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Televised Lectures and Symposiums- Jordan- Masjid At-Taqwah – (019)- The World can be Heard and Seen from Your Desktop.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

The world can be heard and seen from  your desktop:

Dear brothers, the world used to be five continents, then it became one continent, then one country, then one city, then one village, then one house, then one room and finally it became a desktop.The world now is a desktop in the sense that you have an access to everything  by pressing a key, and have the ability to communicate with the people all over the world. How amazing this communication is!

Due to Allah's Profound Wisdom the Prophet PBUH is the seal of all Prophets, peace be upon them, because Allah knows about this communicating technologies. I was once in Australia in Melbourne which is considered  the furthest city in the south.  Sidney is located in the second third of Australia, whereas Melbourne is located in the furthest south and after Melbourne there is nothing but the South Pole. Despite this fact, Melbourne has Masajid, Da'wah (Call to Allah) and an Islamic radio station. One of the prophecies of the Noble Prophet PBUH is the following:

((This matter (Islam) will keep spreading as far as the night and day reach…))

[Al-Tabarani by Tamim Ad-Dari]

Hence, the Prophet PBUH foretold that Islam will spread all over the earth. As the world has turned into a desktop, we  know about whatever happens at any spot on earth, better yet, we can  watch it on the screen. Therefore, your success does not lie in knowing about the events  that take place on earth, because there are others who will know about them, but your success actually lies in comprehending it as it should be. In fact, the difference between people in comprehending incidents  reflects the difference between people themselves.

Let me give you an example about how the civil war that took place in a country (Lebanon) in the Middle East was interpreted. That war started in 1976, and it claimed  more than 300.000 casualties. People varied in  explaining the main reasons of that war; some people said that westerners provoked sectarian conflicts fearing the effects of the tremendous economic growth in that country which made her  a rival to their economy. Hence western countries wanted to smash her altogether before she went further with her economic competition.

This is a western analysis of that war, but according to another analysis the war was just a result of old sectarian conflicts between two sects in that country. Thus, the sects fought against one another for about 15 years causing the death of 300.000 people.  As for the Arabs' explanation, the country was the battlefield of different Arab countries which support some militants in it against the other ones. 

As for the fourth explanation, I would  call it, and excuse the expression, the feminine interpretation. It was said that the war was the result of green-eyed envy which struck that country. Hence, there were different explanations of that war, the western one, the sectarian one and the Arab one. However, your success lies in referring to  the Quranic interpretation of that war as it is indicated in the following Ayah:

﴾ And Allah puts forward the example of a township (Makkah), that dwelt secure and well content; its provision coming to it in abundance from every place, but it (its people) denied the Favours of Allah (with ungratefulness). So Allah made it taste the extreme of hunger (famine) and fear, because of that (evil, i.e. denying Prophet Muhammad PBUH) which they (its people) used to do .﴿ 

[An-Nahl, 112]

On the other hand, Allah says:

﴾ (He) Who has fed them against hunger, and has made them safe from fear. ﴿ 

[Quraish, 4]


Man is ever put to the test:

Dear brothers, the subtle truth is that man is always Divinely tested in the worldly life, and this point is the complement of the one I started with yesterday.

﴾ For sure We are ever putting (men) to the test.﴿ 

[Al-Mu'minun, 30]

The reason of our existence in the worldly life is to be tested, and even if you were in the highest ranks of faith, you will be tried in everything you are granted, and in everything that is withdrawn from you. Thus, you are tested twice; you are tested positively by bestowing blessings upon you such as  money, good health, good looking, smartness, family, children or exalted position, or you are tested negatively by depriving you of one of these blessings. Accordingly, testing you Divinely with whatever you are given or deprived of is indispensible.  Thus, the Prophetic supplication goes as follows:

((O Allah, whatever you have provided us from what we love, then make it strength for us for that which you love. O Allah, whatever you have withheld from what we love, then make it a time for rest in that which you love))

Man loves Halal money (earned lawfully), so "Whatever you provided us from what we love" is a Du'a through which you ask Allah to make this money a means to draw closer to Him.

((O Allah, whatever you have provided us from what we love, then make it strength for us for that which you love. O Allah, whatever you have withheld from what we love))

When man is married to a  wife who is not as good as he wished, he should know that Allah tests him with this wife, and  in this case the Prophet PBUH taught us to supplicate the following: 

((Then make it a time for rest in that which you love)).

Dear brothers, a Prophetic Hadith goes as follows:

((It was reported that Saeed Bin Anas, May Allah be pleased with him, said: "Once, we were in the Prophet's company when he suddenly smiled widely. 'Umar asked, 'May my parents be sacrificed for you, what made you smile O Messenger of Allah?' The Prophet PBUH replied, 'Two of my Ummah were presented to Allah. One of them said, "My Lord. Get him to compensate for the wrong he did to me." Allah said (to the other man), "Compensate him for the wrong you did to him." The man said, "My Lord. Nothing of my good deeds is left with me." At that, the other man said, "My Lord. In that case, let him bear some of my burden of sins."' At that the Prophet's eyes became wet. He said, "That would be a terrible day. People would be in need of someone to off-load their sins." ...))

[Al-Hakim by Anas Ibn Malik]

It was reported in the relic that on the Day of Resurrection, the mother see her son, and she  says to him, "O My son, I fed you from my breast, I carried you in my womb, and I let you sleep in my lap, so can you grant me only one good deed of yours  that would alleviate my sufferings?" Her son will say to her, "O my mother, I wish I could, but  I have the same problem you suffer from." The Day of Judgment is a very heavy day since  man might not be able to bear  any of others' burdens. 

(("That would be a terrible day. People would be in need of someone to off-load their sins." 'At that Allah said to the man, "Look up at the gardens." The man will look up and say, "My Lord. I see fields filled with silver, and palaces of gold embellished with pearls. To which Prophet PBUH are they assigned? For which Siddiq are they? For which martyr are they?" Allah will say, "They are for anyone who will pay the price." He will ask, "But who possesses its price?" Allah will say, "You do." He will ask, "What is it O my Lord?" Allah will say, "Forgive your brother." The man will say, "O my Lord. I have forgiven him." Allah will say, "Hold thy brother's hand and enter you two into Paradise."' Then the Prophet PBUH recited this verse, "Therefore, fear Allah, set things right between yourselves," for (if they do not, then) Allah will set things right between them on the Day of Judgment."))

[Al Hakim by Anas Ibn Malik]


((Therefore, fear Allah, set things right between yourselves))

-    The first meaning: You should  set things right between you and Allah. 

-    The second meaning: You should  set things right between you and the close people to  you. 

I used to say that you have a biological father and another father who is your father in law. Unfortunately some sons in law hurt their fathers in law skillfully. I repeat, man has a biological father, a father in law and a spiritual father who guides him to Allah.

(("Therefore, fear Allah, set things right between yourselves," for (if they do not, then) Allah will set things right between them on the Day of Judgment."))

Dear brothers, success lies in being an active person, not a  passive one in dealing with your relatives, family, sons in law, sons, daughters, daughters in law and your extended family in general. Do not be a negative member who says, "This is none of my business". Let me tell you  this fact  to you, when the Sunni people became passive regarding  the common  matters and interests, they paid the price, and it was a very high  one. One cannot turn a cold shoulder to what is happening, nor can he  be passive. The majority of Muslims have relinquished their duties, and they have become  passive, so they are  slaughtered.

Being indifferent to  the common matters (such as interests and worries) is a major sin. We learnt our lesson the hard way, and our experience is earned because of the tragic events  which are taking place in the Arab world. May Allah reward the Imam who has just supplicated Allah to protect Muslims in the east and the west.

We are in a burden hardship, and this hardship extended to so many countries like Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Iraq. These countries are suffering, so I hope that Allah the Almighty will turn this hardship to a Divine Bestowal. Whenever I read the following saying I am relieved, "Every calamity will be followed by a Divine Bestowal, and every hardship will be followed by closeness to Allah."


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds

Praise be to Allah, the Lord (the One and Only) of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Master, Prophet Muhammad, his purified folks and his noble companions.  O Allah, give us increase (in Your blessings), and do not take from us; honor us and do not humiliate us, bestow on us and do not deprive us, favor us and do not favor others instead of us; make us contented and be content with us, O Lord of the Worlds. O Allah, send Your Peace and Blessings on  our Master Muhammad, the illiterate Prophet, his folks and his companions.

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