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Islamic Ideology - Names of Allâh 2008 : Al_Muhsin 1
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

A Beautiful Name of Allâh: The Good Doer (Al_Muhsin):

1. The Mentioning of the nameAl_Muhsin in the prophet’s sunnah (sahîh sunnah):

This name was mentioned in the prophetic sunnah indicating perfection of description for the sake of popularity. At_Tabaraniy mentioned from Anas hadîth (may Allâh be pleased with him) that the messenger of Allâh (PBUH) said:

“If you judge, be fair, if you kill, be merciful, for Allâh the Almighty is good doer and loves good doings”

[the little collection with good reference]

2- Islam ordered Ihsân absolutely:

Torture is forbidden. If you see a scorpion, you must kill it in one blow. But being artistic in torturing it is against the method of Allâh the Almighty.
It was mentioned by Shaddad Bin Aws, he said: “ two things I memorize from the messenger of Allâh (PBUH): he said:

“ Allâh the Almighty ordered ihsân on everything; if you kill, be merciful with the killing, if you slaughter, slaughter well, and sharpen your blade so that the slaughtered is put to rest”

[Sahih Muslim]

A prophetic picture for our master Ibrâhîm in being good to guests:

Honorable brother, the issue of ihsân is for your deed to be perfect. If you invite someone to a banquet, the noble qur’an taught us the behaviors of invitation, Allâh the Almighty said:

“then he turned to his household, and brought out..”

[Sûrat Adh_Dhâriyât (The Winds that Scatter], aya 26]

Our master Ibrâhîm went secretly, he did not ask the for the guest’s permission to bring the food, because the guest is shy. If you offer to bring him the food, he will refuse, he will say: “I am not hungry.”
Therefore, from the perfection of hospitality is not to ask for the guest’s permission to bring the food.

“then he turned to his household, and brought out …”

[Sûrat Adh_Dhâriyât (The Winds that Scatter], aya 26]

That is he turned secretly.

“..and he hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf”

[sûrat Hûd (prophet Hûd), aya 69]

Bringing the food was not delayed, and that is from the perfection of inviting, and he brought rich food:

“..and he hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf”

[sûrat Hûd (prophet Hûd), aya 69]

That means delicious

“And he placed it before them..”

[Sûrat Adh_Dhâriyât (The Winds that Scatter], aya 27]

Sometimes the dish is far from the guests, they are shy to stretch themselves to get it, you should put the food close to them, put it in front of them. Sometimes people may put the food or the fruits in front of the guests and do not ask them to eat.; interesting or dangerous talk, the food and fruits are in front of them and the host does not say: “help yourselves”, and the guests are shy to stretch their arms before being invited.

“then he turned to his household, and brought out …”

[Sûrat Adh_Dhâriyât (The Winds that Scatter], aya 26]

“..And he hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf”

[sûrat Hûd (prophet Hûd), aya 69]

“And he placed it before them..”

[Sûrat Adh_Dhâriyât (The Winds that Scatter], aya 26]

“…saying: “Will you not eat?”

[Sûrat Adh_Dhâriyât (The Winds that Scatter], aya 26]

The perfection of Ihsân in inviting includes: not to ask the guest for permission to bring the food, but to bring the food quickly, to make delicious food and put it in front of the guests and invite them to eat.

Who made everything He has created good:

The word ‘ihsân’ is very wide, Allâh the Almighy said:

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

The Good Doing in creating man:

He made eyes for you without which you cannot realize the third dimension, with one eye we can see two surface dimensions, but with the second eye we can see the third dimension, we can see the depth.
He made you ears, with one ear, we can hear the sound, but with the two ears we can realize the direction of sound.
He created a socket for the eye so that it is in a very safe place, He made the brain in a bony box in the skull, and made the bone marrow in the spinal cord, and made the most dangerous factory, the factory of the red cells in the bone marrow, He made the uterus in the pelvis bone..

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

In the hair, for each hair, He made a vein, an artery, a nerve, a muscle, a color gland, and a fat gland. He did not make sensory nerves in the hair in order to enable you to groom your hair without going to hospital. You would need to go to hospital and have full anesthesia for a haircut if the hair had sensory nerves.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

He made the cornea of the eye transparent. Therefore, it must be nurtured in a unique way, not through the vessels, but through the solvents. In order to make sight absolutely transparent, He made an antifreeze substance in the eye. This prevents losing eyesight in places with temperatures below zero degree centigrade.
The greatest professional digital camera has ten thousand light receptives in one millimeter, but in the eye’s retina, there are hundred million receptives.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

Allâh is Muhsin (Good Doer), in order to distinguish between 8 million colors. If you have 800 thousand degrees for one color, the healthy eye will distinguish the difference between two degrees of the color:

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

The heart pumps eight cubic meters of blood daily. Man may need one cubic meter of liquid fuel for the whole winter, but the heart pumps eight cubic meters of blood daily without boredom or fatigue.
The talk about the body is endless, the stomach, the intestines, the kidneys, the filtering system, the smooth and striped muscles; conscious and subconscious, the vessels, the arteries being deep and the veins superficial, if things were the other way round and man was injured, he would lose all his blood.
A surgeon told me that once an artery was cut during an operation, he swore to me that the blood reached the ceiling of the room from the pressure, for the vessels are out but the arteries are deep. If you think deeply in the creation of man, you will see wonders, even in the five senses.

“Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine Preordainments of all things before their creation as written in the Book of Decrees _Al_Lauh al_Mahfûth)”

[Sûrta Al¬_Qamar (The Moon), aya 49 ]

If you saw the bacteria in the glass of water, you wouldn’t drink it. He made a threshold for sight that we do not see more than we are supposed to see, nor hear more than what we are supposed to hear.

“Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine Preordainments of all things before their creation as written in the Book of Decrees _Al_Lauh al_Mahfûth)”

[Sûrta Al¬_Qamar (The Moon), aya 49]

“Verily, We created man in the best stature (mould)”

[Sûrat At_Tîn (The Fig) aya, 4]

The Goodness in creating the Fruits:

Look at the apple; suitable size, suitable stature, suitable smell, suitable shape and suitable ingredients. It is rich in iron, sugar, minerals, calcium, and magnesium.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

3. The Meaning of ‘Al_Muhsin’:

Therefore, ‘Al_Muhsin’ is something very accurate, ‘Al_Muhsin’ (The Good Doer) is an agentive derived from the verb ‘Ahsana’ (did good), ‘yuhsinu’ (does good), ‘ihsânan’ (good deed). So He is a Good Doer, goodness is against ugliness, the goodness of something is its decoration. Imagine how man looks without skin, very unbearable. The same thing as a skeleton house, but the furniture, the paint, the windows and the floor:

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

Pictures of Allâh’s Ihsan in his creatures:

Imagine man without hair, but he has hair and skin, solid skin, and systematic/consistent muscles. Imagine man without a balance system. We would need a base with the size of seventy centimeters in order to stand, but we have small, nice foot to keep our balance. The secret of balance is in the balance systems. There are three canals in the ear with liquid and hairs, with cilia. With any inclination, the liquid stays at one level and touches the cilia from a certain side. This makes you realize that there is something wrong with the equilibrium, so you correct the situation. Had it not been for the balance system, man would never be able to stand.

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

Look at your food, if the crops of wheat, maize, lentils, and humous grew alternately like the fruits, it would be unbearable, you hold a tuft and say: “I wonder if it is ripe so I can collect it! The crops grow simultaneously.
If the fruits grew at one time, it would be unbearable! The melon field gives you for ninety days through the summer, all fruits and vegetables grow alternately. If all the fruits start to grow at a certain time, it would be difficult, but you start with one type of fruit, another type a month later, the last thing comes the grapes in Autumn, figs come before it, pears come before it, peaches come before it, cherries come before it. Fruits are divided in summer in a comfortable way, all through the summer, every two or three weeks, a kind of fruit grows, that is from ‘Al_Ihsân’.
The cow gives you milk that exceeds the price of food. If it gave you milk with less price than the food, no one would own a cow. If the chicken gave one egg a month, it would be costly and uneconomic, every day it lays one egg, the food of the chicken does not equal its product from eggs, and that is from ‘Al_Ihsân’.
If that kind of thought started in the minds of the creation of Allâh the Almighty’s, they would know Allâh, therefore the highest level of worship is the deep thinking:

“Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding (190), Those who remember Allâh (always, and in prayers) standing and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): “Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted areYou above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire. (191)”

[Sûrat Al¬_’Imrân (The Family of ‘Imrân) aya 190, 191]

The quality of ihsân is manifested in the acquired immune system:

You have an immune system that consists of an army with all means. It has five troupes: exploration troupe, a troupe whose main mission is only exploratory, the germ enters the body so the white cells from the exploration troupe head towards it, take the code of the germ, without fighting it, to the solution manufacturing centre, to the workshops of defense in the lymphatic nodes and give them the combination of the germ and its chemical features, then they in turn make the anti solution that fights this germ. Those factories or the lymphatic nodes constitute weapon factories and the exploration troupe constitutes the intelligence system in the body and there is also the third troupe, the fighters troupe, this troupe carries the anti solution and heads towards the germ and fights it, the germ may or may not win. The fourth troupe, the services troupe. This troupe cleans the battle field, buries the bodies, and sometimes we may find a white cluster in our skin, that is caused by a battle between the germs and the red cells, whose design is that?
There is a fifth troupe, the fighters troupe that discovers the cancer cells early and gallops it. There are million cancer cells in man, each cell has a suppressor that prevents it from being active. There are some things that disunite that suppressor; psychological difficulties, petroleum materials, plastic materials and nuclear radiation, these are reasons for cancer, the immune system is fascinating.
The brain is placed in a bony box, there is a fluid between the brain and the box. The aim of the fluid is to absorb shocks. If a child fell on his head, the great vibration would distribute the fluid to the whole area of the brain, and the child would stay intact.
The deep thinking in the creation of the heavens and the earth makes you pause in front of the greatness and ihsân of Allâh the Almighty. Therefore Allâh the Almighty describes Himself through His prophet as being good as a noun, but for the action:

“Who made everything He has created good”

[Sûrat As_Sajdah(The Prostration), aya, 7]

As a meaning

“Verily, We created man in the best stature (mould)”

[Sûrat At_Tîn (The Fig) aya, 4]

In the best state.

Allâh’s goodness is manifested in the bones of man:

There is a amazing thing in the creation of man, for instance: the bony cell grows, if man reaches the perfect level, growth stops.
From the beautiful names of Allâh (Al_Qâbid), the holding and (Al_Bâset), the stretcher/expander; growth stops and the nerve cell sleeps, after seventy years of sleep, if a fracture occurs, it wakes up in order to help fix the bone. Whose make is this? Whose ability is it?
Bones are very tough, what do you eat? You eat milk, then it is formed into bones. The head of the thigh tolerates the pressure of about 250 kilos, each head of a thigh tolerates a quarter of a ton, the two heads half a ton, where did this strong bone get its toughness?
The gum of teeth is the second toughest element in the universe, after the diamonds, where did that come from?
Honorable brother, that is from the perfection of Allâh the Almighty.

“Verily, We created man in the best stature (mould)”

[Sûrat At_Tîn (The Fig) aya, 4]

4. You should be good doer:

Now, you man, in order to behave in a divine way derived from the perfection of Allâh the Almighyt, you must be good, therefore Allâh the Almighty said:

“And whoever submits his face (himself) to Allâh, while he is a Muhsin (good –doer i.e. performs good deeds totally for Allâh’s sake without any show off or to gain praise or fame and does them in accordance with Sunnah of Allâh’s Messenger Muhammad PBUH), then he has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold [La ilâha illallâh (none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh.”

[Sûrat Luqmân (Luqmân), aya 22]

As Allâh the Almighty is good to you, He gave you the bliss of existence and that of support, the bliss of guidance and right path as well. You must be good doer, the word Good (Muhsin) is the closest quality to the believer; good in his speech; no dirty talk, no mockery, no sarcasm, no bad things, no dirty jokes that cause embarrassment, but good words, good behavior, good visits, good driving and good organization of work instead.

5. Good doing is a comprehensive and collective quality:

Good doing is the quality of the one and only, every believer should derive this quality from Allâh the Almighty, should be good in raising children, in relations, appointments, invitations, good occasions, and sad occasions. Ihsân is a collective preventive quality, the same way you discover the goodness of Allâh through His creation, you must be good to creatures.
The husband should be good to his wife.

“.. and live with them honorably”

[Sûrat An_Nisâ’ (The Women), aya 19]

Good in raising his children.

“ Teach and do not scold, for the teacher is better than the scolder”

[the little collection with weak reference from Abu Hurairah]

Good in his work, his work is well done.

“Allâh likes when the slave does something to do it well”

[the small collection from Aysha]

It is incredible that there is such comprehensive quality, there is goodness in talk, in punishment: avoid the face. If you want to discipline your son, avoid the face because it is human’s dignity. The prophet (PBUH) warned us against slapping the face, there is moderate hitting, you can hit the shoulder, the aim is not to cause severe pain, but to attract the attention.
Once the prophet (PBUH) sent a boy on an errand, and he was so late. The prophet (PBUH) got so mad, he is human after all, he had siwak, he said to the boy:

“were it not for qasas, I would have hurt you with this siwak”

[the little collection with weak reference from Um Salamah]

Good in raising his children, if you were the manager of a firm, be good in treating the employees.
The word ‘Muhsin’ is wide in an unimaginable way, celebration has goodness; sometimes it takes four hours, which is harmful as time is very precious, but a celebration that takes an hour and a half has a lot of goodness. There may be condolence without goodness. In some countries condolences take about twenty speechless hours, no qur’an, only talk, ordinary talk.
The issue of ihsân includes joy and grief, raising children, even in clothes there is ihsân; clean clothes with matching colors, simple without complications, even in your working place there is order, cleanliness and tidiness of the shop; all those have Ihsan.
In psychology, we learnt that there are features and qualities, which are deep, for instance: punctuality appears in appointments, in appearance, and in projects.
Now there are computer programs, you can start construction without losing a moment, the subject is well studied, everything needs dryness and straightness. It gives you what to do in order not to lose one single moment. The more man develops, the more he saves time and manages it.
There is goodness in time management, sometimes cancelling the routine is good, reducing burdens on someone is good, and that includes the systems made by the state. Sometimes it gathers all the people’s need in one building, that is goodness.
The word ihsân is incredibly wide, you can be good in your speech, your behavior, in raising your children, in treating your wife, in your work, in your happy occasions, in your sad occasions,.. in everything.
Allâh the Almighty ordered ihsân on everything. Believers are good doers, and the believer derives this high quality from Allâh the Almighty.

“And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them,..”

[Sûrat Al_A’râf (The Heights or the Wall with Elevations), aya 180]

That means get closer to Allâh the Almighty with perfection derived from the perfections of Allâh the Almighty.

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