OK. Some of them might be unhappy. The lesson is that if a man disbelieves in Allah, and ignores His way, his money won’t avail him when Allah wills to correct him, and his superior children won’t help him if Allah wants to treat him. The person whom you brought up and spent your money for might rather deny you. Once, I went to a high-ranking person with his father. This man said to his father: “Have a seat father of so and so”, without acknowledging that he was his father, as if ashamed of him. When we left, I asked the father: “Who paid for your son’s study in America?” He said: “I swear to God that I paid for his study.” He studied, earned his degree, and got the highest position, and now he is ashamed of his father. Your money can not help you if Allah wants to correct you. Your strong offspring cannot help you if Allah wants to treat you. This verse is so eloquent.

 When a human being is born everybody around him laughs, while he cries alone. However, when the Angel of Death comes to him, everybody around him cries, but heroism is that he laughs alone at this moment. He is as in the holy verse:

[It was said (to him when he died): “Enter Paradise.” He said: “Would that my people know (26) That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me of the honoured ones!”]

(Surah Ya-sin: 26-27)

 “Oh, my father’s agony today”. He said: “Your father has no agony from now on. Tomorrow, I shall meet my beloved people: Muhamad and his companions. Not the money nor the offspring of the disbelievers will protect them from Allah.
 I was in a clinic of a cardiologist. He had a phone call. I heard the conversation as the phone was old and the voice was so loud. He said: “anywhere in the world, and we can pay any amount of money”. The doctor said: “There is no hope, it is a fifth-degree cancer”.
 When a disaster comes, neither money nor offspring can help. Those who disobey Allah for the sake of their children, will not be helped by their children when the calamity comes to them. Those who disobey Allah to collect a lot of money, his money will not help them when the misfortune comes.
 One of my students told me about his uncle who owned a cinema. The story happened in the fifties. He had an incurable disease. He cried when he was at the death bed. His nephew, who was a student of mine, asked him: “why are you crying?” He said: “Five million, this amount in the fifties was equal to 500 million, to have a good life when I get old. Now I am dying, without using them”. The rich are poor. They collect huge amounts of money, and they die with incurable diseases without utilizing their money.
 There was a person who lived in the holy country for thirty five years. He didn’t pray, nor went for pilgrimage or Umra. The man went to a western country to relax and died there in the hotel. He left four thousand million:

[Surely, those who reject Faith, neither their properties, nor their offspring will avail them aught against Allah. They are the dwellers of the Fire, therein whey will abide]

 One of the richest people in some country died in rainy days. The tomb was bought. When they opened the tomb, they found that the stream of drainage got into it. He had one spoiled son. They asked him: “What shall we do, the tomb is leaking?” He said: “Bury him. Let us finish.” He was buried with black drainage.

3. Righteous offspring benefit their parents:

 Your offspring will not avail you against Allah. Take care of them. However, if you are a believer, your offspring is the biggest wealth for you, because they are a continuity of you. They are your best gain.

 It was narrated by Abu Huraira, that the Prophet Peace be upon him said:

“If a man dies, his deeds stop except for three deeds (that continue after his death): an ongoing charity, a useful science, or a righteous son who invokes Allah for him”

[Muslim, Attermithi, Annasa’I, Abu-Daood, Ahmad, Addarami]

4. Beware! Your wealth can be a misfortune for you

 If a man disregards Allah and neglects His orders, his wealth will not help him even if he has millions of millions. There was a man in America. He was the owner of the biggest groups of fish restaurants. He had a boat. Once, he went sailing with his girlfriend and disappeared. Nothing was known about him, his girlfriend, or the boat. People joked and said: “He used to feed people fish for forty years, and he was eaten by fish”. The richest Jew in Britain had his huge wealth in a room; his metal box was in a room. Once, he went in to check his money, and closed the door by mistake. The room was armored. He kept shouting and crying till he died. He cut his finger and wrote on the wall with his blood: the richest person in the world dies starving and thirsty.
 When I collect money from legal and illegal sources, and spend it on permitted and prohibited things- you have happiness and I have the responsibility. The soul of the dead flutters over the coffin, saying: “Oh my kin, my sons, don’t let the world play with you as it did with me. I collected money from legal and illegal sources, and spent it on legal and illegal things, so you get its bliss and I bear the responsibility.” The most regretful person on the Day of Judgment is the one whose heirs get to Paradise with his money, while he gets into Hell with his money.
When the Angel of Death comes, your millions of millions will not benefit you, or your large bank accounts, or the green, or the yellow, or the red. The only thing that can benefit you is your good deed. You have a companion you will be buried with when you die, and he is buried with you when you are alive. If it is good, it will be good to you, and if it is bad it will let you down. This companion is your deed.

5. The real richness and the real poverty:

 The real richness or poverty is after reckoning. Richness is to have plenty of good deeds, and poverty is not having good deeds. When Musa watered the livestock of the two women, he said:

[and said: “My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!”]

(Surah Al-Qasas: 24)

 The real rich person is the one whom Allah wills to do good deeds, and the real poor person is the one whom Allah deprives of good deeds. When a person disbelieves in Allah, he doesn’t do anything except for money, he doesn’t speak a word without a reward, he doesn’t contribute to a deal without commission:

6. The misfortune of having an ill-up brought offspring, and the offence of illegal money

 Their money will not avail them against the destiny of Allah, against the discipline of Allah, against a calamity that Allah wills, nor will their offspring. You all see when Allah corrects you, what can the children do? They only cry, if they love their father faithfully. If the son is not brought up well, in an Islamic way, his father’s death pleases him, as he takes his car, wealth, position, and shops. A young man whose father died was asked: “Where are you going?” He said: “I’m going to water his soil. I’m going to drink alcohol for my father’s soul.” The father left a huge wealth but he didn’t bring up his offspring in a good way. In some Divine “Athar”, it was narrated:

“O my servant: I gave you money, what did you do with it? He says: “Oh Lord, I spent it on every needy poor man trusting that You are the best Preserver, and You are the most Merciful.” Allah says: I preserve your offspring after you.”

 I swear to Allah that thousands of believers died without leaving any money for their children, and Allah cherished them so they became distinguished in their society, rich and respectable. Allah says to another servant:

“My servant, I gave you wealth, what did you do with it? He said: “My Lord, I didn’t spend it fearing that my children might get poor after my death”. Allah says: “Didn’t you know that I am the Bestower Who has all power? What you feared has happened to your offspring.”

 If Allah is with you, who is against you? And if Allah is against you, who is with you? If Allah is with you, your enemy serves you, and if Allah is against you, your son disturbs you. A man swore saying to me that if his son got into a car accident he would celebrate with happiness, because his son was so ungrateful.
 Some people collect money illegally, some collect money through lying and hypocrisy, and some cheat Muslims to collect money. Those people will never be helped by what they have, as they collected money by lying to Muslims, taking their money, and betraying them. It will never prevent destiny. They commit sins to collect money so money will not help them.
There was a man in the sixties, who collected about 800 million from gambling places. He was a manager for gambling place networks. When he was dying he asked a man who worked in the religious field: “What shall I do?” The man answered: “Even if you spend all your money, you will never be saved from Allah’s punishment.” I don’t evaluate the answer to be right or wrong. He left 800 million in the sixties. He won’t be saved from Allah’s punishment. This money was collected from gambling.
 High places are built for it - In their construction lies destruction
 The dwellers therein don’t enjoy night sleeping
 They get bankrupt, desperate, and commit suicide

7. The rich are four groups on the Day of Judgment:

 Rich people will be gathered on the Day of Judgment in four groups: a group who gathered their wealth in illegal ways, and spent it on illegal things. There will be no long reckoning, a moment of reckoning. “Take him to Hell!” Another group gathered wealth in legal ways, legal trade, and spent it on green dining tables and red nights. It will be said: “Take him to Hell.” A third group gathered wealth illegally, from a night club, dancers, singers, dinner with music, a lot of cars around the place. Around some night clubs, a hundred cars gather. What is there inside? There is a dancer, a singer, food, wine, announcements, and propaganda. This person gathers money illegally. He gets married and spends it legally. It will be said: “Take him to Hell!” Both groups will be taken to Hell. Who is it that will be reckoned? It is the one who gathers money legally and spends it on legal things. This person will be asked: “Did you miss an obligation? Did your neighbor say: “Lord, you made him rich among us and he didn’t help us?” Did you miss a prayer, an obligation, or forget a needy person? The Prophet, peace be upon him, says: He will be asked and asked. He will find a long list of questions. Allah says:
 Think of the verse that follows it:

[ The likeness of what they spend in this world]

(Al-Imran Surah, 117)

8. Spending money in the right place and for the sake of Allah needs faith and devotion:

 Some people have a huge wealth. They say: “This project costs a hundred thousand, a million, and ten million.” Spending needs faith. It needs to know Allah and the Hereafter. If there is no faith, you spend to be praised by people. Thus, you might be surprised. You may find a rich man who spends a lot of money in a charitable celebration, while his nephew is starving. He might have a close kin who is poor, and he doesn’t give him a penny. In the celebration, there is applause, there is a board saying: ‘This benevolent man established… ‘ He seeks reputation, position, and praise. The one who is not righteous as Allah orders and spends his money, will be rewarded if he is faithful, but if he spends his money to show off, and he doesn’t believe in Allah and the Hereafter, Allah says:

[His likeness is the likeness of a smooth rock on which is a little dust; on it falls heavy rain which leaves it bare]

(Al-Baqara Surah:264)

 Allah also says:

[ Say; “spend (in Allah’s Cause) willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. Verily, you are ever a people who are rebellious]

(Al-Tawba Surah:53)

 I’m not trying to discourage the spenders, but I’m asking them to have strong faith, and to have a certain faith in the Hereafter, so that their spending will be grades for them in the Hereafter. Alla says:

[The likeness of what they spend in this world is the likeness of a wind which is extremely cold]

(Al-Imran Surah:117)

The likeness of what they spend in this world is the likeness of a wind

1. The meaning of “SARR”:

 It is the intense coldness or frost. You know that frost sometimes damages whole farms, orchards, or crops worth more than a hundred million in less than a minute.

[The likeness of what they spend in this world is the likeness of a wind which is extremely cold; it struck the harvest of a people who did wrong against themselves and destroyed it]

(Al-Imran Surah:117)

2. Whims and interests spoil good deeds:

 Disbelief, love of the world, love of leadership, and whims spoil good deeds as vinegar spoils honey. Allah says:

[The likeness of what they spend in this world]

 If those disbelievers spend, it is said that an American rich man spent 8 million for the children in Africa. This is good. A rich man spent a billion dollars for south-east Asia. This is also good. However, if there is no real belief in Allah, and no commitment to His orders, they will not be rewarded. Allah says:

[ Do you consider the providing of drinking water to the pilgrims and the maintenance of Al- Masjid Al- Haram (at Makkah) as equal to the worth of those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah? They are not equal before Allah]

(Al-Tawba Surah:19)

 Again, I’m not trying to discourage the people who spend money. I’m just clarifying that we need faith. If you are a believer, this spending will give you a high grade in Paradise. I really say to every man spending on good things: I wish Allah rewards you for this spending with palaces in Paradise. I ask Allah to protect his health, the health of his family, his money, position, and happiness. I encourage everyone to spend money on good things, and I wish they spend more and more, but I remind them that spending is not enough without faith in Allah, and without commitment to His Path, because Allah the Almighty says:

[ Say; “spend (in Allah’s Cause) willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. Verily, you are ever a people who are rebellious]

(Al-Tawba Surah:53)

3. Spending by the right hand and killing by the left:

 There are states that give aid to poor countries by the right hand and slaughter them by the left, don’t they? Some states give food aid during a civil war, and with this aid, they throw nuclear wastes on the shores of that country. Some states give aid to poor peoples, and turn those people into guinea pigs for medicines. In the sixties and seventies they used to carry out medical experiments on mice; now they experiment on underdeveloped people. What is the value of the aid of the one who commits crimes with those peoples? This spending is Satanic. Allah says:

[The likeness of what they spend in this world is the likeness of a wind which is extremely cold]

 A Western state gave the countries of North Africa a great gift, a porn satellite channel. It is a great gift for these wandering people. This is spending, but it is the spending of the disbelievers, or it is a war between two peoples. They give weapons as aid to escalate this war. I never forget the word of an American president to the British Prime Minister in a European conference. He said a word that expresses the reality of disbelievers. The American president threatened the British Prime Minister of stopping the war between two Muslim countries, namely Iran and Iraq. That war lasted for eight years and the returns were billions for the West, as a price of weapons. The same side sold weapons to both countries and the war was escalating. There is spending worse than not giving. The Prophet prohibited selling weapons in disorder. The spending of those people as food aid, health aid, porn satellite channels… Allah says:

[The likeness of what they spend in this world is the likeness of a wind which is extremely cold; it struck the harvest of a people who did wrong against themselves and destroyed it]

(Al-Imran Surah:117)

4. The disbeliever spends to benefit himself and hurt sh3er:

 The spending of the believer is one of the greatest good deeds, which make him closer to Allah. It means a palace in Paradise, degrees in the Hereafter. The bite that you feed to your wife is a charity for you, and you will see it in the Day of Judgment as big as the mountain of Uhud. When you feed a hungry person, dress a person who has no clothes, treat a patient, give money to a family, Allah the Almighty will be content with you. This is the spending of the believers. The disbelievers, on the other hand, offer weapons to escalate the war, offer a porn channel, offer medicines to experiment with them. They send people with the medicine to see what happens to people after using the medicine. If they die, the medicine is bad. Who pays for this? The poor people do. This is a spending. The spending of the disbelievers is evil, it is destruction.

[The likeness of what they spend in this world is the likeness of a wind which is extremely cold; it struck the harvest of a people who did wrong against themselves and destroyed it]

(Al-Imran Surah:117)

 The believer spends his legal money for the sake of Allah. Sometimes there is depression in the industrial countries. The only solution for this depression is to give aid to the poor countries. We think that they are helping them. No. They are rather bad goods, bad weapons, or semi-rotten food aid. That is what they give. There are food aids which are not suitable for human consumption. There are cereals stored for 8 years: they are nearly rotten.They are given as aid. When the disbeliever gives, he hurts sh3er rather than helping them. They give to promote their bad goods. The state gives aid, and turns the poor countries into markets for its depressed goods, either because they are invalid, or made badly, etc. Do not be surprised that the disbelievers send you aid!! It is not aid.

[The likeness of what they spend in this world]

(Al-Imran Surah:117)

 The disbelievers have huge wealth:

[Surely, those who reject Faith, neither their properties, nor their offspring will avail them aught against Allah. They are the dwellers of the Fire, therein whey will abide]

(Al-Imran Surat: verse 116)

[The likeness of what they spend in this world is the likeness of a wind which is extremely cold; it struck the harvest of a people who did wrong against themselves and destroyed it]

(Al-Imran Surah:117)

3. The badness of the disbeliever is as a wind with frost:

 It means that their disbelief and bad intention is like a wind with frost. It destroys the good deeds. If their good deeds are like a harvest, their disbelief and bad intentions are like a wind with frost that destroys these seemingly good deeds.
 There is another stance of not spending. Some years ago 20 million sheep where killed and buried in Australia just to keep the high price of meat, while people are starving to death in Africa, East Asia, and many countries. In Europe, about three times of the size of the Pyramids in Cairo of dairy products are destroyed to keep the high prices of dairy products. In America, they destroy the biggest yield of citruses to keep the prices. The African Americans crept to the place of citruses in order to eat. Last year, they poisoned the yield so that the poor couldn’t eat. We must refuse disbelief so that our way to Allah will be easy. The disbelievers are now respected and they teach human rights, although they do transgress them. They talk about terrorism and they are the terrorists in the world. These are facts. So they destroy the crops, and throw them in the sea to keep the prices high. The heart of the disbeliever is hard like a stone.

Oh, You who believe!

1. Each person has a friend and advisors:

 Oh, people who believe in Allah do not have as your “Bitana” (friends, advisors, consultants, helpers) those outside your religion. In Arabic the word “Bitana” means the underlay of the dress, and it is the closest part to the person. Each person has a friend to which he tells his secrets, private things, suffering, pains, hopes, and plans -a close friend.

2. Allah forbids Muslims to have friends who are not Muslims.

 The verse forbids Muslims to have the disbelievers as best friends and make them as close as the underlay of the cloth:

[O you who believe! Take not the as your (Bitana) those outside your religion]

(Al-Imran Surah:118)

 First: a friend who does not have faith like yours, is not Muslim like you, who does not fear Allah as you do, who does not seek Allah’s content as you do, must not be your friend. So, who must be your best friend? It should be the believer. He fears Allah as you do. He seeks Allah’s content as you do. He works as you do. Your best friend must be like you, believing in what you believe in, fearing what you fear, and seeking what you seek.

[O you who believe! Take not the as your “Bitana” those outside your religion]

(Al-Imran Surah:118)

 The close friend, with whom you spend long hours, travel, and make business, must be a believer like you. He must be faithful like you, loving like you, enthusiastic like you.

[O you who believe! Take not the as your “Bitana” those outside your religion since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you]

(Al-Imran Surah:118)

Beware of a friend who:

1. Don’t fail to do their best to corrupt you:

 They do their best to corrupt you. They try to corrupt you, to make you poor, to humiliate you, to spoil your children. They try to corrupt you, to ruin your life, to separate you, to frustrate you, to prevent you from correcting yourselves:

[they do not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely]

(Al-Imran Surah:118)

 They wish your destruction. Allah clarifies to us

[O you who believe! Take not the as your (Bitana) those outside your religion since they do not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely]

 They try to destroy you, to take your lands, and spoil your children.

2. They desire to harm you severely

 They want your destruction and misery.

3. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths:

[Hatred has already appeared from their mouths]

(Al-Imran Surah:118)

 You might be astonished!!! Hundreds of thousands died. In a massacre that happened in Africa, 500 thousands died in two nights. The great states are watching. It was said that they were worried. Sometimes they say: “We are worried about what is happening in the region”. Just worry. If they want to interfere with 30 countries, they interfere immediately and stop the invasion of one country to another. Thus, they are hypocrites. They interfere only when they have interests, but when they don’t care, they watch.

[Hatred has already appeared from their mouths]

 If you don’t do so and so, I will stop the war. This means that they were flaming it for 8 years. If the war is not for their benefit, the most senior man comes from the farthest place on earth to stop it. Allah says:

[They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse]

(Al-Imran Surah: 118)

4. What is hidden in their hearts is far worse:

 So some Hadiths say: ‘the intention of the disbeliever is worse than his deeds’. Whatever evil his deeds are, his intention is worse. He intends to destroy everything. This is atheism, so there is no place suitable for the disbelievers more than Hell.

[ Every time they wish to get away therefrom, they will be put back thereto]

(Al-Sajda Surah:20)

 And Allah says:

[Taste you (this)! Verily, you were (pretending to be) the mighty, the generous]

(Al-Dukhan Surah:50)

 This is because they build their lives upon the ruins of sh3er. Their wealth is based on the poverty of sh3er. Their glory is based on the destruction of sh3er. Their safety is based on troubling sh3er. One country says that it has been in peace for 200 years, while we don’t know peace in the Middle East, because they placed this aggressive entity. There is no peace.We always wait for what is going to happen. This situation hinders economy, learning, and growth. Thus, they built their glory on the ruins of sh3er, their wealth on making sh3er poor, their peace on troubling sh3er, their lives on the deaths of sh3er. Thus we must not take them as friends: whoever loves the disbelievers will be gathered with them, and deeds will not benefit him.
Allah says:

[And if any amongst you takes them as friends, then surely he is one of them]

(Al-Maeda Surah:51)

 He also says:

[And whoever does that will never be helped by Allah]

(Al-Imran Surah:28)

 Allah says:

[O you who believe! Take not the as your “Bitana” those outside your religion]

Don’t have an intimate friend from the disbelievers:

 They do their best to spoil your life. In the name of development, they turn all houses to night clubs. Go up Qasioun Mountain and look at the roofs of the buildings. They say: “We buy the dish to watch prayers in the Kaaba”. Don’t believe it. The dish is not for this. Allah says:

[ They desire to harm you severely]

 They do their best to spoil your life and wish your misery.

[Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse. Indeed, We have made plain to you the proofs if you understand ]

(Al-Imran Surah:118)

 Our God, Our All-Knowing Merciful Lord advices us:

[You are the ones who love them]

(Al-Imran Surah:119)

 It is not a compliment to the disbelievers
 Some people say: they are elegant. When one goes to Western countries he gets astonished. He speaks for hours about their advantages. What about the people who are starving because of them? An occupied land and the term used for this occupation is the Middle East Crisis:

When a man is killed in a forest it is an unforgivable sin
While killing a Muslim people is an issue that needs thinking

 They say: we are watching what is going on with worry. Allah says:
 They are so developed. Airports, elegance, cleanliness, tidiness, hotels… it is civilization:

[You are the ones who love them but they love you not]

(Al-Imran Surah:119)

 It is an advice from our God: they don’t love you:

[ You believe in all the Scriptures]

(Al-Imran Surah:119)

 You believe in their religion and Scriptures:

[And when they meet you, they say “We believe.”But when they are alone, they bit the tips of their fingers at you in rage.]

(Al-Imran Surah:119)

 They also have great diplomacy, which is defined as expressing the worst intentions with the best expressions:
 When you go to their countries you like them. Once, I said something which I hope to be accurate. I said: “If you go to their countries and see a paradise, it is only on the retina. If the picture goes to your brain, it turns into hell; Family dissociation, sexuality, moral destruction, horrible materialism”:

2.The disbelievers don’t believe in what we believe in:

 They don’t believe in your Book or your prophet:

[And when they meet you, they say “We believe.”But when they are alone, they bit the tips of their fingers at you in rage.]

(Al-Imran Surah:119)

But when they are alone, they bit the tips of their fingers at you in rage:

1. Perish in your rage: it is scientifically marvelous:

 This expression is scientifically marvelous. Human beings die in rage. They really do. Anxiety can cause death immediately. It can cause a fatal clot or a fatal heart failure:

[ Say: “Perish in your rage. Certainly Allah knows what is in the breasts (119) If a good befalls you, it grieves them]

(Al-Imran Surah:119- 120)

 A Muslim country in south eastern Asia achieved great economic progress, as it had a surplus of about 60 billion. They conspired on it and destroyed it economically.
If a good befalls you, it grieves them, but if some evil overtakes you, they rejoice at it. One of The norms of the universe is that the disbelievers hurt Muslims:
Allah says:

[If a good befalls you, it grieves them, but if some evil overtakes you, they rejoice at it. But if you remain patient and become pious]

(Al-Imran Surah: 119)

 I swear that this verse is in itself enough for Muslims, as Allah says:

[Indeed, they planned their plot, and their plot was with Allah, though their plot was not such as to remove the mountains from their places (46) So think not that Allah will fail to keep His promise to His Messengers. Certainly, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Able of Retribution]

 This deception is so great that it can make mountains vanish - how can a mountain vanish?? Whatever the aggression is, May Allah forbid, can it make Qasioun disappear? Qasioun is a small mountain. Can the Himalaya mountains disappear because of an atomic bomb?
Nevertheless, Allah says here:

[ But if you remain patient and pious, not the least harm will their cunning do to you]

(Al-Imran Surah:120)

1. Patience and piety to confront the deception of the disbelievers:

 Their deception scheme was cancelled, their deception was over, their deeds were frustrated. It is the speech of the Creator of the universe. It must be true. You keep patient and pious, and all there schemes will be over. Hasn’t Allah said:

[How often a small group overcame a mighty host by Allah’s Leave]

(Al-Baqara Surah:249)

 Ibn Abbas narrated that the prophet peace be upon him said:

“… twelve thousand soldiers can’t be defeated because they are few”

[Abu Dawood, Al-Termithi, Addarami]

 It is true for the future as the expression in Arabic refers.Twelve thousand true believers can’t be defeated, but a billion and two hundred million can be defeated!

 An orator in Damascus, who is from a Muslim European country, said to me: “I went to my country and delivered a speech in the biggest mosque there, in front of ten thousand people.” He said: “They were so influenced by the speech and most of them cried, and they got bottles of wine and drank them in the mosque because they were so influenced by the sermon”:

“… twelve thousand soldiers can’t be defeated because they are few”

 Imagine a great state that is watching every part on earth. Once I saw a German magazine on which there was a picture of earth from the moon. It was a famous picture of earth from the moon. There was a small square, and the square was magnified. It was North America. There was a small square on North America. The square was magnified, and it was Florida. There was a small square on Florida. It was magnified to show one of its coasts. There was s small square on it, and it was magnified to show a pathway in one of its ports, and a green land beside it. On the green space, there was a black dot which was magnified to show a person lying on the ground reading a story that I could see its title and there was a plate of apples near him. This picture was taken by a satellite that monitored a man lying on earth reading a magazine of which the title was known. They monitor every part on earth and they can destroy any place on earth. When Yugoslavia was destroyed in the Balkan war, the missiles were thrown to enter the bedroom of the president by computers from the Pentagon. They were accurate to this degree. They can monitor any part of the world and destroy any place in the world so accurately. Allah says:

[Until when the earth is clad in its adornments and is beautified, and its people think they have all the powers of disposal over it, Our Command reaches it by night or by day and We make it like a clean-mown harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday!]

(Younos Surah:24)

2. Stick to this verse:

 Stick to this verse. I swear that our salvation is in this verse, our survival is in it, our progress is in it, our unity is in it, our religion’s safety is in it, and the safety of the new generations is in it:

[If you remain patient and pious]

 There scheme that can make mountains disappear will be stopped, and destroyed. If Allah is with you, who can be against you? But Muslims are delinquent. If you have patience in destiny and have patience in obeying Allah, and keeping away from disobedience, and if you are pious, and if you adhere to the orders of Allah, in this case:

[ not the least harm will their cunning do to you]

(Al-Imran Surah:120)

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Creatures

Questions and answers:

 I will quickly answer some of the questions asked:
 Q- Why does Allah speak using the plural pronouns?
 A- Some Quran interpretation scholars said: When Allah uses the singular pronoun, He means His Divine Self:

[Verily, I am Allah! None has the right to be worshipped by I, so worship Me, and Perform prayer for My Remembrance]

(Ta-Ha Surah:24)

 While He says:

[Verily, We, it is Who have sent down the Quran]

(Al-Hijr Surah:9)

 When Allah uses the plural pronouns to refer to Himself, the meaning is His Divine Attributes. The action of Allah has mercy, fairness, ability, wisdom, and knowledge. So when Allah is mentioned using the plural pronoun, this refers to His Divine Attributes, and if the singular is used, it refers to His Divine Self. This is the answer.
 Q- You said: intelligence is not of benefit with Allah, but isn’t the believer who obeys Allah intelligent?
 A – Of course. But if the disbeliever is clever, does this protects him against Allah’s discipline? I say that if a man ignored religion and he was so clever, his intelligence wouldn’t help him. I meant intelligence without faith and obedience, but the believer is definitely clever and wise.
 Q- What do you think of the UNICEF campaign against marriage at an early age?
 A – There was the population conference in Cairo, Beijing, and two months ago there was a conference in New York, aiming at inhibiting marriage before the age of forty, and allowing young men and women to have sex in their parents’ homes openly, and to enforce this by laws. They also scheme that marriage is just a contract between two people, not necessarily a man and a woman, and that having children is different from making love and from marriage.
 In Islam, having children is the core of marriage and the core of sexual intercourse. They say that pregnancy termination must be allowed so that girls can have sex without any responsibility or consequences, and that marriage must be postponed to the age of forty. These were the decision of population conference held in Cairo and Beijing. They want to impose those decisions upon us, may Allah curse them. Any state that doesn’t accept these decisions and legalize them shall be punished. This is their scheme:
 Q- A dear brother says: I have a brother who has three daughters, the youngest among them is fifteen. They go out wearing trousers. I suffer when I see my nieces like this, and the Muslim girls. The disbelievers flirt with our girls. Can I shun my brother for this?
 A – If this can prevent him from this you can do so, but if he will not care don’t do it. It is so complicated. If he loves you so much and cares for you, if you turn away from him, he will try to get you back. He will ask you: “What’s the problem? Are you angry with me?” You can advice him and tell him that his daughters mustn’t go out like this. On the other hand, if he doesn’t care for you when you shun him, don’t do it. This will prevent you from affecting him.
 Q- Thanks to your lessons and encouragement I could stop my lusts. May Allah bless you. There is still one thing; I have some magazines that I want to get rid of. Shall I sell them?
 A – Heaven forbid! Burn them. The illegal things must not be sold. This will add to your sins.


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