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Radio Sermon (18): Modesty
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

He PBUH described himself by saying: "Knowledge is my capital, reason is the origin of my religion, love is my foundation, passionate is my vehicle, remembering Allah is my affable, confidence is my treasure, sadness is my company, science is my weapon, endurance is my garment, content is my booty, asceticism is my career, certainty is the source of my power, honesty is my intercessor, obedience suffices me, Jihad in the cause of Allah is my trait and my comfort has been provided in prayer"
O Allah, our Lord! Grant peace and blessings to Sayyidina Muhammad, upon his Family, upon his Companions, the trustees upon his message and leaders of his armies, and upon those who followed them with Ihsan till the Day of Judgment.
O servants of Allah, I advice you and myself of fearing Allah and I encourage you to obey Him and I will begin with what is good.

Morals in Islam:

1- Islam establishes the ethical structure:

The Khutbah of today is about the trait of modesty.
Due to the fact that there is a close connection between true religion and orthodox manners, the Prophet (PBUH) specified the first and foremost objective of his Mission, and the ideal approach to his Islamic Call, saying,

Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "I was sent to perfect good character."

[Ahmad, Al Hakim and Al Baihaqi on the authority of Abi Hurairah]

The first and foremost objective of the Prophet’s Call PBUH is to lay down the foundations of human ethics for the individual and society, which symbolizes the price of happiness in the present world and the world to come through wisdom and good counsel rather than insult or reproach.
The prophet PBUH said:

“Teach and do not insult; verily, an instructor is much better than an insulter”

[Al Baihaqi]

2- True religion and good conducts are inseparable: 

Close examination of the Noble Quran, Prophetic Sunnah and tradition reveals a close connection between true Faith and good manners. To this effect, Allah, the All-High, says,

﴾Have you seen him who denies the Recompense? That is he who repulses the orphan (harshly),﴿ 

[Al-Maa'oon, 1-2]

He also says:

﴾But if they answer you not (i.e. do not believe in your doctrine of Islamic Monotheism, nor follow you), then know that they only follow their own lusts. ﴿ 

[Al-Qasas, 50]

Anas bin Malik narrated: The prophet PBUH said in every Khutbah he PBUH delivered: 

“None can claim true Faith unless he be trustworthy; and none can claim true Faith unless he keeps his promise ….”


Ibn 'Umar said that the prophet PBUH said:

 "Modesty and belief are together. If one of them is removed, the other is removed."

[Al Hakim on the authority of Ibn 'Umar]

3-The best believers are the most ethical ones:

True faith, therefore, is the basis of all virtues; it curtails vices and purifies human conscience. The Prophet PBUH made it clear that the best Muslims are the best behaved; that the dearest to Allah are the best in good manners; that the closest to the Messenger of Allah are the ones possessed of good manners; that the best Divine Favor bestowed upon man is good manners; that nothing is weightiest in man’s scales on the Day of Judgment than good manners; that a true believer, through his good manners, attains the rank of someone who fasts the day and stands the night in prayer and supplication; that man can reach the highest degrees of honor on the Day of Judgment by his good manners; and that good manners blot out sins, just as water melts away ice, whereas bad manners corrupt one’s work just as vinegar corrupts honey.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah bepleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Do you know who is the bankrupt?" They said: "The bankrupt among us is one who has neither money with him nor any property". He said, "The real bankrupt of my Ummah would be he who would come on the Day of Resurrection with Salat, Saum and Sadaqah (charity), (but he will find himself bankrupt on that day as he will have exhausted the good deeds) because he reviled others, brought calumny against others, unlawfully devoured the wealth of others, shed the blood of others and beat others; so his good deeds would be credited to the account of those (who suffered at his hand). If his good deeds fall short to clear the account, their sins would be entered in his account and he would be thrown in the (Hell) Fire".


4- Modesty is a virtue between two extremes:

In fact, the truth always comes between two extremes, virtue hides between two vices, perfection is in moderation and imperfection is in extremism; yet modesty sometimes turns into mere humiliation or arrogance; and in both positions modesty deviates from its proper course desired by Allah and set as an example by the prophet PBUH.

5- Arrogance is a bad trait:

Man’s outer modest appearance might sometimes conceal a great deal of conceit and selfishness. This is because ostensible modesty is indispensable for the achievement of materialistic interests. But such an attitude is completely alien to real modesty; it is rather a cunning attitude based on one’s personal interests.
Pride and Majesty are to be attributed to the Lord of all worlds, the One and Only, Who created and shaped all things in due proportion, Who foreordained and guided, Who is the Sovereign, Whose Power dominates all things, Whose Divine Light and Majesty render people’s minds amazed and dazzled.

﴾So all the praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the earth, and the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). And His (Alone) is the Majesty in the heavens and the earth, and He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise﴿ 

[Al-Jathiyah, 36-37]

6- Modesty before Allah is an honor, whereas modesty before another human being is degradation:

Slaves of Allah humiliate themselves to Him rightly and with the Truth, because He is the Great Creator, the Most Merciful Lord, the Wise Disposer, the Beneficent, the Lord of Power, the Owner of Majesty and Honor, and the whole matter returns to Him.

﴾ Until when the earth is clad with its adornments and is beautified, and its people think that they have all the powers of disposal over it, Our Command reaches it by night or by day and We make it like a clean-mown harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday! ﴿ 

[Yunus, 63]

All fates of His slaves are at His Disposal and Will. And they are in best condition when they submit their foreheads to their Lord and surrender themselves to him and turn in repentance to Him. Then, they will know their real value and position, and they will remain in that position and never go further.
Abdullah bin Amr bin Al As said that he heard the prophet PBUH saying:

”Whoever has inside his heart any arrogance, even as little as the weight of a grain of mustard seeds, he will not enter Paradise.”


An arrogant man is an impudent bad person who claims to himself things that he never owns. And arrogance is a collection of bad manners on top of which is denying the rights of others, ignoring reality, being bad-tempered, disbelieving in the Destiny of Allah, and disgracing favor.
Sometimes man ignores facts of monotheism or holds false beliefs based on polytheism; and he humiliates himself and accepts to be inferior in both his belief and life for one of these two reasons: fear on his provision or fear on his life, although Allah informed us that no one has the authority on these two things (i.e. provisions or lives of human beings); and if all creatures gathered to prevent anything that Allah gives, or to give anything that Allah prevents they will not be able to do so. Allah All mighty says:

﴾ Whatever of mercy (i.e.of good), Allah may grant to mankind, none can withhold it, and whatever He may withhold, none can grant it thereafter. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. ﴿ 

[Fatir, 2]

﴾  And if Allah touches you with hurt, there is none who can remove it but He; and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can repel His Favour which He causes it to reach whomsoever of His slaves He will. And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. ﴿ 

[Yunus, 107]

Such humiliation, entailed by polytheism and fear, has nothing to do with modesty.

7- The believer should not humiliate himself:

Another kind of humiliation that has nothing to do with modesty is that of remissness or negligence, when man neglects his duties, does not do his job properly, or mistreats people. Then, blame and reproach will fall on him because of his remissness or negligence.
So, the humiliation of the slave to his fellow slave is rejected; and in Islam it is forbidden for a Muslim to humble himself to other than Allah. Allah says,

﴾ So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers. ﴿ 

[Aal-'Imran, 139]

It is related in the Noble Hadith:

“Whoever humbles himself (to other than Allah) willingly not forcedly he is not one of us (Muslims)”

[At Tabarani]

Anas bin Malik, May Allah be pleased with him, said that the prophet PBUH said: "He who is sorrowful for this world is in fact displeased with the dispensation of Allah. He who complains of a calamity that befalls him complains of his Lord (Allah). He who approaches a rich man and bends before him on account of his riches then he will displease Allah"

[At Tabarani on the authority of Anas]

In another narration:

"He who approaches a rich man and bends before him on account of his riches then two-third of his religion is gone"

So the believer should not humiliate himself, it is related that the prophet PBUH said: 

((Seek the things you need with self-respect and dignity (bi 'izzati anfus), for all matters run according to Divine Ordainment.))

[Ibn Asakir]

And it has been rightly said, “To be in need of a person (for money or whatever) is like to be his prisoner; to be not in need of him means to be equal to him; and to do a favor to him means to be his master. The real honor of a Muslim is his standing in prayer in the night, and his real dignity comes when he is not in need of anybody."

8- The believer should take pride in Al Haqq:

A Muslim’s dignity and pride concerning himself, his religion, and his Lord, is the pride of belief, which has nothing to do with the pride of arrogance and tyranny. The pride of belief is something that prevents a Muslim from humbling himself to anybody, or to follow him like a tail. This pride makes a Muslim disdain the temptations of this present life and hate false claims of people. It makes him eager to serve Muslims and be humble and modest with them, and respect the religion which unites them. It is about entering houses through their proper doors, and it is about seeking glory from its best sources. This is the essence of rectitude and honor in both abodes:

﴾ Whosoever desires honour, power and glory then to Allah belong all honour,  ﴿ 

[Fatir, 10]

You pride should be in Your Lord only
Thus your pride will be firm and steady
If you take pride in someone mortal
Your pride then is mortal as well

The price of dignity and pride, however, is the consciousness of one’s duties and responsibilities. Nobody should ask for their rights before they fulfill their duties. For example if you are demanded of a duty and you do it correctly and properly, then no one can scold you or embarrass you, whether he is from a higher or a lower rank. And then you can preserve your dignity and pride. And even the worst enemy will respect you when you fill all gaps from which blames or scolding might come. To this effect, Allah All Mighty says,

﴾ For those who have done good is the best (reward, i.e. Paradise) and even more (i.e. having the honour of glancing at the Countenance of Allah Ìá ÌáÇáå) Neither darkness nor dust nor any humiliating disgrace shall cover their faces. They are the dwellers of Paradise, they will abide therein forever. And those who have earned evil deeds, the recompense of an evil deed is the like thereof, and humiliating disgrace will cover them (their faces). No defender will they have from Allah. Their faces will be covered, as it were, with pieces from the darkness of night. They are dwellers of the Fire, they will abide therein forever. ﴿ 

[Yunus, 26-27]

The prophet PBUH said: 

” Beware of every thing you might be sorry for.”

[Al Hindi in Kanz Al Ummal]


1- Modesty is a trait of honor and a strength in the believer:

After we talked about arrogance, humiliation and its reasons, and we talked about pride and dignity and their factors, it is nice to talk about the modesty, modesty of the noble not the low, the strong not the weak, the victorious not the defeated, the respectful not the despicable, modesty of true believers who believe that all the command belongs to Allah, not modesty of polytheists whose hearts are full of fear, modesty of those who fulfill their duties properly not of the neglectful, modesty of those who carry out their jobs properly, not of the indifferent, and modesty of the good-doers and not the evil ones.

2- Defining modesty according to the language:

What supports this meaning is that the origin of the word “Modesty” is to feign modesty towards other fellow humans out of love and compassion and not out of real humiliation.
Accordingly, the humble is not inferior, just like the one who feigns illness is not ill. On the other side, the arrogant is not majestic, and the one who feigns mighty is not magistic.

3- The reality of modesty:

Modesty, in its reality, is a right outlook to the Greatness of the Creator of the Universe and a real feeling of the weakness of man and a noble behavior based on discipline and good-doing. It is also a manifestation of the servitude of man to his Creator and the result of his feeling that he is in need of His Grace. It is indeed not a clever behavior based on interest, nor is it a psychological disorder based on illusion, a blurred view, negligence or carelessness.
Modesty is the best virtue; and it is between humiliation and arrogance: 

“Not every one who prays is called a prayer, I accept Prayer only from him who humbles himself to My Majesty”

[Ad Dailami]

The most precise definition of Modesty is “it is the submission on the part of the slave (of Allah) to the Truth, and sincere adherence to it.”
And whoever rejects to follow the Truth, Allah degrades, despises, and disrespects him. And whoever rejects to follow the Truth even if it comes from a child or an enemy, his rejection is against Allah, because Allah is the Truth, His speech is the Truth, His religion is the Truth; and “the Truth” is one of His Divine Attributes; and the Truth comes from Him and returns to Him.
And when the Prophet (PBUH) defined arrogance, he said:

'Abdullah bin Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "He who has, in his heart, an ant's weight of arrogance will not enter Jannah." Someone said: "A man likes to wear beautiful clothes and shoes?" Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah is Beautiful, He loves beauty. Arrogance means ridiculing and rejecting the Truth and despising people."

[Muslim on the authority of Ibn Mas'ud]

By virtue of the above Hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) defined Modesty indirectly when he defined the arrogance, since arrogance 

“Arrogance means ridiculing and rejecting the Truth and despising people” 

Hence, Modesty is “submission to the Truth and respect of people.” Therefore, it has been rightly said, “Whoever knows himself, knows his Lord; whoever does not know himself is a vain person; and whoever reflects on the Power of Allah with the eye of knowledge, realizes how weak his is, and whoever looks at the Greatness of his Lord realizes how despicable his is, and his self vanishes at the Majesty of his Lord.”
 True believers are people whose hearts Allah empties from arrogance; and He Most Merciful makes His love their pure drink, prolongs their standing at the door of His service, and makes their only desire to be closer and loved, and their fear to become farther or disliked. They fear His torment and bow their heads to Him in reverence. If they humble themselves, it is only for his Honor; if they humiliate themselves, it is only for His Glory; if they aspire, it is only to His grace; and if they surrender, they do that only to His Majesty and Wisdom. Such people are poor only to Allah, they are proud of their being slaves to Him, and they depend only on Him. He is their Great Treasure, their Honor, their Pride, their Lord, and their Purpose.
Say to those who are standing at the door of other than Allah, “how huge your disgrace is!” , to those who work to other than Allah, “What big losers you are!”, to those who hope for other than Allah, “how wretched you are!” and to those who seek other than Allah, “how wasted your actions are!”
These are some theoretical terms of the aspects of Modesty, but where are the practical applications?

Practices of the trait of modesty:

1- Islam rejects the separation between concepts and practices:

In fact, the division between theoretical ideals and practical reality, between what should be and what is being, is completely rejected in Islam. This is because Islam raised reality to the level of ideal, and prepared the ideal to be reality, and produced what is known as idealistic reality, or realistic ideals,
Here is a practical example of the character of the Prophet (PBUH):

2- The prophet PBUH is the practical example of modesty:

The Prophet (PBUH) was very modest and polite. He always took the initiative in greeting people, faced whom he talked to with all his face, whether the speaker was young or an old. When he shook hands with another person, he never pulled his hand back till the other did. When he paid charity he put it with his hand in the hand of the poor. If he came to an assembly he sat wherever he found a place. He was not seen stretching his legs. He did not reject to do his job and to fulfill his need or the need of his neighbor and friend. He carried his goods with his own hands and said,
“I am worthier to carry it”

He responded to the call of slaves and the needy. He accepted excuses. He cleaned his clothes and shoes. He swept his house, served himself, tied his camel, served his family and ate with the poor. He fulfilled the need of the poor and weak. He walked slowly and lowered his gaze, with continuous sadness, and constant thinking. He never spoke nonsense. He used to be silent for a long time, but when he spoke, he was eloquent and impressive. He had a friendly and not cold face. He was of a noble honest character. He respected and accepted things even if they were very little, and never belittled any of them. He never praised or dispraised food, and never got angry for anything of this life or for himself. He never sought victory for himself. If he got angry he turned away, and if he was happy he lowered his gaze, he used to strive to bring people together and not to divide them. He sought conciliation and agreement. He displayed honor to every respectful person, and made him the head on his people. He looked after his companions and asked people about their conditions and circumstances. He praised the good, and dispraised the bad. He did not neglect the rights of others neither did he transgress them. The person who sat with him never thought that there was anyone more honored and respected than he was. He never drove back any one who asked for a need; he either gave it or said beautiful words. He was always smiling and gentle. He had a good character, and was meek and not rough, rude or aggressive. He was not noisy, lewd, faultfinding, or drill. He ignored what he disliked. He never disappointed those who had hope for him. He never scolded or scoffed at anyone. He never followed any body’s defects or faults. He did not speak but about useful good things. When his Companions laughed, he used to laugh with them; and if they wondered at something, he wondered with them. He was patient with strangers and their bad behavior. He never interrupted anyone. Talking about His high attributes needs a great many books; but Allah, the Great, the Almighty, summarized it in one verse:

﴾ And verily, you (O Muhammad ) are on an exalted standard of character. ﴿ 

[Al-Qalam, 4]

Different examples of the prophet's modesty:

Another example of the Prophet’s care about his companions and his modesty is what was narrated by Alhakem in his book of Hadith:
The first example:

Once, the Prophet entered one of his houses. Then, out of a sudden, a lot of his Companions came in; and the room was full of men. Then Jarir Albujali came in and he did not find a place; so he sat at the door. The Prophet (PBUH) took off his garment and threw it to him; and Jarir took it and put it on his face, and began kissing it and crying. Then he returned it to the Prophet (PBUH) and said: “It is improper for me to sit on your garment. May Allah honor you as you did with me!”
The Prophet (PBUH) looked all around and said,

"If there comes to you a man who is respected among his own people, then honor him."

[Ibn Majah]

The second example:

Udaay Bin Hatem narrated,

“When I came to the Prophet (PBUH), he threw to me a cushion filled with fiber, and invited me, ‘Do sit on it.’ I said, ‘No, you sit on it’. He (PBUH) said, ‘You sit on it.’ I sat on it, and the Prophet (PBUH) sat on the ground. I was so impressed and said, ‘I bear witness that you do not seek superiority on the earth, nor corruption!’ And I embraced Islam.”

The third example:

And Baihaqi narrated in his book “Ad-Dala’el” that a delegation from An-Najashi came to the Prophet (PBUH); and He began to serve them. His Companions said to him, “O Messenger of Allah! We will honor them and serve them properly for you.”He (PBUH) said,
“They were generous with our brothers and I want to reward them”

The fourth example:
Whenever the Prophet (PBUH) passed by some children, he used to greet them, and he used to go with the little girl meekly wherever and listen to her. He was very gentle, with good manners, very friendly to live with, bright-faced, cheerful, smiling, and modest (without being low), generous (without being wasteful), softhearted, merciful with every Muslim, and very kind to the believers.

The fifth example:

It has been reported in the short version of the prophetic biography by At Tabari:

 ((The Prophet, peace be upon him, was once travelling with his Companions. They stopped at a place to have something to eat and then rest. They decided to slaughter a sheep and roast it. One of them said, "I shall do the slaughtering." The other said, "I shall remove the skin." The third one said, "I shall do the roasting."Each one of them volunteered to do one piece of work. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "I shall collect and bring the firewood from the forest."The companions said, "O Prophet! You need not take the trouble. We shall attend to everything." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "I know you can do everything. But I do not like to enjoy a preferential treatment from you. Allah the Almighty does not like to see His servant distinguishing himself from his peers.))

No better situation in which a person is prone to slip into arrogance, pride, and superiority than when he conquers a stubborn difficult strong city that has been for so long a relentless merciless enemy.
The sixth example:

Nevertheless, Upon the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet (PBUH) entered it, as a conqueror, humbling himself to His Lord and remembering His grace on him. Out of modesty and gratitude to his Lord All mighty, the forelock of his turban, nearly touched the neck of his camel.

The second Khutbah:

The distribution of Hunain's booties:

1- The prophet PBUH allocated those who have been inclined (towards Islam) with the booties:

When Muslims finished with the battle of Hunain, the Prophet (PBUH) began to distribute the booties; and he was most concerned about those whose hearts had been inclined to Islam. In order to attract their hearts, the Prophet (PBUH) gave them most of the booties, although he gave the needy among the fighters.
He (PBUH) did not give those who were firm in Islam anything from the booties. All Muslims at that time were very keen to have any gift from the Prophet (PBUH), not for the sake of the gift itself but rather because it was from the Prophet (PBUH).

2- Al Ansar felt bitterness due to the distribution of booties:

At that moment, Al-Ansar (the Helpers of Medina) began to wonder in bitterness why the Prophet (PBUH) did not give them their shares of these booties. The head of the Ansar heard his people talking about that and became discontented with what had happened. Therefore, he immediately rushed to the Prophet (PBUH) and said, “O Messenger of Allah! The Ansar are dissatisfied and discontented because they have not been given their shares of the booties.”The Prophet (PBUH) asked him,
“And what about you, O Sa’ad?”
He replied, “I am but one of my people.” The Prophet (PBUH) said,
“Then gather up your people.”

3- The prophet PBUH controls his own anger:

Before we complete the story we should mention that, when the Prophet (PBUH) heard this talk and this criticism, and when he felt this feeling of resentment and discontent on the part of the Ansar, he was enjoying the highest degree of power, because he had just conquered Mecca, his relentless enemy for twenty years, he had just won the battle of Hunain, and the whole Arab peninsula had submitted to him. In other words, at that moment he was able to omit or kill all these people or at least punish them or accuse them of hypocrisy. He was able to neglect them and never to pay attention to their criticism, or, at least, to reproach them for their stand, since he was the Prophet of Allah, and the victorious leader.
Do you know what he said to them when he gathered them?

4- The way the prophet PBUH dealt with Ansar displeasure:

He reminded them of their grace on him when they believed in his Call and well received him. He (PBUH) said,
  Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri said:
((When Allah's Apostle (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) distributed some grants to [the people of] Quraish and [among some] other Arab tribes, Al-Ansar did not receive anything from it, so they [were disappointed] and felt saddened [because of this]. Some words started to go around about that, till one of them said, "By Allah, the Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) has met his people (i.e. he has reconciled with them and forgotten about us)." Saad ibn 'Ubada (may Allah be pleased with him) came to the Messenger of Allah and said, "O Allah's Apostle, this group from among Al-Ansar are [feeling] sad within themselves about what you have done with the spoils which you have acquired, where you divided for your people (i.e. the tribe of Quraish) and gave great grants to numerous Arab tribes, but did not give anything for this group of Al-Ansar." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "And how do you feel about this, O Saad?" He said, "O Allah's Apostle, I am just one of them."
 The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "So gather for me your people in this place. So Saad left, and gathered Al-Ansar in that place." Some of the Muhajirun came and he allowed them to enter, and sh3er came after them but he did not allow them. When they were assembled, Saad went to the Messenger of Allah and said, "Those people of Al-Ansar have assembled for you." So Allah's Apostle, peace be upon him, came to them. He praised Allah and glorified Him duly, then he said, "O people of Al-Ansar, what have I heard about you, and about the sadness you felt among yourselves [for not receiving a share of the spoils]? Did not I come to you and you were astray then Allah guided you, and you were poor and Allah enriched you, and you were enemies to one another but Allah joined your hearts together?"
 They said, "Yes, and Allah and His Messenger are more in their favours and better."
 Then he said, "Do you not reply back to me, O people of Al-Ansar?"
They said, "And by what can we answer you O Allah's Apostle, and truly the Allah and His Messenger and more in their bounties and better?"
He, peace be upon him, said,

"By Allah, if you wished you could have said, and you would have been truthful in it and would have been believed, that: You came to us accused of being a liar but we believed you, and you came to us forsaken and we supported you, and you came to us as a refugee and we sheltered you, and you came to us poor and we aided you. Did you feel saddened, O Ansar, for a trifle of this worldly life that I used to reconcile the hearts of some people [to Islam] and entrusted you to your faith? Would it not please you, O Ansar, that the people return back to their homes with sheep and camel, and you go back to your homes with the Messenger of Allah? By He whom Muhammad's soul is in His Hand, had it not been for the Hijra I would have been one of Al-Ansar, and if the people [altogether] take a way and Al-Ansar take another, I would take the way of Al-Ansar. O Allah have mercy on Al-Ansar, and sons of Al-Ansar, and the sons of the sons of Al-Ansar!" [Upon hearing this] the people wept bitterly till they wet their beards, and they said, "We are pleased with the Messenger of Allah as our share and fortune", then Allah's Apostle went back and we left.))

[Ahmad, by Abi Sa'eed Al-Khidri]

5- Distribution of Hunain's booties manifested the good conducts of the prophet :

If we want to write a book about the Prophet’s great attributes, where shall we put this story? Shall we put it in the chapter about his modesty - the modesty of a mighty person, that of the conqueror, or that of the wise leader? Shall we put it in the chapter about his forgiveness and pardon, when he was at the top of strength, in the chapter about his sincerity to his Companions, who followed and supported him in critical times, or in the chapter about his political genius and how he could calm down people’s anger and extinguish fire of discord and dissension, with some truthful words? Shall we put this story in the chapter about his wise leadership, which makes a friend out of an enemy, close out of a distant, and beloved out of a hateful person?
May Allah help the writers of the Prophet’s biography, how numerous are the difficulties they face when they classify the prophet actions and stands!
O our master, Messenger of Allah! Truly, you are the master of the modest; and really, you are the best of Adam’s children; you have reached the highest rank of human perfection; and Allah chose you by his knowledge to be the best exemplar and the highest ideal for true believers till the Day of Judgment.
May Allah have mercy on Hassan bin Thabet when he said: 

Eyes have not seen as beautiful as you,
and no woman has ever given birth to one more perfect than you.
You were created perfect with no blemish,
as if you were created, as you desired.


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